Helen Keen`s seed grant report doc2


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist


Biomedical sciences

Understands the key basic biomedical science concepts and principles (including anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, genetics and biostatistics), relates them to fundamental normal and abnormal processes in medicine throughout life, and applies them to the clinical sciences underlying current and emerging medical practice.

Local Learning Outcomes 1106.4 Predict the speed of locomotion of any terrestrial vertebrate on the basis of its limb morphology

Identify and name the bones of the skeleton in any vertebrate

Describe, using correct anatomical terminology, the movements at joints of the body in terrestrial vertebrate

Identify, name and describe the action of major muscle groups in humans

2202.1 Identify the surface landmarks and major bone points used in clinical examination

2202.3 Define and discuss normal structure and function of the major joints in the body

Learning experiences

2202.6 Compare and contrast the structure, function and innervation of the upper and lower limbs

2202.7 Identify and describe the anatomy of the head and neck

2202.11 Describe physiological processing in motor and sensory pathways and the relationship to perceptual performance and motor sensory deficits and correlate with clinical testing, diagnosis and location of pathological processes

2202.15 Describe and identify the macroscopic anatomy of the nervous system

3343.12: Describe the pathogenesis, morphological and clinical manifestations of basic pathological processes and a range of specific diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Discuss normal joint function.

Discuss normal bone physiology, structure and histology.

Describe the normal structure, function and metabolism of bones and joints.

Discuss fracture healing and repair.

4491: Apply anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, rheumatology and endocrinology knowledge to the musculoskeletal system

Describe the normal anatomy of the musculoskeletal system

1106: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories, Self directed learning

2202: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories, Clinical skills

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

4491: anatomy lab session

Assessment 1106: Practical/Clinical-Practical task, Written Assignment-Essay, Written Exam-

Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer Questions

2202: Oral-Presentation, Practical/Clinical-Structured exam

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer Questions

4491: MCQ questions

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Behavioural and Social Science

Understands key concepts and principles of psychosocial development throughout life, the multitude of psychological and social factors influencing patient and professional behaviour and interactions, and applies these to the multiple domains of “professionalism” and the effective care of patients.

Local Learning Outcomes 2211.2 : Identify and discuss the causes of ill health considering both the national and international perspective

4491 - Apply anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, rheumatology and endocrinology knowledge to the musculoskeletal system

Demonstrate effective clinical and interpersonal skills related to musculoskeletal disorders

Identify musculoskeletal somatisation as a manifestation of psychiatric disorders

Describe the progressive nature of deforming arthropathies

Describe the psycho-social impact of deforming arthropathies on patients and their carers

Demonstrate sensitivity to patients with problems of the musculoskeletal system who

Learning experiences must frequently present with pain and disability

Demonstrate awareness and sensitivity of patients with skeletal failure fractures and particularly proximal femoral fractures who often have associated dementia

2211 Lectures, Tutorials, Clinical skills

IMED 4491 ward work, attendance at outpatient clinics

Assessment IMED 4491 workbook?

2212 : Participation-Tutorials, Written Assignment-Literature Review, Written

Assignment-Portfolio, Written Assignment-Report, Written Assignment-Report, Written

Exam-Essay, Written Exam-Short Answer Questions


Understands the core concepts and principles underlying the key non-technical” professional” roles in health including communicator, advocate, scholar, manager, leader, educator, collaborator, legal and ethical and relates these to the lifelong advancement of professional practice in health care.

Local Learning Outcomes Demonstrate effective clinical and interpersonal skills related to musculoskeletal disorders personal and professional development, 5 th and 6 th year

Learning experiences IMED 4491 ward work, attendance at outpatient clinics

IMED 4491 workbook? Assessment

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Specialized MSK: Understands the anatomical and basic science processes that underlie the normal form and function of specific MSK tissues throughout life including formation, maintenance and repair, calcium and phosphate metabolism and biomechanics as the basis for understanding and interpreting changes due to normal variation, ageing, abnormal forces and pathological conditions.

Understands how the spectrum of pathological processes may affect MSK tissue; the specific reactions of MSK to disorders and injury; and how these may lead to deformity and dysfunction of bone and joints.

Local Learning Outcomes 1106.4 Describe, using correct anatomical terminology, the movements at joints of the body in terrestrial vertebrate

Identify, name and describe the action of major muscle groups in humans

2202.2 Interpret radiographic (x-ray) images of the normal skeleton and CT and MRI images of the limbs, head and neck

2202.3 Define and discuss normal structure and function of the major joints in the body

3343.12: Describe the pathogenesis, morphological and clinical manifestations of basic pathological processes and a range of specific diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Discuss normal joint function.

Discuss normal bone physiology, structure and histology.

Describe the normal structure, function and metabolism of bones and joints.

Discuss fracture healing and repair.

4491: Describe the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, malignant bone disease and Paget's disease

Describe mechanisms of fracture and fracture healing

Describe mechanisms of tendon and ligament injury and healing

Describe mechanisms of nerve injuries and healing

Learning experiences

Describe the pathophysiology of joint inflammation and joint degeneration and diffuse soft tissue pain

Describe and explain calcium and phosphate related biochemistry


– lectures, tutorials, labs, clinical skills

IMED 3343: Lectures, tutorials, SDL

IMED4491 ortho case study (trauma), PBLs (OP, RA)

Assessment IMED 3343: Summative and formative, written exam objective test items, short answer questions

4491: self-assessment, oral presentation, practical skills, clinical structured exam, end of term MCQ

Imaging: Understands the fundamental concepts and principles associated with image production in the commonly used modalities; the resultant appearance of anatomical structures from these modalities; and identifies key radiological features and signs of normality as the basis for understanding and Interpreting changes due to normal variation, ageing, abnormal forces and pathological conditions. Understands how the spectrum of pathological processes are manifested in imaging studies; identifies specific reactions related to MSK disorders and injury; knows and interprets common signs of abnormality and deformity as well as commonly missed important fractures.

Local Learning Outcomes 2202.2 Interpret radiographic (x-ray) images of the normal skeleton and CT and MRI images of the limbs, head and neck

2202.3 Define and discuss normal structure and function of the major joints in the body

Learning experiences 2202: lectures, tutorials, labs, clinical skills

4491: lecture on general fracture principle, tOSCE presentation on dx imaging, ortho case study (fracture), ortho case study (mets), ward and outpatient experiences

Assessment 4491: MSK online self-assessments, end-of-year OSCE exams, end of term MCQ, clinical structured exam, oral presentation

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies



Attitude and Communication Skills: Incorporates key concepts and principles of “Behavioural and Social

Science” and “Professionalism” as the basis for effective communication (using both verbal and nonverbal techniques) with patients, their friends and families, health professionals and the general public.

This includes collecting and conveying information clearly, considerately and sensitively and listening and responding to patient concerns

Local Learning


Demonstrate effective clinical and interpersonal skills related to musculoskeletal disorders

3 rd yr GP, 5 th yr GP, personal and professional development, 5 th and 6 th year

Mentor discussions, ward work and outpatient clinics Learning experiences

Assessment PPD portfolio

Assessment: Able to communicate effectively with a patient and/or representative to construct an accurate and problem focussed MSK history, relate this to abnormalities identified by appropriately targeted physical examination and investigations, and interpret using the principles of critical reasoning and diagnostic formulation with consideration to any impairments, disabilities and/or functional limitations.



Demonstrates ability to perform accurate and organized MSK screening


Demonstrates ability to take accurate and organized MSK problem-focussed history in the following presentations: a.

Acute pain presentation b.

Chronic pain presentation c.

Traumatic injury presentation d.

Functional disability presentation

Local Learning


Learning experiences


Demonstrates understanding of general pathological processes and specific reactions of MSK tissues to disorders and injuries

3345.42.2 Discuss the general principles of pain management

3345.42.3 Discuss the role of drugs in the overall management of chronic pain

3345.2.4 Discuss the problems arising from drug use in patients with chronic pain

3345.2.5 Be aware of the major practical issues in managing chronic pain

4491.3.1 Describe the clinical assessment and management of complaints of musculoskeletal pain including myalgia, arthralgia, arthritis and back pain.

4491.3.12Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common orthopaedic injuries of wrist,ankle, femoral neck, soft tissue (knee and shoulder), elbow, clavicle, hand (including nerve, tendon, bone injury and loss of function)

5531.5.4 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache

Identify common causes of low back pain, neck pain and knee pain, and of chronic headache in general practice


– broad mgmt. of chronic pain


– tutorials, case based learning

4491 ward work and outpatient clinics, PBLs for rheumatology, ortho case studies, general fracture and polytrauma lectures

Assessment 4491 workbook, end of term MCQ,

3345 written exam short answer, MCQ

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Local Learning


Learning experiences


Local Learning


Learning experiences



(a) Applies physical examination principles to MSK physical examinations

(b) Able to perform general screening examinations (e.g. GALS)

(c) Able to perform systematic examination for inflammatory conditions

(d) Able to perform examinations in acute trauma settings

(e) Able to perform regional examinations of the spine and extremities

(f) Able to apply principles of critical reasoning to examination findings

(g) Understands effect of validity, sensitivity and specificity to interpretation of

MSK examination findings

(h) Considers effect of acute pain on performance and interpretation of MSK examination findings

(i) Considers effect of chronic pain on performance and interpretation of MSK examination findings

(j) Considers effect of psychosocial “yellow flags” on performance and interpretation of MSK examination findings


Describe and demonstrate regional physical examinations of the musculoskeletal system with the use of appropriate tools and techniques

4491. 3 : Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of specific musculoskeletal related health conditions


: Perform examination of peripheral joints and the back/spine, hip, shoulder and neck accurately and efficiently


: Perform examination of frequently problematic soft tissue structures accurately and efficiently


Demonstrate how clinical examination and functioning tests relate to the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system


Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache


– tutorials, clinical skills

4491 : physical examination tutorials week 1, ward work and outpatient clinics

5531 : Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills, Placement

2211 : Practical/Clinical-Observed encounter, Portfolio, Workbook/lab book, Essay, Short Answer


4491 : workbook, end of term MCQ, MEQ

5531 : Practical/Clinical-Simulation, Written Assignment-Log Book



Demonstrates the appropriate selection of the following investigative modalities for

MSK conditions, with consideration of risk/benefit ratio, accessibility, cost effectiveness, validity, sensitivity and specificity: a.

Laboratory tests b.

Imaging modalities c.

Special diagnostic modalities

2202.2: Interpret radiographic (x-ray) images of the normal skeleton and CT and MRI images of the limbs, head and neck

4491. Describe how to order and accurately interpret synovial fluid laboratory studies

Describe how to order and accurately interpret bone densitometry

5531.5.4 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache

2202: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories, Clinical skills

4491 lectures (OA

– joint aspiration), (laboratory tests), ortho case study

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills, Placement

2202: Oral-Presentation, Practical/Clinical-Structured exam



5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation, Written Assignment-Log Book

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Critical Reasoning and Diagnostic Formulation: Relates MSK problem-based assessment findings to anatomical and pathological aetiologies; recognizes features used to discriminate between specific MSK conditions (ie understands differential diagnosis of MSK conditions); and applies the principles of critical reasoning and diagnostic formulation in the construction of appropriate differential diagnosis

Local Learning


IMED 4491 Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of specific musculoskeletal related health conditions

IMED 5531 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache

Learning experiences

IMED 4491 lectures, including intro lecture, ward and outpatient clinic attendance

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills, Placement

Assessment IMED 4491 MCQ, IMED 4491 workbook

5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation, Written Assignment-Log Book

Related Management Issues: Understands the key broader community, legal, environmental and technical issues that may impact on the management of individual patient.

Local Learning


Learning experiences

4491.2.3 Describe the psycho-social impact of deforming arthropathies on patients and their carers

4491.6.1 Identify and describe the high incidence and prevalence of low back pain in the community and the issues of continuing care for chronic disorder

4491.6.2 Identify and describe the scope for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders such as gout, viral arthritis and osteoporosis

4491 lectures, PBLs

Assessment 4491 end-of-term MCQ

Procedural Skills: Understands the general principles of safe procedural performance and equipment usage, and is able to perform procedures or use equipment at the prescribed level,

(including limb realignment, splintage and injection use in MSK conditions).

Local Learning


Learning experiences

4491.4.3 Perform safe application and removal of a forearm plaster backslab

4491.4.4 Perform safe application of a triangular broad arm sling, a collar and cuff shoulder sling

4491.4.5 Describe how to order and accurately interpret synovial fluid laboratory studies

4491.4.6 Describe how to order and accurately interpret bone densitometry

4491.4.7 Describe the indications for use of a triangular broad arm sling, a collar and cuff shoulder sling

4491 lectures (gout, OP), PBL (OP)

Assessment 4491 end of term MCQ

Prioritization: Understands the principles of prioritizing conditions in health and education (both professional and patient) based on urgency, frequency and amenable to intervention. This incorporates factors such as the impact on the individual patient, the community and the population, financial resources, incidence, prevalence, projected changes and emerging issues.

Local Learning


Learning experiences


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies



Understands the key principles of management of conditions that have a broad application across health including pain, wound management and general trauma.

Local Learning


Learning experiences

4491.3: Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of specific musculoskeletal related health conditions

5531.5.4 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache

IMED 4491 lectures, PBLs, case studies, ward and outpatient clinics

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills, Placement

Assessment IMED 4491 end-of-term MCQ, MEQ, OSCE

5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation, Written Assignment-Log Book


Understands the general and related patient management modalities and describes their application in the holistic management of MSK conditions including therapeutic (operative and non-operative); rehabilitiation; patient education and self-management, shared care and referral; prevention; and complementary and alternative medicine modalities.

Local Learning


4491.5.1 Describe and explain the role of ancillary health professionals, e.g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and podiatrists in the acute and chronic care of musculoskeletal disease.

4491: t-OSCE, ward and outpatient clinics Learning experiences



Applies knowledge of general and MSK related basic and clinical science to describe the basic aetiology, pathogenesis, characteristics clinical manifestations and general principles of assessment and management for patients suffering from the broad range of MSK-related conditions and disorders. This includes the management of normal variation and special concern groups. Knowledge of specific conditions should be prioritized in detail towards the management of the “MSK/red-flag emergencies” and the national priority and high burden MSK conditions.

Local Learning


4491.3: Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of specific musculoskeletal related health conditions

4491: lectures, PBLs, ortho case studies, ward and inpatient experience Learning experiences

Assessment 4491: end of term MCQ, MEQ

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Spine/Chest

Vertebral fractures

Non-specific pain/strain

Spinal pain : Localized, with somatic referred pain, with radicular pain +/- radiculopathy (+)

Degenerative spinal conditions

Local Learning Outcomes

IMED 4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of spinal injury including soft tissue and bone

5531.5.4 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a patient presenting with low back pain, neck pain, knee pain and headache

5531.3 Describe and explain the epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of vertebral dysfunction, with reference to facet joint pain and disc protrusion, to a patient in a consultation setting

IMED 3343 - Discuss pathological and relevant clinical aspects of osteoarthritis.

Learning Experiences

IMED 4491 spinal fracture lecture,


5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills,


IMED 4491 online lecture back pain

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills,


IMED 4491 online lecture back pain


Facet joint

Spinal stenosis

Cauda equina syndrome (*)

IMED 3343- Demonstrate knowledge of spinal degenerative disc disease and spondylosis.

IMED 4491.3.10 Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of osteoarthritis - both generalized and local osteoarthritis, including facet joint dysfunction

5531.3 Describe and explain the epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of vertebral dysfunction, with reference to facet joint pain and disc protrusion, to a patient in a consultation setting

IMED 4491 online lecture back pain

IMED 4491 online lecture back pain

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills,


IMED 4491 online lecture back pain



5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation,

Written Assignment-Log Book

5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation,

Written Assignment-Log Book

5531: Practical/Clinical-Simulation,

Written Assignment-Log Book


Failed back syndrome

Metastatic disease IMED 3343 - Demonstrate a basic understanding of pathological aspects of bony metastasis and multiple myeloma.

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

4491: ortho case study

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Spondylolysis/ spondylolisthesis

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)

IMED 3343- Demonstrate knowledge of spinal degenerative disc disease and spondylosis.

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 online lecture back pain

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Spine/Chest

RA neck manifestations (+)


Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences

3343 - Demonstrate knowledge of pathological and relevant clinical aspects of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid disease.

5531.3.19 - Describe the epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) to a patient in a consultation setting

4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of early rheumatoid arthritis

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of late rheumatoid arthritis

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

4491: RA self assessments

Sternoclavicular joint pain




Discitis (*)

4491: low back lecture

4491: low back lecture


3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Hip/Pelvis

Hip and Pelvic ring fractures

(*? – injury w/ visceral)

Degenerative joint disease

(DJD)/OA (+)

Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction/arthropathy

Greater trochanteric bursitis

Hip insertional tendinopathies

(gluteal, adductor)

Piriformis syndrome

Avascular necrosis (AVN)

Snapping hip

Transient synovitis of the hips

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)

Perthes disease

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)

Local Learning Outcomes

IMED3343 - Demonstrate knowledge of osteo-arthritis and septic arthritis including diagnosis and principles of management

IMED 3343- Discuss avascular/aseptic necrosis.

Learning Experiences

IMED 4491 hip lecture



3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 online lecture back pain

4491 seronegative spondyloarthropaty lecture

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer



IMED 4491 hip lecture

IMED 4491 hip lecture

IMED 4491 hip lecture

IMED 4491 paediatric ortho lecture

IMED 4491 paediatric ortho lecture

IMED 4491 paediatric ortho lecture

IMED 4491 paediatric ortho lecture





AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Knee/Leg

Tibial plateau fractures

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Degenerative joint disease/osteoarthritis (+)

Cruciate ligament

(ACL/PCL) tear

Collateral ligament

(LCL/MCL) tear

Mensicus tears

Popliteal cyst

Iliotibial band syndrome


Osgood-Schlatter’s disease

Patellofemoral dislocation/instability



Medial tibial stress syndrome

(shin splints)

Tibial stress fracture

Compartment syndrome of leg (*)

Genu valgum

Genu varum

Local Learning Outcomes

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies

Learning Experiences

4491: knee lecture


IMED 4491 knee lecture IMED 4491 MCQ

IMED 4491 knee lecture

IMED 4491 week 1 phys exam review sessions

IMED 4491 knee lecture

IMED 4491 week 1 phys exam review sessions

IMED 4491 knee lecture

IMED 4491 week 1 phys exam review sessions

IMED 4491 knee lecture




4491: paeds rheumatology session

IMED 4491 knee lecture

IMED 4491 week 1 phys exam review sessions

IMED 4491 knee lecture

4491 – general fracture lecture, ortho case study, sef-assessments

IMED 4491 knee lecture

IMED 4491 knee lecture




AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Ankle/Foot

Ankle fractures

Stress fractures

Ankle sprains

TMT ligament injuries

Achilles tendon rupture

Ankle and subtalar arthritis

Plantar fasciitis

Local Learning Outcomes

4491: Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common soft tissue disorder e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytrens contracture, Ganglia

Achilles tendinosis/posterior heel pain

Bruised heel pad

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

Corns and calluses


Hallux valgus (bunion)

Hallux rigidus

Interdigital neuroma

Diabetic foot 5531.5 Conduct a consultation including taking a history, requesting and interpreting appropriate investigations, formulating a diagnosis and a management plan with a

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies

Learning Experiences

5531: Tutorials, Problem based learning, Lectures, Clinical skills



5531: Oral-Presentation,

Practical/Clinical-Observed encounter

4481: Participation-Attachment Rating,


Toe deformities patient presenting with diabetes

4481.5.8 List and describe the principles for diagnosing and managing chronic wounds especially venous ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, arterial ulcers and pressure ulcers

6681.5.8 Integrate knowledge of the principles for diagnosing and managing chronic wounds especially venous ulcers, diabetic foot

5561: PBL diabetes

4481: Self directed learning,

Placement, Discussions, Clinical assessment of a patient

6681: Self directed learning,

Placement, Discussions, Clinical assessment of a patient

Participation-Problem Based Learning,

Written Assignment-Short Answer


Written Assignment-Workbook/lab book

6681: Participation-Attachment Rating,

Participation-Problem Based Learning,

Written Assignment-Short Answer

Questions, Written Assignment-

Workbook/lab book

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Ankle/Foot

Plantar warts

Ingrown toenail


Flat foot

Calcaneal aphophysitis

Cavus foot


Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences Assessment

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Shoulder

Proximal humeral fracture

Clavicle fracture

ACJ injuries

Rotator cuff pathology


Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences

4491: ortho case study, shoulder lecture, upper and lower limb injuries, self-assessments

4491: ortho case study, shoulder lecture, upper and lower limb injuries, self-assessments

4491: ortho case study, shoulder lecture, upper and lower limb injuries, self-assessments

4491: Shoulder lecture Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common soft tissue disorder e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytrens contracture, Ganglia

4491: Shoulder lecture

4491: MCQ

Impingement syndrome

Adhesive capsulitis/frozen shoulder

Subacromial bursitis

Shoulder arthritis/OA (+)

Proximal biceps rupture/tendinopathy

Shoulder instability /shoulder dislocation (*)

Thoracic outlet syndrome

SLAP lesions

Brachial plexus injuries (*)

4491: Shoulder lecture

4491: Shoulder lecture

4491: Shoulder lecture

4491: Shoulder lecture

4491: ortho case study, shoulder lecture, upper and lower limb injuries

4491: MCQ

4491 MCQ

4491 MCQ


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Wrist/hand/ elbow

Distal radial fracture

Radial head fracture

Elbow dislocation

Wrist sprain

Scaphoid fracture

Keinbock’s disesase

Supracondylar fracture

(children) (*)

Nursemaid’s elbow (radial head subluxation)

Metacarpal and finger fractures

Hand/wrist lacerations

Flexor tendon injuries

Mallet finger

Nail bed injuries

Flexor tendon sheath infections

Human bites

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences

4491: upper and lower limb injuries lecture, ortho case study

4491: upper and lower limb injuries lecture, ortho case study

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: paediatric ortho lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common soft tissue disorder e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytrens contracture, Ganglia

4491: hand lecture

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies




AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Wrist/hand/ elbow

Nerve entrapments (ulnar nerve)

Wrist ganglions

Epicondylitis (lateral and medial)

Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common soft tissue disorder e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytrens contracture, Ganglia

4491: self-assessments

Olecranon bursitis


DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis

Dupuytren disease

Trigger finger

4491: hand lecture

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of common soft tissue disorder e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytrens contracture, Ganglia

4491: hand lecture

4491: hand lecture


AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – Rheumatologic conditions

Osteoarthritis (+)

Rheumatoid arthritis (+)

Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences Assessment

IMED3343 - Discuss pathological and relevant clinical aspects of osteoarthritis

IMED 4491.3.10 - Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of osteoarthritis - both generalized and local osteoarthritis, including facet joint dysfunction.

IMED 5531.3.16 - Describe and explain the epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of osteoarthritis especially affecting the spine (lumbar + cervical) and knee to a patient in a consultation setting

IMED 3343 - Demonstrate knowledge of pathological and relevant clinical aspects of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid disease.

IMED 5531.3.19 - Describe the epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) to a patient in a consultation setting

IMED 4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of early rheumatoid arthritis

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of late rheumatoid arthritis

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED4491 OA lecture

IMED 4491 hip lecture

IMED 4491 knee lecture


3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 RA lecture


IMED 4491 tutorial session paediatric rheumatology

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer



3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer



IMED 4491 MCQ Juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Reactive arthritis

Crystal arthropathy (gout, pseudogout)

Idiopathic inflammatory myositis

Psoriatic arthritis

IMED 3343 - Demonstrate knowledge of pathological and relevant clinical aspects of crystal arthropathies including gout and calcium pyrophosphate disease

IMED 4491. - Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of gout and other crystal arthropathies

IMED 4491.11.4.1 Identify and describe the scope for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders such as gout, viral arthritis and osteoporosis

IMED 4491 seronegative spondyloarthropathy lecture

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 gout lecture

IMED 4491 seronegative spondyloarthropathy lecture


3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer




AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies



Polymyalgia rheumatica

Temporal arteritis (*)



Other autoimmune/CTD

4491.3: Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of specific musculoskeletal related health conditions

4491: seronegative spondyloarthropathy lecture

4491: autoimmune and CTD disease

4491 MCQ

4491: autoimmune and CTD disease

4491: autoimmune and CTD disease 4491 MCQ

4491: autoimmune and CTD disease 4491 MCQ

4491: autoimmune and CTD disease 4491 MCQ

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


AMSEC Priority Ambulatory

Conditions – General and other conditions

Osteoporosis (+)

Paget’s disease

Local Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences Assessment

2211.2.3 Describe in detail the pathological and clinical features of diseases/conditions including diabetes, osteoporosis, breast cancer, HRT, contraception, renal disease, arthritis, depression, vision and hearing loss

2211.10.4 Describe major stages of cognitive, social, and physical development in the different life stages and how this relates to health behaviour for examples such as childhood obesity, eating disorders, dementia, arthritis and osteoporosis

3311.8.4 Describe major stages of cognitive, social, and physical development in the different life stages and how this relates to health behaviour for examples such as childhood obesity, eating disorders, dementia, arthritis and osteoporosis

3343.12.20 Discuss the major types of metabolic bone disease, in particular, osteoporosis, osteomalacia/rickets, hyperparathyroidism and Paget's disease of bone.

3345.33.3Drugs affecting bone and calcium metabolism:

Describe the treatment options available in osteoporosis

3345.33.5 Drugs affecting bone and calcium metabolism:

Describe the potential roles of calcium, vitamin D analogues, bisphosphonates and other drugs in managing osteoporosis

4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of osteoporosis including hypogonadism, age-related, glucocorticoid and genetic

List and select appropriate analgesics, anti-rheumatic drugs, drugs used in infection and metabolic bone disease, providing reasons for choices, under supervision

List common adverse reactions to analgesics, antirheumatic drugs, drugs used in infection and metabolic bone disease

4491.11.4.1 Identify and describe the scope for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders such as gout, viral arthritis and osteoporosis

3343.12.20 Discuss the major types of metabolic bone disease, in particular, osteoporosis, osteomalacia/rickets, hyperparathyroidism and Paget's disease of bone.

4491.1.3 Describe the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, malignant bone disease and Paget's disease

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

3345: lectures

4491 OP lecture, OP PBL, laboratory tests/biochemistry

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 biochemistry

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


3345: Objective test items, Short

Answer Questions

4491: MCQ

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer



AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies



Child abuse 4491: paeds rheumatology session, paeds ortho lecture

Complex regional pain syndrome

Compartment syndrome (*) IMED 4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of compartment syndrome and crush syndrome

IMED 3343 - Discuss fracture healing and repair

IMED 4491 ortho case study

Open fractures (*)

MSK mimickers/red flags (*)

Infections of MSK tissues

(bone/joint/muscle, etc) (*)


Demonstrate knowledge of osteo-arthritis and septic arthritis including diagnosis and principles of management

Demonstrate knowledge of pathological and relevant clinical aspects of osteomyelitis.

IMED 4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of septic arthritis

Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of osteomyelitis

Tumours of MSK tissues (*) 3343.12.9 Give a classification of bone tumours.

3343.12.10 Describe general clinical aspects of bone tumours.

3343.12.11 Demonstrate a basic understanding of pathological aspects of bony metastasis and multiple myeloma.

3343.12.12 Describe osteochondroma.

3343.12.13 Discuss pathological and relevant clinical features of osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, giant cell tumour of bone

3343.12.16 Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and complexity of the neoplasms and pseudoneoplastic processes which can arise in soft tissue, with particular reference to their presentation, growth patterns and clinical course.

3343.12.17 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of clinical staging and the approach to biopsy

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 ortho case study

3343: Lectures, Tutorials, Self directed learning

IMED 4491 case study

3343: Lectures, Tutorials,

Self directed learning

4491 case study, self assessments

3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


3343: Written Exam-Objective test items, Written Exam-Short Answer


3343: Written Exam-Objective test items,

Written Exam-Short Answer Questions


diagnosis as applied to musculoskeletal system tumours

4491. Describe and explain the pathological features, clinical assessment and management of neoplastic bone disease

AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies


Level of Coverage

(# = number of levels – outcomes, learning experiences, assessment; v

= vertical integration present)

3 + V


2 + V


1 + V



Summary of Level of Integration between AMSEC Competencies and UWA MBBS Curriculum

Basic Science and

Supporting Knowledge


(n = 5)

Clinical Sciences and Skills


(n = 11)

Priority Ambulatory Conditions

(n = 130)


Priority and

High Burden






(n = 13)




































AMSEC Musculoskeletal Competency Checklist – Version 2 (22/09/11)

(+) – National Priority and High Burden Conditions; (*)–- MSK/Red Flag Emergencies

