WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ___________________ Distribution: RESTRICTED ET/DR&C/Doc. 3.1.1(1)Rev.1 COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS (15.I.2003) _________ MEETING OF EXPERT TEAM ON DATA REPRESENTATION AND CODES Third session Item: 3.1.1 ENGLISH only Arusha, Tanzania, 17-21 February 2003 Additional entries in BUFR Code tables to support ENVISAT satellite data Submitted by Milan Dragosavac (ECMWF) __________________________________________________________________ Summary and Purpose of Document The ENVISAT satellite has been launched in March 2002. The satellite is multiinstrument producing environmental measurements. This proposal covers oceanographic and meteorological data to support near real time products on the GTS used in NWP. ACTION PROPOSED The team is requested to study the document for reservation of BUFR table B and D entries and pre-operational implementation. DISCUSSION 1. Background In March 2002, ENVISAT satellite was successfully launched by ESA. ENVISAT is now completing its commissioning phase. The satellite carries a number of instruments among which ASAR, MERIS, AATSR, RA-2, GOMOS, MIPAS and SCIAMACHY are of meteorological and NWP interest. ECMWF developed software to extract ENVISAT PDS data and create BUFR data containing subset information available in the original data set. At the same time some evaluation of SCIAMACHY, MIPAS, GOMOS and ASAR data has been done at ECMWF. 2. Proposal The proposal covers seven instruments: a) AATSR - Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer is the advanced version of the ATSR system operated on ERS1 and ERS2. The main objective of the AATSR is precise measurement of sea surface temperature (SST). Proposal for standard WMO BUFR Table B entries: -----------------------------------------------025061 SOFTWARE IDENTIFICATION AND VERSION NUMBER 001096 STATION ACQUISITION CCITTIA5 0 0 96 CCITTIA5 0 0 160 002173 MEAN ACROSS TRACK PIXEL NUMBER NUMERIC 0 0 9 012180 AVERAGED 12 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS AT NADIR 012181 AVERAGED 11 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS AT NADIR 012182 AVERAGED 3.7 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS AT NADIR 012183 AVERAGED 12 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS, FORWARD VIEW 012184 AVERAGED 11 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS, FORWARD VIEW 012185 AVERAGED 3.7 MICRON BT FOR ALL CLEAR PIXELS, FORWARD VIEW 012186 MEAN NADIR SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 012187 MEAN DUAL VIEW SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 021086 NUMBER OF PIXELS IN NADIR ONLY, AVERAGE K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 K 2 0 16 NUMERIC 0 0 9 021087 NUMBER OF PIXELS IN DUAL VIEW, AVERAGE 033043 AST CONFIDENCE NUMERIC 0 0 9 FLAG TABLE 0 0 8 033043 FLAG TABLE AST CONFIDENCE Bit No. Meaning 1 SEA MDS. NADIR ONLY SST RETRIEVAL USED 3.7 MICRON CHANNEL. LAND MDS RESERVED SEA MDS. DUAL VIEW SST RETRIEVAL USED 3.7 MICRON CHANNEL. LAND MDS RESERVED NADIR VIEW CONTAINS DAY TIME DATA FORWARD VIEW CONTAINS DAY TIME DATA RESERVED MISSING VALUE 2 3 4 5-7 All Common Code Table C-5: 001007 - satellite identifier Add 60 for ENVISAT Proposal for standard WMO BUFR Table D entries: ----------------------------------------------312045 - AATSR sea surface temperatures 312045 001007 002019 001096 025061 005040 301011 301013 301021 007002 012180 012181 012182 012183 012184 012185 002173 021086 012186 021087 012187 033043 Satellite identifier Satellite instruments Station acquisition Software identification and version number Orbit number Date Time Lat/long Height or altitude Average 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir Average 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir Average 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir Average 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view Average 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view Average 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view Mean across track pixel number Number of pixels in nadir only, average Mean nadir sea surface temperature Number of pixels in dual view, average Mean dual view sea surface temperature ATS confidence b) SCIAMACHY- The Scanning Imaging Absorbtion Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography. The instrument provides spectra measured from light transmitted, back scattered or reflected by trace gases in the atmosphere. Use standard entry 310020 c) MIPAS - The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding. The instrument measures atmospheric radiation emitted by trace gases in the infrared spectral range 4.14 to 14.6 micro meters. BUFR Table B reserved entry: 013080 INTEGRATED WATER VAPOUR KG/M**2 DENSITY 8 0 30 BUFR table D reserved entry: 310030 310022 301011 301013 301021 304034 310029 Satellite id, product type Date Time Lat/long Lat/long, solar elevation, number of layers Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour 310029 110000 031001 201138 202130 007004 007004 202000 201000 015020 010002 012101 013080 Delayed replication Change data width Change scale Pressure Pressure Cancel operator Cancel operator Integrated ozone density Height Temperature Integrated water vapour density d) GOMOS - The Global Ozone Monitoring by Occulation of Stars Gomos measures tangential atmospheric ultraviolet, visual and infrared light. The BUFR template is the same as for MIPAS data e) MERIS - The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer: The instrument produces multi-spectral images obtained in a downward viewing push broom imaging manner. The 15 bands acquire radiance in the visible and near infra-red bands. BUFR table B reserved entries: 010080 VIEWING ZENITH ANGLE 027080 VIEWING AZIMUTH ANGLE DEGREE DEGREE TRUE 2 2 -9000 0 15 16 013090 CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS 013095 TOTAL COLUMN WATER VAPOUR NUMERIC KG/M**2 0 4 0 0 8 19 BUFR table D reserved entries: 312050 001007 002019 001096 025061 005040 301011 301013 301021 007025 005022 010080 027080 008003 007004 013090 008003 201131 202129 007004 007004 202000 201000 013095 Satellite identifier Instrument type Station acquisition Software identification Orbit number Date Time Lat/long Solar zenith angle Solar azimuth Viewing zenith angle Viewing azimuth angle Vertical significance Pressure Cloud optical thickness Vertical significance Change data width Change scale Pressure Pressure Cancel operator Cancel operator Total column water vapour f) ASAR - The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar is a high resolution imaging radar. Ocean cross spectra 312051 001007 002019 001096 025061 005040 008075 301011 301013 301021 001012 201131 001013 201000 010032 010033 010034 007002 008012 025100 025101 025102 002104 025103 025104 ( WVS ) Satellite identifier Satellite instrument type Station acquisition Software identification Orbit number Ascending/descending orbit designator Date Time Lat/long Direction of motion of moving observing platform Change data width Speed of motion of moving observing platform Cancel operator Satellite distance to Earth centre Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) Earth radius Height Land/sea qualifier Image processing summary Number of input data gaps Number of missing lines excluding data gaps Antenna polarisation Number of directional bins Number of wave-length bins 025105 025106 025107 025108 002111 002121 002026 002027 021130 021131 021132 021133 021064 025014 021134 107018 005030 105024 201130 006030 201000 021135 021136 033044 First directional bin Directional bin step First wave-length bin Last wave-length bin Radar incidence angle Mean frequency Cross track resolution Along track resolution Spectrum total energy Spectrum maximum energy Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid Clutter noise estimate Azimuth clutter cut-off Range resolution of cross covariance spectrum Replicate next 7 descriptors 18 times Direction (spectral) Replicate 5 descriptors 24 time Change data width Wave number (spectral) Cancel operator Real part of cross spectra Imaginary part of cross spectra ASAR quality New Table B descriptors 010032 SATELLITE DISTANCE TO EARTH CENTRE 010033 ALTITUDE (PLATFORM TO ELLIPSOID) 010034 EARTH RADIUS 025100 IMAGE PROCESSING SUMMARY 025101 NUMBER OF INPUT DATA GAPS 025102 NUMBER OF MISSING LINES EXCLUDING DATA GAPS 025103 NUMBER OF DIRECTIONAL BINS 025104 NUMBER OF WAVE-LENGHT BINS 025105 FIRST DIRECTIONAL BIN 025106 DIRECTIONAL BIN STEP 025107 FIRST WAVE-LENGHT BIN 025108 LAST WAVE-LENGHT BIN 021130 SPECTRUM TOTAL ENERGY 021131 SPECTRUM MAX ENERGY 021132 DIRECTION OF SPECTRUM MAX ON HIGHER RESOLUTION GRID 021133 WAVE-LENGHT OF SPECTRUM MAX ON HIGHER RESOLUTION GRID 021134 RANGE RESOLUTION OF CRESS COVARIANCE SPECTRUM 021135 REAL PART OF CROSS SPECTRA POLAR GRID NUMBER OF BINS 021136 IMAGINARY PART OF CROSS SPECTRA POLAR GRID NUMBER OF BINS 033044 ASAR QUALITY INFORMATION M 1 0 27 M M FLAG TABLE NUMERIC NUME 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 27 10 8 8 NUMERIC NUMERIC DEGREES DEGREES M M NUMERIC NUMERIC DEGREES 0 0 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 19 19 29 29 28 28 19 M 3 0 29 RAD/M 3 0 19 NUMERIC 3 -524288 20 NUMERIC 3 -524288 20 FLAG TABLE 0 0 15 Flag table 025100 IMAGE PROCESSING SUMMARY bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-9 All 10 Flag table 033044 bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All 15 Meaning Raw data analysis used for raw data correction. Correction done using default parameters Raw data analysis used for raw data correction. Correction done using raw data analysis results Antenna elevation pattern correction applied Nominal chirp replica used Reconstructed chirp used Slant range to ground range Conversion applied Reserved Missing value ASAR QUALITY INFORMATION Meaning Input data mean outside nominal range flag Input data standard deviation outside nominal range flag Number of input data gaps > threshold value Percentage of missing lines > threshold value Doppler centroid uncertain. Confidence measure < specific value Doppler ambiguity estimate uncertain. Confidence measure < specific value Output data mean outside nominal range flag Output data standard deviation outside nominal range flag Chirp reconstruction failed or is of low quality flag Data set missing Invalid downlink parameters Azimuth cut-off iteration count. The azimuth cutoff fit did not converge within minimum number of iterations Azimuth cut-off fit did not converge within a minimum number of iterations Phase information confidence measure. The imaginary spectral peak is less than a minimum threshold, or the zero lag shift is greater than a minimum threshold Missing value OCEAN WAVE SPECTRA -------------------Table D sequence 312053 001007 002019 001096 025061 005040 008075 301011 301013 301021 001012 201131 001013 201000 010032 010033 010034 007002 008012 025100 025101 025102 002104 025103 025104 025105 025106 025107 025108 011001 011002 022160 025138 201130 202129 022021 202000 201000 033048 033049 002026 002027 021130 021131 021132 021133 025014 106036 005030 104024 201130 006030 201000 022161 033044 Satellite identifier Satellite instrument type Station acquisition Software identification and version number Orbit number Ascending/descending orbit designator Date Time Lat/long Direction of motion of moving observing platform Change data width Speed of motion of moving observing platform Cancel operator Satellite distance to Earth centre Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) Earth radius Height or altitude Land/sea qualifier Image processing summary Number of input data gaps Number of missing lines excluding data gaps Antenna polarisation Number of directional bins Number of wave-length bins First directional bin Directional bin step First wave-length bin Last wave-length bin Wind direction Wind speed Normalized inverse wave age Average signal to noise ratio Change data width Change scale Height of waves Cancel operator Cancel operator Confidence measure for SAR inversion Confidence measure for wind retrieval Cross track resolution Along track resolution Spectrum total energy Spectrum max energy Direction of spectrum max Wave-length of spectrum max Azimuth clutter cut-off Replicate 6 descriptors 36 times Direction (spectral) Replicate 4 descriptors 24 time Change data width Wave number (spectral) Cancel operator Wave spectra ASAR quality Table B descriptors 008075 ASCENDING/DESCENDING ORBIT DESIGNATOR 022160 NORMALIZED INVERSE WAVE AGE 025138 AVERAGE SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO 033048 CONFIDENCE MEASURE OF SAR INVERSION 033049 CONFIDENCE MEASURE OF WIND RETRIEVAL 022161 WAVE SPECTRA Code table 008075 code figure 1 2 3 Code table 033048 code figure 0 1 2 3 CODE TABLE 0 0 2 NUMERIC NUMERIC 6 0 0 -2048 21 12 CODE TABLE 0 0 2 CODE TABLE 0 0 2 M**4 4 0 27 Orbit designator Meaning descending reserved Missing CONFIDENCE MEASURE OF SAR INVERSION Meaning inversion successful inversion not successful reserved Missing Code table 033049 CONFIDENCE MEASURE OF WIND RETRIEVAL code figure 0 1 2 3 Meaning external wind direction used during inversion External wind direction not used during inversion reserved Missing g) RA2 - Radar Altimeter-2 ----------------------312052 001007 002019 001096 025061 005040 025120 025121 025124 025125 025122 025123 301011 301013 301021 007002 002115 033047 010081 010082 010083 010084 002116 002117 002118 002156 002157 014050 022150 022151 022152 022153 022154 022155 022156 022157 022158 022159 021137 021138 021139 021140 021141 021142 010085 010086 010087 010088 010089 010090 010091 010092 010093 011002 025126 025127 025128 025129 Satellite identifier Satellite instrument type Station acquisition Software identification Orbit number Ra2 L2 processing flag Ra2 L2 processing quality MWR L2 processing flag MWR L2 processing quality Hardware configuration for RF Hardware configuration for HPA Date Time Lat/long Height or altitude Instrument operations Measurement confidence data Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid Instantaneous altitude rate Off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data Off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data Percentage of 320 MHz band processed Percentage of 80 MHz band processed Percentage of 20 MHz band processed Percentage of valid Ku ocean retracker measurements Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements Solar activity index Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band Ku band ocean range STD of 18Hz Ku band ocean range Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band S band ocean range STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range Ku band significant wave height STD of 18 Hz Ku band significant wave height S band significant wave height STD 18 Hz S band significant wave height Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient STD S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient S band net instrumental correction for AGC Mean sea surface height Geoid height Ocean depth/land elevation Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 1 Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 2 Long period tide height Tidal loading height Solid earth tide height Geocentric pole tide height wind speed Model dry tropospheric correction Inverted barometer correction Model wet tropospheric correction MWR derived wet tropospheric correction 025130 025131 025132 025133 025134 025135 025136 025137 013096 013097 011080 011081 012188 012189 002158 002187 033052 033053 021143 021144 Ra2 ionospheric correction on Ku band Ionospheric correction from Doris on Ku band Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band Sea state bias correction on Ku band Ra2 ionospheric correction on S band Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band Ionospheric correction from model on S band Sea state bias correction on S band MWR water vapour content MWR liquid water content u component of model wind vector v component of model wind vector Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness temp from MWR Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness temp from MWR Mean nadir sea surface temperature Mean dual view sea surface temperature S band ocean retracking quality Ku band ocean retracking quality Ku band rain attenuation Altimeter rain flag Table B descriptors 002115 002116 002117 002118 002156 INSTRUMENT OPERATIONS CODE TABLE PERCENTAGE OF 320 MHZ BAND PROCESSED % PERCENTAGE OF 80 MHZ BAND PROCESSED % PERCENTAGE OF 20 MHZ BAND PROCESSED % PERCENTAGE OF VALID KU OCEAN % RETRACKER MEASUREMENTS 002157 PERCENTAGE OF VALID S OCEAN % RETRACKER MEASUREMENTS 002158 INSTRUMENT FLAG FLAG TABLE 002187 MWR INSTRUMENT FLAG FLAG TABLE 010081 ALTITUDE OF COG ABOVE REFERENCE M ELLIPSOID 010082 INSTANTANEOUS ALTITUDE RATE M/S 010083 OFF NADIR ANGLE OF THE SATELLITE DEGREE FROM PLATFORM DATA 010084 OFF NADIR ANGLE OF THE SATELLITE FROM WAVEFORM DATA DEGREE 010085 MEAN SEA SURFACE HEIGHT M 010086 GEOID HEIGHT M 010087 OCEAN DEPTH/LAND ELEVATION M 010088 TOTAL GEOCENTRIC OCEAN TIDE HEIGHT M SOLUTION 1 010089 TOTAL GEOCENTRIC OCEAN TIDE HEIGHT M SOLUTION 2 010090 LONG PERIOD TIDE HEIGHT M 010091 TIDAL LOADING HEIGHT M 010092 SOLID EARTH TIDE HEIGHT M 010093 GEOCENTRIC POLE TIDE HEIGHT M 011080 U COMPONENT OF THE MODEL WIND M/S VECTOR 011081 V COMPONENT OF THE MODEL WIND M/S VECTOR 012188 INTERPOLATED 23.8 GHZ BRIGHTNESS T K FROM MWR 012189 INTERPOLATED 36.5 GHZ BRIGHTNESS T K FROM MWR 013096 MWR WATER VAPOUR CONTENT KG/M**2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 9 8 3 0 31 3 2 -65536 -36000 17 17 2 -36000 3 -131072 3 -131072 1 -131072 3 -32768 17 18 18 18 16 3 -32768 16 3 3 3 3 1 -32768 -32768 -32768 -32768 -4096 16 16 16 16 13 1 -4096 13 2 0 16 2 0 16 0 14 013097 MWR LIQUID WATER CONTENT KG/M**2 2 0 014050 SOLAR ACTIVITY INDEX NUMERIC 0 -32768 021137 KU BAND CORRECTED OCEAN DB 2 -32768 BACKSCATTER COEFFICIENT 021138 STD KU BAND CORRECTED OCEAN DB 2 -32768 BACKSCATTER COEFFICIENT 021139 KU BAND NET INSTRUMENTAL DB 2 -2048 CORRECTION FOR ACG 021140 S BAND CORRECTED OCEAN DB 2 -32768 BACKSCATTER COEFFICIENT 021141 STD S BAND CORRECTED OCEAN DB 2 -32768 BACKSCATTER COEFFICIENT 021142 S BAND NET INSTRUMENTAL DB 2 -1024 CORRECTION FOR ACG 021143 KU BAND RAIN ATTENUATION DB 2 -1073741824 021144 ALTIMETER RAIN FLAG FLAG TABLE 0 0 022150 NUMBER OF 18 HZ VALID POINTS NUMERIC 0 0 FOR KU BAND 022151 KU BAND OCEAN RANGE M 3 0 022152 STD OF 18 HZ KU BAND OCEAN RANGE M 3 0 022153 NUMBER OF 18 HZ VALID POINTS FOR NUMERIC 0 0 S BAND 022154 S BAND OCEAN RANGE M 3 0 022155 STD OF 18 HZ S BAND OCEAN RANGE M 3 0 022156 KU BAND SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT M 3 0 022157 STD 18 HZ KU BAND SIGNIFICANT M 3 0 WAVE HEIGHT 022158 S BAND SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT M 3 0 022159 STD 18 HZ S BAND SIGNIFICANT WAVE M 3 0 HEIGHT 025120 RA2_L2_PROCESSING FLAG CODE TABLE 0 0 025121 RA2_L2_PROCESSING QUALITY % 0 0 025122 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION FOR RF CODE TABLE 0 0 025123 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION FOR HPA CODE TABLE 0 0 025124 MWR L2 PROCESSING FLAG CODE TABLE 0 0 025125 MWR L2 PROCESSING QUALITY % 0 0 025126 MODEL DRY TROPOSPHERIC CORRECTION M 3 -32768 025127 INVERTED BAROMETER CORRECTION M 3 -32768 025128 MODEL WET TROPOSPHERIC CORRECTION M 3 -32768 025129 MWR DERIVED WET TROPOSPHERIC M 3 -32768 CORRECTION 025130 RA2 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION ON KU M 3 -32768 BAND 025131 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION FROM DORIS M 3 -32768 ON KU BAND 025132 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION FROM MODEL M 3 -32768 ON KU BAND 025133 SEA STATE BIAS CORRECTION ON M 3 -32768 KU BAND 025134 RA2 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION ON S M 3 -32768 BAND 025135 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION FROM DORIS M 3 -32768 ON S BAND 025136 IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION FROM MODEL M 3 -32768 ON S BAND 025137 SEA STATE BIAS CORRECTION ON S M 3 -32768 BAND 033052 S BAND OCEAN RETRACKING QUALITY FLAG TABLE 0 0 033053 KU BAND OCEAN RETRACKING FLAG TABLE 0 0 QUALITY 033047 MEASUREMENT CONFIDENCE DATA FLAG TABLE 0 0 14 14 16 16 12 16 16 11 31 2 10 31 16 10 31 16 16 16 16 16 2 7 2 2 2 7 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 21 21 31 Code table 2180 Code figure 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INSTRUMENT OPERATIONS Meaning IF CAL BITE DGT BITE RF PSET TRK PSET LOOP OUT ACQUISITION TRACKING MISSING VALUE Flag table 002158 bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Flag table 2187 bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALL Flag table 021144 bit number 1 all INSTRUMENT FLAG Meaning MISMATCH IN RED VEC HPA MISMATCH IN RED VEC RFSS PTR CALIBRATION BAND 320 MHz (Ku) PTR CALIBRATION BAND 80 MHz (Ku) PTR CALIBRATION BAND 20 MHz (Ku) PTR CALIBRATION BAND 160 MHz (S) Ku FLIGHT CALIBRATION PARAMETERS AVAILABLE S FLIGHT CALIBRATION PARAMETERS AVAILABLE Missing value 2239 MWR INSTRUMENT FLAG Meaning Temperature inconsistency Data is missing Redundancy channel Power bus protection Overvoltage/Overload protection Reserved Reserved Missing Altimeter rain flag Meaning RAIN Missing value Code table 25120 code figure 0 1 2 3 Code table 25122 Code figure 0 1 2 3 Code table 25123 Code figure 0 1 2 3 Code table 25124 Code figure 0 1 2 3 Flag table 33053 bit number 1-20 All RA2_l2_processing flag Meaning Percentage of DSRs free of processing errors during Level 2 processing is greater than the acceptable threshold Percentage of DSRs free of processing errors during Level 2 processing is less than the acceptable threshold Reserved Missing value Hardware configuration for RF Meaning Hardware configuration for RF is A Hardware configuration for RF is B Reserved Missing Hardware configuration for HPA Meaning Hardware configuration for HPA is A Hardware configuration for HPA is B Reserved Missing MWR l2 processing flag Meaning Percentage of DSRs during Level 2 processing threshold Percentage of DSRs during Level 2 processing threshold Reserved Missing free of processing errors is greater than the acceptable free of processing errors is less than the acceptable Ku band ocean retracking quality Meaning First 20 least significant bits correspond to the 20 values (one per data block containing 0=valid measurement, 1=invalid) bit 1 applies to the 20th data block Missing Flag table 33052 bit number 1-20 All Flag table 33047 bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 All S band ocean retracking quality Meaning First 20 least significant bits correspond to the 20 values (one per data block containing 0=valid measurement, 1=invalid) bit 1 applies to the 20th data block Missing Measurement confidence data Meaning Packet length error. Error detected and attempt to recover made OBDH validity. Anomaly in OBDH value detected USO validity. Anomaly in USOP value detected Fault identifier. Errors detected by on-board AGC fault identifier. AGC out of range Rx delay fault. Rx distance out of range Wave form samples fault identifier. Error Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Brightness temperature range check (channel 1) out of range Brightness temperature range check (channel 2) out of range Reserved Ku Ocean retracking error S Ocean retracking error Ku Ice 1 retracking error S Ice 1 retracking error Ku Ice 2 retracking error S Ice 2 retracking error Ku Sea Ice retracking error Arithmetic fault error Meteo data state. No map Meteo data state. 1 map Meteo data state 2 maps degraded Meteo data state 2 maps nominal Orbit propagator status for propagation mode, several errors Orbit propagator status for propagation mode, warning detected Orbit propagator status for initialisation mode, several errors Orbit propagator status for initialisation mode, warning detected Missing