
My main research contributions are:
Detecting hypoxanthine as indicator of hypoxia (1975)
As the first to Publish the hypothesis for hypoxia-reoxygenation injury (1980) suggesting that such injur
may be caused by excessive free radical production produced by hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (toge
with AO Aasen)
Postulating that resuscitation of newborns should not be performed with 100% oxygen (1980, 1988, 19
Postulating the existence of a free radical disease in neonatoogy (1982,1988)
Demonstrating that sudden infant death syndrome is preceded by a substantial period of hypoxia (1988
together with TO Rognum)
The hypothesis we published in 1980 that excess free radicals formed during reoxygenation by the hypoxanthine-xanth
oxidase system may contribute to tissue injury caught extensive international interest and has been applied in a numbe
fields in medicine also outside neonatology.
One of our most important papers showed that newborn infants may be resuscitated efficiently with room air. Resair 2
study. A recent meta-analysis in the Lancet and a Cochrane Review of the studies we and Resair 2 collaborators have
performed strongly indicate that neonatal mortality is significantly reduced in newborn infants resuscitated with room ai
when compared with those resuscitated with pure oxygen.
The research group
The research group consists presently of 1 post doc and 8 MDs, most of them in full time preparing their thesis, 1,5
technicians, and myself. We have developed a newborn piglet model we use to study hypoxia and reoxygenation. But w
we are also involved in clinical projects. Since 1993 20 of my fellows have finished their doctoral thesis. Among the top
we have covered are: The effect of reactive oxygen species on pulmonary circulation, resuscitation of hypoxic piglets w
room air or 100% oxygen, infections and apnea related to sudden infant death syndrome, effect of surfactant instillation
hemodynamics, specially the pulmonary circulation. Role of NO in surfactant induced vasodilatation. Further we have
studied effects of resuscitation with 21% or 100% oxygen on brain metabolism and flow, inflammation, gene activation,
DNA damage
We have quite updated equipment continuously measuring cerebral blood flow, (laser-Doppler), metabolism
(microdialysis), oxygenation, and NO concentration.
Research Networks
In Norway we have a large network at Rikshospitalet and Basic Science institutes related to the Gaustad Campus
We have also a large collaboration with a number of research groups around the world. Since 1986 I have taken part in
group working with the lung surfactant Curosurf developed by Tore Curstedt and Bengt Robertson, and I introduced
surfactant therapy to Norway in 1987. The so-called Curosurf family meets once a year and I am presently member of
scientific committee. A huge network of researchers has been built up via this group containing some of the key person
European Neonatal Medicine as Bengt Robertson and Tore Curstedt in Stockholm, Henry Halliday in Belfast, and Chris
P Speer in Wurzburg.
A large European collaboration studying mechanisms of brain injury in the newborn is presently being built up together
Guiseppe Buonocore, Siena, Max Vento, Valencia, Adolf Vals Soler, Bilbao, Mikko Halmann, Oulu, Olof Werner, and D
ley, Lena Westaas in Lund, Michel Khrestchatisky in Marseilles, and others.
During the International multicenter study on newborn resuscitation with room air or oxygen we developed a network w
researchers in 7 countries. (participants of the Resair 2 group: S, Ramji Delhi, SF Irani, Bombay, S Jayam, Madras, S E
Menza, Cairo, A Narang, Chandigarh, M Khasaba and S Sallab, Mansoura, EA Hernadnez, Manila, T Talvik and P Ilve
Tartu, M Vento, Valencia, R, Solberg, Tonsberg, T Rotweelt, OO Aaalen, and OD Saugstad, Oslo).
We also cooperate closely with a number of US groups in New York, Harvard, Philladelphia, and Baltimore regarding
oxidative stress in the piglet brain during hypoxia and reoxygenation.
Recruitment of young investigators
We are following an open policy regarding recruiting young investigators. This might be one reason we so far always h
a number of competent persons interested in joining the group. We have had visiting researcher from a number of
countries and we are always willing to accept foreign visitors. Anyone interested, please take contact.