Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 Loi de 1998 sur la Commission de l’énergie de l’Ontario ONTARIO REGULATION 578/05 PRESCRIBED CONTRACTS RE SECTIONS 78.3 AND 78.4 OF THE ACT Historical version for the period July 27, 2007 to September 8, 2009. Last amendment: O. Reg. 432/07. This Regulation is made in English only. Renewable energy supply contracts 1. The contracts listed in Table 1 to this Regulation, which have been assumed by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under section 25.32 of the Electricity Act, 1998, are prescribed procurement contracts for the purposes of subsection 78.3 (1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. O. Reg. 578/05, s. 1; O. Reg. 310/06, s. 1. Clean energy supply, demand response and Bruce refurbishment contracts 2. The contracts listed in Tables 2, 3 and 4 to this Regulation, which have been entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (7) of the Electricity Act, 1998, are prescribed procurement contracts for the purposes of subsection 78.4 (1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. O. Reg. 578/05, s. 2. Early mover clean energy supply contracts 3. The contracts listed in Table 5 to this Regulation, which have been entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsections 25.32 (4) and (7) of the Electricity Act, 1998, are prescribed procurement contracts for the purposes of subsection 78.4 (1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. O. Reg. 65/06, s. 1. Rule re amended or replace contracts 3.1 For the purposes of subsection 78.4 (1) of the Act, the IESO shall make payments to the OPA with respect to amounts paid or payable by the OPA to an entity with whom the OPA has entered into a procurement contract that satisfies one of the following rules: 1. A contract that is listed in Table 1, 2, 3 or 5 that is amended. 2. A contract that replaces a contract that is listed in Table 1, 2, 3 or 5. 3. A contract that is listed in Table 4 that is amended or amended and restated. O. Reg. 310/06, s. 2; O. Reg. 432/07, s. 1. Contracts that meet prescribed rules 4. Procurement contracts that satisfy one of the following rules are prescribed contracts for the purposes of subsection 78.4 (1) of the Act: 1. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated October 6, 2005, entitled “Conservation and Demand-Side Management Initiatives (Residents of Low-Income and Social Housing)”. 2. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated October 20, 2005, entitled “Conservation and Demand-Side Management Initiatives (Appliance Change-Out and Efficient Lighting Initiatives)”. 3. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated March 10, 2006, entitled “Conservation and Demand-Side Management Initiatives (Residential Sector)”. 4. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated March 10, 2006, entitled “Conservation and Demand-Side Management Initiatives (Commercial Buildings and MUSH Sector)”. 5. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under section 25.32 of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated June 15, 2005, entitled “Immediate Launch of Procurement Processes to address needs in Downtown Toronto, Western Greater Toronto Area, and to develop additional Demand Management, Demand Response and High Efficiency Combined Heat and Power Supply” and the addendum dated February 9, 2006, entitled “Addendum #1 to Procurement Processes Directive of June 15, 2005”. 1 6. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated February 10, 2006, entitled “Toronto Reliability Supply and Conservation Initiative”. 7. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under section 25.32 of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated March 21, 2006, entitled “Standard Offer Program”. 8. Contracts that are entered into by the OPA pursuant to a direction by the Minister made under subsection 25.32 (4) of the Electricity Act, 1998 dated July 13, 2006, entitled “Coordination and Funding of LDC activities to deliver Conservation and Demand-Side Management Programs”. 9. A contract that satisfies a rule in the preceding paragraphs that is amended or amended and restated. O. Reg. 120/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 310/06, s. 3; O. Reg. 70/07, s. 1; O. Reg. 432/07, s. 2. TABLE 1 RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY CONTRACTS Item 1. Supplier Superior Wind Energy Inc. 2. Erie Shores Wind Limited Partnership 3. Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc. 4. Superior Wind Energy Inc. 5. EPCOR Power Development Corporation 6. Energy Ottawa Inc. November 24, 2004 7. 1615151 Ontario Inc. 8. Hamilton Hydro Services Inc. November 24, 2004 December 23, 2004 9. Umbata Falls, Limited Partnership November 24, 2004 10. Glen Miller Power, Limited Partnership Yellow Falls Power Limited Partnership Kruger Energy Port Alma Limited Partnership Enbridge Ontario Wind Power LP or Leader Wind Corp. November 24, 2004 November 21, 2005 November 21, 2005 November 21, 2005 14. Enbridge Ontario Wind Power LP or Leader Wind Corp. November 21, 2005 15. Brookfield Power Inc. & Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc. [formerly, Brascan Power Wind — Prince II LP] EPCOR Power Development (Ontario) Limited Partnership November 21, 2005 November 21, 2005 Kingsbridge II Wind Power Project Suncor Energy Products Inc. and Acciona Wind Energy Canada Inc [formerly, EHN Wind Power Canada Inc.] Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc. November 21, 2005 Ripley Wind Power Project November 21, 2005 Melancthon II Wind Project 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. 18. Date November 24, 2004 November 24, 2004 November 24, 2004 November 24, 2004 November 24, 2004 Name of Project Prince Phase I Wind Energy Project Location District of Algoma, Township of Prince, Ontario Erie Shores Wind Farm North Shore of Lake Erie in Norfolk and Elgin Counties, Ontario Melancthon - Grey Wind Project Southern Portion of Melancthon Township, Ontario Blue Highlands Phase I Wind Energy Town of Blue Mountains, Grey Project County, Ontario Kingsbridge Wind Power Project Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Township, Huron County, Ontario Trail Road Landfill Gas Generating Trail Waste Facility Landfill Station Site, 4775 Trail Road, Ottawa, Ontario Eastview Landfill Gas Energy Plant Eastview Landfill Site, Guelph, Ontario Hamilton (Digester Gas) Woodward Avenue Wastewater Cogeneration Project Treatment Plant, Hamilton, Ontario Umbata Falls Hydroelectric Project Umbata Falls, White River, approximately 30 kilometres southeast of Marathon, Ontario Glen Miller Hydroelectric Project On the Trent River, at Lock # 3, Trenton, Ontario Island Falls Hydroelectric Project Bradburn Township, near Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario Kruger Energy Port Alma Municipality of Chatham Kent, near Port Alma, Ontario Leader Wind Power Project – A Bruce County, Municipality of 100.65 MW Kincardine & Town of Saugeen Shores, Town of Underwood, Ontario Leader Wind Power Project – B 99 Bruce County, Municipality of MW Kincardine & Town of Saugeen Shores, Town of Underwood, Ontario Prince II Wind Power Project Townships of Dennis, Pennefather, Korah and Aweres, near Algoma, Ontario 2 Ashfield Ward, Ashfield Colborne Wawanosh Township, Huron County, Ontario Township of Huron-Kinloss near Ripley, Ontario Melancthon and Amaranth Townships, near Shelburne, Ontario 19. Canadian Renewable Energy Corporation November 21, 2005 Wolfe Island Wind Project Township of Frontenac Islands, near Kingston, Ontario O. Reg. 578/05, Table 1; O. Reg. 310/06, s. 4. TABLE 2 CLEAN ENERGY SUPPLY CONTRACTS Item 1. Supplier Greater Toronto Airports Authority Date April 12, 2005 Name of Project GTAA Cogeneration Plant 2. Greenfield Energy Centre L.P. April 12, 2005 Greenfield Energy Centre 3. Greenfield South Power Corporation St. Clair Power, L.P. April 12, 2005 Greenfield South Power Project April 12, 2005 St. Clair Energy Project 4. Location 3265 Elmbank Road, Mississauga, Ontario Bickford Line, Township of St. Clair, Lambton County, Ontario 2291 Loreland Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario St. Clair Industrial Park, Polymore Drive, Corunna, Ontario O. Reg. 578/05, Table 2. TABLE 3 DEMAND RESPONSE CONTRACTS Item 1. Supplier Loblaw Properties Limited Date April 12, 2005 Name of Project Loblaw Properties Limited Demand Response Project Location certain Loblaw Properties Limited owned grocery stores and warehouses throughout Ontario O. Reg. 578/05, Table 3. TABLE 4 BRUCE REFURBISHMENT CONTRACT Item 1. Supplier Bruce Power A L.P., Bruce Power L.P. Date October 17, 2005 Title of Contract Bruce Power Refurbishment Implementation Agreement Location Bruce Nuclear Generating Stations, Tiverton, Ontario O. Reg. 578/05, Table 4. TABLE 5 EARLY MOVER CLEAN ENERGY SUPPLY CONTRACTS Item 1. 2. Supplier TransAlta Energy Corporation Toromont Energy Ltd. 3. 4. Toromont Energy Ltd. Toromont Energy Ltd. Name of Project Sarnia Regional Cogeneration Plant Sudbury District Energy – Hospital Cogeneration Project Sudbury District Energy – District Energy Plant Trent Valley Cogeneration Plant 5. Coral Energy Canada Inc. Brighton Beach Power Station Location 1741 River Road, Sarnia, Ontario 41 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario 36 Energy Court, Sudbury, Ontario Highway 33, Lot No. A.1 Conc. 3, Trenton, Ontario Windsor, Ontario O. Reg. 65/06, s. 2. Back to top 3