6. Probabilistic Inversion Definitions and Theorems Roger M Cooke ShortCourse on Expert Judgment National Aerospace Institute April 15,16, 2008 This note gives mathematical definitions of probabilistic inversion (PI) and provides references to the principal mathematical results. It is written for mathematicians. Probabilistic inversion may be introduced either from a measure theoretic or from a random variable viewpoint. Each has its own appeal, so we present both, following45, 51. Measure theoretic approach Let (M;B(M);λ) and (N;B(N); ν) be two Borel probability spaces, where M;N are compact nonempty subsets of Rm and Rn respectively. Let T : Rm → Rn be a continuous mapping. γ = λ◦ T -1 is called the push forward of λ under T, and similarly λ is called the pull back of γ under T. In the following λ plays the role of a background measure. Measure μ on (M; B(M)) is called an inverse of T at ν if μ is the pull back of ν under T; that is: B B(N); μ◦T -1(B) = ν(B) 1) The problem of probabilistic inversion can then be formulated as: Definition (Probabilistic inversion problem) Given (M;B(M);λ) and (N; B(N); ν), with T : Rm → Rn continuous, find a measure μ absolutely continuous with respect to λ, μ << λ , on (M; B(M)) such that μ is an inverse of T at ν. Such problems may be infeasible, and if feasible may have many solutions. Under certain conditions a measure μ can be found solving (1). If ν << γ, the Radon-Nikodym derivative g : N → R exists, is non-negative, unique up to sets of γ-measure zero, and satisfies B B(N); ν(B) = B g(y)dγ(y). If in addition g is continuous, g(y) > 0; y N, and N g(y) log g(y)dγ(y) < ∞, then define f* := g ◦T, and define μ* as a new probability measure: A B(M); A = T-1(B); μ*(A) := T -1(B) f*dλ(x) 2) It is easy to check that μ* is an inverse of T at ν: μ* T-1(B) = T -1(B) f*dλ(x) = T -1(B) g ◦ T(x)d λ(x) = B g(y)dγ(y) = ν(B). It can be shown that the measure μ* is the unique measure satisfying equation (1) and minimizing the relative information with respect to λ in the class of measures satisfying equation(1).45 Random variable approach If G: Rn → Rm, G(X) {Y | Y C} where C is a subset of random vectors on Rm, then X is called a probabilistic inverse of G at C. X is sometimes termed the input to model G, and Y the output. If the problem is feasible it may have many solutions and we require a preferred solution; if it is infeasible we seek a random vector X for which G(X) is "as close as possible" to C. Typical Application A typical application takes the following form: We wish to model the transport of pollution through an ecosystem as a homogeneous set of first order differential equations,9, 25 dAi(t) / dt = ∑j=1..m xjAj(t) ; i = 1,…m 3) where the coefficients xi are unknown. We wish to capture our uncertainty in the functions Ai(t) treating X = X1,…Xm as a random vector. Direct measurements are not possible. We can obtain data in the form of quantiles of quantities Ai(tk) for selected values of i= 1,..r and at some time points tk, k = 1,..s. These become the components of random vector Y = (Y1,..Yn) where n = r × s. Solving (3), we can express Y as a function of X. We now seek a distribution for X that complies with the quantile constraints on Y. There may also be physical constraints on the possible values of X which should be taken into account. One feature of such problems may be surmised at once: there may be no solution. In such cases we must quantify and attempt to reduce the infeasibility Numerical Algorithms Until very recently, applications of PI involved sophisticated optimization routines. Duality theory was used extensively to try to reduce infeasibility, and methods for dealing with infeasibility were crude. Recently, simple iterative methods have been discovered which at once render PI easier and mathematically well founded. We believe that these techniques can now move into a wide field of application. The idea is based on sample re-weighting using the Iterative Proportional Fitting algorithm. A variation on this algorithm exhibits excellent convergence behavior, even in case of infeasibility. These developments are sketched below. We first define the simplex, the strict simplex, margins and the relative information: Definition(Simplex, strict simple, margins, relative information) SK = {P RK | Pk ≥ 0, ∑k=1…K pk = 1} S*K = {P RK | Pk > 0, ∑k=1…K pk = 1} For P SK×K, P j = ∑i=1,...K pi j; Pi = ∑ j=1,…K pi j , For, P,Q SK, such that pi = 0 qi = 0; i = 1,…K, the relative information of Q with respect to P is: I(Q | P) = ∑k=1,…K qi ln(qi/pi). It is not difficult to show that Proposition 116 Let Pm SK; m = 1,…M. Then Argmin{PSK} ∑i=1,…M I(Pm | P) = (1/M)∑Pm. Proposition 219 [5] For a,b S*K , let Q(1)={Q SK×K | Q(1)i = ai }; Q(2) = {Q SK×K | Q j = bj} and let P SK×K; then (Argmin{Q Q(1)} I(Q | P) )i j = ai Pi j / Pi ; (Argmin{Q Q(2)} I(Q | P) )i j = bj Pi j / P j; Propositions 1 and 2 assert that the argmins exist and are unique. The argmins in proposition 2 are absolutely continuous with respect to P. The main results for the iterative numerical algorithms are sketched for the case of two marginal distributions (proposition 2) to simplify notation, but can be readily generalized. Definition (Iterative Proportional fitting IPF, PARFUM) With the notation of Proposition 2, P0, P1, P2… is a sequence generated from P = P0, a,b, S*K by Iterative Proportional Fitting if Pkij = ai Pk -1i j / Pk - 1i ; k odd Pkij = bj Pk - 1i j / Pk - 1 j; k even. P0, P1, P2… is a sequence generated from P = P0, a,b, S*K by PARFUM if Pkij =½ ( ai Pk -1i j / Pk - 1i + bj Pk - 1i j / Pk - 1 j) IPF was introduced by Kruithof47 re-discovered independently by Deming and Stephan23 and many others. It has been studied extensively7,11,17,23,31,32,39,47,49,50,69,71. The fundamental result was proved by Csiszar19,20,21, though a more general result was proved by Bregman and published in Russian10,13 Specialized to the case of Proposition 2, Csiszar’s result is: Theorem 1: The sequence P0, P1, P2… generated from P = P0, a,b, S*K by IPF converges to P* SK×K if and only if there exists R SK×K, R << P such that R Q(1) Q(2). In this case P* = argmin{Q Q(1) Q(2)} I(Q | P). In other words, if the problem is feasible, IPF converges to the unique minimum information solution, relative to the starting measure P (uniqueness of the solution follows trivially from the convexity of Q(1) Q(2)). The solution P* is a measure satisfying the marginal constraints given by a,b S*K. In the case of 2 marginal constraints, Csiszar and Tusnady20 proved that the even and odd subsequences of IPF iterates converge; hence if the sequence does not converge, then it oscillates asymptotically between the limits of the even and odd subsequences. In higher dimensions nothing is known. For PARFUM the main results are24,59 : Theorem 2: If the sequence P0, P1, P2… is generated from P = P0, a,b, S*K by PARFUM, then Pi converges, and the sequence Jk = I( ai Pk -1i j / Pk - 1i | Pk)+I( bj Pk - 1i j / Pk - 1 j | Pk) is monotonically decreasing and I(Pk+1| Pk) → 0 monotonically. If there exists R SK×K, R << P such that R Q(1) Q(2), then any R << P satisfying Rij =½ ( ai Ri j / Ri + bj Ri j / R j) belongs to Q(1) Q(2). The convergence of Pi in Theorem 2 is proved by Matus59 but still unpublished. Similar convergence results hold when the arithmetic average in PARFUM is replaced by more general averages. If the problem is feasible, the IPF and PARFUM solutions are not identical, but are close80. The term Jk is known to physicists as the Jensen-Shannon divergence57. 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