THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK _____ _ ___________________________________________________________________________ 528 ACADEMY AVENUE • STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK 10307 • (718) 477-4500 JOHN BOYLE, PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS GARY TAMES TAMMY STANCAVAGE AMY JANICKE April 10, 2014 Dear 6th Grade Parent/Guardian, A special 6th Grade Citizenship Trip has been planned to celebrate students that have maintained at least Satisfactory Citizenship throughout the school year. On Thursday, May 15th, these students are invited to join their classmates on an excursion to Adventureland which is in Farmingdale, New York. Our students will depart Totten at 8:30 a.m. (SHARP), and return to school at approximately 4 p.m. Parents must make arrangements to pick up their child at Totten at 4 p.m. sharp. There will be no adult supervision after this time. The cost of the trip is $75 and payment can be made in the form of cash or money order. No personal checks will be accepted. Included in the price is round-trip transportation via deluxe, lavatory and video equipped 45 passenger motorcoaches; unlimited and exclusive use of the rides and attractions; lunch (choice of hotdog, hamburger or cheeseburger and fries and soda) and a customized Adventureland trip t-shirt. Students will be required to wear their Adventureland T-shirt the day of the trip. The T-Shirt will help to distinguish our students and teachers from the other people attending the park that day. Even though the park will be closed to other schools, there may be some people that enter the kiddie portion of the park after noon. If you would like your child to attend this trip, please complete the tear off below with your child, fill out the emergency contact information and both you and your child must sign where indicated. Please place your payment (cash or money order only) along with the permission slip below in a sealed envelope. Clearly label the envelope with your child’s name, homeroom and “Adventureland” on the outside of the envelope. The envelopes will be collected during their lunch period and given to Ms. Stancavage and Mr. Curreri only. We would like to invite parents to join us as chaperones on this trip. If you would like to chaperone please fill out the additional information at the bottom of the permission slip. The cost for chaperones is $75. The deadline for payment is Tuesday April 29, 2014. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (718) 477-4500 ext. 3352. Please note that is the discretion of the parent or guardian to review the content of this activity prior to the class trip and to deem it appropriate for the individual child. Adventureland’s official website is Sincerely yours, Ms. Tammy Stancavage Mr. Steve Curreri Assistant Principal 6th Grade Dean ----------------------------------------------------------------Tear-Off-----------------------------------------------------------Adventureland – Due Date Tuesday, April 29, 2014 I have read the above and give my child ______________________________________ (please print) of homeroom ________, permission to attend the 6th grade citizenship trip to Adventureland in Farmingdale New York, on Thursday, May 15, 2014. I understand that it is my responsibility to pick up my child promptly at Totten at 4 p.m., as there will be no adult supervision after this time. I am enclosing my payment, this signed consent form, and two phone numbers where I may be reached during the hours of the event. Parent/Guardian Name (Print) __________________________________________ Date _________________ Parent Guardian Signature______________________________________________ Phone Numbers (2) where I may be reached between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m._____________________________________________________________ Student’s T-Shirt Size (Adult sizes) _________ Please list any health or dietary concerns we should be aware of: ______________________________________ I have read this form and understand that I am to act on this trip in the same responsible manner in which I am expected to conduct myself in school. Student’s Signature_____________________________ Student’s Name (Please Print) ______________ HR________ Check the box if you would like to be a chaperone on this trip I would like to be a chaperone on this trip (Please print your name) _________________________________ Parent’s T-Shirt Size (Adult sizes) _________ Total amount enclosed $_____________________________