POINTER DATA ITEMS ADDED TO THE INTEGRATED PUBLIC USE CENSUS AND AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY: 1850 TO 2007 BY AL ANDERSON Pointer Items June 24, 2009 See: pdq\ipacs08.pdqCustomItems The integrated and harmonized census data files created by Steven Ruggles and his collaborators at the Minnesota Population Center are designed to provide information about households or about individuals. However, you sometimes wish to tabulate the characteristics of one member of a household by the characteristics of another member of that same household. For example, you may wish to consider young children and tabulate them by the educational attainment of their mother if she is present in the household. Or you may wish to tabulate the earnings or race of wives by the earnings or race of their husbands if they have a husband in the household. Al Anderson has created pointer data items for the following individuals who are found in some or all households: Father, Mother, Head, Spouse Each of these is defined as a custom item that takes the form pointer(characteristic). For example, mother(age) returns the age of mother if the mother of the individual is present in the household. If not present, -1 is returned. Example 1. Question: Educational Attainment of Mothers of Children You might be interested in children under age 18 enumerated in the 2007 ACS. You might be interested in the educational attainment of their mother if she is in their household. Furthermore, you might wish to know whether the educational attainment of mothers differs by race of child. The following commands in PDQ-Explore will produce that tabulation. Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & age<18 mother(educ99) Row: race Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Note: Percentage by row. The row data item will be the educational attainment of mothers of children under age 18. Not all children live in a household with their mother. If the mother is not in the household of the child, the code -1 is assigned to mother(educ99). Example 2. Question: Interracial Marriages Let’s consider married spouse present men aged 25 to 64 in 2007. What percent of American Indian husbands were married to women who were also American Indians? What percent of Black men were married to White wives? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & sex=1 & age>24 & age<65 race Row: spouse(race) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Note: Percent by row or percent by column Example 3. Question: Race of Children by Race of Household Head What percent of American Indian children under age 18 lived in households headed by a man or woman who was also an American Indian? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & age<18 & child=1 race Row: head(race) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Note: Percent by row Example 4. Question: Educational Attainment of Spouses Consider men married to and living with a wife in 2007. What percent of these men reported lower educational attainments than their wives? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & sex=1 & marst=1 educ99 Row: spouse(educ99) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Note: Percent by row or percent by column. For a more direct answer to the question, enter educ99<spouse(edu99) for the row and clear the column entry. Example 5. Question: The Ages of Husbands and Wives Are there many older men who are married to youg women? Or, stated differently, are there many young women now married to older men? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & sex=1 & marst=1 & age>19 age/5 Row: spouse(age/5) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Note: Percent by row or percent by column Example 6. Are the earnings of wives linked to the earnings of their husbands? Consider married couples in which the man was ages 25 to 59 in Question: 2007 and had reported positive earnings. Classify these men by earnings into earnings categories $10,000 in width. Restrict the analysis to men whose wives also reported positive earnings. How are the average earnings of wives linked to those of their husbands? Summary Statistics Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2007 & sex=1 & marst=1 & age>24 & age<60 & incearn>0 & spouse(incearn)>0 incearn/10000 Row: (blank) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Spouse(incearn) Describe Expression: Note: Has this relationship changed over time? Look at earlier years. Data Items Created by Recoding Census Data Items and Added to the ipacs08 Custom Items file See: pdq\ipacs08.pdqCustomItems for the available recodes Name of Data Item Amerind Average_hourly_wage Average_hourly_wage_cents Bedrooms_needed Black Child Chinese Dependent Econstat Generation Generations Hhage Japanese Living_arrangements MichPuma Number_of_races Parents Race3 Race_recode Relatives Sufficient_bedrooms White Meaning Dichotomous item identifying American Indians Average hourly earnings in dollars & cents Average hourly earning in cents See data item. This indicates the number of bedrooms needed for the household using complicated rules Dichotomous item identifying blacks Dichotomous item identifying children of household head Dichotomous item identifying Chinese persons Dichotomous item indicating a person is under age 18 or over 64 Economic status based on Poverty Indicates the person’s generational link to the head of household Indicates the number of generations present in the household Age of household head Dichotomous item identifying Japanese persons This is a code of living arrangements. See data item. Identification of Michigan PUMAs Number of races represented in the household Presence of none, one or two parents in the household for children Race recoded into three categories: white, black and other Race recoded into Non-Hispanic races and Hispanic Dichotomous variable indicating whether the head of household has any relatives living in the household Dichotomous variable indicting whether the housing unit contains a sufficient number of bedrooms given the age, sex, and marital status of persons in the household Dichotomous variable indicating white race