“Multivariate analysis and steady-state modelling of nutrient mechanisms in activated sludge treatment of pulp and paper wastewater” Lucy COTTER M.Sc. Student Introduction Modelling of activated sludge treatment processes has been investigated in some detail for municipal wastewater treatment, primarily using the Activated Sludge Models (ASM) first developed by the International Water Association (IWA, Henze et al. 1987). ASM1 is still the “state of the art” in many studies (Gernaey et al. 2004). These models have been modified for pulp and paper industrial wastewater (Bolmstedt, 2000). Modelling of nutrient mechanisms within the framework of the ASM models has been attempted at various degrees of complexity (Lindblom, 2003, NCASI AST model, Barker & Dold, 1997). Nutrient mechanisms specific to nutrient-deficient industrial wastewater, such as that seen in the pulp and paper industry, have been the subject of research in recent years (NCASI TB 826, 2001, Slade et al. 2004, Paprican Report PSR 560, 2006). Nutrient control strategies are varied, from the “accepted” ratio of nutrient dosing to influent BOD load, to the more complex nutrient on-line measurement with feed-back change minimisation control (Hynninen & Viljakainen, 1994). While the biochemical mechanisms of nutrient transformation during wastewater treatment are well documented, there remain several uncertainties such as the minimum nutrient requirements for stable AST operation (NCASI TB 826), and the interaction between nutrient control and the control of other growth pressures (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, F/M ratio, BOD, toxicity & hydraulic retention time), which are critical if mill data are to be used for nutrient control. A thorough understanding of the nutrient transformation mechanisms and effective nutrient control strategies could permit stable AST operation for high BOD removal and simultaneous nutrient minimisation or optimisation. This is becoming increasingly important as the regulatory authorities in the US and Canada are introducing new and/or more stringent limits for nutrient mass/concentration levels, particularly in site-specific effluent discharge permits (Clean Water Act, US Water Quality Trading schemes, Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1987, NCASI TB 826, 2001, Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations, Environment Canada 2004). The advantages of nutrient optimisation include reduced operating costs for nutrient addition, and reduced capital spending, should it be required to achieve low nutrient discharge levels, in terms of savings on new plant items such as those required for chemical precipitation of phosphorus for example. A less tangible and important cost savings would be due to improved AST control and lower potential for out-of-compliance events such as filamentous bulking due to nutrient deficiencies. This research project comprises the execution and analysis of a survey exploring the design and operation of North American activated sludge treatment (AST) plants with respect to nutrient use, measurement and control, the development of a steady-state mechanistic model of the operation of an activated sludge treatment plant at an integrated newsprint mill, and a multivariate analysis (MVA) of the mill data in order to derive models which are suitable for nutrient control guidance. 1 Overall Objectives The objective of this project is to develop a systematic methodology for the modelling of AST's suitable for improved nutrient control, which can account for effluent characteristics, AST system design, and AST system operation including its impact on nutrient residuals. Modelling will include use of the ASM models via the GPS-X software program, site data collection, model calibration and validation, and MVA analysis to extract specific information relative to nutrient control. Potential Benefits The results of the model and MVA will be used to optimise the operation of an operating AST in terms of minimum nutrient use, measurement and control. The potential benefits to the mill include: - increased understanding and control of the AST process, - a working model of the AST process, and possibly, - reduced nutrient usage, which would translate to an operational financial savings. The overall methodology will be generalized for publication in the literature, so that other mills can consider its implementation. Methodology Literature review of key technical areas related to this project: AST design and operation, AST modelling, nutrient modelling, nutrient control, MVA analysis… Detailed AST survey: A survey of AST's in Canada will be conducted under the auspices of PAPTAC, and the targeted response is in the order of 40 plants. The survey results will be analysed to find correlations between plant design, operation and nutrient use, measurement and control Understand mill objectives with respect to nutrient optimization. Steady state modelling of AST plant at an integrated newsprint mill, using GPS-X software Model calibration and validation using mill operating data Incorporation of data into an empirical model developed using MVA, suitable for nutrient control guidance Proposal and evaluation of nutrient control strategy References [1] [2] J. Bolmstedt, "Dynamic modelling of an activated sludge process at a pulp and paper mill." Masters. 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Ph.D. Thesis, Lund, Sweden: Lund Institute of Technology, 1996. M. C. Judd, T. R. Stuthridge, R. G. Hunter, and K. B. Morgan, "In-mill sources of wastewater constituents from integrated pulp and paper processing," APPITA Journal, vol. 50, pp. 469 - 473, 1997. E. Lindblom, "Dynamic modelling of nutrient deficient wastewater treatment processes." Masters Thesis, Lund, Sweden: Lund University, 2003. V. Mahendraker, "Characterization of Wastewaters and Biomass for Advanced Modelling of Activated SLudge Processes Treating Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewaters - A Review," Paprican Special Report PSR 560, May 2006. N. McCubbin, "Brief review of current technology for control of phosphorus discharge in effluents from three Kraft pulp mills on the Androscoggin River," N. McCubbin Consultants Inc 16 June 2003 2003. C. Mobius, H, "Nitrogen and phosphorus limits for nutrient deficient industrial wastewaters," Water Science and Technology, vol. 24, pp. 259-267, 1991. D. Orhon and E. 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The IWA Task Group on Mathematical Modelling for Design and Operation of Biological Wastewater Treatment, Activated Sludge Models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3, Scientific and Technical Report No. 9: IWA Publishing, 2000. P. A. Vanrolleghem and D. S. Lee, "On-line monitoring equipment for wastewater treatment processes: State of the art," Water Science and Technology, vol. 47, pp. 1-34, 2003. P. S. Barker and P. L. Dold, "General model for biological nutrient removal activated-sludge systems: model presentation," Water Environment Research, vol. 69, pp. 969-984, 1997. 3