Springer-Verlag Copyright Form

Springer-Verlag Copyright Transfer Form (IDEAL’98) 1
Your paper has been accepted for publication in IDEAL’98,, the Proceedings of the 1998
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Engineering and Learning. This form
provides Springer-Verlag with the necessary permission to publish your paper.
Copyright Assignment
Please read the notes overleaf and then fill, sign and return this form to: Gillian Chee,
Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte Ltd, #04-01 Cencon I, 1 Tannery Road, Singapore
347719; Fax: (65) 842 0107. Please use BLOCK LETTERS.
Title of Article:
Please complete EITHER Section B.I OR Section B.II
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In consideration of the publication in IDEAL’98 of my contribution, I hereby confirm that
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Springer-Verlag Copyright Transfer Form (IDEAL’98) 2
1. Our policy is to acquire copyright in all contributions. There are two reasons
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