Experimental Study of a Diluted Methane-Air Mixture Combustion under Filtration in a Packed Bed VALERI I. BUBNOVICH, MARIO TOLEDO Department of Chemical Engineering Universidad de Santiago B. O´Higgins 3363, Casilla 10233, Santiago CHILI Abstract: - The present work studies in experimental form the ignition and the combustion of the lean methane – air mixtures in inert porous media formed by small balls of alumina T162 of 4.8 mm of diameter in a quartz tube of 30 cm of height and 5.2 cm of inner diameter. With the objective to reduce the time that the combustion take in being developed in stable form within the PIM, the inferior layers of porous media are preheated by the free flame until reaching the temperature of ignition. After the warm-up period of approximately 2-3 min., the fuel equivalence ratio is changed to the desired value, = 0.6664, and, as to result, the flame enter into packed bed and migrated downstream in porous medium. For the three speeds of filtration of the mixture, 1.03, 1.54 and 2.06 m/s, this paper studies the properties of combustion waves that are: the maxima temperature and the speed of displacement of the combustion front and the emissions of CO, CO2, SO2 and NOx when coming out of the burner. Key-Words: - Porous burners, porous media, combustion, emissions 1 Introduction Porous media combustion offers exceptional advantages compared with techniques involving free flame burners. Porous media burners are characterized by higher burning rates, increased flame stability, and lower combustion zone temperatures, which lead to a reduction in NOx formation [1]. In addition, they show a very high turndown ratio, low emissions of CO, and are of very small size [2]. The combustion inside the porous medium is very intense and the reaction zone in the porous matrix has an elongated form with a length of several centimeters in the stream wise direction when using premixed natural gas with air under atmospheric pressure [3]. Flame propagation and heat transfer through porous media has already been investigated by several scientists. The time and the distance characteristic of cooling of gases of combustion within a PIM were studied in [4] demonstrating that the cooling of combustion products is practically finished in the same section where the chemical reactions disappear. The different mechanisms from heat transport (thermal radiation, conduction, convection, diffusion and dispersion) in PIM were studied in [5,6], the excess of entalpía in the combustion front was analyzed in [7,8]. Nowadays, exist different methods from stabilization of the flame within the PIM, among them counts on a) the criterion of the critical Peclet number [9], b) stabilization of the flame in the radiant mode to near the downstream interface of the porous medium [10], c) evacuation of the heat from the combustion zone by means of embedded coolant tubes [11], d) combustion zone stabilization by periodically reversed of the gas flow direction (RFB) [12]. In literature exists much information with respect to the principles of construction of porous burners [1,13], the numerical [14] and the analytical solutions [15] of the combustion in PIM, the mathematical simulation of the kinetic formation of CO and NOx [16], the heat exchange between the solid and gaseous phase [17] and the different applications from this technology of combustion in modern industry [2]. In order to inflame a mixture and to reach a self-sustaining combustion within a PIM, exists a method simple to obtain it presented in the work [13]. The mixture with the equivalent ratio of 0.75 is ignited at the exit of the burner using a methane lighter. Once ignited, the mixture briefly stabilized on the top of the porous plug and, after a period of approximately 5 min., the flame migrated down to the section of the mixture entrance. In the present work, to reduce the development time of the ignition in a self-sustaining combustion within the PIM and, in addition, to study the characteristics of the wave of combustion in its displacement downstream and against the gravity, a method is propoused for ignition of the mixture and preheating of the PIM with the free flame that is applied to the MPI from down, as it is seen in figure 1. For the three different speeds of filtration of the mixture, 1.03, 1.54 and 2.06 m/s, with the same value of the fuel equivalence ratio = 0.6664, the characteristics of combustion waves that are: the maximum temperature and the speed of displacement of the combustion front and the emissions of CO, CO2 and NOx at the exit of the Burner, are studied. Flame Figure 1. Alumina heating with free flame 2 Experimental Study Gas Analyzer Termocouple Figure 2. Experimental prototype The experimental prototype of generation and registry of waves of combustion in porous media formed by small balls of alumina is presented in figure 2 and consists of a) a system of provision and mixing of air and methane, b) a porous burner, c) a system of thermocuples and d) the emissions measuring equipment. Each gas flow (methane and air) is controlled by means of fluxmeters, model GFC 47 (for methane) and GFC 67 (for air), marks Alborg, with exactitude 1.5%. The flows are joined by means of union in "Y" of 45° and are lead by means of flexible hose for gas to the ignition camera where they become inflamed by means of an electrical arc produced by a coil of automovil of 12 volts. The air is provided under the pressure of 20 psi by a free oil compressor and the compressed methane of 99.99% of purity is blown from a cylinder of high pressure. When being generated the inflammation of the mixture, takes place a flame that hits directly on the inferior layers of alumina (to see figure 1), of the porous media, until reaching the temperature of necessary ignition. The process of preheating by the free flame lasts approximately 2-3 minutes. Later, the mixture becomes impoverished, the flame in the ignition camera is extinguished and begin to be developed the combustion without flame within porous media. This process lasts approximately 20 minutes and is accompanied by the formation of a luminous front of several centimeters of thickness which moves downstream. At all the moments of its displacement the temperature is registered with 10 seconds of frequency by a termocupla inserted in the center del tube of quartz and to 13 cm respect to its base. The termocupla of type C is formed by tugsteno renio alloys of the company OMEGA and is connected to the card of data acquisition IOTECH model DAQS/56 of 10 digital channels. The termocupla is covered by a cover of alumina of 99.8 % of purity to protect it of the oxidation by free radicals. Its precision is of 1% in the rank of temperatures 427 ºC < T < 2316 ºC. Also a gas analyzer KM9106 Deluxe marks IO Tech is used for measure the concentrations of gases of combustion of CO, CO2, NOx, SO2 and O2 when coming out of the burner. The porous means are formed by small balls T-162 of alumina of 4.8 mm of diameter of the company ALCOA, Japon, with 99.7 % of purity and 2.16 g/cm3 of volumetric density. The tube that contains porous means is of quartz, of 5.2 cm of internal diameter and of 30 cm of height, its density in 2.21 mass is g/cm, the heat capacity is cp = 670 J/(kg K) and the thermal conductivity is 1.4 k = W/(m K). In all the experimental tests, the necessary temperatures of ignition of mixtures methane - air in the inferior part of porous means is determined on the basis of the following formula [16]: Ea e R0 TW ( 1 Ea ) R0 Tig 7 3 ( K d P T0 hc2 W02 R05 )( ) u0 2 2 C P2 E a5 (1) In figure 2 the system of combustion and data acquisition in operation is presented. 3 Results and Conclusions Table 1. Summary of results obtained in three experimental tests Air (Its/min) 40 60 80 CH4 (Its/min) O2 (%) 2,8 9,5 4,2 8,17 5,6 7,8 CO (ppm) 71,6 20,83 14,66 For the taking of data, the three presented tests were made in table 1 with the same equivalence ratio, = 0.6664, but with different volumetric flows of the mixture originating in porous media gas filtrations with the equal speeds from 1.03, 1.54 and 2.06 m/s. Temperatura v/s Tiempo (40 2,8) CO2 (%) 6,5 7,28 7,47 NOx (ppm) 4 7,67 9,67 SO2 (ppm) Tmax, k u , w/s 1 1582 1,03 6,17 1634 1,54 6 1810 2,06 to optimize the emissions of CO and NOx it is necessary to control the maximum temperatures in the front of combustion in rank 1200<T<1400ºC. Like the main conclusion of this work, one can affirm that the ignition of lean mixtures methane-air with the free flame in the inferior part of porous media offers a significant saving in the time that delays a combustor of this type in leaving to a permanent regime. 1800 1600 Aire=60 lts/min CH 4=4,2 lts/min 1200 1800 1000 1600 800 1400 Temperatura (K) Temperature (K) Temperatura Temperature (K) (K) 1400 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Tiempo Time(seg) (s) 0 0 200 400 600 Figure 3. Temperature v/s time in the first test 800 1000 1200 Time (s) Tiempo (seg) Figure 4. Temperature v/s time in the second test Aire=80 lts/min CH 4=5,6 lts/min 2000 1800 1600 Temperatura(K) (K) Temperature The development of the temperatures with time in the three mentioned cases appears in the figures 35. The reached maximum temperatures, as it is also seen of table 1, are 1582, 1634 and 1810 K respectively. Of the combustion gas analysis, whose results summary in table 1, it can be seen that with the increase of the speed of filtration of the 1.03 mixture in 2.06 m/s, the CO production diminishes of 71.6 to 14.66 PPM and the CO2 production increases of 6.5 to 7.47 PPM. In addition, in the same table it is seen that the concentration of O2 when coming out of the burner also diminishes from 9.5 to 7.8 %, confirming therefore the thermal conversion of CO2 CO to greater temperature. On the other hand, the generation of NOx and SO2 increases of 4 and 1 PPM to 9.67 and 6 PPM, respectively. The SO2 presence, probably is originated by the impurities that reach 100 PPM in the provided methane. The increase of the NOx when coming out of the burner with the increase of the speed of filtration is in agreement with the thermal mechanism of its formation. Consequently, 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Tiempo Time (seg) (s) Figure 5. Temperature v/s time in the third test Acknowledgments – The results reported here were obtained during an investigation supported by the CONICYT-Chile, project Fondecyt 1010354 and by APA – Academia Politécnica Aeronautica FACH-Chile. References: [1] G. Brenner, K. Pickenacker, O. Pickenacker , D. Trimis, K. Wawrzinek and T. Weber, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Matrix-Stabilized Methane/Air Combustion in Porous Inert Media, Combustion and Flame, No.123, 2000, pp. 201-213. [2] D. Trimis, F. Durst, Combustion in a Porous Medium – Advances and Applications, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 121, 1996, pp. 153-168. [3] A.A. Korzhavin, V.A. Bunev, R.Kh. Abdullin, V.S. Babkin, Flame zones in gas combustion in an inert porous medium, Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves USSR, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1982, pp. 20-23. [4] A.V. Pinaev, G.A. 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