Date: 12/02/16 Page: 1 Transcript Station: CANBERRA CONFERENCE UNIT Date: 16/08/2000 Program: DOORSTOP INTERVIEW Time: 11:50 AM Summary ID: C00001888536 Compere: Item: VETERANS' AFFAIRS MINISTER BRUCE SCOTT SAYS LEGAL ACTION IN THE CASE OF 3RAR AT HOLSWORTHY IS CONTINUING AND CHARGES ARE BEING FOLLOWED THROUGH ACCORDING TO PROPER MILITARY PROCESSES. THE MINISTER REJECTS CLAIMS IN TIME MAGAZINE THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO COVER ANYTHING UP. INTERVIEW: BRUCE SCOTT, VETERANS' AFFAIRS MINISTER Male 18+ Demographic s: N/A BRUCE SCOTT: Female 18+ All people Abs GBs N/A N/A N/A N/A Well thank you very much for coming here this morning. Firstly, can I make it quite clear that neither the Government or the Defence Force condone violence or bullying within the ranks of the Australian Defence Force, and secondly, in relation to the bashings at Holsworthy there was an investigation conducted, charges were laid, and the procedures of that process within the Military Forces Discipline Act were delayed because of the deployment to East Timor. In July of this year they recommenced, but because of a technicality have been further delayed, but let me assure you that those processes will continue. In relation to the article which suggests that there was a discussion in relation to the Holsworthy disciplinary processes between Minister Moore and General Cosgrove, I have spoken with both of those people and that discussion did not occur. QUESTION: Why was the trial aborted? AGENCY REPORT For private research and not to be disseminated. Every effort made to ensure accuracy for the benefit of our clients but no legal responsibility is taken for errors or omissions. SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE CANBERRA PERTH ADELAIDE HOBART 02 9310 3155 03 9348 9191 07 3259 2100 02 6239 5233 08 9228 5800 08 8362 2325 03 6231 5300 ABs = Managers, administrators, professions. GBs = Grocery buyers. Page: 2 BRUCE SCOTT: There was a technicality that was identified as part of the process in July when the processes recommenced and now they will go back to the commanding officer with these charges. QUESTION: And there was no interference by Minister Moore? interference by …. BRUCE SCOTT: I have spoken with Minister Moore, I have spoken with General Cosgrove, and both people have said that this issue was not discussed by them. QUESTION: What was the nature of the technicality? BRUCE SCOTT: The technicality is that the charges should be referred to the commanding officer and that’s why it is now going back to the commanding officer. This is a legal technicality that is part of the process that must be followed within the Military Forces Discipline Act. QUESTION: How many members of the 3rd have been charged? BRUCE SCOTT: Look, that’s a matter for the military but I can assure you, let me assure you, that the processes will be followed that the discipline Act is there to ensure fairness within the Military disciplinary processes. QUESTION: Your office has confirmed that six soldiers have been charged. The allegation was that fourteen were under investigation. What’s happened to the balance? BRUCE SCOTT: That’s one for the military that you should ask them because this is part of the military disciplinary processes. QUESTION: They’re not talking. QUESTION: You’re put out here as the Minister responsible. What’s happened to the balance … BRUCE SCOTT: That is a question that you should put to the military because …. SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE CANBERRA PERTH ADELAIDE NEWCASTLE HOBART 02 9310 3155 03 9348 9191 07 3259 2100 02 6239 5233 08 9228 5800 08 8362 2325 02 4926 1628 03 6231 5300 There was no Page: 3 QUESTION: But I mean you’ve been put up by the Minister, by the Government, and the Army’s not putting anyone up … BRUCE SCOTT: No, I understand General Cosgrove will be talking… QUESTION: Okay, but do you know what’s happened to the balance of them? Were they charged or ..? BRUCE SCOTT: That is not appropriate for the Minister to intercede in military disciplinary processes. QUESTION: But it’s a matter of knowledge. Do you know what happened to the balance of them? BRUCE SCOTT: It is not appropriate for the ministers to intercede in the processes of the military disciplinary process and it’s a question that you should put to General Cosgrove. QUESTION: Are you fully informed of what’s actually gone on? BRUCE SCOTT: We’ve been kept informed as appropriate in relation to the military disciplinary processes. QUESTION: Why can’t you just, why can’t you elaborate … BRUCE SCOTT: As I’ve said, you should put that to General Cosgrove who’s going to be making a statement and talking to the press today. QUESTION: Why wasn’t this referred to the Military Justice Committee of Parliament? BRUCE SCOTT: There was a committee that was established by this government to look into the military disciplinary processes. It was a right and proper thing for this government to do, and what it was looking at was the processes of the military justice system. It was not appropriate for them to look into cases that were being, under consideration, and the process of that SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE CANBERRA PERTH ADELAIDE NEWCASTLE HOBART 02 9310 3155 03 9348 9191 07 3259 2100 02 6239 5233 08 9228 5800 08 8362 2325 02 4926 1628 03 6231 5300 Page: 4 committee is one that was right and proper on the terms that was given to it by this government. QUESTION: Minister, is this merely a problem of military discipline or are you dealing with a much broader problem than military culture? BRUCE SCOTT: This, this, the military discipline is and does require good leadership and I’m confident that the procedures will be followed and I’m confident of our military leadership in this country. QUESTION: Has there been a cover up? BRUCE SCOTT: No. QUESTION: Do you need a change of culture. Do you need a change of leadership culture, is it a broader problem? BRUCE SCOTT: Look, I’m confident with the leadership within the military to deal with this issue and deal with any allegations of improper conduct within the military. QUESTION: Do you think they get it though, Minister, you’ve vowed to stamp out this sort of stuff, so have other ministers and we still hear about it time and time again. Do you think these people actually understand what you’re talking about when you want it stamped out? BRUCE SCOTT: Yes I’m sure they do and I think so do those of the military leadership and I think we must judge on what we see. I am certainly confident that we have good military leadership because that is essential if we are to have good military discipline. QUESTION: Are you ruling out any further government action on this if the disciplinary record doesn’t bear up? BRUCE SCOTT: Oh look, let me say in relation to this issue I’m confident that the processes within the military forces and the leadership of the Australian Defence Force will deal with this appropriately. We have every confidence in them. SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE CANBERRA PERTH ADELAIDE NEWCASTLE HOBART 02 9310 3155 03 9348 9191 07 3259 2100 02 6239 5233 08 9228 5800 08 8362 2325 02 4926 1628 03 6231 5300 Page: 5 Thank you. * * END * * SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE CANBERRA PERTH ADELAIDE NEWCASTLE HOBART 02 9310 3155 03 9348 9191 07 3259 2100 02 6239 5233 08 9228 5800 08 8362 2325 02 4926 1628 03 6231 5300