CIS 115 – Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming

I will further refine/modify this and post an updated version on Thursday 12/4
please note changes from Monday 12/1 class review/discussion
CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming
Instructor: Overstreet
Review for Exam 3 (Final Exam)
Material Covered:
All Lecture PowerPoints, Homeworks, Classroom Discussion and
Programming Examples
For more help, study book chapters (focus mostly on coded examples)
General knowledge of concepts: 20 - 30 multiple choice questions
(will account for 30-40% of final exam score)
a. General Language and Programming Basics
i. 3 control structures common to most computer languages
1. Sequential
2. Selection / Decisions
3. Repetition / Looping
ii. 3 Types of Programming Errors
iii. Relational Operators
iv. Logical Operators
b. Problem Solving
i. Polya’s Steps
ii. Algorithm
iii. Computer Problem Solving Process
c. Object-Oriented Programming
i. Classes
ii. Objects
iii. Properties
iv. Methods
d. Visual Basic Language Elements
i. Forms
ii. Controls
iii. Properties
e. Event Driven Programming
i. Events
ii. Event Procedures
f. Variables
i. Names
ii. Data Types
iii. Values
iv. Scope
v. Lifetime
g. Assignment and Operations
i. Mathematical Operators (precedence)
ii. Relational Operators (precedence)
iii. Logical Operators (precedence)
h. Procedures and Functions
i. Procedure Types in Visual Basic
1. (Event) Sub Procedure
2. (Gen Purpose) Sub Procedure
3. Function
ii. Arguments
iii. Parameters
i. Selection / Decisions
i. General operation of selection structures
ii. Conditions
j. Repetition / Looping
i. General operation of repetition structures
ii. Do while - pretest form
iii. Do until true - posttest form
iv. Counted (For) Loops
v. Infinite Loops
vi. Pretest vs. Posttest Loops
Programming and Problem Solving: 15 - 25 code tracing (multiple choice)
questions (will account for 60-70% of final exam score)
a. Trace and determine output from code (this covers all topics from class materials
– specific topics listed below)
b. Input Data
c. Output Data
d. Use Variables
i. Declare
ii. Appropriate Types
iii. Initialize Value
iv. Assign Values to
v. Use within Code
e. Assignment Statements
f. Gen Purpose Procedures
g. Functions
h. Intrinsic Functions
i. Write a Decision Statement
i. If Statement
ii. If… Else statement
iii. If… Else If… Else statement
j. Create a Loop
i. Counted / For Loop
ii. Do While Loop
iii. Do Until Loop
k. Data Validation
l. Solve Mathematical Order of Precedence Problems
m. Solve Relational Order of Precedence Problems
n. Solve Logical Order of Precedence Problems