BRIEF - GreaterSport

NGB Primary School Support Package
NGB Name:
Contact Number
e-mail address
Website address
Designated contact person
Contact Email address
020 8487 7146 / 07958 302 610
Paul Williams, Schools Tennis Manager
The Tennis Foundation and LTA currently support:
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
This document sets out tennis’ offer for primary schools and provides information to help your school access support
and resources to deliver fun, exciting and inclusive tennis activities for all your pupils. For more information, please
download the Guide to Schools Tennis 2015 which provides an overview of all the resource and support available
from the Tennis Foundation and LTA, or visit
Through British Tennis’ Schools Tennis programme, the Tennis Foundation and LTA aim to:
 Increase and improve tennis participation in schools.
 Remove barriers by training teachers to deliver tennis in confined spaces.
 Create a sustainable legacy for young people to continue playing in the community.
Why tennis?
 Tennis is fun, great for fitness and can be played by all ages and abilities – boys and girls can play together,
so it’s ideal for mixed classes.
 You don’t need tennis courts to play – it can be played in school halls, playgrounds or sports halls!
 Every one of your pupils can achieve through tennis and there are lots of resources available to support you,
to inspire them!
British Tennis’ Schools Programme
 Aegon Schools Tennis provides FREE teacher training, resources and equipment to help more teachers get
more pupils playing tennis.
 Since 2009, over 20,000 schools have been supported through the Schools Tennis Programme.
98% of schools supported are now delivering tennis / more tennis as a result (independent YouGov research).
The Offer in Detail
Teacher Training &
 Primary School Tennis Teacher Training Course – a 3 hour course developed to
give teachers the confidence to deliver tennis to a class of pupils in a small space.
 Courses are free to attend and can be arranged locally through your
 local regional team.
 Every teacher attending the course receives a free copy of the DVD resource
(details below) and every school receives a free Schools Tennis Equipment Pack
worth over £500 (limited to one per school).
 Guide to Schools Tennis 2015 – provides an overview of all the resource and
support available from the Tennis Foundation and LTA.
 Primary Schools DVD Boxset & Handbook – The pupil-facing, innovative DVD
contains 5 weeks’ worth of lessons for Years 1&2, Years 3&4 and Years 5&6.
 Schools Tennis Activity Cards – over 70 Activity Cards to help plan and deliver
lessons to support ABCs, tricks, drills, main theme and competitive activities
 Out of Schools Hours Tennis Club Toolkit – developed to make running an Out of
School Hours Tennis Club as easy as possible.
 Tennis Activity Week Pack – a pre-prepared week of cross-curricular lessons,
based on a tennis theme, ideal for delivering during NSSW or Wimbledon.
 Volleys & Values – an innovative cross curricular resource for children to learn
more about the game of tennis and the Olympic and Paralympic Games
 Intra school competition formats – we have developed resource cards designed as
competitive challenges to help pupils have fun and develop their skills.
 Inter School competition format – Year 3&4 Mini Tennis Red is our priority interschool competition. In England, these competitions form part of the School Games
and in 2012, over 19,000 pupils participated!
 School Games Tennis Toolkit – a free, interactive CD-ROM, designed to make the
process of running a Schools Tennis Competition as easy as possible. The Toolkit
contains over 40 resources and templates, many of which can be edited.
Exit Routes
 School Club Links – This resource contains step by-step guidance for coaches and
clubs to link with schools, but provides useful information for schools establishing
links for the first time.
 Find a local club - The LTA website provides a club finder for those looking for their
nearest tennis court or local club.
Direct Support &
More Information
 LTA Regional Tennis Participation Managers use the support of your county based
Tennis Development Manager to improve tennis in your school.
 Schools Tennis Website – the Schools Tennis website contains a range of
resources, support and guidance to help you develop tennis in your school.
 Schools Tennis Registration & Membership – register as an individual or join as a
school to access resources, the School Members’ Wimbledon Ticket Ballot, a
monthly e-newsletter, discounted equipment and much more!