MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY Department of Earth Sciences Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies Full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2008. Teach upper-level and introductory undergraduate courses in Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies Program. Scholarly growth, including mentoring of undergraduate research. Participate in academic service. Required: Ph.D. in oceanography, ocean or marine sciences, or related discipline completed by the time of appointment. Evidence of (1) ability and desire to teach upper-level courses in Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies Program, complementing existing strengths in physical oceanography and remote sensing; (2) broad interest and expertise in coastal ocean processes, including ocean biogeochemistry, sedimentology, and coastal oceanography; (3) ability and desire to teach introductory Program courses for majors and non-majors; (4) eagerness to foster Program involvement in Marine Science Consortium (MSC) at Wallops Island, VA, including offering of field methods in oceanography and other courses at MSC; (5) eagerness to serve as research mentor to undergraduates; (6) possession of effective oral and written communication skills. Completion of successful interview that includes a research presentation which serves as a teaching demonstration. Preferred: Skills in advanced technologies such data assimilation and numerical modeling, including proficiency with standard computer operating systems, languages, and software. The Department of Earth Sciences, one of seven Departments in the School of Science and Mathematics, offers B.S. degree programs in Geology, Meteorology, Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies, and Earth Sciences Education. There are nine tenure track faculty members (4 Meteorology, 2 Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies, 3 Geology), and three support staff. In addition to the traditional OSCS B.S. degree, we currently offer one OSCS option in Physical Oceanography. The OSCS program has a modern dedicated laboratory facility and a remote sensing laboratory with high bandwidth connectivity on Internet 2, Access Grid capabilities, and streaming video. Equipment includes a wave tank, rotating tank, CTD, STD, ADCP, and more. We have the capability to run the POM model and maintain licenses for IDL, Fortran, MatLab, and ArcGIS 9.0, for which we currently offer or are developing “skills” courses in each application. With Meteorology and Geology housed in same Department, opportunities exist for faculty-student collaboration across these disciplines. Millersville University is a founding member of the Marine Science Consortium located at Wallops Island, Va., where it maintains a 46’ research vessel, laboratories, dining, and housing facilities. Millersville University is also a founding member of the UCAR Academic Affiliates Program, and an institutional member of the AMS. For more information about Millersville University or the Department of Earth Sciences, see or Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 25, 2008. Send letter of application addressing qualifications, curriculum vitae/resume, statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, copies of all transcripts, and three current letters of recommendation addressing qualifications to: OSCS Search Department of Earth Sciences/UNI Millersville University P.O. 1002 Millersville, PA 17551-0302 An EO/AA Institution