Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey 2011–12 Construction and demolition waste recovery in Victoria 2011–12 The Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2011–12 was conducted between August 2012 and January 2013 and sought data from 66 Victorian reprocessors, excluding 43 plastic reprocessors surveyed as part of the 2011-12 National Plastics Recycling Survey. A total of 51 reprocessors – or 77% responded, estimated between them to account for more than 95% by weight of all material recovered in Victoria. For more information or to download a copy of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey 2011-12 report, please refer to the Sustainability Victoria website The information presented is an extract of the construction and demolition waste recovery figures from the report. Recovery and trends Construction and demolition materials accounted for 44% of all material recovered in Victoria in 2011–12, falling 16% to almost 3.5 million tonnes. This is the first time that Construction & Demolition recovery has fallen since 2007–08 and industry sources have suggested that this reduction is directly attributable to a downturn in the number of overall construction projects being undertaken in the State. This downturn in the construction sector resulted in reductions of 20—30% in many of the Construction & Demolition material categories with Brick / brick rubble, Rock / excavation stone and Soil & sand falling 30%, 26% and 21% respectively. Composition of construction and demolition material recovered for reprocessing (by weight), Victoria 2011–12 2011-12 Asphalt 6% Soil / sand 3% Brick whole / brick rubble 10% Rock / excavation stone 21% Plasterboard 1% Mixed construction and demolition waste 7% Concrete 52% Figure 2 Construction and demolition waste recovered for reprocessing, Victoria 2002-03 to 2011-12 4.5 4.0 Tonnes (million) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Sources of recyclables The vast majority of construction and demolition material recovered in Victoria (96%) is sourced directly from commercial and council works sites, which provide a steady stream of concrete, brick rubble, asphalt, rock and excavation stone. Figure 3 Source sectors of construction and demolition material received for reprocessing (by weight), Victoria 2011-12 2010-11 Municipal 4% Commercial & industrial 1% Construction & demolition 95% Industry sources have cited growing integration between Victoria’s construction, demolition and recycling industries, as well as the increasing use of recycled concrete in the construction of roads, pavements and other civil infrastructure as some of the primary reasons for the improved recovery. Construction and demolition waste material recovered in Victoria for reprocessing over the past 12 years, Victoria 2002-03 to 2011-12 Mixed demolition and construction Rock / excavation stone Soil & sand Total construction and demolition waste recovered 21 293 42 1,852 22 428 49 2,618 - 24 367 68 2,492 - 27 419 209 2,913 1,695 81 22 505 239 3,170 293 1,717 111 33 668 72 3,047 226 244 1,731 91 37 656 170 3,155 2009-10 196 518 2,438 81 27 452 108 3,823 2010-11 223 497 2,174 167 32 980 118 4,193 2011-12 229 350 1,829 246 34 723 93 3,502 Asphalt Brick / brick rubble Concrete 2002–03 84 250 1,161 - 2003–04 170 425 1,525 - 2004–05 162 395 1,477 2005–06 139 385 1,734 2006–07 190 438 2007–08 152 2008–09 Plasterboard Tonnes (‘000)