The January 30th meeting of the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club was called to order by President Jenna Schmidt. The secretary’s report was approved as read. The treasurer’s report read a balance of $12,378.80. Committee Reports Recreation-Sunday was Walleyball. Only had 2 people show up and they still won. Monday at 8pm will be the next game. Soccer lost. Girls BB didn’t play. Boys BB lost one and won one. Toga-Megan and Matt were models and helped demonstrate how to tie a toga. Toga is at the Elks from 9-1. Bring markers. Philanthropy-thanks to all who donated blood this week. Old Business-none New Business-February 12th is the spring career fair from 10-3 at the FargoDome. Little “I” Days-10 Toga-3 Cans of chew-just started again! Royalty-played family feud again-Grand Sires won against the Newbies. Ham curing-Friday from 5-7:30 they will be decorating hams Fundraising-Need silent auction items by next Friday. Please signup to help in the booth. Concessions-please signup to work on Saturday Contestant feed-signup sheet going around to help on Friday. Public Speaking Contest-6:30 pm in Loftsgard 114 tomorrow night. Banquet-Beth has tickets available tonight. Needs to know by Monday if you want tickets. If you’re playing piano, talk to Beth. Everyone is encouraged to come and honor Dave. Arena-Saturday cleanup starts at 7am. Next Wednesday we will start at 5 am so come and be on tv. -Next week all contestant need to bring $10 for their fee. You will be refunded if you help cleanup the Sunday after. Sunday night is the horse dry-run Monday is the beef and dairy dry-run Tuesday is the sheep and swine dry-run Contestants must be present at their dry-runs. Dress code for show-White button collared shirt. Long sleeved if possible. Dark blue jeans-no hats. Swine clipping demo tonight. Keep in mind your animal may be selected to be shown at Friday’s judging contest. Contact Mark if you can help with the contest on Friday. Talk to Luke or Mark if you are going to be making a big purchase-we need to be responsible. Announcements: -Apply for Ag Ambassadors -Send pictures to Kim by Monday if you want them in the slideshow -Judging club tomorrow night at 5 -Send Kim S. random pictures from S/S things -Social event at the da Mint before toga -Livestock Judging team was at Sioux Falls-KaSondra tied for high in swine. Kacey got 4th overall, and Tom got 4th in sheep. Team was 5th overall-beat SDSU. -Luke, Courtney, and Calli went to Bismarck on Monday to do some publicity events. -Whitney’s 21st birthday party will be tonight! Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Calli Jo Wold 2007-2008 S/S Secretary