Measurement of the Ventilation Parameters to the Hot Water Heating Systems Using the Solar Energy MEASUREMENT OF THE VENTILATION PARAMETERS TO THE HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS USING THE SOLAR ENERGY Dumitru Vlad, Diana-Mura Badea, Valentina Bajenaru, Adrian Iordache National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique, Sos. Pantelimon 6-8, Bucharest 021631, Romania Email:,,, Abstract: Any supplying equipment with hot consumption water may be described by the help of 4 component systems (delivery acm, distribution acm, accumulation acm, preparation acm) thus defining how the energies are used. The methodology and calculation stages follow the inverse transmission direction of the energy in the supplying equipment with hot water, respectively the calculation direction is inverse to the energy flow direction. The most important elements of the policy in the field of producing energy for heating are: Increasing changing efficiency of the primary energetic resources, specially the fossil ones; Increase the intake of the renewable resources in using the energy for heating. The unconventional sources used in heat supply and heat consumption water may be classified according to their origin: Renewable energy sources using heating pumps, solar energy, geothermal energy Thermal energy from biomass Keywords: Ventilation parameters, hot water, solar energy. 1. Solar energy The heat obtained from the photo thermal conversion of the solar energy in the solar collectors may be transported in the heated space directly, without any overheating. The solar equipments for heating the buildings in our conditions should be designed with the additional heating source. The solar equipment may cover the yearly consume only 25-30% at the beginning and at the end of the heating season. During the periods with external low temperatures a supplementary source covers the designed necessary heating. At the equipment may be coupled an alternative heating equipment. Using the solar energy in heating equipments at low temperatures is optimal for an intensive use of the solar energy. Because of the solar energy variation during the day and the year the solar equipments are designed with heat accumulation. The most common field using the solar energy in equipments means to produce consumption heat water, because the equipments for preparing the heat consumption water are simple and with high efficiency compared to similar equipments used for solar energy conversion. The main elements of a solar equipment for preparing heat water are generally solar collectors, heat converters with accumulation – boilers, heat converters without accumulation, accumulation reservoirs and additional auxiliary source. Except the solar sensor the common element of all the schemes, the exception is the simplest variant (the system variant with themosiphon) is the automation equipment which provides the good functioning of the equipment both during sunny periods and cloudy periods. The automation equipment may be additional to a thermosiphon system if its presence is asked by the system complexity, by the equipment flow and by the operating mode. Mainly are used 2 types of equipments which are classified according to thermal agents circulation: with simple circulation (thermosiphon) – when the circulation of the thermal agent through the collector is realised naturally based on the density difference between the hot and cold water. This type is used for small heat water flows; with forced circulation – when the circuit has one or more pumps. This type is used when heat water flows are important and can not be achieved a natural circulation. 2. Bivalent solar equipment The bivalent solar equipment for heating and preparing the hot consumption water is a combined equipment using solar energy and a thermal central, according to the following scheme. The equipment functions as follows: the solar energy is sent to the water in the collector which as heats is sent to the boiler coil where provides heat, becomes cold and then it comes back to the collector for heating again and The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2012, No. 42 49 Measurement of the Ventilation Parameters to the Hot Water Heating Systems Using the Solar Energy the cycle is repeated. Figure 1: Bivalent solar equipment with thermal central/heating – solar collectors – tank for water heating – boiler for hot water – expansion vessel The circulation between the collector and the switch is provided by the thermal pressure: H = hg(ρr – ρc) where ρr si ρc are the cold and hot water densities; h the vertical distance between the collector and the boiler coil. In a cycle of 24 hours the equipment acts as follows: During the first half of the day the water from the primary circuit becomes hot and is collected in the hit switch and the hot water distribution from the secondary circuit to the consumer is made by introducing cold water to the inferior part of the coil and the hot water comes out to the superior/top part. During the second half of the day the water from the primary circuit has the same circuit (collectorswitch-back) the hot water distribution to the consumer is made by introducing cold water to the inferior part of the coil and so hot water comes out to the median part of the coil. The water from the superior half of the switch remains hot ant it is maintained hot till the next day. During the first hours of the morning (till it arrives to the normal performance) it may be consumed the hot water collected in the upper aria, by connecting the coil to the switch at both extreme ends (superior and inferior part). 3. Calculation of the necessary hot wastewater The necessary data which we suppose are known and which are going to be necessary for calculations will be introduced when they are necessary (number of persons in the house, batteries supplying hot water, etc.). Calculation method We suppose we have to supply the following consumers: bathroom sink 50 flexible shower kitchen sink home central heating in winter. For each of these users I chose a daily functioning time. Thus, we considered that the shower will be used by a person 8 minutes/day, the sink 20 minutes/day, and the other sink 10 minutes/day. For each battery we chose the average hot water consumption. Thus, we considered the shower will use 6 litters/min., the sink 5 litters/min., the other sink 3 litters/min. We considered in the house are living 3 persons. These data have been included in the table. Because the water consume is not continuous and the time used for hot water consumption (during a day) means approx. 1 hour in all in litters/hour equal with the total litters consumption/day. Table 1 Shower Sink Sink Total Total Time to use for a person 8 20 10 38 (min/day) Consumption/ pers. 6 5 3 14 (l/min.) Daily consumption of a person (l/day) Daily consumption for 3 persons (l/day) 48 100 30 178 144 300 90 634 The water necessary flow: = 0,00027 m3/s Calculation of the heat necessary: In order to size the equipment and to choose the solar panels we must know the hit quantity the water has to absorb for heating. For this we consider the temperature of the cold water of tr=15°C The waste hot water we wish to obtain will have the next temperature tc=45°C The solar panel must bring the water temperature with Δt=45-15=30°C For this will be necessary a hit quantity equal to Q = mcΔt = ρa x V x c Δt where: m – mass flow for cold water that must be heated during a day; c – specific heat of the water to an average temperature is 30°C equivalent to 4,179 Kj/kg*grad; ρa - water density to an average temperature of30°C is 995,7 Kg/m3 This heat is the necessary heat to heat all the water used in one day. Because the consumption of hot water is not continuous we may appreciate Q as being measured in kW/h. The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2012, No. 42 Measurement of the Ventilation Parameters to the Hot Water Heating Systems Using the Solar Energy Solar panels sizing and choice We suppose that a solar panel of 1 mp produces a hit flow of 2kW/day. Thus, for the thermal necessary of 33.5 kW we shall need a the panels surface of 33/2 = 16.5 mp. Choosing the ACV type KAPLAN s2.7 solar panel from the ACV company with a gross aria of 2.91 mp and a net aria of 2.7 mp will result a number of 16.5/2.7=6 panels for this equipment. Easy use because of simple manipulation; Housing easy to fix with a special appearance. Boiler choice and size To choose the boiler will be taken into consideration the thermal necessary and the coil power and its volume will be determined by the formula: Q = 0,065 V where : V – the boiler volume Q – the heat necessary It results: V = 33,5/0,065 Expansion vessel sizing and choice The calculation formula for the vessel sizing is according to: Where: E – enlarging coefficient (e is approx. 0.035) C – water system capacity (between 10 and 20 lt. For each kw power) here it is equal with…in orig… Pi -load pressure (approx. 1.5 bar) Pf - max. functioning pressure (approx. 4 bar) The result is: Tubes and pipes choice (connection elements) For the tubes it is chose a SILMET ESENCO ø 18 X 1 mm copper pipe . To reduce the heat loses the copper pipe will be covered with SIMLET ESENCO isolation. The connection elements will be made of copper (tees, jacks, fittings). The thermo technical parameters measured (monitor) to a preparing system for the hot water composed by solar panels are: exit water temperature from the solar system; cold water temperature; hot water temperature; the energy quantity consumed. A device which provides the equipment automation for preparing the waste water is CR2S2 having the following characteristics: Display monitoring system; Till 4 sensors for temperature Pt 1000; 2 relays semiconductors for variable speed adjustment; May be chose 9 basic systems; Measurement of the heat quantity; VBus® Function control; Thermostat function (programmed); Changing in parameters and system control are possible by centre services software; Figure 2: device (with display- detail) Characteristics Housing: Plastic, PC-ABS şi PMMA Protection model : IP 20 / DIN 40050 Environment temperature: 0 … 40°C Dimensions172 x 110 x 46 mm Fixing: fixing in the wall, possible integration in the control panel Display: monitor system to visualise the equipment, display 16 segments, 8 symbols for the system status and function control lamp. Use: by 3 keys from the front part of the housing. Functions: Regulator for temperature difference with the equipment functions that may be supplementary accessed. The functioning control according to BAW directive, counter functioning time for the solar pump, collector tube function, variable speed adjustment, thermostat function and heat quantity accounting. Inputs: 4 for temperature sensors Pt1000 Outputs: 2 semiconductors relays Transmission: VBus® Source of energy: 220… 240V~ Complete interruption capacity: 4 (2) A 220 … 240V~ The control unit has VBus® for data communication with energy supply to the external modules. The connection is made mo matter the polarity is, by the 2 terminals marked with “Vbus”. To these data channels may be connected more VBus®, ex.: WMZ-M1calorimeter module Big displays GA3 Data memory DL1 Tele indication DFA2 In addition the control unit may be connected to a PC by a RS - COM laptop. By the help of VBus®, may be modified the adjusting parameters and the measurement values may be read, processed and visualized. Because of the software are possible a comfortable control function and the system adjustment. The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2012, No. 42 51 Measurement of the Ventilation Parameters to the Hot Water Heating Systems Using the Solar Energy The device screen Conclusions The screen of the device (active scheme of the device) shows the selected scheme by the control unit. It is composed by more symbols of the system competences, are intermittent, appear permanently on the screen or are hidden. Taking into consideration the importance of the energetically efficient equipment and the afferent economic impact for the energy invoices and investments costs, the industry for electrical equipments shows more and more interest and a greater variety of energetic efficient devices are offered by the world wide suppliers. The internet specialised sites are a great help for choosing electronic devices energetically efficient. The measurement aims to provide proves on the energy consumption, comfort and the inhabitancies from the passive house. There are measurement points to determine consumptions and also special measurements. In the passive house is a central continuous collecting data system. All the measurement sensors are connected by Mbus or Field Bus network and transmit signals on the monitored parameters each second. The analysis of the monitored data may be done by a connection to a modem. Figure 3: Device components 52 The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2012, No. 42