Biomes Research and Presentation Project Due Date: ____________________________________ Biome Assigned: ________________________________ Group Members (2-3): ________________________________ Introduction Every biome of the world is a truly magical place. Its structure is complex, consisting of many levels, each with its own characteristic plants and animals. Each organism has its own niche in the biome. The Biomes Project is an opportunity for you to do your own research on a particular biome. You will work in teams to research critical issues of your biome from different points of view. After your research, you will create a project to teach your classmates about the critical issues surrounding your biome. Some terms you should become familiar with before you start are: Climate Biome Biodiversity Ecology Assignment Each member of your group will research a particular area of your biome. Areas include: Animal, plant, physical landscape, and human influences. Use the materials included to research your biomes and as a group you will present your finding to the class. Your presentation format will depend on the time and resources available. Some examples of presentation formats include: Powerpoint presentation • Overhead Transparencies • Posters Presentation Elements Title and authors (all group members) Introduction: overview of your biome A map of the world with your biome clearly identified with proper nouns (i.e. if you are in the desert group, the Sahara Desert should be listed) Include a definition of your biome. (What characteristics does your biome have?) Interesting Facts About Your Biome Bibliography/ Works Cited Page Where did you find your information- WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! This can be a page separate from your poster or glued onto the back. TIME: Your presentation must be ___________________________ Team Responsibilities Animal life and Plant life Background information- What kind of plants can survive in your biome, if any What kinds of animals live there? 5 Animals Examples with pictures/illustrations 5 Plant Examples with pictures/illustrations Include three interesting facts about the animal life in your biome. Physical landscape/habitat & weather Background information Examples with pictures/illustrations A description of the climate (include rainfall, and temperatures) Characteristics of your biome, with definitions of key terms Do you have any famous biomes? Human influences Background information- Describe how humans use and change this biome for their benefit. Are humans a threat to this biome? 3 Examples with pictures/illustrations Possible Websites to Visit