Ref no Name of legal entity Project title Country Northern part of Cyprus Overall project value (EUR) 514 750 Detailed description of project Design of animal waste disposal system Proportion carried out by legal entity (%) 50 No of staff provided Name of client Origin of funding Dates (start/ end) Name of consortium members, if any 2 EU Turkish Cypriot community EU-DG Enlargement 10/201410/2015 Grontmij A/S (DK) Type of services provided 1. Collection, review and validation of data on quantities, nature and regional distribution of The overall objective of the project is to improve public and animal ABP production. Collection of Data on on-going or planned initiatives (public and private) health by putting in place an effective and sustainable system to collect, as regards the disposal of ABP; transport and dispose of Animal By-Products. 2. Finalization of administrative instructions/schemes for the collection, storage, handling, The purpose of this contract is to prepare all relevant studies and tender processing and use of animal by-products are and submission to the Turkish Cypriot file(s) for the establishment of an EU compliant system for the collection, counterpart (including cost estimates for the operation). Through these administrative transport and disposal of ABP. instructions/schemes: Roles of different entities (both public and private). Proposals for Public Private Partnerships, or other form of operation of the plant. 3. Completion of feasibility studies for the collection, transport and disposal of ABP, including: A study on the most appropriate technology for the plant (incineration/rendering/biogas plant or others); Assessment and technical study of the proposed location(s) from an environmental sustainability and economical feasibility point of view. The technical study for the proposed location(s) should include geodetic and hydrological survey(s); Business plan (economical and financial study) including calculations of human resources needed including number of staff required to operate the plant, job descriptions and required qualifications. 4. Preparation of an implementation/procurement plan for the works, supplies and services. 5. Preparation of the complete tender dossiers with cost estimates for the works, supplies and service tenders. Provision of technical assistance during the tendering phase. 6. Preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed solution (screening, scoping, impact analysis, mitigation and impact management, EIA reporting). 7. Implementation of a proper public consultations/public hearing in line with the requirements of the EU acquis, in close cooperation with relevant Turkish Cypriot "departments". 8. Implementation of an awareness campaigns and consultation meetings at all appropriate steps, for all relevant stakeholders, including civil society representatives in close cooperation with relevant Turkish Cypriot "departments". Particular attention is given to ensure the cooperation of animal breeders, slaughterhouses and industries producing ABP.