UN Pakistan Communication Plan on Avian Influenza

UN Communication Plan on Avian Influenza
Why Communication?
Draft as of 23 March 2006
Having a large poultry industry, Pakistan traced its first cases of “H5 avian influenza” on 27th
February 2006 from two farms in the NWFP province. The Pakistan UN team is actively
supporting the national response including raising awareness on prevention and control of avian
flu. Also to keep the UN staff and their families living in Pakistan safe, prompt and timely
communication is one of the most critical components of a successful response. As part of the
UN Contingency Plan, a strategic and exclusive AI Communication Plan has been devised for
Pakistan. The plan outlines communication objectives, audience groups, strategies, messages,
activities and coordination mechanism to provide adequate communication support for different
Audience Groups
UN General Staff
UN Professional Staff
UN International Professional Staff
Spouses and Children
Family Maids, Cooks and Other Servants
UN Canteen Staff, Gardeners, Janitors & Security Guards
Main Objectives
Impart knowledge on ways and means to minimize poultry to human transmission of
the epidemic virus.
Reach out the UN staff with appropriate update and precautions on how to handle
poultry more cautiously and to improve hygiene knowledge and practices.
Persuade children on the dangers related to handling poultry and preventive
measures especially how and why good hygiene is essential
Key Strategies
Strategic, branded and standardized messages and material for different phases
Maintain the staff’s trust through proactive response, transparency and timely
information sharing processes
Special focus on educating children about necessary precautionary measures to avoid
Communication Outcomes
Risk of animal to animal transmission and animal to human is reduced.
UN staff knows that most human cases of AI are linked to contact with poultry and
understands how to protect themselves.
UN staff can explain the link between unclean hands and risks of AI
UN staff follows the AI related precautions and preventive measures
Priority Theme
Be Informed, Be Careful & Protect Yourself
Important Interventions
Identify and announce an AI Taskforce in each agency involving focal points from
communication, operations and programme.
Action Each Agency
Timeframe ASAP
Finance Nil
Develop, design, field test, print and share audience specific communication material.
Special material to be developed for children. See Annexure 1 for details about the
material to be developed and general Urdu 7 English brochures.
Timeframe March/April Finance $4,000
Arrange a master orientation for Islamabad based AI FPs. Each Agency then will
organize special staff orientation in English/local language, at both office and sub
office levels. A generic presentation and key messages are given at Annexure 2 & 3
Action Each Agency/UNCC Timeframe March/April Finance
Strengthen Information Dissemination System (UNDSS) for timely and effective
utilization of the communication material and information.
Action Each Agency/UNDSS Timeframe
Develop a weekly AI Pakistan E Bulletin and share with all UN staff through
Action WHO, FAO, UNICEF Timeframe March-June Finance
Arrange (Three Hour) Stress Management Training Workshops for staff with
priority to high exposure agencies. As a follow up of the training, also develop an AI
UN Safety Network of Peer Helpers for on-going psychosocial support. The training
outline is indicated at Annexure 4.
Action CISMU1 in team with each Agency Timeframe April-June Finance
Establish and coordinate an agency specific AI Watch System to encourage all staff
to report bird/chicken mortality or sudden sickness at 051 9255420.
Action Each Agency
Timeframe March - June Finance
Communication Coordination
Comprising relevant professionals from UN organizations, a UN Communication Committee2
on Avian Influenza (UNCC) has been constituted to ensure effective implementation and
coordination. The Committee will work closely with UNDSS3 for staff information sharing. The
Committee will strengthen inter-agency cooperation for uniform messages, material and media.
Critical Incident Stress Management Unit
Including Dr. Rana Kakar WHO, Dr. Khalid Naeem FAO, Dr. Sohail Ali CISMU, Suleman Malik, UNICEF
UN Department of Safety and Security
The Committee will have regular meetings for effective planning and timely completion of
communication assignments.
Each participating agency will be responsible to monitor the communication activities through
AI FPs, communication colleagues or IDS. A periodic report will be required for review of the
progress and fine-tuning of the subsequent activities. The communication committee will take
the overall responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the CMT. A Staff Awareness Survey
will be conducted in May/June.
Annexure 1
Development & Distribution of AI Communication Material 2006
Type of
AI Poster
AI Brochure
Urdu along
Bird Flu –
Symptoms and
General staff
Bird Flu – Details
on symptoms and
Family Maids, Cooks
and Other Servants
UN Canteen Staff,
Gardeners, Janitors &
Security Guards
(one dispenser for 50
AI Brochure
along with
Bird Flu – Details
on symptoms and
General Staff, Families
AI Brochure
Bird Flu – detailed
background, present
symptoms and
AI Focal Points &
communication & health
AI Children
Comic Book
Bird Flu –
illustrations on how
to avoid play or
petting poultry or
birds during an
General Staff, Families
(one dispenser for 50
(one dispenser for 50
Each Agency (14 x 50) 700
UNICEF Isd 100
UNICEF Lahore 30
UNICEF Peshawar 30
UNICEF Karachi 30
UNICEF Quetta 30
Total 5,800
Each Agency (14 x 300) 4,200
UNICEF Isd 400
UNICEF Lahore 200
UNICEF Peshawar 200
UNICEF Karachi 200
UNICEF Quetta 200
Each Agency (14 x 100) 1,400
UNICEF Isd 100
UNICEF Lahore 50
UNICEF Peshawar 50
UNICEF Karachi 50
UNICEF Quetta 50
Total 300
Each Agency (14 x 10) 140
UNICEF Lahore 20
UNICEF Peshawar 20
UNICEF Karachi 20
UNICEF Quetta 20
Each Agency (14 x 200) 2,800
UNICEF Isd 500
UNICEF Lahore 200
UNICEF Peshawar 200
UNICEF Karachi 200
UNICEF Quetta 200
Generic Brochure English
Generic Brochure Urdu
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Key Communication Messages for Prevention & Control of Avian Flu
General Perspective
Avian Influenza is a deadly and highly contagious disease for chicken/birds and can
transmit from affected birds to human beings especially those who remove feathers,
handle or slaughter sick birds.
Despite some reports of H5 poultry cases in Pakistan, it is safe to consume well cooked
poultry meat and eggs.
Cooking Poultry
Cook all meat at boiling temperature or more than 70 degree celsius (oc) since it destroys
the Bird Flu virus.
Wear gloves while cleaning meat or washing eggs.
Wash eggs with detergent before storing.
All meat should be properly cleaned before cooking.
Keep cooked and raw meats separate.
Do not use the same knives or chopping boards unless washed with detergent between
Avoid eating half boiled or half fried eggs. Instead take completely cooked eggs such as
Wash your hands with soap and water after handling raw meat.
Caring for Children
Most infections in children were transmitted through playing with sick or dying birds,
petting or handling them.
Do not let children handle or carry birds/ poultry since they may contain virus.
Teach children the importance of washing hands after playing and before taking food.
Handling or Facing Affected Poultry
If you are to handle sick or dead poultry make sure you are protected. Wear clothing like
mask, goggles, gown, rubber boots and gloves. If these are not available then cover your
mouth with a piece of cloth, also wear glasses. Use plastic bags to cover your hands and
shoes. Always wash your hands after handling sick or dead poultry. Also wash your
protective clothing with detergent each time after use.
If you live in an area where Bird Flu presence has been reported, avoid contact with any
birds, their feathers, faeces or other wastes. Do not keep birds as pets and do not let
children go near alive or dead poultry. If necessary, wear disposable gloves and masks
when handling birds.
Infection in Pet Cats
Domestic cat infections occasionally occur in association with H5N1 outbreaks in
domestic or wild birds, e.g. when cats feed on infected birds. Cat to cat transmission has
been proven.
Make sure contact between your pet cats and wild birds or poultry is avoided.
If cat shows breathing problems or nasal discharge, a veterinarian should be consulted.
Do not handle any sick-looking or dead cat (or other animals) without gloves and report
to the local authorities.
Reporting Sick/Dead Chicken/Birds
Be especially vigilant for any dead or sick chicken/birds/cats and report such findings to
the local officials.
Report all poultry/ animal sickness (flu-like symptoms) or unexpected deaths to the
concerned local authorities/helpline, or Ministry of Food Agriculture & Livestock at 051
9208779 or 051 92063003.
Precautions in Flu like Symptoms
If you develop flu-like symptoms then take special precautions to contain the spread of
the virus. Always use a tissue paper or handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose while
coughing or sneezing. Wash your hands with soap and water each time you touch your
nose or mouth. Also teach children to cover their nose and mouth when coughing or
Anyone with flu-like illness should be careful with secretions from the nose and mouth
when around other people, especially small children, in order not to spread influenza
Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and throw it
away once used.
Always wash your hands with soap and water after any contact with secretions from
nose or mouth as these can carry a virus. Avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth with
unwashed hands.
Teach children to cover their coughing as above and the importance of hand washing
after coughing, sneezing and touching dirty items.
Annexure 4
Critical Incident Stress Management Unit (CISMU) UNDSS Pakistan
Stress Management Training for UN Staff
To impart sensitization and basic knowledge about stress and stress management.
To develop skills of preventing and managing stress.
In the current context, also to sensitize and prepare staff for preventing, and managing
the psychosocial concomitants and sequalae of an outbreak of Avian Influenza.
Training Outline
Module 1
Duration Details
Introduction and breaking the ice. Objectives and format.
Introduction to the concepts of stress and stress management.
Activity 1
Impact of life changes
Module 2
Types of stress and recognizing the features.
Activity 2
Self evaluation of levels of stress
Module 3
Psychosocial aspects of an epidemic.
Activity 3
Measuring susceptibility to stress
Module 4
Practical guidelines about preventing and managing stress.
Activity 4
Relaxation in your hands
5 minutes Summary and feedback
Total duration 180 minutes/3 hours
For Contact:
Muhammad Sohail Ali
Stress Counselor
051-2800133 Ext: 2888