EPA Clean Water Proposal Final July_2005


Regionally Based Clean Water

Activities: Work Plan and Proposal

A Proposal Submitted to

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

July 2005

Submitted by

Desert Research Institute

University and Community College System of Nevada



LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... iv

I. PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................... 5

II. OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 10

III. SUMMARY OF TASKS .................................................................................................. 10

Task A. Periphyton Distributions, Dynamics, and Environmental Controls in Nevada .... 11

Task A.1: Periphyton Distributions and Dynamics .................................................. 14

Task A.2: Temperature Response of Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Growth ...... 15

Task A.3: Reach-scale Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange as a Regulator of

Periphyton Dynamics ............................................................................. 16

Task B. Benthic Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton Communities Related to Sediment

Loading in the Lower Truckee River .................................................................... 19

Task C. High-resolution LIDAR and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Rivers in Western

Nevada .................................................................................................................. 23

Task C.1: Mapping Streamside Vegetation .............................................................. 26

Task C.2: Aquatic Vegetation .................................................................................. 27

Task D. Simulation Modeling Studies in Support of Management to Protect Beneficial

Uses and Nutrient Criteria Development .............................................................. 30

Task E. Public Outreach ..................................................................................................... 34

Task F. Quality Assurance Project Plan ............................................................................. 36

IV. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH AND PUBLIC BENEFITS ...................................... 36

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 37


Ошибка! Закладка не определена.

KEY PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................ 46



1. Conceptual model of biomass and primary producer dynamics ......................................... 6

2. Truckee River - August 2002. a) Biomass of periphyton and b) dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and orthophosphorous. ............................................................................... 8

3. Periphyton biomass on cobble substrates (expressed as chlorophyll a; Chla) in the

LTR from August 2000 to July 2001. ............................................................................... 12

4. Periphyton biomass on cobble substrates (expressed as chlorophyll a; Chla) in the

LTR from October 2001 to August 2002. ......................................................................... 12

5. Dissolved oxygen concentrations at the monitoring site (Tracy) closest to the location of the periphyton peak shown in June 2002. ....................................................... 13

6. Regions of abundant periphyton growth in meandering rivers. ........................................ 16

7. Carson River Basin. .......................................................................................................... 24

8. Nodal structure of DSSAMt with tributaries and withdrawals for irrigation and municipal industrial uses (Brock et al ., 2004) .................................................................. 31

9. Riffle-pool sequence in a sinuous channel showing definition of features. ..................... 32

10. A typical hydraulic reach in a river water quality model composed of multiple riffle-pool units. ................................................................................................................ 32


1. Numerical water quality models for dissolved oxygen and temperature that have been applied to the Truckee and Carson rivers. .......................................................................... 6

2. Generalized nutrient regimes for the Truckee River. .......................................................... 9

3. Relation of proposed research to ongoing DRI projects. .................................................. 11



State and local agencies in Nevada are currently under intense pressure to meet conditions of the Clean Water Act (CWA); particularly those related to nonpoint source pollution (Section 319[h]), impaired waters (Section 303[d]) and associated total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). Among the challenges facing the state are sparse data, inadequate scientific basis for existing water quality standards, a general lack of decision-making tools such as models and spatial analysis software, and insufficient financial resources to support in-house technical staff. Discussions with state and local stakeholders (e.g., Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, or NDEP; Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe; and Washoe County) along with staff from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region IX have helped identify and prioritize a suite of water quality-related activities that address some of the aforementioned water quality challenges. The geographic focus of these activities includes three western Nevada river basins (the Truckee, Carson, and Humboldt rivers). The scientific focus will involve a suite of laboratory and field-scale activities designed to better understand the effects of natural and human factors on ecological function in western river basins. A unifying element for data derived from this research will be application to one or more numerical water quality models, which will lead to improved capability to simulate future conditions under varying management scenarios.


Nutrient-Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Western Nevada Rivers

At their lower elevations, rivers in the Great Basin ecoregion of western Nevada tend to be shallow, with minimal shading from riparian vegetation. Depending on local conditions of turbidity, solar radiation can reach the bottom in riffle sections, and, provided other conditions are favorable (temperature, nutrients), attached algae (periphyton) or rooted vascular plants can serve as the dominant primary producers. In these riverine ecosystems, most metabolic activity is associated with benthic processes because the rivers are not sufficiently deep, nor residence time long enough, to support development of phytoplankton communities. Significant biomass of aquatic vegetation and associated detritus can accumulate in reaches where nutrients are sufficient and conditions such as irradiance and bed material (substratum) are favorable. These endogenous accumulations of organic material can lead to substandard oxygen conditions, especially during periods of low flow and elevated temperatures in summer.

A common trait of many water quality models that have been developed for use in western Nevada (see Table 1) is that they simulate in-stream dissolved oxygen (DO) as a function of periphyton biomass dynamics (photosynthesis and respiration). A substantial portion of the uncertainty associated with DO simulation and prediction relates to our inability to fully characterize the complex relationships between periphyton biomass production and external inputs such as nutrients, temperature, hydraulics, light, grazing, and substrate conditions.

The DO regime is a primary characteristic that defines water quality in rivers and is determined by the magnitude of oxygen-demanding and oxygen-producing processes and substances that impact a parcel of water. These factors can be physical (e.g., reaeration across the air-water interface), as well as chemical, and biological. The relative contribution


of DO-controlling factors varies among rivers based on their size, channel characteristics, and the nature of their inputs. In shallow rivers with sufficient nutrients, abundant in-stream growth of primary producers can lead to accumulations of organic matter and low DO conditions, provided other factors are conducive.

Table 1. Numerical water quality models for dissolved oxygen and temperature that have been applied to the Truckee and Carson rivers.







Truckee River



Time Period

1980 to 1985

1986 to present

1995 to present

1994 to present

1995 to 2002

2003 to present

2003 to present


Nowlin, 1987

Brock et al., 1991

Warwick et al ., 1999

Horvath, 1996

Warwick et al ., 1997

Berris, 1996;

Taylor, 1998

Limnotech, Inc., AquaTerra,

UNR, 2003

Chen and Weintraub, 2002

Nevada River

















Our conceptual model for the balance between photosynthesis (i.e., primary productivity) and respiration-removal in a river segment is determined by a suite of factors

(also known as drivers) that interact in a complex fashion (see Figure 1). Photosynthesis and respiration-removal rates are determined by drivers that are physical (e.g., irradiance, temperature, scour, turbulence, and available substrate), chemical (e.g., nutrients, pH), and







Resp and





Biomass D.O.


Response Feedback

Figure 1. Conceptual model of biomass and primary producer dynamics (RESP = Respiration and

Temp = Temperature).


biological (herbivory and community dynamics). The net balance between productivity and respiration-removal processes results in a standing crop of primary producer biomass that can be a critical determinant of DO levels in a river. The primary drivers affecting primary producer biomass in rivers are typically thought to be physical and chemical (left side of

Figure 1). However, in some systems during specific seasons, top-down control may exert a significant effect on primary producer biomass through herbivory (grazing).

Substratum for primary producers varies with the nature of the riverine ecosystem, and in general terms can be comprised of either bed material or biological features such as emergent vascular plants that provide a surface for the development of epiphytic algae. When substratum is dominated by bed material, its suitability as a growth medium for benthic algae varies as a function of particle size (e.g., silt, sand, cobble) and associated mobility of the particles.

Extensive attempts over the past few decades to predict primary producer dynamics based on simple relationships among these variables have met with limited success (e.g., Bott et al ., 1985; Dodds et al ., 2002). However, there tends to be some general constraining factors that affect biomass dynamics on a coarse resolution basis. Examples include the following:

Under conditions where irradiance or essential nutrients are lacking, algae will not accumulate beyond low biomass levels. In a river system with an oligotrophic natural lake or impoundment (e.g., the Upper Truckee River downstream from Lake Tahoe; the Kootenai River in northern Idaho below Libby Dam), one observes low phosphorous conditions and low biomass of attached algae.

Rivers with elevated suspended sediment concentrations (e.g., those draining mountainous glaciated regions) or dark color (e.g., blackwater rivers) may have low primary productivity due to the highly attenuated irradiance.

Rivers traveling through urban areas often have large inputs of dissolved chemicals that lead to the development of large spatial gradients in some constituents (Figures 2a and

2b). These inputs are largely due to anthropogenic inputs but can also be the result of changes in geologic features along the river. Irrespective of the cause, these large inputs can promote biostimulation in downstream reaches of the river. Elevated nutrients lead to an increased standing crop of algae and higher trophic levels such as benthic macroinvertebrates. Figure 2b depicts the profile of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and orthophosphorous in the Truckee River during August 2002. The spike in nutrient concentration at about 100 km is associated with loads from agricultural return drains, urban runoff, and treated wastewater from the Reno-Sparks metropolitan area. The typical nutrient regime during base-flow conditions in the Truckee River is characterized in Table 2. The upper 40-km reach (zone i) has orthophosphorous concentrations below those thought to saturate growth of attached algae in rivers (~0.030 mg/L; Bothwell, 1989). Conversely, the lower section of the river within zone iv has DIN concentrations (0.019 mg/L; Biggs, 2000) below those levels at which biomass of non-nitrogen fixing algae may be controlled below

“excessive” levels (Welch et al ., 1988).

The downstream trend in standing crop of attached algae in the Truckee River for

August 2002 suggests an apparent biostimulatory response to nutrient loading near km 100

(Figure 2a). In this nutrient zone iii, both inorganic nitrogen and orthophosphorous are in


ample supply. Under conditions when a nutrient is limited (zones i and iv), the variability in biomass tends to be lower than where nutrients are in ample supply (zone iii). The response of periphyton to nutrient concentration observed on the Truckee supports Liebig’s law of the minimum, which is fundamental to the algorithms used to numerically simulate primary productivity in mechanistic models. According to Liebig’s law, the total yield, or biomass, of an organism will be determined by the nutrient present in the lowest (minimum) concentration in relation to the requirements of that organism. In areas where nutrients are ample (zones ii and iii), factors other than nutrients (e.g., temperature, flow, scour, turbulence, herbivory) will limit periphyton growth. These drivers tend to exhibit a range of conditions based on microhabitats determined by geomorphologic conditions of the fluvial channel. a) Chlorophyll a and AFDM of Attached Algae

Truckee River - 7-20 Aug 2002

60 12000

Chlorophyll a AFDM

40 8000

20 4000 b)


10 40 70 100 130

Distance from Lake Tahoe (km)


Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and ortho-Phosphorus

Truckee River - 6-8 Aug 2002









DIN ii.

ortho-P iii.









10 40 70 100 130

Distance from Lake Tahoe (km)

160 190


Figure 2. Truckee River - August 2002. a) Biomass of periphyton and b) dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and orthophosphorous. Error bars represent

1 SE (n = 11 to 20). The cities of Reno and Sparks as well as agricultural areas are located in the Truckee Meadows between km 90 to 105. Nutrient zones are represented by dashed arrows (see Table 2).


Table 2. Generalized nutrient regimes for the Truckee River. Concentrations shown in bold are generally considered limiting of algal growth.


Regime i ii iii iv


< 0.002

mg/L low abundant abundant

Total Inorganic Nitrogen low low abundant

< 0.019


Generally, there is a positive correlation between nutrient concentration in the water column and benthic algal biomass. A recent comprehensive study by Tank and Dodds (2003) illustrated the complexity of periphyton dynamics in streams. They reported results of controlled experiments with nutrient-diffusing substrates simulating 10 streams with eight different biomes representing a range of rivers from the tropics to the arctic.

They observed threshold values of nutrients below which nutrient limitation may be observed. However, factors other than nutrients tend to exert a strong influence on the accumulation and distribution of algal biomass. Nonequilibrium conditions and habitat heterogeneity in temperate streams can produce environmental noise that results in a statistical variance in algal-nutrient relationships that is greater in flowing aquatic ecosystems compared with lakes. In an evaluation of a large number (n = 620) of stream locations, Dodds et al . (2002) found that nutrients accounted for less that half of the variance in benthic algal biomass.

Factors such as hydraulic conditions, flow, light availability, and grazing were thought by

Dodds et al . (2002 ) to be responsible for the remaining variability in benthic algal biomass.

Improved predictive ability was achieved in detailed studies of periphyton biomass that accounted for nutrient concentration as well as hydrologic parameters (especially length of time since the last flood), land use, and geology (Lohman et al ., 1992; Biggs, 1995).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1998) initiated the process of developing nutrient criteria for water bodies that would serve as the basis for setting total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for nutrients. It then developed national nutrient criteria recommendations based on ecoregions, but encouraged states and tribes to critically evaluate and refine these recommendations at the regional level. California, Arizona, and Nevada formulated a Regional Technical Advisory Group (RTAG) for developing criteria for EPA

Region IX. One of the initial activities of the RTAG was a pilot project to evaluate regional reference conditions for streams and rivers in aggregated Ecoregion II (Western Forested

Mountains). The results of the pilot project underscored the importance of refining nutrient criteria on a regional basis, because application of the national criteria in the pilot project resulted in significant misclassification of reference streams. (A large number of minimally impacted sites were classified as impacted using the national criteria.) In Region IX, there is a wide range in nutrient levels found in minimally impacted aquatic systems (Tetra Tech,

2000). Development of appropriate nutrient criteria to limit algal biomass to acceptable levels requires better understanding of the interplay between nutrient overenrichment and the other factors that contribute to reducing algal growth and losses as illustrated by our conceptual model (Figure 1).

Applications of ecological water quality models to predictions of DO and periphyton have demonstrated significant divergence when simulated results are analyzed against


observed data. The ability to model periphyton and DO in rivers has been hampered by our lack of understanding of relationships among the variables shown in Figure 1. The uncertainties in our understanding of periphyton dynamics serve as the underlying theme in this work plan for clean water activities in western Nevada.


With the above as background, the objectives of the work to be completed under the cooperative agreement are as follows:


to develop the physical and biological basis for improving existing models and other management tools for use in western Nevada watersheds though a variety of workplan tasks that address algal (periphyton) kinetics, benthic macro invertebrates; hydrologic processes, and image analysis;


to integrate newly acquired experimental and field results using the numerical simulation model(s) as the unifying platform;


to operate the amended models under a variety of input (anthropogenic and natural) scenarios;


to improve the information base for evaluating and applying existing water quality models; and


to improve the capacity of water managers to identify water quality issues related to algal growth in western streams.


The workplan elements, or tasks, described below are intended to address many of the complex relationships noted earlier, and will lead to an improved understanding of those factors influencing water quality in western watersheds. A common theme among tasks A.1 through A.3 is that of periphyton biomass, its impact on in-stream dissolved oxygen, and improving our understanding of physical and chemical processes that impact primary productivity and our associated ability to model and predict water quality under varying land- and water-use scenarios. Task B focuses on the relationship between benthic macroinvertebrate communities and suspended solids. Task C focuses on the acquisition and analysis of remotely sensed data within the Carson River basin. Task D describes the integration of data and results generated under Tasks A-C through the direct application of numerical simulation models to beneficial use and nutrient criteria issues in western Nevada.

Task E describes the public outreach and data sharing aspects of the project.

Currently, DRI researchers are directly involved in several applied and basic research or monitoring programs within the proposed study areas. Table 3 provides a brief description of each, including potential linkages between these ongoing projects and the activities proposed in this work plan.


Table 3. Relation of proposed research to ongoing DRI projects.

Project Title

Baseline Monitoring for

Truckee River


Application of

Ecosystem Function

Model to Truckee River

Source Assessment and

Preliminary Modeling of

Thermal Loading in the

Carson River Basin

Assessment of Dissolved

Oxygen Dynamics in the

Carson River Basin

Linkages between Proposed

Research and Other Project

Nutrient flux, primary producer dynamics, nutrient assimilative capacity

Geomorphic habitat characteristics of channel and response of periphyton

Image analysis; on-the-ground field activities in same river reaches; acquisition of critical temperature data

Water quality modeling; overlapping field activities

Long-term Water Quality

Monitoring, Truckee

River Basin

Critical long-term data sets; compatible and overlapping field activities

Funding Agency

NDEP and Cities of Reno and Sparks

(DRI PI’s: McKay, Brock, Fritsen)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(Relevant PI’s Brock, Warwick)

U.S EPA (NCER/STAR Grant Program)

(DRI PI’s: McKay, McGwire, Brock)

NDEP [through 319(h) funding]

(DRI PI’s: Fritsen, Warwick)

State of Nevada

(DRI PI: McKay)

Task A. Periphyton Distributions, Dynamics, and Environmental Controls in Nevada


During the initial development of water quality models for rivers of western Nevada

(e.g., the Lower Truckee River [LTR] and the Carson River [Nowlin, 1987; Brock et al .,

1991; Warwick et al ., 1999]) quantitative information on periphyton biomass and dynamics has generally been lacking. Therefore, evaluating the reciprocal interactions between water quality and algal biomass could only be addressed indirectly (e.g., through an analysis of the river’s oxygen dynamics or nutrient budgets). In an effort to provide more direct quantitative information on the Truckee River’s periphyton dynamics, a synoptic periphyton biomass monitoring program was conducted during 2000 to 2001 and 2001 to 2002. This program documented periphyton biomass and composition at 11 sites throughout the LTR on a monthly basis and was conducted to help evaluate water quality models for the LTR that could be used to provide TMDL evaluations. Results from the periphyton biomass monitoring documented a seasonal dynamic of the periphyton biomass that included minima of biomass standing stocks in both early spring as well as in late summer. Conversely, two biomass maxima occurred during early to mid-summer (June to July) as well as during midwinter (December to January) (Figures 3 and 4). The biomass maxima in early summer reached peaks exceeding 100

 g Chl a cm -2 while the winter maxima were 80 to 100

 g Chl a cm -2

(note: biomass maxima in excess of 20

 g Chl a cm


is often considered a eutrophic system

[Welch et al ., 1989; Dodds et al ., 1998]). The general spatial trend was for peaks to occur approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence of Steamboat Creek and the Truckee

River (the discharge from TMWRF is into Steamboat Creek which occurs at about 110 km downstream from Lake Tahoe). Secondary peaks in biomass occasionally were detected downstream of the main peak in biomass (Figures 3 and 4).




 g cm














Dec 00

Nov 00

Oct 00

Sept 00

Aug 00

Jul 01

Jun 01

May 01

Apr 01

Mar 01

Feb 01

Jan 01

Figure 3. Periphyton biomass on cobble substrates (expressed as chlorophyll a; Chla) in the LTR from August 2000 to July 2001.

Nov Jan April June Aug

Figure 4. Periphyton biomass on cobble substrates (expressed as chlorophyll a; Chla) in the LTR from October 2001 to August 2002. Distance is relative to Lake Tahoe. Reno is located at about 100 km and Pyramid Lake is located at 180 km downstream.

The spatial distribution of the periphyton biomass in the LTR was somewhat expected based on prior modeling results, and expectations that nutrient loadings from TMWRF, agriculture, and groundwater would create localized growths of algae. However, the seasonal dynamics (that included a summer minima and a second winter maxima) were not expected, as they were not predicted in previous water quality simulations (McKay et al ., 2003), nor were they consistent with the general expectation that algal blooms are more restricted to the spring and early summer months.

The documentation of winter biomass maxima (observed in both years of monitoring) has prompted new evaluations of management plans that could allow increased loading of nutrients in the Lower Truckee River during winter months (TMWRF, personal communication). The rationale for such a proposal has been that increased discharges and nutrient loadings during the winter months may not deleteriously impact water quality because periphyton may not be as physiologically capable of utilizing the released nutrients


at low temperatures. In addition, the released nutrients would perhaps be transported downstream more efficiently at colder temperatures. Moreover, oxygen solubility during the cold temperatures of winter (2 to 5 o C) is much higher than during the summer, and the river could perhaps handle an increase in the algal productivity during the winter even if increased releases fueled more algal growth. These management options and their implications are currently being evaluated by river managers and regulators. It is apparent that better understanding of the winter ecology and dynamics of periphyton under cold temperatures in

Nevada’s streams would be beneficial for the evaluation of suitable management strategies.

The biomass monitoring program for LTR also documented a summer peak and then a decrease in periphyton biomass during summer 2002. This decrease occurred in July and coincided with the time when seasonal temperatures in the LTR were at their maximum.

Mid-summer die-offs and sloughing events are notorious in rivers where Cladophora blooms occur (Whitton, 1970; Graham et al ., 1982; Muller, 1983; Feminella and Resh, 1991; Dodds and Gudder, 1992), and Cladophora has been a dominant algae forming biomass peaks in the

LTR (Memmott et al., 2002). Factors contributing to these mid-summer die-offs include inhibitory temperatures (25 to 30 o C; Graham et al ., 1982), nutrient limitation (Muller, 1983), and increased seasonal grazing (Feminella and Resh, 1991) although Cladophora is generally considered a poor, nonpreferred food source for freshwater grazers (Bronmark et al ., 1991;

Dodds and Gudder, 1992). Mid-summer die-offs of periphyton are of particular concern in

Nevada’s rivers because these events often lead to extremely high rates of oxygen consumption as the biomass decays. During the warm summer months, such rates can lead to extremely low DO concentrations and detrimental “oxygen slumps.” Dissolved oxygen concentrations did decrease to levels below 5 mg l -1 at the time of the mid-summer peak and decline of biomass in the LTR during 2002 (Figure 5). Because oxygen concentrations below

5 mg l


are threatening to aquatic life, further evaluation of primary producer biomass dynamics is necessary to understand and identify potential threats to aquatic life in Nevada’s rivers.










O ct



N ov-


D ec-


Ja n-0


Fe b-0


Ma r-0


Ap r-0


Ma y-


Ju n-0


Ju l-0


Au g-0


Se p-0


O ct



N ov-


D ec-


Figure 5. Dissolved oxygen concentrations at the monitoring site (Tracy) closest to the location of the periphyton peak shown in June 2002.


Algal biomass monitoring and DO monitoring programs throughout the state of

Nevada are often not as comprehensive as the studies and monitoring programs on the

Truckee River. However, DRI has recently conducted preliminary nutrient, biomass and DO monitoring on the Carson River system. These studies have initially focused on summer processes and have documented periphyton growth and DO dynamics that are of concern for

Carson River water managers. Specifically, biomass of periphyton exceeding 40

 g Chla cm

-2 and DO minima well below 5 mg l -1 have been measured during early summer when periphyton biomass appeared to decrease at select sites and when water temperatures increased above 25 o C. These results are consistent with the concern that the Carson River’s numeric water quality standards being exceeded for phosphorous could lead to impacts on other aspects of water quality (e.g., DO). These observations are not nearly as extensive and robust as those conducted on the LTR. However, they further document periphyton and DO dynamics that are of concern to Carson River stakeholders.

Task A.1: Periphyton Distributions and Dynamics

To improve our knowledge base of periphyton distributions, dynamics, and composition in rivers of Nevada, we will further assess the seasonal cycle of periphyton biomass and composition in the Carson River and conduct an initial reconnaissance of the periphyton spatial distributions in the Humboldt River during spring and summer. Initially, we will target periphyton composition and biomass at Riverview Park (a site located in a reach where we have previously documented high periphyton biomass and low DO concentrations during early summer) and Cradlebaugh Bridge on the Carson River (a site with relatively high nutrient concentrations, low biomass accumulation, and relatively high levels of DO).

We will visit these sites seasonally, and collect samples using a stratified random sampling design. Stratified sampling will be accomplished using riffles and pools as distinct units whereby random sampling will occur. At each sampling location, periphyton will be collected by appropriate methods (e.g., template for episammic samples or cobble scrubbing for rocks; Porter et al . 1993). Water depth and velocity will be recorded at each sampling location. For each sample collected, biomass will be determined as Ash Free Dry Mass, pigment content, and bio-volume (determined microscopically). Pigments will be determined via HPLC, which will be calibrated with known standards. When standards are not available for unidentified pigment peaks, absorption spectra, retention times, and molecular absorption coefficients will be used to identify and quantify the pigments. Microscopic examinations will be performed on samples fixed with gluteraldehyde (0.5 to 1 percent) using an Olympus

BX-60 microscope equipped with DIC, epifluorescence, and digital imaging capabilities.

In addition to the monthly sampling at Riverview Park and Cradlebaugh Bridge, we will sample at two to three upstream sites and in areas where ground-truthing of hyperspectral remote sensing may be required (see hyperspectral remote sensing section).

Sampling on the Humboldt River will initially focus on sites that NDEP has used for water quality sampling (NDEP-Bureau of Water Quality Planning; http://ndep.nv.gov/ bwqp/monitor.htm). Specifically, sites downstream of Winnemucca and those upstream of

Battle Mountain, Carlin, and Jiggs will be targeted in spring and summer 2005. Biomass monitoring will follow the sampling and analytical plan as outlined above for the Carson


River monitoring. Thus, initial taxonomic information and biomass information will become available for the Humboldt River system.

Task A.2: Temperature Response of Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Growth

To better determine the factors that allow winter algal blooms to develop in the LTR

(and possibly in other systems) and to document the growth regulation at elevated temperatures, we will assess periphyton response to temperature variations during mid- to late summer and winter.

This task will feature growth experiments conducted in situ on both the Carson and

Truckee rivers as well as chamber experiments in the laboratory. For photosynthesis and growth experiments in the laboratory, we will collect artificial substrates (e.g., bricks) deployed in the study areas over the course of a time sequence. Pigment analysis from these bricks will allow calculation of in situ net specific growth rates for specific algal taxa (e.g.,

Brotas and Plante-Cuny, 1998; Li et al ., 2002). Substrates will be brought to the laboratory and monitored in recirculating test chambers, which will provide metabolic rate measurements (gross and net photosynthesis, and respiration) as a function of temperature

(Bott et al ., 1997). At the end of each experiment periphyton material incubated in the chambers will be analyzed for biomass (pigments, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous) and examined microscopically for taxonomic analysis.

In addition to chamber measurements, we will further evaluate the use of


C uptake into marker algal pigments, which may allow an assessment of the specific growth rates of differing algal taxa within the bulk communities. This will be accomplished by incubating stones or scraping from stones in the presence of


C-labeled bicarbonate in chambers and following the incorporation of 14 C into specific pigments (as detected through HPLC fractionation and liquid scintillation counting).

These laboratory-based studies will be coordinated with other program tasks that are monitoring nutrients in the water sheds and those studies that are also using recirculating growth chambers to assess periphyton metabolism under varying nutrient and hydraulic constraints (see hyporheic exchange section). Chamber studies will be conducted in the controlled environment of DRI’s Great Basin Environmental Research Laboratory (GBERL).

At different times during the year different periphyton communities may be dominant at different locations along the river. Therefore, our assessments of temperature response of production rates and growth will initially target the three dominant forms found in these systems, namely filamentous forms, diatom felts, and cyanobacterial mats (Fritsen, DRI, personal observation and result of Truckee River biomass monitoring program). By obtaining temperature response curves for differing algal taxa and communities, we will be better suited to evaluate the underlying maximum rate of growth formulations that provide the fundamental basis for algal growth formulations used in water quality models (e.g., Brock et al ., 1991; Chapra, 1997). To date, these formulations have been based on temperature response of oceanic phytoplankton (Epply, 1972), and their relevance to Nevada’s arid stream algal taxa needs to be evaluated. Improving our knowledge of in situ capabilities of periphyton taxa in semi-arid systems should not only improve water quality modeling for

Nevada’s river but also capabilities for other semi-arid systems throughout the western U.S.


Task A.3: Reach-scale Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange as a Regulator of Periphyton



A defining characteristic of stream communities is high variability in the abundance and community composition of periphyton. Periphyton dynamics have been linked in some meandering rivers to influences by local factors including groundwater ( Triska et al ., 1989;

Williams, 1989; Brunke and Gonser, 1997; Huggenberger et al ., 1998; Dent et al ., 2000;

Harvey and Wagner, 2000). Concentrated patches of green algae have been observed downstream from zones of outwelling (discharging) groundwater located downstream from point bars (Figure 6) (Fisher et al ., 1998). It is postulated that these areas of elevated algal biomass and productivity are linked to elevated nitrate concentration on the downgradient side of the gravel bar.

Flow direction

Dominant areas green algae growth

Zone of upwelling Velocity profile

Figure 6. Regions of abundant periphyton growth in meandering rivers.

A series of thermal and chemical transformations occur on the scale of a riffle-pool meander unit sequence (Valett et al . 1994, 1997; Brunke and Gonser, 1997). Detrital accumulations lead to high rates of coupled mineralization-nitrification at the head of the point bar, where there tends to be a net recharge of hyporheic exchange (Coleman and Dahm,

1990; Boulton, 1993; Dent and Henry, 1999; Franken et al ., 2001). Under this conceptual model, the water exiting the point bar will tend to be cooler and elevated in nitrate concentrations relative to the water entering the bar on its leading edge. In addition to temperature and nutrients, other factors may influence algal productivity and community composition, including hydraulics (i.e., velocity), irradiance and herbivory (grazing).

Question: What effects do temperature and nutrients (primarily orthophosphate and nitrate) have on periphyton growth in river meanders?

Hypothesis: Although water velocity would seem the most likely control, in most rivers turbulence is great enough that no single “velocity” occurs at any location. We suggest that some water can “short circuit” the meander bend, acquire dissolved nutrients from beneath


the flood plain, and flow back into the river downstream into the next meander bend. This overall surface water and groundwater exchange process of channel discharge and recharge at a meander bank is termed hyporheic flow-through. Hyporheic exchange may be an important factor shaping periphyton communities due to factors that include nutrients and temperature.

This task is divided into four phases: (1) reconnaissance over several potential reaches of the Truckee River to identify areas of local groundwater exchange; (2) field measurements of groundwater – surface water exchange at selected locations; (3) riffle-pool unit measurements of periphyton; and, (4) systematic laboratory experiments to determine the sensitivity of temperature, water velocity, and nutrient concentration on periphyton growth.

(1) Reconnaissance Methods

Boat Survey - A longitudinal in-stream survey will be carried out on the Truckee

River to identify groundwater discharge locations on a scale of tenths of meters (cobbles, debris) to several tens of meters (bars, islands). We will use visual cues to identify areas of possible groundwater influence. The visual presence of macophyte beds, periphyton, and icefree zones may suggest zones of groundwater upwelling. Temperature anomalies in rivers are excellent tracers and have been used to infer local areas of discharging groundwater

(Constantz, 1998; Silliman and Booth, 1993; Woessner, 2000). The distribution and characteristics of aquatic vegetation can also be used to identify potential sources of surface water-groundwater exchange (White and Hendricks, 2000).

The survey will be conducted along the reach including each bank using suitable watercraft (e.g., kayak, canoe, small catamaran) that can be easily portaged over shallow sections. A water quality multiprobe (YSI Sonde) will be positioned at the front of the boat to record continuous conditions including temperature and specific conductivity.

Approximately every 100 m a water chemistry sample will be collected for further analysis, if conditions warrant based on temperature and conductivity. Analysis will include nutrient concentrations as well as trace metal concentrations on the AAS and/or ICP-MS. This will be completed on both river banks during the month of February to capture warmer subsurface discharges and the month of August to capture the cooler subsurface discharge extremes.

(2) Riffle-Pool Unit Studies of Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange

Based on the survey method described above, areas will be identified in the Truckee

River for continuous measurement of heat flux, head distributions, velocity, periphyton and discrete sampling for water chemistry. At each of approximately three locations, seven longitudinal (thalweg) and seven lateral (equipotential lines) nested piezometers will be installed. The shallow, nested piezometers will be installed to determine local hydraulic gradients; these data will be used to determine flowpaths within the meanders in three directions. The piezometers will be constructed of 1.2 cm ID schedule 40 PVC to depths ranging from 1 cm up to 2 m. Installation will be completed utilizing an air hammer with a land based air compressor. A drive couple will be machined for the impact hammer. A 1.2 cm solid stainless steel rod will be inserted into the PVC casing with a screw on coupling for a stainless steel drive point. Once the desired depth is obtained, the inner rod will be disengaged from the drive point and pulled out.


Measurement of temperature gradients also provides a means to examine groundwater flow in streams (Constantz et al., 2003). Subsurface temperature datalogger strings will be installed within the same meanders utilizing methods similar to those described for the piezometers. The strings will be constructed of several thermocouple or thermistor sensors, soldered and sealed, attached to a wooden or plastic rod. The temperature probes will be installed at variable depths below the subsurface with increasing distance between measurements at greater depths. Once constructed, the temperature strings will be inserted into the casing and sand will be tremmied into the casing to seal the temperature string.

Between each of the thermocouples a bentonite or silicone seal will be emplaced to prevent vertical flowpaths. Once the temperature strings are installed, the casings can either be left in place or removed. The thermocouple wires will be run through a ½” conduit pipe from the streambed to the river bank, into a buried datalogger casing to minimize radiant temperature variability. The temperature strings will enable us to determine groundwater velocity and hydraulic conductivity through heat variability quantified in a numerical model simulation such as VS2DH (Healy and Ronan, 1996). This process will also allow us to assess the error between the measurement methods.

Due to the inherent difficulties of characterizing the flow field of groundwater in a river’s hyporheic and parafluvial zones, our research will adopt a multiple lines of evidence approach. Small-scale aquifer pumping tests and several spatially and temporally variable solute injections will be conducted to estimate groundwater velocity, surface water flow velocity, flow patterns, groundwater age, specific storage, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and dispersivity; this will allow us to estimate specific discharge through the meander bends.

The aquifer pumping tests will be conducted with a low stepped discharge rate with one of the piezometers as the pumping well and the immediate piezometers as the observation wells.

The solute tracer injections will utilize either a dye (Rhodamine) or salt (NaBr) as the tracer.

The injections will be initiated at a range of locations including the middle (laterally and vertically) of the river as well as each of the lateral sides of the river. They will also be initiated approximately 0.5 m below the streambed. Depending on the tracer, water samples will be collected from various downgradient piezometers, or the piezometers will be instrumented and continuously analyzed.

(3) Riffle-Pool Unit Measurements of Periphyton Biomass and Community Composition

Our conceptual model (Figure 6) suggests that the composition and biomass of periphyton communities will develop in response to local environmental influences of temperature and nutrients that are associated with groundwater-surface water exchange on the scale of the riffle-pool unit. To evaluate these relationships, we will establish a sample grid on the same riffle-pool units selected for the groundwater-surface water exchange studies described above. Periphyton will be sampled using standard procedures (Porter et al.

1993) from locations for which habitat characteristics will also be determined (e.g., substratum type, current velocity, and depth). Our goal will be to use a sufficiently large to be determined sample size (e.g., n = 20-40) to adequately characterize patch dynamics on the scale of a meter within the riffle-pool unit.

Resources permitting, the accrual of periphyton biomass over time will be monitored in each of the areas and will be correlated to temperature fluctuations, velocity, and nutrient

(orthophosphate and nitrate) concentrations. Periphyton accrual will be measured using


procedures involving monitoring of the time-course of colonization of biomass on artificial substrata.

(4) Laboratory Experiments

Because factors that are difficult to account for (e.g., grazing and/or scour) may complicate the field studies described above, systematic steady-state laboratory experiments will be conducted to measure growth of periphyton as a function of periphyton taxonomy, stream temperature, velocity, and nutrients. This phase is conducted to (1) determine the controls on growth, and (2) determine functional relationships between growth rate and its controls. Experiments will be conducted in controlled chambers (Dodds and Brock, 1998) and will be repeated while varying only a single parameter (temperature, velocity, substrate, algal assemblage, nutrient concentration). To minimize chamber effects including growth on chamber walls, the duration of each experiment will be between one and two days.

Experiments to determine growth rate will be conducted in the same manner; however, in these experiments, DO is used as a measurement of periphyton growth. Here, all secondary factors affecting growth are optimized for maximum growth. Because sample size can exceed available resources, we will carefully review experimental design before proceeding with this portion of the research plan.

The laboratory experiments will be designed to scale geometrically and dynamically to the Truckee River. Dimensional analysis will be used to reveal the dimensionless groups controlling hyporheic exchange and, therefore, periphyton growth (Barenblatt, 1996). If the laboratory results are self-similar, the functional relationships determined in the laboratory should be true in the river as well.

Task B. Benthic Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton Communities Related to Sediment

Loading in the Lower Truckee River


State agencies are required to develop regulatory standards for sediment loading pursuant to section 303d of the Clean Water Act (CWA), in terms of beneficial uses, lists of impaired water bodies, and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). Total Maximum Daily

Load standards may require periodic reevaluation to ensure that they accurately identify healthy and impaired waters (Pahl, 2003). These standards may be developed using physical measurements such as load duration curves, but such purely physical methods are frequently insufficient to determine actual impacts to aquatic life, which is frequently identified as a beneficial use. Improved methods are needed to assess the relationship between sediment quantity and the biotic integrity of streams and rivers. This integration can link physical process to impairment in terms of beneficial uses and allow calibration of TMDL standards to a biological response.

The Truckee River in Nevada is listed as an impaired waterbody for turbidity, temperature, and nutrients (NDEP, 2002). Turbidity is related to total suspended solids

(TSS), and to sediment load (Dana et al ., 2004). Beneficial uses potentially affected by sediment on the Truckee River include municipal consumption (e.g., Chalk Bluff plant) and measures of biotic integrity, such as the maintenance of fisheries. Although Nevada has no beneficial use criteria for invertebrates, these organisms are a critical food source for fish


species that are listed as beneficial uses for the Truckee River, and they may provide a more robust measure of biotic integrity than fish communities (Karr and Chu, 1999).


Sediment is a ubiquitous pollutant in lotic ecosystems, and it strongly affects benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) distribution in the lower Truckee River (Sada et al., 2005). Benthic macroinvertebrates are frequently used to evaluate in-stream biotic integrity, as they integrate effects of multiple and/or cumulative stressors over time, exhibit a wide range of susceptibilities to those stressors, and they are critical components of the food web (Karr,

1999). We propose developing BMI metrics to quantify threshold values for excessive amounts of sediment in the lower Truckee River. In addition, we propose examining BMI

“drift” as an easily measured behavioral endpoint of sediment impairment. This information is needed because tolerance to sediment by BMIs is not well studied, despite the fact that sediment is the primary non-point source pollutant in North America (Kuhnle et al., 2001).

The response of BMIs to sediment may not be correlated to the commonly used biotic index tolerance values for organic enrichment (Zweig and Rabeni, 2001). Information from by these studies will provide the background needed to quantify a regional sediment tolerance index for the lower Truckee River. This will a critical step toward assessing the biological consequences of sediment in the region and facilitate development of scientifically based

TMDL standards. Although we plan to study BMIs on the Truckee River, knowledge gained from this study may also be applied to other TMDL regulated rivers in our ecoregion, such as the Carson and Walker rivers.


We will develop guidance for standards that are based on the tolerance of periphyton and individual BMI species to sediment. Our studies will be based on other work showing that each species and community type has a preference for specific habitats that can be quantified for a wide variety of parameters (e.g., sediment, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, nutrient concentration, etc.). These preferences can be quantified to develop an index that that is based on these requirements (Yuan and Pollard, 2005).

Broad assessment of habitat preferences will be determined by correlating measures of water quality and the range of physical habitats (such as substrate size, sediment deposition, water velocity, substrate composition) to the distribution of individual periphyton and BMIs. This will provide guidance to accumulate additional, more quantified information to correlate the tolerance of individual species with sediment deposition. This work should permit the identification of indicator taxa that may be signals of factors that influence community composition. This work will also assess the biological effects of very high sediment levels on BMIs.

Using the following methods, we will examine BMIs and periphyton, and relate sediment deposition and TSS to community composition and BMI drift.

Field Methods

BMI Scrub Samples

Thirty BMI scrub samples will be collected in each of two seasons; autumn (baseflow hydrograph), and early spring (pre-peak hydrograph). These samples will bracket the


seasonal biotic, hydrographic, and sediment transport variability of eastern Sierra Nevada lotic systems. Although peak discharge (May) is the time of maximum sediment transport,

BMI sampling during peak discharge is generally not possible; for this reason, we chose prepeak hydrograph, which generally is also a high sediment transport season. Autumn

(baseflow) was chosen because both TSS and sediment transport are generally low at that time (Dana et al ., 2003). Scrub sampling will be equally allocated among riffle, glide, and pool samples (n= 10 each habitat x 2 seasons), to bracket the lowest to highest sediment deposition across two seasons. Each scrub sample will consist of collecting BMIs from a


2 quadrat using a Hess sampler.

Habitat will be sampled using five rapid point measures of substrate, including B-axis size, embeddedness, and vegetative, algal mat, and detrital depths at each site. During sampling, we will avoid disturbing substrates immediately upstream of the Hess sampler, to facilitate periphyton and sediment core sampling. BMI organisms will be elutriated, preserved, and returned to the lab, using standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the DRI macroinvertebrate laboratory.

Epilithic Algae Samples

Where possible, epilithic samples will be collected from cobbles taken in coordination with the BMI samples and will be placed in a plastic tub for processing. Whole cobble scrubbing and surface area determinations will be repeated three times for each. The epilithic sample will include the three rinses from each of the three cobbles along with any periphyton adhering to the brush upon completion of the composite. Samples will be kept on ice and in the dark until lab processing.

Subsambling for biomass

Cobble washes will be sub-sampled to determination Ash Free Dry Weight and

Chlorophyll a . These measures provide an indication of organic mass in the periphyton assemblage. The ratio of the two measures is an indicator of the amount of organic matter attributed to algae.

Sediment Core Sampling

The amount of sediment will be determined using a stovepipe sampler and hand pump to collect samples immediately upstream of each scrub site. After placing the stovepipe sampler, sediments will be vigorously disturbed by hand to suspend them in the water column. A hand pump will be used to pump 3 liters of this water and suspended sediment into a receiving bucket. Samples will then be settled in an Imhoff cone, where percentage of fine and coarse sediments will be measured. Coarse and fine portions will be separated and returned to the lab for analysis.

BMI Drift Samples

Macroinvertebrates sometimes “drift” downstream to relocate. Drift is an indicator of

BMI stress, and has been shown to increase because of elevated sediment load and increased discharge (e.g., Doeg and Milledge, 1991; Bond and Downes, 2003). Drift will be evaluated for its utility to identify sediment impairment by quantifying relationships between TSS, water quality, and sediment quantity and the abundance and habitat preference of drift organisms. This will be accomplished by sampling drift organisms in representative reaches


to assess disturbance related drift, taking care to avoid sampling during times of human activity in the stream. Drift samples will be collected for a set period of time at representative sampling locations using a 250 micron mesh net, and current velocity at each of these sites will be measured to estimate BMI drift “catch per unit effort”. In addition to information gathered during scrub samples, the amount of sediment and drift samples will be collected in three major habitat types (riffles, glides, pools) to associate physical parameters of sediment deposition, TSS, and discharge to taxonomic composition of drift. Drift BMIs will be preserved and returned to the lab for taxonomic analysis, and sediment samples will be returned to the lab and analyzed as discussed below.

Larval Rearings and Adult Capture

Benthic macroinvertebrate tolerance to stressors is most precise when taxonomic analysis is highly resolved. This is because species within the same genus may show differences in tolerance to a particular stressor and identifying taxa only to genus may provide misleading information. Most BMI larvae cannot be accurately identified to species, as many taxonomic keys are based on adult stages. For this reason, we will use a combination of adult capture and limited pupal rearing (Diptera, Trichoptera) to determine species when possible. Sweep nets will be used in riparian areas during scrub sampling to associate larval and adult instars present. Laboratory rearing of pupae collected at field sites will also be conducted to assist with taxonomic resolution. Knowing species that are present is important to avoid imprecise generalizations regarding sediment tolerance that is determined at the generic level.

Water Quality Sampling

Datasonde multi-water quality loggers and USGS gages will be used at upstream and downstream ends of the study reach to bracket the turbidity, temperature, and conductivity present during the study, and relate those parameters to TSS, using methods of Dana et al .,


Laboratory Methods

BMI samples

All BMI samples will be keyed to the lowest possible level of resolution (minimum level of genus, and to species whenever possible, for all insects). Species identification will be facilitated by collection of adults and pupal rearing in the laboratory, which are discussed above.

Sediment Samples

Sediment samples will be returned to the laboratory, dried at 60

0 C, weighed, ashed at



0 C, and reweighed for ash free dry mass and organic content analysis. From this series of measurements, we will obtain a number of quantitative variables, including: percent fine and coarse sediments, sediment dry weight density, ash free dry mass, sand per unit area, silt/clay per unit area, and organic and inorganic (mineral) dry weight densities from each sediment sampling location.


Periphyton Subsambling/Preservation for Microscopy

An aliquot of the epilithic and water quality samples will be preserved with 0.5% v/v glutaraldehyde for microscopy. Twenty milliliters of the homogenized samples will then be placed in a twenty milliliter borosilicate glass scintillation vials. After fixing with glutaraldehyde, capped vials will be sealed with parafilm and placed in a refrigerator until microscopic analysis. Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy using an Olympus

BX-60 will be used for enumeration and identification of genera. Counting methods will follow those utilized by PhycoTech, Inc. In short, a minimum of 400 natural unit counts will be made from a 100 uL subsample observed under a 25mm x 25mm cover-slip and viewed at

400x. The minimum count will be accomplished by random fields along 15 mm transects.

The side margins of the cover-slip will be avoided due to possible edge affects. For larger taxa (> 200um) an additional slide will be completely enumerated at 100x. The large taxa counts will be estimated for the area observed at 400x to allow calculation of the 400x and

100x counts. For taxa determination to the generic level, 10 ml of subsample will be acid washed (HNO


) and mounted in Naphrax


for viewing at 1000x.

Periphyton taxonomic metrics will be evaluated that are most pertinent to assessing ecological conditions. Specifically, taxa richness, diversity, the siltation index, the eutrophication index, the pollution tolerance index and the fraction of the diatom communities comprised of Achnanthes minutissima (an early succession/colonizer indicator organism) are among those that are pertinent to the assessment of disturbance and sedimentation (Stevenson and Bahls, 1999; Hill et al ., 2000) and are applicable to the

Truckee River (Davis and Fritsen, in review).


Field sampling will begin in September 2005, and will continue through August 2006.

Final reporting and associated journal manuscripts will include multivariate (gradient) analysis of sediment data and taxonomy data (BMI and periphyton), which will delineate community types based upon physical habitat, including sediment deposition and TSS. In addition, a Truckee basin regional sediment tolerance index for BMIs will be included, using methods similar to those of Relyea and Minshall (2000).

Task C. High-resolution LIDAR and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Rivers in

Western Nevada

In June 2004, a high-resolution survey of the Carson River in Western Nevada was performed using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and hyperspectral imagery. These data were collected by BAE systems on behalf of a group of stakeholders, including the

Carson Valley Conservation District (CVCD). The effort proposed here would fund scientists at DRI to work with these datasets and the local stakeholders to provide a set of value-added analyses that will improve our ability to monitor, model, and manage such river systems in the western U.S. LIDAR and hyperspectral remote sensing represent leading edge technologies with an unprecedented capability for precise environmental characterization.


The objectives of this workplan element are to develop and test analysis methods for small river systems of the western U.S., including:



Mapping of streamside vegetation using hyperspectral imagery in conjunction with

LIDAR data; and


Using high-resolution hyperspectral remote sensing to quantify aquatic vegetation and selected habitat parameters.

Study Area

The Carson River Basin is located in eastern California and western Nevada (Figure

7). With headwaters in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of eastern California, the Carson River

Basin is an endorheic (i.e., closed) system that terminates in the Carson Sink of the Great

Basin. Mean annual flow, taken from a 50-year U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) record downstream of Carson City, is approximately 400 ft


/sec (~11 m


/sec). However, temporal and spatial fluctuations can be extreme, owing primarily to a combination of climatic variability and anthropogenic activities that include withdrawals for agricultural and municipal and industrial uses. One by-product of these fluctuations can be seasonally-low flows in the 30 ft


/sec range. The NDEP is currently working on a number of studies associated with water quality standards for the designated beneficial uses, including recreational, agricultural, and cold water fishery uses.

These would include standards for nutrients (N and P); total suspended solids (TSS); dissolved oxygen (DO); and temperature (T).

Figure 7. Carson River Basin.

Presently, all portions of the Carson River in Nevada are listed as impaired due to exceedence in one or more of these water quality standards. In response, the NDEP has designated the Carson as a “Focus Watershed” within its 2003 Nonpoint Source Management

Plan. An outgrowth of this priority status has been the direction of programmatic resources towards addressing one or more of the aforementioned water quality issues. In particular, recently completed, ongoing, or pending studies relating to phosphorous source assessment;

DO dynamics; and TSS reflect NDEP’s commitment to bringing the Carson River into compliance with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.

Stakeholders in the Carson Valley were able to coordinate funds to contract for

LIDAR and hyperspectral image coverage for much of the Carson River floodplain from near the state line to Lahontan Reservoir (Figure 1). After processing, this massive data acquisition will result in approximately 500 gigabytes of data for analysis.



Light Detection and Ranging works on a principle similar to radar, in which a coherent light beam is pulsed over the land surface and the time delay until the light is received back at the sensor indicates the distance to target. The laser from a LIDAR may bounce off multiple objects on the land surface, such as treetops and soil surface, so the dataset will often contain elevations for the first and last returns.

A drawback that has been identified in existing studies for LIDAR mapping of river systems in the eastern U.S. is the presence of dense riverside tree and shrub canopy. For many stretches of western rivers, this would be much less of an issue. Another potential drawback is that the LIDAR lasers that are typically used for terrestrial mapping (including the Carson Valley survey) are in near-infrared wavelengths that are absorbed by water, so over water bodies there are no data. Some LIDAR systems have been developed for shallow water bathymetry, such as the military’s SHOALS (Scanning Hydrographic Operational

Airborne LIDAR Survey) system.

Bowen and Waltermire (2002) describe the application of LIDAR to measuring river corridor topography on a reach of the Green River in Utah. In their study, the LIDAR system was generally able to penetrate vegetation in relatively flat terrain to provide an accurate surface representation, however, dense vegetation along stream banks posed problems. The authors also attribute some error to uncertainty in the georeferencing of the LIDAR data relative to ground-level GPS (Global Positioning System) control points. These two issues might be mitigated by spatial filtering methods and incorporation of image data.

Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectral remote sensing is the latest generation of remote sensing technology in which the spectral resolution is so fine (narrow bandwidths covering a broad range of wavelengths) that the actual spectral reflectance curve of the land surface is captured with great fidelity. Most hyperspectral remote sensing systems are airborne systems, such as the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) AVIRIS or Earth Search

Sciences International (ESSI) Probe-1. The only (unclassified) hyperspectral satellite imaging system to date is NASA’s Earth Observer-1. In addition to providing greater fidelity than standard multispectral sensors like Landsat Thematic Mapper, the high dimensionality of the hyperspectral datasets allows new methods for mapping such as spectral mixture modeling to be used. Spectral mixture modeling mathematically decomposes each pixel from an image into a proportion of its constituent components.

Research has been developing on the applications of hyperspectral remote sensing to aquatic systems. Jakubauskas et al . (2000) found that ground-based hyperspectral radiometry was capable of measuring cover of spatterdock, an aquatic macrophyte, in Wyoming with an r2 value as high as 0.95. However, that study did not address total biomass or other submerged vegetation types. Legleiter (2003) and Marcus et al . (2003) report findings from hyperspectral imagery collected over the Lamar River in Wyoming. These efforts document some success in mapping in stream habitat types (e.g., glides, pools, riffles, woody debris) in higher-order reaches, though there was a great deal of spectral heterogeneity that was not directly attributable to the desired habitat characteristics. Williams et al . (2003) used hyperspectral imagery to map two species of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Potomac

River. While no quantitative accuracy assessment was provided with their study, Williams et


al . (2003) do report good visual agreement with known distributions of the two species in the area.

Task C.1: Mapping Streamside Vegetation

Terrestrial vegetation in the riparian zone has a number of significant effects on hydrologic systems, affecting bank stability, evapotranspiration rates, solar heating, and habitat characteristics. Also, invasive plant species such as tall whitetop ( Lepidium lentiflora ) and tamarisk ( Tamarix ramossissima ) are causing significant environmental degradation along western rivers. For objective 1, we will quantify the ability of high-resolution hyperspectral imagery to map vegetation in the riparian corridor. Recently, a number of studies have been exploiting the multiple returns of LIDAR data to provide information on vegetation canopy structure, including possible classification of certain vegetation types directly from LIDAR. We will develop methods for joint analysis of hyperspectral/LIDAR datasets in mapping riparian vegetation and quantify the benefits of simultaneous use of this novel pairing of data sources. A statistically valid map accuracy assessment will be performed with randomly sampled locations on the map product being field checked using


Field Sampling

A field survey will be performed to develop training and testing areas for classification of dominant streamside vegetation assemblages. Carson Valley Conservation

District staff has identified 35 plant types of interest in the floodplain. The field survey will determine the dominant plant types on an approximately 20-km stretch of the Carson River, from the confluence of the east and west forks to Mexican Dam. Tree cover in these riparian areas is typically dominated by any of several species of willow ( Salix spp.), and in welldeveloped riparian areas, gallery forests of Fremont's cottonwood ( Populus fremontii ) sometimes occur. Shrub cover may include wildrose ( Rosa spp.), western chokecherry

( Prunus virginiana ), blue elderberry ( Sambucus cerulea ), and/or buffalo-berry ( Shepherdia argentea ).

Access to the Carson River by land is greatly curtailed by private land ownership, and will be obtained through a float of the river channel. Desert Research Institute staff has performed floats on this stretch of the river without difficulty in previous studies. The locations of representative vegetative types along this reach will be recorded with a GPS receiver. In addition, digital photography will be acquired for the training/testing locations along the river. The location of photographic stations will be recorded on the GPS unit, and timestamps on the picture files will also ensure unambiguous georeferencing of photographic stations relative to the continuously logged GPS route.

Data Processing

The high sampling rate of hyperspectral imagery results in a high degree of crosscorrelation between image bands. Also, the dimensionality of the image data is quite high compared to the number of training pixels. Thus, classification methods must be selected that provide effective ways for reducing the hyperspectral data volume down to a smaller number of more informative dimensions. Three approaches to data reduction and image classification will be tested. For the first two approaches, the image data will be transformed using the minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation (Green et al ., 1988) that is commonly used


with hyperspectral imagery. The MNF transformation is similar to a principal components analysis, identifying linear combinations of spectral bands that provide the greatest information content which are uncorrelated with each other. The MNF transform also has the beneficial effect of reducing image noise in the subsequent classification. Two image classification methods will be used on the MNF-transformed data: supervised maximum likelihood and unsupervised clustering. Image analysis will be performed using the ENVI image analysis software from RSI Inc.

Since the MNF transform is driven by dominant patterns of variance in the image data, it is possible that relatively subtle spectral features may not be captured in the dominant

MNF output bands. Also, because the MNF transformation is driven by the content of a particular image, it is not clear that it can be translated to work well with new locations or hyperspectral sensors. The third classification method that will be tested will address these issues by working directly with the spectral bands of the original imagery. This classification will be performed using a stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA). The DFA will be calculated from training samples using the SPlus statistical software package, and the DFA will then be applied to the image dataset.

LIDAR data contains information on canopy height based on the differencing first and last laser returns to the sensor. Original LIDAR data will be processed to extract canopy height for the study area. Canopy height will be used in the classifiers as an additional independent variable.


A statistically valid map accuracy assessment will be performed, using the standard confusion matrix technique (Congalton, 1991). The number of test samples needed to validate map accuracy is derived from the binomial distribution. To calculate the number of samples required for a particular confidence interval, an a priori expectation of map accuracy is required. The historical standard typically used (e.g., Anderson et al ., 1976) is 85 percent.

As taken from Hord and Brooner (1976), given an expected map accuracy of 85 percent, 100 test samples will provide a 95 percent confidence interval of 77 to 91 percent.

Task C.2: Aquatic Vegetation

There are strong feedbacks between many water quality indicators and primary production in aquatic vegetation. Growth rates are affected by nutrient concentrations, stream flow, and temperature, which in turn affect DO. For this task, we will assess the ability of high-resolution hyperspectral reflectance measurements to quantify periphyton communities in the Carson River. Periphyton are communities of algae and heterotrophic microbes that are attached to firm substrates of the river channel. In addition to being of interest for their feedbacks on a number of important water quality indicators, these communities have been identified as useful water quality indicators themselves because they can be easily sampled and the species composition may react quickly and in predictable ways to a number of specific stressors. In DRI studies of the Truckee River, immediately north of the Carson basin, this plant material is known to be the primary agent in determining the oxygen levels in some reaches of the river. Thus, excessive growth of periphyton can directly affect water quality and in turn compromise the river's beneficial uses.


This objective will be pursued as a feasibility study using handheld spectral measurement devices to determine if the type/amount of periphytic and macrophytic vegetation has predictable relationships to hyperspectral reflectance. Since these aquatic communities are dynamic and may have changed significantly since June 2004, it will not be possible to use the older BAE hyperspectral imagery in a rigorous analytical manner.

However, the CVCD does have information on selected locations of where aquatic plant communities were present at the time of the overflight.

Field Sampling

For this task, we will perform in-field reflectance measurements of periphyte and macrophyte communities in the Carson River. Seven types of aquatic periphyte and macrophyte communities will be sampled for this effort. These include:

 stalked or short filamentous greens

 long filamentous greens

 diatom felts

 submerged macrophyte beds

 emergent macrophyte beds

 litoral macrophtyes

 edgewater/backwater macrophytes (azola, duckweed)

Field sites will be sampled once in early summer and once in mid-late summer to capture changing flow, temperature, and turbidity conditions. If one of these communities is not well represented on accessible stretches of the Carson River, we may find suitable sites in the Truckee basin. Sampling locations will be randomized in the field within each aquatic plant community type at selected sites where there is river access. Reconnaissance of all sites will be performed prior to fieldwork. For aquatic communities that are present at multiple field sites, the number of samples for each community will be distributed in a manner approximating the expected area-weighted presence of the community at each site. Once randomized locations within each community at a field site have been selected, four proximate samples will be taken within a radius of 5 to 10 m. These four samples will be selected to represent the combinations of higher/lower vegetative density in shallower/deeper water. Note that in shallow western rivers like the Truckee and Carson, much of the river is accessible on foot with waders during the summer.

The following measurements will be collected for each field sample:

 differentially-corrected GPS locations

 spectral reflectance for wavelengths from 350 to 2,500 nanometers

 depth to uppermost level of biomass accumulation

 depth of channel

 turbidity

 substrate type and average cobble size

 periphyte/macrophyte community type

 dominant genera (or species if identifiable)

 relative coverage of epiphytic algal coverage on dominant periphyte/macrophyte species

 ash-free dry mass


 content of chlorophyll and other pigments

The measurement routine will be codified on waterproof data entry sheets to ensure consistency. A brief site description will be collected, including comments on atmospheric conditions that may influence spectral reflectance measurements. Sample locations will be recorded to submeter positional accuracy using a GPS unit with real-time satellite differential correction (in-house). Spectral reflectance will be measured with a FieldSpec Pro, manufactured by Analytical Spectral Devices (Colorado). The FieldSpec measures reflectance from 350 to 2,500 nanometers with a full-width half-maximum bandwidth of

10 nm and is an accepted industry standard for high-resolution field spectroscopy. Ten spectra will be collected over each target, any obvious outliers will be removed, and the remaining spectra for each target will be averaged. Data from the FieldSpec are time-marked, and this can be converted to information on variations in sun angle. Reflectance for the areaaveraged vegetation type/density will be measured through the water column prior to sampling, and then reflectance measurements of specific samples of vegetation will be made as they are retrieved. In addition, samples representing exposed substrates at each field site

(if present) will be brought to the water surface (minimizing disturbance) for measurement of spectral reflectance.

Water turbidity will be measured using a YSI 600R sonde (in-house). Aquatic vegetation samples will be collected after spectral measurement for analysis at DRI.

Sampling will be coordinated with the Carson River thermal loading project (funded by

USEPA/NCER) noted in Table 3 of this proposal. A sampling frame will be placed over the substrate and vegetative material falling within the frame will collected. Samples will be transported and tracked from the field and in the laboratory using labeled containers that include a unique sample identifier, sampling location, sampling date/time, and sampling personnel. Samples will be dried in the laboratory to derive ash-free dry mass and chlorophyll will be measured. The ratio of chlorophyll to dry weight will be used to determine the autotrophic index (AI).

Analytical measurements will be recorded on standardized logging sheets and entered into a computer database. Database entries will be cross-checked against original log sheets by independent personnel.

Data Analysis

Data analysis will determine the spectral uniqueness of the identified community types, whether the measurements identify spectrally significant subgroups within communities. The influence of water depth, turbidity, and substrate reflectance on spectral reflectance of communities will be quantified. Field-measured spectral reflectance will be analyzed using the ENVI image processing software package ( www.rsiinc.com

) to identify any unique spectral signatures for each community.

Previous work in clear tropical waters has shown useful information content for coral habitats to a depth of at least 10 m (Knight et al ., 1997). However, a variety of factors will affect at-sensor radiance, among them, the depth of the water column over the substrate.

Meader et al . (2002) dealt with this variability by dividing each substrate type into two or three different depth classes. Examining a range of shallow ocean water substrates in the U.S.

Virgin Islands, Holden and LeDrew (2000) provided a good background review of the effects of variable water depth on radiance at water surface. Jupp (1988) provides a widely cited method for isolating substrate reflectance from depth, but that approach assumes the


existence of deep water where there is no substrate reflectance. Methods to compensate for these confounding effects will be investigated, and the limits of water conditions under which periphyton can be accurately measured will be determined. For this study, we intend to adapt the method of Bierwirth et al . (1993) for isolating substrate reflectance. That method uses simplifying assumptions regarding the attenuation and scattering of light in the water column so that the exponential influence of light attenuation can be removed. There will clearly be limits to this method as turbidity increases, and this study will help to establish such limits.

Once analysis of the field data is complete, the derived methods will be applied to the hyperspectral image data collected over the Carson River by BAE systems. Because the aquatic communities change over time, this part of the analysis will only provide a qualitative analysis. However, DRI has a number of ongoing projects on parts of the Carson

River and a map of aquatic communities derived from the hyperspectral imagery will be useful in assessing whether realistic distributions are represented.

Task D. Simulation Modeling Studies in Support of Management to Protect Beneficial

Uses and Nutrient Criteria Development

The unifying element for data and results developed under Sections A (periphyton dynamics) and C (remote sensing) will be one or more numerical models that simulate water quality under varying input scenarios. The application of deterministic numerical simulation models to ecological studies of rivers serves multiple purposes. Simulation models provide the following:

(a) a means to integrate into a larger view of ecosystem function the results from studies that address focused research questions,

(b) a tool for testing and refining conceptual models,

(c) a technical basis for facilities planning and operation, and

(d) a basis for developing suitable nutrient criteria and pollutant load allocation that are protective of beneficial uses.

As described in Section I, the Truckee and Carson rivers have provided a fertile environment for development and application of river and watershed models. These models have served multiple purposes, and there continues to be strong interest in improving these tools due to mounting demands on constrained aquatic and biological resources.

Scale and Water Quality Models

Water quality models focusing on temperature, nutrients and DO have typically been developed at the scale of 10 to 100 km. As an illustration of the typical scale of endeavor, the

Streeter-Phelps DO model examples provided by Chapra (1997) range from 30 to 100 km

(see Sections 21.4 to 21.6). The simulation model for Boulder Creek given in QUAL2K documentation has a reach length of 13.6 km (Chapra and Pelletier, 2003). The spatial extent of water quality models for rivers has rarely exceeded 200 km in length. Similar scaling has been typical of the approach that has been followed on the Truckee and Carson rivers. For example, TRHSPF spans the 90-km segment from Reno to Pyramid Lake (Limnotech, 2003), and WASP has been applied over a distance of 40 km (Warwick et al ., 1999). DSSAMt is presently configured for the Truckee River from Farad, California, to Pyramid Lake, a distance of 130 km. While prior applications of WASP5 have approached this scale with

500 m water quality elements, channel morphology was characterized in a rather coarse


manner. Therefore, a true simulation will require accurate channel morphology every approximate 100 m.

One-dimensional riverine water quality models typically segment the modeled reach into a series of computational elements, which generally are on the order of 0.5 to 5 km in length. The modeled segment is typically divided into a series of hydraulic reaches, with the assumption made that the reach represents a set of common hydraulic characteristics, such as slope, top width, and cross-sectional area. Figure 8 provides an example of reach segmentation in the DSSAMt model for the Truckee River. As is typical of such models, the hydraulic reaches in DSSAMt vary in length from 5 to 10 km.

Figure 8. Nodal structure of DSSAMt with tributaries and withdrawals for irrigation and municipal industrial uses (Brock et al ., 2004)

Rivers in natural, alluvial, unconfined channels typically form a repetitive structure of deep zones or pools alternating with shallow zones or riffles (Leopold, 1997). Taken together these alternating channel forms create a riffle-pool sequence that exhibits a large range in hydraulic conditions. Figure 9 shows the cross section (a), plan view (b), and longitudinal profile (c) of a typical riffle-pool unit sequence. Although riverine hydraulic models have addressed this scale of variation in the channel, river quality models have heretofore not attempted to capture the variability inherent in the riffle-pool unit.

On the Truckee River, the riffle-pool unit has a length (also called meander wave length) of 200 to 400 m. Multiple riffle-pool units are contained within a single hydraulic reach. As illustrated in Figure 10, a hydraulic reach with a length of 4,000 m might be comprised of nine or so riffle-pool units. Each of the drivers contained in our conceptual model (Figure 1) are thought to vary on the scale of the riffle-pool unit. Thus, there exists an


incongruity between the scale of variation of the geomorphic habitats and the level of details used in the numerical simulation models.

Figure 9. Riffle-pool sequence in a sinuous channel showing definition of features. (a) Cross section of channel, (b) plan view of a riffle-pool unit with cross section location indicated, (c) longitudinal profile of the channel segment shown in plan view. After Leopold (1997).

4,000 m

Hydraulic Reach



Figure 10. A typical hydraulic reach in a river water quality model composed of multiple riffle-pool units.


A primary objective of this Work Plan is to address these issues of scale. Our working hypothesis is that a significant portion of the uncertainty in prior applications of periphyton and DO simulation models has been due to inadequate matching between the scale of physical habitat models and factors affecting primary production and respiration. These shortcomings in adequately addressing at the proper scale the critical drivers responsible for primary production (and resultant oxygen demanding substances) may be partially responsible for the difficulty in development of generic nutrient criteria.


The EPA’s Region IX and participating states (including CA, NV, AZ and HI) and tribes are involved in development of regional nutrient criteria. The Regional Technical

Advisory Group (RTAG) is coordinating this task. Desert Research Institute has served as a technical advisor to this group on matters related to river quality, periphyton, and simulation modeling. The contractor for the RTAG (Tetra Tech) has promoted applying multiple lines of evidence towards this complex issue because of the high variability in water bodies and difficulty in having one criterion that fits all cases. The multi-pronged approach includes analysis of empirical data, multivariate and spatial analysis, and simulation modeling.

The simulation modeling that has thus far conducted within U.S. EPA Region IX in support of nutrient criteria development for streams has featured an application of formulations contained in QUAL2K (Tetra Tech Inc, 2004). QUAL2K is a numeric water quality simulation model that has been recently enhanced to include benthic algae (Chapra and Pelletier 2003). Tetra Tech applied theoretical formulations derived from QUAL2K in a preliminary application to nutrient criteria. In their modeling exercise, Tetra Tech relied on default kinetic parameters for benthic algae and calculated the theoretical response of periphyton biomass to varying conditions of inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorous concentration. Tetra Tech noted that their model results relied on parameter estimates that were poorly constrained, and that may not be appropriate for realistic conditions observed in the field. Tetra Tech’s theoretical application of simulation tools to the issue of nutrient criteria underscored the value of grounding numerical models in a firm empirical base.

The functionality of the QUAL2K periphyton algorithms for credible predictions of algal dynamics in streams has yet to be demonstrated with a real-world data set. We propose to apply QUAL2K to nutrient-periphyton dynamics on the Truckee River alongside one or more simulation models that have previously been developed in this data-rich system. This application of QUAL2K will provide a basis for evaluating the suitability of its formulations and performance for development of regional nutrient criteria.


Improve the understanding of how nutrients interact with other variables to produce given water quality conditions.

Promote the refinement and testing of water quality simulation models with particular emphasis on outcomes of model simulation results associated with varying levels of physical habitat differentiation.

 Support Nevada’s participation in development of Region IX Nutrient Criteria.


Work Plan

The work plan involves applying one or more simulation models (e.g., DSSAMt,

WASP, or TRHSPF) to selected reaches of the Truckee River on a scale of 5 km in length

(10 to 20 riffle-pool units). The one-dimensional model(s) will be configured with computational elements that are relatively short (e.g., on the order of one-half a channel width (50 m). Although our study design will include monitoring of nutrient chemistry, we anticipate that variation in nutrient concentration along these 5-km segments will be relatively small and in some instances undetectable. Should a lack of detectable concentration difference between stations be encountered, this will not be considered to be a

“problem” because we will be focusing on predicting periphyton biomass. Our application of the simulation models will emphasize estimation of algal biomass and will utilize the periphyton biomass data collected as part of Tasks A.1 and A.3. Such relatively highresolution configurations of periphyton simulation models will be novel applications of such models, which typically have been applied on a scale of tens of km. By configuring the models in a high-resolution mode, we expect to better evaluate the interplay among the drivers described in Section I. We believe this approach will shed light on the factors influencing the distribution and abundance of periphyton.

To the extent possible based on resources at hand and cooperation with regional resource management agencies, this task may also include:

Evaluating monitoring programs on the Carson and Truckee rivers for applicability to support development of nutrient criteria. As needed, enhance and augment the existing monitoring program using funds from this agreement, leveraged with other cooperators.

 Evaluating Tetra Tech’s application of QUAL2K to generic river reach with a sitespecific application on the Truckee and/or Carson rivers. Compare QUAL2k with other simulation models run under similar conditions (e.g., DSSAMt, HSPF, WASP).


This work element will produce deliverables that will include the following:

Analysis of model performance (measured by nutrient, periphyton biomass, and DO fit between observed and simulated) of one or more simulation models using the model configured at differing physical scales.

Application of the model to the Truckee or Carson rivers to the issue of suitable nutrient criteria for protection of beneficial uses.

Presentation of results to the Region IX Technical Advisory Group for development of nutrient criteria as well as at a national professional meeting.

Task E. Public Outreach and Data Dissemination

We have developed an aggressive outreach component wherein water quality data will be made available to the general public via use of the World Wide Web and a pilot project for an informational kiosk at a selected location. Flow in the Truckee River is highly regulated to support numerous competing beneficial uses. Operations simulations models that operate on a daily time step are being developed (e.g., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s

Riverware Model) that will be operated from the office of the Federal Water Master for the


Truckee River to assist in efficient allocation and operations of releases and diversions from control structures. An important facet of river operations is water quality in several areas:

Protect the municipal supply for area served by Truckee Meadows Water Authority


Provide for adequate in-stream uses such as habitat for aquatic biota which includes water temperature, DO, TDS, and pH.

Provide sufficient flow volume to maintain levels of assimilative capacity for the

NPDES permit holders.

Ensure that State of Nevada and California water quality standards are met.

Optimize flows so that the above objectives are met without releasing an excessive flow of water, thereby conserving for future use.

The current system of continuous monitoring on the Truckee River system is extensive, but the data are not linked and not easily available to various resource management agencies, regulators, or the public. The USGS, Lahontan Regional Water

Quality Control Board, TMWA, TMWRF, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, and DRI currently operate water quality monitoring stations in the Truckee River Basin. Each of these systems is operated independently and there is little sharing of information except through historic data records.

We propose to build the foundation for a shared data exchange network for the

Truckee River water quality monitoring stations. This network would also enable agencies

(e.g., TMWA and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) to respond in a timely fashion to runoff events that lead to introduction of sediment loads into the river . Finally, there is a critical public information and outreach element to this task. All data will be made available on the

World Wide Web through this task, and a pilot informational kiosk at a selected location

(e.g., Reno downtown, TMWRF, TNC McCarran Ranch, Pyramid Lake Hatchery visitor center) will provide real-time water quality information to the general public, provided the investigators are successful in obtaining in-kind resource commitments from relevant local agencies.

Work Plan

Install additional monitoring stations at selected locations (e.g, CA-NV state line,

McCarran Ranch, SBARS Ranch) that are needed to fill gaps in existing monitoring network. The number of stations will depend on available resources and ability to obtain other funds.

Establish real-time trend plots for proof-of-concept demonstration on web site.

Develop and implement a coordinated quality assurance plan that includes data filtering for malfunctioning or out-of-specification data and verification.

Organize and facilitate regular communication and meeting among technical staff of agencies involved in river quality monitoring.

Design, build, install, and operate a public display of real-time data (one or two stations to serve as a proof of concept, e.g., at TNC McCarran Ranch and Pyramid

Lake Paiute Tribe fisheries facility). This component will be contingent on obtaining a commitment from local agencies for in-kind or financial resources match.


Task F. Quality Assurance Project Plan

A quality assurance project plan (QAPP) will be developed for all aspects of the project including measurement/data acquisition, data analysis, and validation. The QAPP will be the first project deliverable and will be submitted to EPA 90 days after receiving the notice to proceed. The QAPP will follow the format established by EPA (1998).


Benefits to DRI and the UCCSN

Support provided by EPA under this cooperative agreement will have profound effects on DRI’s research programs in the aquatic sciences. While DRI currently possesses the expertise necessary to complete all work plan elements, some of our programs, particularly those related to aquatic biology and the application of remote sensing products to hydrologic problems, will be greatly enhanced.

Additional (and nonincidental) benefits to DRI will come through an aggressive information dissemination program. We propose to establish an ad hoc technical advisory group (TAG) for this agreement, comprised of stakeholders from the state, cities, tribe and

Region IX EPA. The purpose of the TAG is twofold: first, through quarterly meetings with the TAG, DRI researchers will have the opportunity to present interim findings, as well as receive input from the TAG regarding emerging water quality issues. This latter element is important, as the flexibility inherent in the Cooperative Agreement will allow for amendments in project scope if more pressing water quality issues emerge. Secondly, the

TAG will be a critical conduit for information dissemination to those agencies charged with meeting water quality objectives in western Nevada.

Graduate Student Training: Funding under this cooperative agreement will provide training for a total of five graduate research assistantships: three Masters (MS) and two


Publications and Presentations: In addition to information exchange via the aforementioned TAG as well as elements contained within Task E (Public Outreach), each program element carries with it an aggressive publication plan wherein the responsible investigators will publish study results in the peer-reviewed literature and present associated work at national professional meetings.

Application of Results to Other Systems: We anticipate that the results of the studies supported under this cooperative agreement will be applicable to river systems in semi-arid settings throughout the western U.S. Examples would include the Klamath River Basin

(Oregon/California); Walker River Basin (California/Nevada); and the Sevier River (Utah).

Summary of Deliverables


Improved understanding of periphyton dynamics under varying natural and anthropogenic scenarios in three western Nevada river basins;


Incorporation of data associated with #1 into one or more public domain numerical water quality models;


A minimum of 6 articles in peer-review journals;


A minimum of 4 presentations of results at national professional meetings;



Incorporation of data generated from all tasks into a spatially referenced geographic database (GIS) and made available to the public through web-based and printed media; and,


Training of four graduate students in the University of Nevada’s Hydrologic Sciences

Graduate program.


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Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 68(12):1297-1305.

Memmott, J.C., M.R. Robinson, A.C. Mosier and C.H. Fritsen, 2002. Truckee River Biomass

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Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada.

2002. Unpublished data report submitted to cities of Reno/Sparks and Washoe County.

Muller, C., 1983. Uptake and accumulation of some nutrient elements in relation to the biomass of an epilithic community. Pages 147-151 in R.G. Wetzel (ed.), Periphyton of

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Porter, S.D., T.F. Cuffney, M.E. Gurtz and M.R. Meador, 1993. Methods for collecting algal samples as part of the national water-quality assessment program. Open-File Report 93-

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Pringle, C.M. and J. Bowers, 1984. An in situ substratum fertilization technique: Diatom colonization on nutrient-enriched sand substrata. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and

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Pringle, C.M., R.J. Naiman, G. Bretschko, J.R. Karr, M.W. Oswood, J.R. Webster, R.L.

Welcomme and M.J. Winterbourn, 1988. Patch dynamics in lotic ecosystems: the stream as the mosaic. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 7(4):503-524.

Pringle, C.M. and F.J. Triska, 1996. Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Periphyton. Pages

607-623 In F. R. Hauer and G. A. Lamberti (eds.), Methods in Stream Ecology,

Academic Press, New York.

Relyea, D. and G.W. Minshall, 2000. Stream insects as bioindicators of fine sediment.

Watershed Management 2000 Conference. Water Environment Federation http://www.isu.edu/departments/bios/Professors_Staff/Minshall/Publications/ws0009d.pdf


Sada, D.W., J.T. Brock, C.H. Fristen, C.L. Rosamond, C.L. Shope, S.G. Benner and W. Alan

Mckay, 2005. Draft Final Report. Hydrologic and biological monitoring, McCarran

Ranch Restoration Project, lower Truckee River, Nevada (2003 – 2004). Unpublished report, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV.

Silliman, S.E., and D.F. Booth, 1993. Analysis of time-series measurements of sediment temperature for identification of gaining versus losing portions of Juday Creek, Indiana.

Journal of Hydrology 146:131-148.

Stevenson, R.J. and L.L. Bahls, 1999. Periphyton Protocols. Pages 6-1 to 6-22, In M.T.

Barbour, J.Gerritsen, B.D. Snyder and J.B. Stribling (eds.). Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and wadeable rivers: periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish, Second Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;

Office of Water; Washington, D.C.

Tank, J.L. and W.K. Dodds, 2003. Nutrient limitation of epilithic and epixylic biofilms in 10

North American streams. Freshwater Biology 48:1031-1049.

Taylor, R.L., 1998. Simulation of Hourly Stream Temperature and Daily Dissolved Solids for the Truckee River, California and Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources

Investigation Report 98-4064. USGS, Carson City, NV.

Tetra Tech, Inc., 2000. Nutrient Criteria Development: U.S. EPA Region IX Demonstration

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Torgersen, C.E., R. Faux, B.A. McIntosh, N. Poage and D.J. Norton, 2001. Airborne thermal remote sensing for water temperature assessment in rivers and streams. Remote Sensing of Environment 76(3).

Triska, F.J., V.C. Kennedy, R.J. Avanzino, G.W. Zellweger and K.E. Bencala, 1989.

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Zweig, L.D. and C.F. Rabeni, 2001. Biomonitoring for deposited sediment using benthic invertebrates: A test on four Missouri streams. Journal of the North American

Benthological Society 20:643-657.






James T. Brock

Desert Research Institute

Division of Hydrologic/Earth & Ecosystem Sciences

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Tel: 775-673-7407

Fax: 775-673-7363 email: James.Brock@dri.edu

Professional Preparation

Zoology (Water Engineering and

Fluvial Geomorphology



Idaho State University

Idaho State University

Amherst College

Ph.D. In Progress

M.S. 1980

B.A. 1973

Professional Experience

2001-present Associate Research Ecologist, Desert Research Institute (DRI), Division of


Hydrologic Sciences, University and Community College System of Nevada

Instrumentation Research and Development. Design and fabrication of equipment for aquatic studies: instrumentation for measuring suspended material, dissolved oxygen, temperature, benthic metabolism, and groundwater seepage in rivers. Clients include: Idaho State University; Swiss Fed. Institute for

Environmental Science & Technology; Stroud Water Research Center; Arizona


State University; University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology; Canada's National

Hydrology Research Institute; Desert Research Institute; Virginia Institute of


Consultant in Aquatic Ecology. Clients include: Tetra Tech for Region IX

USEPA, Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality; S. Florida Water Management

District; City of Pocatello, ID; Carollo Engineers for Washoe County Regional

Wastewater Reclamation Facilities Master Plan; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,

Carson City, NV; W-E-R AGRA Ltd. for Alberta Environmental Protection,


Planning Division, Alberta, Canada; Arizona Game & Fish Dept. for Glen

Canyon Environmental Studies, Phoenix AZ; State of Nevada, Environmental

Protection Div.; Beak Associates Consulting Ltd, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for

Environment Canada; U.S. EPA, Region IX, San Francisco, CA; ECOS, Inc.,

Sacramento, CA for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District;

Research Associate. Giardia and bacterial water quality in a recreational river drainage: Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho

1978-80, 1982



Research Scientist. Biological, water quality, and aquatic habitat responses of wildfire in the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho

Research Scientist. R/V Alpha Helix expedition of Amazon River, Brazil and


Research Associate. River Continuum Project. Department of Biology, Idaho

State University. Pocatello, Idaho


Brock, J. T. & Cummins, K. W. 2002. Ecosystem metabolism in the Kissimmee River, South

Florida, USA. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 28(2):680-686.

Brock, J.T. T.V. Royer, E.B., Snyder, and S.A. Thomas. 1999. Periphyton metabolism: a chamber approach. In: R.H. Webb, J.C. Schmidt, G.R. Marzolf, R.A. Valdez (Eds.), The Controlled

Flood in Grand Canyon , pp. 217-224. Geophysical Monograph 110; American Geophysical



Bott, T.L., J.T. Brock, et. al. 1997. An evaluation of techniques for measuring periphyton metabolism in chambers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:715-725.

Bott, T.L., J.T. Brock, C.S. Dunn, R.J. Naiman, R.W. Ovink, and R.C. Peterson. 1985. Benthic community metabolism in four temperate stream systems: An inter-biome comparison and evaluation of the river continuum concept. Hydrobiologia . 123: 3-45.

Dodds, W.K. and J.T. Brock. 1998. A portable flow chamber for in situ determination of benthic metabolism. Freshwater Biology 39:49-59.

Uehlinger, U. and J.T. Brock. 1991. The assessment of river periphyton metabolism: A method and some problems. In: Use of algae for monitoring rivers. Edited by B.A. Whitton, E. Rott, and

G. Friedrich. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the Landesamt fur Wasser und Abfall Nordrhein-Westfalen Dusseldorf, Germany 26-28 May 1991.

Minshall, G.W. and J.T. Brock. 1991. Anticipated effects of forest fire on Yellowstone stream ecosystems. In: B. Keiter, M. Boyce (Eds.), Greater Yellowstone's Future: Man and Nature in Conflict ? Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.

Rushforth, S.R. and J.T. Brock. 1991. Attached diatom communities from the lower Truckee River, summer and fall 1986. Hydrobiologia 224:49-64.

Minshall, G.W., J.T. Brock, and J.D. Varley. 1989. Wildfires and Yellowstone's stream ecosystems.

BioScience 39:707-715.

Minshall, G.W., J.T. Brock, and T.W. LaPoint. 1982. Characterization and dynamics of benthic organic matter and invertebrate functional feeding groups in the Upper Salmon River, Idaho.

Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiologia 67:793-820.

Richey, J.E., J.T. Brock, R.J. Naiman, R.C. Wissmar, and J.F. Stallard. 1980. Organic carbon: oxidation and transport in the Amazon River. Science 207:1348-1351.

Synergistic Activities

Develops tools to better understand and study aquatic ecosystems. For the past fifteen years, he has led a team of scientists and engineers that have developed a numeric tool (Dynamic Stream

Simulation and Assessment Model), which simulates water quality in rivers where periphyton dominates the oxygen and nutrient dynamics.

Develops instrumentation used by research scientists for study of aquatic community metabolism and exchange between ground and surface water.

Collaborators (excluding those cited in publications list)

Shawn Benner (Boise State University); Thomas Bott (Stroud Water Research Center); Craig Caupp

(Frostburg State University); Kenneth Cummins (Humboldt State University); Steven Krupa (South

Florida Water Management District); Gayle Dana (DRI); Christian Fritsen (DRI); Alan McKay

(DRI); Rick Susfalk (DRI); Thomas Swan (Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility); John

Warwick (DRI).

Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors:

Dr. G. Wayne Minshall (M.S. and Ph.D. Advisor)


Clay A. Cooper

Assistant Research Professor

Desert Research Institute

Division of Hydrologic Sciences

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Professional Preparation

Ph.D 1999 University of Nevada, Reno





University of Nevada, Reno

Northern Arizona University




Tel: 775-673-7372

Fax: 775-673-7363

email: Clay.Cooper@dri.edu

Professional Interests

My research interests are in many aspects of transport phenomena and fluid dynamics in multiphase, multicomponent systems above and below the land surface. These include diffusion and dispersion in aquifers and reservoirs, gas flow in both porous media and fractures, density-driven flow due to unstable solute gradients, thermal convection and buoyancy-driven processes, and coupled (chemical, physical, biological) flow and transport, all operating over scales from millimeters to tens of kilometers. Some of these problems lend themselves well to laboratory study, and I am currently developing a research program that expands the use of this investigative tool. Laboratory experiments are currently under-utilized in the hydrologic sciences, although they fill a basic need to further our understanding of certain flow and transport processes. Laboratory investigation enhances our understanding primarily by allowing one to work with few assumptions, explore the physics and scaling properties of phenomena, and develop analytical models that explain correlations at full scale.

The results can then be used to challenge and improve existing conceptual models, which in turn can be used to produce more refined numerical models.

Professional Experience

2001-present Assistant Research Professor, Desert Research Institute (DRI), Division of Hydrologic


Sciences (DHS), University and Community College System of Nevada

Post-Doctoral Research Associate, DRI, DHS, University and Community College






System of Nevada

Graduate Research Assistant, DRI, DHS (formerly Water Resources Center)

Project Hydrologist, Steffen Robertson and Kirsten (U.S.), Inc., Reno, Nevada

Instructor of Hydrology, Universidad de Ingeniería, Managua, Nicaragua

Graduate Research Fellow, DRI, Water Resources Center

Geologist, Exploration Logging USA, Ventura, California

Professional Activities

Peer reviewer for Water Resources Research , Journal of Hydrology , Journal of Geotechnical and

Geoenvironmental Engineering , Hydrogeology Journal , Journal of Environmental Engineering

Affiliations: American Geophysical Union, Geothermal Resources Council, Geological Society of

America, American Physical Society


Pringle, S.E., Glass, R.J., and C.A. Cooper, 2001. Double-diffusive finger convection in a Hele-Shaw cell: An experiment exploring the evolution of concentration fields, length scales and mass transfer, Transport in Porous Media , 47(2):195-214.

Cooper, C.A., R.J. Glass and S.W. Tyler, 2001.Effect of buoyancy ratio on the development of double-diffusive finger convection in a Hele-Shaw cell. Water Resources Research , 37:2323-



Stockman, H.W., R.J. Glass, C.A. Cooper and H. Rajaram, 1998. Accuracy and computational efficiency in 3D dispersion via lattice-Boltzmann: models for dispersion in rough fractures and double-diffusive fingering. International Journal of Modern Physics , 9(8):1-13.

Cooper, C.A., R.J. Glass and S.W. Tyler, 1997.Experimental investigation of the stability boundary for double-diffusive finger convection in a Hele-Shaw cell. Water Resources Research ,


Stockman, H.W., C. Li, and C. Cooper, 1997. Practical application of lattice-gas and lattice

Boltzmann methods to dispersion problems. InterJournal of Complex Systems , Manuscript

No. 90 (http://www.interjournal.org/cgi-bin/w3-msql/manuscript_browse.msql).

Synergistic Activities

NTS Area 5 technical working group – unsaturated zone representative

Yerington (Nevada) technical working group – represent and inform Walker River Indian Tribe of water resources issues related to nearby mining activities

OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste Training (expires May, 2003)

Collaborators and other affiliations


Jenny Chapman, DRI

Maria Dragila, Oregon State Univ.

Robert J. Glass, Sandia National Laboratories

John Selker, Oregon State Univ.

Saxon Sharpe, DRI

M. Bradford Snyder, University of Nevada, Reno

Scott W. Tyler, University of Nevada, Reno

Andy Ward, PNNL

Noam Weisbroad, Ben Gurion Univ.

Michael Young, DRI

Graduate and postdoctoral advisors:

Dr. Scott W. Tyler, University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. Stephen W. Wheatcraft, University of Nevada, Reno

Thesis advisor and postgraduate-scholar sponsor: Three students advised:

Charles Justin Mayers, currently at the USGS, Carson City, Nevada

Ron Breitmeyer, current M.S. student

Chris Shope, current M.S. student


Christian H. Fritsen

Desert Research Institute

Division of Hydrologic/Earth & Ecosystem Sciences

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Tel: 775-673-7487

Fax: 775-673-7485 email: Chris.Fritsen@dri.edu http://www.dri.edu/Faculty/ Fritsen.html

Professional Preparation

Montana State University, Bozeman Biological Sciences B.S. 1988

University of Southern California, Los Angeles Biological Sciences Ph.D. 1995

Montana State University, Bozeman, Biological Sciences Dept., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1995-1998

Professional Experience

2002-present Associate Research Professor; Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Desert


Research Institute

Assistant Research Professor; Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Desert

Research Institute

Selected Publications

Green, M.B., and C. H. Fritsen. In revision. Nutrient balance for periphyton growth along a montane to desert gradient: The Truckee River, Nevada. J. American Water Resources .

Stewart, F.J. and C.H. Fritsen. 2004. Bacteria–algae relationships in Antarctic Sea ice. Antarctic



Gowing, M.M. D.L. Garrison, A.H. Gibson, J.M. Krupp, M.O. Jeffries and C.H. Fritsen. In press.

Bacterial and Viral Abundance in Ross Sea Summer Pack Ice Communities. Mar. Ecol.

Prog. Ser.

Garrison, D. L., M. O. Jeffries, A.H. Gibson, S.L. Coale, D.R. Neenan, C.H. Fritsen, Y.B.

Okolodkov, and M.M. Gowing. 2003. Development of sea ice microbial communities during autumn ice formation in the Ross Sea Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 259: 1-15.

Doran, P.T., J.C. Priscu, W.B. Lyons, J.E. Walsh, A.G. Fountain, D. McKnight, D. Moorhead, R.A.

Virginia, D.H. Wall, G.D. Clow, C.H. Fritsen, C.P. McKay, and A.N. Parsons. 2002.

Antarctic climate cooling and terrestrial ecosystem response. Nature 415:517-520.

Fritsen, C.H. Microbial Communities in Ice and Snow, 2002. In G. Bitton (ed.),


Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology.

Fritsen, C.H., S. Coale, D.R Neenan, A. Gibson and D.L. Garrison. 2001. Biomass, Production and

Microhabitat Characteristics near the Freeboard of Ice Floes in the Ross Sea During the

Austral Summer. Annals of Glaciol.


Fritsen, C.H., and J.C. Priscu. 1999. Seasonal change in the optical properties of the permanent ice cover on Lake Bonney Antarctica: Consequences for lake productivity and phytoplankton dynamics. Limnol. Oceanogr.


Fritsen, C.H., and J.C. Priscu. 1998. Cyanobacterial assemblages in the permanent ice covers of the

McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, Antarctica: Distribution, growth rate, and temperature response of photosynthesis. J. Phycol.


Fritsen, C.H., J.N. Kremer, S.F. Ackley, and C.W. Sullivan. 1998. Flood-freeze cycles and microalgal dynamics in Antarctic pack ice. In M.L. Lizotte and K.R. Arrigo (Eds.), Antarctic

Sea Ice: Biological Processes, Interactions and Variability, pp.1-22. Antarctic Research

Series, American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.

Fritsen, C.H. and C.W. Sullivan. 1997. Microbial distributions and dynamics in the Western

Weddell Sea. In B. Battaglia, J. Valencia, and D.W.H. Walton (eds.), Proceedings of the

SCAR VI. Biology Symposium.

Fritsen, C.H., V.I. Lytle, S.F. Ackley, and C.W. Sullivan. 1994. Autumn Bloom of Antarctic packice algae. Science 266:782-784.


Synergistic Activities

Associate Director, Nevada Space Grant Consortium

Associate Editor, Annals of Glaciology , 2000-2001

Member, Antarctic Research Vessel Oversight Committee (ARVOC), 2002-present


David Ainley, SFSU

Barry Lyons, BPI

Doug Martinson, LDGO

Christopher McKay, NASA-Ames

Don Perovich, CRREL

Robin Ross, UCSB

Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors

James N. Kremer (URI)

Cornelius W. Sullivan (USC)

Thesis Advisor

Julie Allen, UNR

Mark Green, UNR

Sarah Marschall, UNR

Frank Stewart, UNR

Megan Robinson, UNR

Annika Mosier, UNR

Zach Latham

Undergraduate Students Advised

Paula Adkins

Megan Blees

Glenn Comiso

Lindsey Cunningham

Clinton Davis

Karl Didier

Alice Flory

Amanda Grue

Justin Heath

Ernest Koch

Roy Lai

Frank Stewart

Robert Swayzer

Sue Thompson

Mathew Wong

Ray Smith, UCSB

Langdon Quetin, UCSB

Maria Vernet, Scripps

Laurel Saito- UNR

Sudeep Chandra- UNR


Kenneth McGwire

Associate Research Professor

Desert Research Institute

Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. 1992 University of California, Santa Barbara





University of California, Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Barbara

Tel: 775-673-7324

Fax: 775-673-7485 email: kenm@dri.edu




Professional Experience

Desert Research Institute, Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Reno, Nevada

1998 - present: Associate Research Professor

1994 - 1998: Assistant Research Professor

Remote Sensing Research Unit, Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara

1993 - 1994: Assistant Researcher

1991 - 1992:

1986 - 1991:

Staff Research Associate IV

Graduate Student Assistant

Martin Marietta Data Systems, San Diego, California

1988 - 1990: Subcontractor

Committee Memberships and Invited Presentations

University and Community College System of Nevada, Advanced Computing in the Environmental

Sciences (ACES), NSF-funded project, Science Steering Committee, 2002-2005.

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, TIIMS (Tahoe Integrated Information Management System)

Technical Advisory Committee, member, 2001 – 2002.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. EO-1 satellite mission Science Validation Team member, 2000-2002.

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Spatial Ecology of Infectious Disease, participant, 2000.

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Quantification of Uncertainty in Spatial Data for Ecological Applications, workshop participant, 1997.

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, Remote Sensing Core Curriculum,

Steering Committee, 1995.

International Geosphere/Biosphere Programme. IGBP 1km Global Land Cover Validation Working

Group, invited presentations, Cambridge, England 1994 & Ispra, Italy 1995.

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, member of Initiative 15 specialist meetings: Roles of GIS in the U.S. Global Change Research Program. 1995.

United Nations Environment Programme, member of North American UNEP/GRID Users’ Meeting,


National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Landsat Pathfinder Program Science Working

Group, 1991-1997.

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. Invited lectures on Accuracy Issues and New

Research Areas in Geographic Information Systems, sponsored by a grant from UNESCO,


National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. Member of initiative 12 specialist meetings: Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS. 1990-1991.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

McGwire, K., E. Segura, M. Scavuzzo, and M. Lamfri, 2003. Spatial Pattern of Infestation by

Triatoma infestans in Chancani, Argentina Following Insecticide Treatment, submitted to

Journal of Vector Ecology .

McGwire, K. and B. Schultz, 2003. Testing EO-1 Hyperion Imagery for Monitoring Tamarix ramosissima , submitted to Remote Sensing of Environment .

McGwire, K. and B. Schultz, 2003. Hyperspectral mapping of Tamarix ramosissima cover fraction, submitted to Remote Sensing of Environment .

Fairbanks, D. and K. M c Gwire, 2004. Patterns of Floristic Richness and Diversity in Vegetation

Communities of California: Regional Scale Analysis with Multi-temporal NDVI, Global

Ecology and Biogeography 13:221-235.

Boone, J., K. McGwire, R. DeBaca, E. Kuhn, E. Otteson, and S. St. Jeor, 2002. Infection dynamics of sin nombre virus following a widespread decline in density of host populations, American

Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine , 67(3):310-318.

Fairbanks, D. and K. McGwire, 2001. Coarse-Scale Gradient Analysis of Environmental Factors in

Relation to Plant Species Diversity for Vegetation Communities of California, Geographic

Information Sciences 6(1):48-60.

Boone, J., K. McGwire, E. Otteson, P. Villard, J. Rowe, and S. St. Jeor, 2000. GIS-based assessment of relationships between environment and hantavirus prevalence in rodents, Emerging

Infectious Diseases 6(3):248-258.

McGwire, K., T. Minor, and L. Fenstermaker, 1999. Hyperspectral Mixture Modeling for

Quantifying Sparse Vegetation Cover in Arid Environments, Remote Sensing of Environment


Husak, G., B. Hadley, and K. McGwire, 1999. Registration Accuracy of High-Resolution Satellite

Data Used in the IGBP Validation, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing


Boone, J., E. Otteson, P. Villard, K. McGwire, J. Rowe, and S. St. Jeor, 1998. Ecology and demography of hantavirus infections in rodent populations in the Walker River Basin of

Nevada and California, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine 59(3):445-451.

McGwire, K, 1998. Improving Landsat Scene Selection Systems, Photogrammetric Engineering and

Remote Sensing 64(7):717-722.

McGwire, K, 1998. Mosaicking airborne scanner data with the multiquadric rectification technique,

Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 64(6):601-606.

McGwire, K., 1996. Cross-validated geometric accuracy assessment, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 62(10):1179-1187.

Frohn, R., K. McGwire, J. Estes, and V. Dale, 1996. Using satellite remote sensing analysis to evaluate a socioeconomic and ecological model of land-use change in Rondônia, Brazil,

International Journal of Remote Sensing 17(16):3233-3255.

McGwire, K., J. Estes, and J. Star, 1996. A comparison of maximum likelihood-based supervised classification strategies, GeoCarto 11(2):3-13.

Ehrlich, D., J. Estes, J. Scepan, and K. McGwire, 1994, Agricultural crop area monitoring with an advanced agricultural information system, GeoCarto 4:31-42.

McGwire, K., M. Friedl, and J. Estes, 1993, Spatial structure, sampling design, and scale in remotely sensed imagery of a California savanna woodland, International Journal of Remote Sensing


McGwire, K., 1992, Analyst Variability in Labeling of Unsupervised Classifications,

Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , 58(12):1673-1677.

Lunetta, R, R. Congalton, L. Fenstermaker, J. Jensen, K. McGwire, and L. Tinney, 1991, Remote

Sensing and Geographic Information System Data Integration: Error Sources and Research

Issues, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 57(6):677-687.


Friedl, M., K. McGwire, & J. Star, 1989, MAPWD, An Interactive Mapping Tool for Accessing Georeferenced Data Sets, Computers in Geoscience 15(8):1203-1220.

Estes, J., K. McGwire, G. Fletcher, & T. Foresman, 1987, Coordinating Hazardous Waste Monitoring

Activities Using Geographic Information Systems, International Journal of Geographic

Information Systems 1(4):359-377.

Books / Book Chapters

McGwire, K. and P. Fisher, 2001. Spatially Variable Thematic Accuracy: Beyond the Confusion

Matrix, a chapter in Perspectives on Uncertainty in Ecological Data , Springer Verlag.

Friedl, M., K. McGwire, and D. McIver, 2001. An overview of uncertainty in optical remotely sensed data for ecological applications, a chapter in Perspectives on Uncertainty in

Ecological Data , Springer Verlag.

Star, J., J. Estes, and K. McGwire (eds.), 1997. Integrating Geographic Information Systems and

Remote Sensing , Cambridge University Press, New York.

McGwire, K. and M. Goodchild, 1997. Accuracy, a chapter in Integrating Remote Sensing and

Geographic Information Systems , J. Star, J. Estes, and K. McGwire (eds.), Cambridge

University Press, New York

Estes, J., J. Star, and K. McGwire, 1997. Integration of Geographic Information Systems and Remote

Sensing: A Background to NCGIA Initiative 12, a chapter in Integrating Remote Sensing and

Geographic Information Systems , J. Star, J. Estes, and K. McGwire (eds.), Cambridge

University Press, New York.

McGwire, K., N. Chagnon, and C. Brewer, 1996, Empirical and methodological problems in developing a GIS database for Yanomamö tribesmen living in remote locations, in

Anthropology through Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis : Oxford University

Press, New York.

McGwire, K., 1996. Geographic information systems, in the Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences,

MacMillan, New York.

Conference Papers / Presentations / Technical Reports

McGwire, K., 2002. Hyperspectral Mapping of Tamarix ramosissima , NASA EO-1 Science

Validation Team Meeting, Hilo, HI.

McGwire, K., 2002. Identifying Tamarix ramosissima with EO-1 Hyperion Imagery, NASA EO-1

Science Validation Team Meeting, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

McGwire, K. and S. Livingston, 2002. Online Visualization and Measurement of Museum

Specimens, Annual Meeting of Society of American Archeologists, Denver, CO.

McGwire, K., 2001. Application of Hyperion to Invasive Species, NASA EO-1 and SAC-C Science

Validation Team Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

McGwire, K. and S. Livingston, 2001. Virtual Paleontological Specimens: Networking Museum

Collections to Promote Science and Education, North American Paleontological Conference, Berkeley,


McGwire, K., 2000. TRPA Data Management Requirements for Environmental Thresholds, Report for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, South Lake Tahoe, CA.

McGwire K., J. Boone, and S. St. Jeor, 2000. Remote Sensing of Factors Affecting the Distribution of Hantavirus in the Great Basin, Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management,

Boise, ID.

McGwire K., J. Boone, and S. St. Jeor, 2000. Spatial Simulation Modeling of Hantavirus

Transmission in an Open Ecosystem, Keystone Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases,

Santa Fe, NM.

McGwire, K., 1999. Interview: Hantavirus project, public radio program: The Environment Show.


McGwire, K., 1999. Integrating Reservoir Studies and GIS in Predictive Models of Infection

Dynamics, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,

Washington, D.C.

McGwire, K., S. St. Jeor & J. Boone, 1998. Spatial dynamics of hantavirus in host populations,

International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, CDC, Atlanta, GA.

McGwire, K.and G. Mah, 1996. The NASA Landsat Pathfinder Global Land Cover Test Sites

Project, in Proceedings: Pecora 13, Sioux Falls, SD, September, 1996.

Goodchild, M., J. Estes, K. Beard, T. Foresman, J. Robinson, and K. McGwire, 1995. Research

Initiative 15: Multiple Roles for GIS in US Global Change Research, Report of the First

Specialist Meeting, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, Santa Barbara.

Frohn, R., K. McGwire, V. Dale, and J. Estes, 1996. Testing a model of deforestation with remote sensing, GIS, and landscape metrics, in Proceedings: GIS 97, Vancouver, Canada, GISWorld.

Frohn, R. and K. McGwire, 1996. Testing a Land Cover Simulation Model Using Improved

Landscape Metrics with Remote Sensing, Proc. ASPRS/ACSM Annual Convention,

Baltimore, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, pp.


Fairbanks, D., K. McGwire, K. Cayocca, J. Lenay, and J. Estes, 1996. Sensitivity of floristic gradients in vegetation communities to climate change, GIS and Environmental Modeling:

Progress and Research Issues , GIS World Books, Fort Collins, CO.

McGwire, K., D. Fairbanks, K. Cayocca, and J. Estes, 1993, Modeling and monitoring regional floristic diversity using environmental measures, Proceedings of the 25th International

Symposium, Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change, Graz, Austria,

Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Cayocca, K., K. McGwire, D. Fairbanks, and J. Estes, 1993. Map assisted spectral characterization of an ecotone for long term monitoring, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on

Geographic Information Systems in Forestry, Environmental, and Natural Resource

Management, Bowne Printers, Vancouver, pp. 643-650.

McGwire, K., D. Fairbanks, and J. Estes, 1992, Examining regional vegetation associations using multi-temporal AVHRR imagery, Proceeding of the ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention,

Albuquerque, NM. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda,


McGwire, K. and J. Estes, 1991, The Class Dependent Nature of Error in Machine Assisted Land

Cover Classification, in The Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information

Systems, J. Star (ed.), American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Falls

Church, VA.

McGwire, K., & J. Estes, 1987, Interpolation and Uncertainty in GIS Modeling, Proceedings of the

International Geographic Information Systems Symposium, Crystal City, VA, published by

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.


W. Alan McKay

Associate Research Hydrologist

Desert Research Institute

Division of Hydrologic Sciences

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Professional Preparation

M.S. 1991

B.S. 1978

University of Nevada, Reno

University of Nevada, Reno

Tel: 775-673-7384

Fax: 775-673-7363 email: Alan.McKay@dri.edu



Professional Experience

2000-2002 Interim Executive Director, Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic

1/78 - Present

Sciences, University and Community College System of Nevada

Research Hydrologist, Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic

Sciences, University and Community College System of Nevada

Project Manager, West Africa Water Initiative.

Project Manager, Evaluation of Groundwater and Solute Transport in the Lower

Truckee River Basin (sponsor: Washoe County). Develop numerical flow and solute transport models to evaluate the source of high TDS groundwaters discharging to the Truckee River (Had direct implications on the development of a TMDL for TDS in the Truckee River Basin)

Project Manager, Water Quality Assessment and Modeling of the California

Portion of the Truckee River Basin (Provided technical analysis to Lahontan

Region, California Water Quality Control Board, for the development of a sediment TMDL)

Principal Investigator, Walker River Basin hydrologic studies. Develop river basin operation model and hydrologic framework for the Walker River Basin in support of efforts to analyze management strategies for the stabilization of

Walker Lake.

Professional Activities

Session Chair and Lead Presenter: TMDLs and NPS Challenges: The Truckee River Basin as a Case

Study, November 2003. California 2003 Non Point Source Conference, Ventura, California.

Session Co-Chair: “Land Use, Ground Water and Lotic Ecosystems,” 2002. American Society of

Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada. June, 2002

Editorial Board, Journal of Groundwater , 1993-1996

National Technical Committee, AWRA Annual Symposium, Keystone, Colorado, 1997

Organizing Committee and Session Chair, International Conference on Changing Water Regimes,


Session chair, “Interbasin Water Transfers," American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting,


Session chair, “Water Research in Nevada," American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting,


Member, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers

Member, U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Liaison Committee


Kish, S., J. Bartlett, J.J. Warwick, W. A. McKay, and C.F. Fritsen, 2005. A long-term dynamic modeling approach to quantifying impacts of non-point source pollution in the lower Truckee

River, Nevada. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. In review.

McKay, W.A., J.J. Warwick, S. Kish and C.F. Fritsen, 2003. Modeling linkages between groundwater, surface water and periphyton-driven oxygen dynamics in the lower Truckee


River, Nevada. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December


McKay, W.A., S. Peterson, J.T. Brock and C.F. Fritsen, 2002. Spatial patterns of periphyton growth in the Truckee River and modeling the link between agriculturally driven groundwater nutrient supply and historic recovery strategies. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C.

Canada, June, 2002.

McKay, W.A

., J.W. Warwick and J. Tracy, 2000. Assessment of Total Dissolved Solids Inputs from

Non-point Source Groundwater Discharge in the Lower Truckee River Basin. ASCE

Watershed 2000 Workshop, Fort Collins, CO. Manuscript published in proceedings.

Thomas, J.M., W.A. McKay , E. Cole, J.E. Landmeyer and P.M. Bradley, 2000. The fate of haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes in an artificial storage and recovery project, Las Vegas,

Nevada. Ground Water, V.38, No. 4, pp. 605-614.

Warwick, J.J., D. Cockrum and A. McKay , 1999. Modeling the impact of subsurface nutrient flux on water quality in the lower Truckee River, Nevada. Journal of the American Water Resources

Association, 35(4), pp. 837-851.

Stevens, D.K., U. Lall, J.D. Stednick, R. Ward, A. McKay and J. Tracy, 1999. Water quality monitoring requirements for TMDL development in the western United States, in Water

Resources Impact, AWRA, 1(6), pp. 27-29.

Zhan, H., and W.A. McKay , 1998. Nitrate occurrence and transport in Washoe Valley, Nevada: capabilities and limitations of models. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. IV, No.

4, pp. 479-489

Warwick, J.J., A. McKay , J. Miller, P. Stacey, M. Wright, and C. Gourley, 1996, The Lower Truckee

River, A System in Transition. In: Effects of Watershed Development and Management on

Aquatic Ecosystems, Engineering Foundation/ASCE Conference Proceedings, Park City,

Utah, August, 1996.

Cockrum, D.K., J.J. Warwick and W.A. McKay, 1995. Characterization of the Impact of Agricultural

Activities on Water Quality in the Lower Truckee River. Water Resources Center, Desert

Research Institute, Publication No. 41147.

Tyler, S.W., W.A. McKay and T.M. Mihevc, 1992, Assessment of Soil Moisture Movement in

Nuclear Subsidence Craters, Journal of Hydrology, 139, pp. 159-181.

McKay, W.A

., S.W. Tyler and T.M. Mihevc, 1991. Infiltration Beneath Nuclear Subsidence Craters,

Abstract in proceedings of the Soil Science Society of America, Annual Meeting.

McKay, W.A., 1989. Analysis of Groundwater Quality in New Washoe City, Nevada. Water

Resources Center, Desert Research Institute, Publication No. 41120.

McKay, W.A

. and J. Kepper, 1988. Estimating Hydraulic Parameters Using Wildcat Oil and Gas

Data: A Feasibility Study in East-Central Nevada. Water Resources Center, Desert Research

Institute, Publication No. 41117.

McKay, W.A

., 1988. Application of Wildcat Oil & Gas Data to Hydrologic Studies in East-Central

Nevada, Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, March.

Tyler, S.W., W.A. McKay , J.W. Hess, R.L. Jacobson and K. Taylor, 1986. Effects of Surface

Collapse Structures on Infiltration and Moisture Redistribution. Water Resources Center,

Desert Research Institute, Publication No. 45045.

Tyler, S.W., W.A. McKay , J.W. Hess and R.L. Jacobson, 1985. Effects of Surface Collapse

Structures on Infiltration in Arid Environments. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.

Abstract published in proceedings.

McKay, W.A

. and D.E. Zimmerman, 1983. Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Thermal Springs in the Black Canyon - Hoover Dam Area, Nevada and Arizona. Water Resources Center, Desert

Research Institute, Publication No. 41092.

Johnson, C. and W.A. McKay, 1981. Influences of the Miocene Horse Spring Formation on

Groundwater Quality in the Southern Nevada Region. 10th Annual Rocky Mountain

Groundwater Conference, Abstract published in Proceedings.


McKay, W.A.

and C. Johnson, 1981. Hydrogeochemistry of Fault-related Thermal Springs in the

Black Canyon - Hoover Dam Area, Nevada and Arizona. 10th Annual Rocky Mountain

Groundwater Conference, Abstract published in Proceedings.

McKay, W.A., 1981. Hydrogeochemical Inventory and Analysis of Thermal Springs in the Black

Canyon - Hoover Dam Area, Nevada and Arizona. Geothermal Resources Council,



John J. Warwick

Executive Director

Division of Hydrologic Sciences

Desert Research Institute

2215 Raggio Parkway

Reno, NV 89512

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. 1983 Environmental Engineering





Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Tel: 775-673-7379

Fax: 775-673-7363 email: John.Warwick@dri.edu

The Pennsylvania State University

Lehigh University

Lehigh University

Professional Interests

Research interests are focused on numerical modeling of the transport and fate of contaminants in surface water systems. Prior initiatives have included investigating the impacts of nutrients on stream algal growth and resulting dissolved oxygen spatial/temporal patterns, monitoring and modeling the transport of sediment and associated mercury in fluvial systems, and simulating the effects of non-point source pollutants on in-stream water quality. A secondary research theme has involved quantifying the impact of imperfect knowledge on the confidence associated with model predictions (uncertainty analysis).

Professional Experience

2002-present Executive Director, Division of Hydrologic Sciences (DHS), Desert Research Institute


(DRI), University and Community College System of Nevada

Director, NASA Environmental Systems Commercial Space Technology Center,




University of Florida

Professor & Chair, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of


Director, Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences, University of Nevada-Reno (UNR)

Professor, Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences, University of Nevada-






Assoc. Prof., Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences, University of


Director, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas

Assoc. Prof., Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at


Asst. Prof., Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas

Recent Awards

Top Director of Graduate Programs, UNR (1997)

Outstanding Faculty Award, Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences, UNR (1999)

Fellow of the American Water Resources Association (2002)

Professional Activities

Academic Reviewing

Journal of the American Water Resources Association, AWRA

Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE

Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, ASCE

Water Resources Research, AGU


The Universities Council on Water Resources (Research Proposals to the U.S. Geological Survey,

Section 105 of the 1984 Water Resources Research Act)

ASCE Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management

Systems (1992)

U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Peer Review Panel, Chemistry/Physics of Water and Soil

Selected Journal Articles

Sullivan, M., Warwick, J.J.

, and Tyler, S.W., 1996. Quantifying and delineating spatial heterogeneities of surface infiltration in a small watershed. Journal of Hydrology , 181:149-


Pohll, G.M., Warwick, J.J.

, and Tyler, S.W., 1996. Coupled surface-subsurface hydrologic model of a nuclear subsidence crater at the Nevada Test Site. Journal of Hydrology , 186:43-62.

Heim, K.J., and Warwick, J.J.

, 1997. Simulating sediment transport in the Carson River and

Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association ,


Warwick, J.J.

, Cockrum, D., and Horvath, M., 1997. Estimating non-point source loads and associated water quality impacts for the Carson River, Nevada. Journal of Water Resources

Planning and Management, ASCE , 123(5):302-310.

Warwick, J.J.

, 1997. Use of first-order uncertainty analysis to optimize the likelihood of successful stream water quality simulation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association,


Lyons, W.B., Wayne, D.M., Warwick, J.J.

, and Doyle, G.A., 1998. The Hg Geochemistry of a

Geothermal Stream, Steamboat Creek, Nevada: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Influences.

Environmental Geology , 34(2/3):143-150.

Warwick, J.J.

, Cockrum, D., and McKay, A., 1999. Modeling the Impact of Subsurface Nutrient

Flux on Water Quality in the Lower Truckee River, Nevada. Journal of the American Water

Resources Association , 35(4):1-15.

Miller, J., Barr, R., Grow, D., Lechler, P., Richardson, D., Waltman, K., and Warwick, J.J., 1999.

Effects of the 1997 Flood on the Transport and Storage of Sediment and Mercury within the

Carson River Valley, West-Central Nevada. Journal of Geology , 107:313-327.

Carroll, R.W.H., Warwick, J.J.

, Heim, K.J., Bonzongo, J.C., Miller, J.R., and Lyons, W.B., 2000.

Simulation of Mercury Transport and Fate in the Carson River, Nevada. Ecological

Modelling , 125(2/3):255-278.

Pohll, G.M., Warwick, J.J.

, and Benson, D., 2000. On the Errors Associated with Two-Dimensional

Stochastic Solute Transport Models. Transport in Porous Media , 40(3):281-293.

Carroll, R.W.H., and Warwick, J.J.

, 2001. Uncertainty Analysis of the Carson River Mercury

Transport Model. Ecological Modelling, 137:211-224.

Bonzongo, J.C., Lyons, W.B., Hines, M.E., Warwick, J.J.

, Faganeli, J., Horvat, M., Lechler, P.J. and

Miller, J.R., 2002. Mercury in surface waters of three mine-dominated river systems: Idrija

River, Slovenia; Carson River, Nevada; and Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon.

Geochemistry , 2:111-119.

Synergistic Activities

Editor of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA); Teach regularly one graduate hydrology class per year at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR); Serve(d) as chair and member of various graduate student committees at UNR; Member Organizing Committee for AWRA

2004 Summer Conference.


Collaborators and Co-authors

Tamar Barkay, Jean Claude Bonzongo, Joe Delfino, Andy James, Mark Hines, Paul Lechler, Berry

Lyons, Jerry Miller, Wally Miller, Robert Nowak, Peter Stacy, George Taylor, Scott Tyler, Gary

Vinyard, and David Wayne.

Graduate and Post-doctoral Advisors

Dr. Willard Murray and Dr. Archie McDonnell

Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Advisees

Chris Benedict, Jean-Claude Bonzongo, Doug Boyle, Lori Carpenter, Matt Chesley, Dirk Cockrum,

Kyle Comanor, Dan Crawford, Mimi Dannel, Steve Haness, Kenneth Heim, Mary Horvath, Theresa

Jones, Suzi Kish, Jim Litchfield, Catherine MacDonald, David McGraw, Alan McKay, Jami Nelson,

Greg Pohll, Linda Roberts, Patrick Sneeringer, Dan Spinogatti, Roger Stoffregen, Matt Sullivan,

Prabahkar Tadepalli, Gabriel Venegas, and Scott Wilson

