St Ann`s Hill, - Swaffield Primary School

St Ann’s Hill,
London SW18 2SA
Tel: 020 8874 2825
Fax: 020 8871 1853
Keep up to date with all the latest Swaffield news at
Headteacher: Mrs C Lilley
Thursday 8th September 2011
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you all had a good summer. We would like to take this opportunity to cover some
of the school and homework requirements for Year 3.
Our topic for the Autumn term is Ancient Egypt and an overview of what will be covered
is attached. Please support your child with any research at home.
We are in the process of arranging our Autumn Term trip to a place of educational value.
We will be sending out details later on this term.
Your child will have P.E. on a Wednesday and Thursday. He/She will need appropriate
clothing for both lessons; it is compulsory that they wear Swaffield kit (or Swaffield
colours) which can be bought from the office. If your child forgets his/her PE kit three
times he/she will lose minutes from golden time and a letter will be sent home.
Your child will be required to complete 30 minutes homework each week. Homework is
given out each Friday and due back the following Tuesday. Each week he/she will be given
either an English/topic based task or a Maths task based on work carried out in class. The
children are expected to complete their homework and return it on time. If your child is
unable to do the work, for whatever reason, a note will be required and they may be given
extra time. Children will miss minutes from golden or lunch time to finish any homework
not completed on time. Please ensure if your child is experiencing difficulties completing
their homework, they come and see us on the Monday.
We want children to enjoy reading, and as part of our commitment to raising levels, we
expect children to read every evening for 10-15 minutes at home. Ideally this will be with
an adult, questioning your child on what they are reading. Please ensure that you write a
comment in your child’s yellow reading record. If you are available to listen to children
read between 9:00 and 9:30am please let us know. It is important that your child brings
his/her reading record EVERY day so that teachers can comment on progress when they
have heard your child read.
Wandsworth Borough Council Education Committee
Please remember, school starts at 9.00am and we start teaching promptly, therefore it is
essential your child is here on time. Any reading/spelling time which is missed through
lateness will be made up in your child’s break time.
Finally, in Year 3 your children are expected to look after their own lunch money. Please
make sure it is safe (brown envelopes are available in the office). Children can keep them
in their pockets or in their trays in the classrooms.
We have discussed all of the above with your child but please take time to read this letter
with them.
Should you have any worries about your child at school, please make an appointment to
see me so there is time for a proper discussion of your concerns.
Some dates for your diary:
Wednesday 12th OctoberThursday 13th October-
Parents’ evening
Parents’ evening
We would like to thank you in advance for all your help and support. We are looking
forward to an enjoyable and very productive year.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Vyse and Mrs Naldrett
Year 3 class teachers
Wandsworth Borough Council Education Committee