BASIS 2014 Annual Meeting March 27 & 28, 2014 De Ganzenheuvel, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Thursday, March 27 10:00 – 12:00 Arrival and registration of industrial partners Arrival and registration of attendees/members 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch and sponsor trade show 13:00 – 13:10 OPENING BASIS 2014 Session 1 Chairman 13:10 – 13:40 History, present and future of stable isotope applications at the Isotope Bioscience Laboratory of Ghent University Pascal Boeckx, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium 13:40 – 14:10 DELTA RAY: an isotope ratio infrared spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of carbon and oxygen isotopologues of CO2 Hans-Jurg Jost, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany 14:10 – 14:40 Introducing the new VisION Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer, the future of IRMS from Isoprime Ltd Filip Volders, Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany 14:40 – 15:20 COFFEE BREAK - TRADE SHOW – POSTER SESSION Session 2 Chairman 15:20 – 16:00 Development of an automated CO2 extraction line and analysis of the abundance of 13C18O16O Magdalena Hofmann*, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Frans Stellaard Pascal Boeckx 16:00 -16:45 Cholesterol metabolism studies in men with emphasis on cholesterol absorption Dieter Lütjohann and Frans Stellaard, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany and University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 17:00 – 18:00 City walk 18:30 – 19:30 Reception 19:30 – 22:00 Dinner Friday, March 28 Session 3 Chairman Klaus D. Wutzke 9:00 – 9:30 History, present and future of stable isotope applications at the Centre for Isotope research of Groningen University Harro Meyer, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 9:30 – 9:50 Development of a novel liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for the analysis of NO synthesisspecific amino acids in human plasma Efraim Oosterink*, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 9:50 – 10:10 GC-MS/C/IRMS to prove administration of androgens and estrogens in bovines Geert Janssens, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium 10:10 – 10.50 COFFEE BREAK - TRADE SHOW – POSTER SESSION Session 4 Chairman Harro Meijer 10:50 – 11:10 A comparison of triple quadrupole and single quadrupole GC/MS analysis of physiological amino acids Dewi van Harskamp*, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 11:10 – 11:30 Compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of nitrogencontaining membrane lipids and their biosynthetic amino acid precursors Elisabeth Svensson, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, den Burg, The Netherlands 11:30 – 11:50 Phenylalanine requirement in the presence of excess tyrosine of the enterally fed term neonate Jacomine Hogewind-Schoonenboom*, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 11:50 – 12:10 Chlorine isotope variations in the hyper-acid lake system of Poás volcano, Costa Rica Alejandro Rodríguez*, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands 12:10 – 12:40 LEDENVERGADERING – BASIS Member Meeting 2014 12:40 – 13:40 Lunch and sponsor trade show Session 6 Chairman 13:40 – 14:00 Compound specific hydrogen isotopes as a culture independent method to identify core metabolisms of microorganisms in situ Sandra Heinzelmann, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, den Burg, The Netherlands 14:00 – 14:20 Tracing carbon allocation into cellular compounds using LCIRMS and GC-c-IRMS: A phytoplankton study Julia Grosse*, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands Tom Bosma 14:20 – 14:40 Towards a palaeosalinity proxy: the isotopic fractionation of hydrogen between source waters and lipids produced via different biochemical pathways in haptophyte algae David Chivall, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, den Burg, The Netherlands 14:40 – 15:00 Compound specific stable isotopes (CSSI) approach for sediment fingerprinting in Kunchhal watershed of Nepal Hari Ram Upadhayay, University of Ghent, Gent, Belgium YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD CEREMONY Presenters marked with an * are candidates for the Young Scientist Award. CLOSING REMARKS Coffee ‘ to go’ Posters GC-C-IRMS for analysis of natural hormone abuse in cattle Paul Zoontjes, University of Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands Use of stable isotope techniques in a dietary intervention study in obese children: study protocol Margriet Veldhorst, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Nitrogen cycling and nitrogen sequestration in temperate forest edges Elyn Remy, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium An assessment of the potential of the hydrogen-isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers as a palaeohydrological proxy using independent proxy-data Chiara Cerli, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Water sources for native old growth and fast growing exotic plantation ecosystems in southern Chile Pedro Hervé-Fernández, University of Ghent, Gent, Belgium Automatic analysis of delta C13-DIC in water using gasprep IRMS system David Verstraeten, Free University Brussels, Brussels, Belgium