When Texas won its independence from Mexico, the battles with

Stephen F. Austin Chapter
Daughters of the Republic of Texas
2014-2015 Scholarship Competition
When Texas won its independence from Mexico, the battles with bullets were over. The
fledgling Republic now had to turn its attention to creating a sovereign “nation” that would
serve the needs of its citizens. The new Republic faced many of the same challenges that all
new nations encounter—social, economic, and political issues that affect stability and
The Stephen F. Austin Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas is sponsoring a competition
for two $1000.00 scholarships. One is for an electronic presentation and the other for an
essay. Applicants may choose from three topics covering an issue that had a direct impact on
the Republic’s development and how it was resolved—or why it wasn’t resolved.
Graduating seniors in good academic standing from any high school (or home-school) in
Texas may apply.
Applicants who have been accepted by, or applied to, an accredited university, college,
vocational or technical school. NOTE: If a winner has not been accepted by April 21, 2015,
the actual award may be delayed until acceptance is verified.
Applicants must be citizens of the United States.
Applicants need not be related to a member of the DRT.
Winners will be notified by April 1, 2015. NOTE: The award will be made out to both the
student and the educational institution he/she will be attending.
Competition Overview and Instructions:
Texas history is our story, how we got to where we are today. We are looking for entries that
tell the story behind the chosen topic in an interesting and lively manner and not just a
recitation of facts. Rumors and suppositions are permitted as long as they are identified as
such. Content outweighs technical format. Your presentation or essay should be on one of
the following questions:
How did the Republic handle the on-going conflict with the Native Amerian tribes
to fulfill its role of “protecting its citizens”?
How did the Republic determine and record ownership of its greatest resource, its land?
What did the Republic do to encourage trade and economic growth?
You may use these points as a guide:
Why the issue was important to the Republic’s development
The obstacles and how they were or were not overcome
The major participants
The effect, if any, the issue had on Texas and its citizens today
Slide presentations:
Use PowerPoint or Prezi
Minimum 8 / maximum 12 slides
Narration preferred but not required
Use photos, clip art or diagrams to enhance
Last slide must include list of at least 5
sources used or quoted, including
interviews, and does not count toward
required length
Minimum 750 / maximum 1000 words
Typed single space
8½” x 11” paper (for hard copy)
Clip art, photos or diagrams are permitted
Use a simple font like Arial, Calibri or Times
New Roman
Must include bibliography with a minimum
of 5 sources used (does not apply to word
Video presentations:
Use MP4 or Prezi
Minimum 3 / maximum 7 minutes
Audio preferred but not mandatory
Use visual aids where appropriate
Must include “credits” at end listing all
sources used or quoted
Electronic submissions should be in Word
or PDF
All mailed essays should be on plain white
Post PowerPoint & MP4 presentations to
YouTube and include the link to your
presentation in your application.
For Prezi, include the link to your
presentation in your application.
(Prezi.com is a free online presentation
maker. Access through Facebook or
create your own personal account.)
11244 Pinehurst Dr.
Austin, TX 78747
For questions or clarification, E-mail
sfascholarship@gmail.com or use the mailing
address. You’ll receive a reply within 2 days.
DO NOT put your name on your presentation or essay. It will be matched to your application
and given a number to ensure it is judged only on merit.
Each entry must be solely the work of the applicant. You may ask others for advice, feedback
or fact-checking. You may also use other people as “actors” or “voice overs” or interview
subject matter experts. But the presentation or essay must reflect your research and creativity.
All electronic presentations must be posted and available by this date.
All essays must be received or postmarked by this date.
You will receive confirmation that your entry was received.
(Please consider submitting your entry a few days before the deadline in case there is a glitch.
This will give you time to be notified to re-submit your entry.)
Evaluation Criteria:
Does the presentation or essay answer the topic question? (20 points)
Is the presentation or essay historically accurate? (20 points)
Does the presentation or essay reflect the research conducted to produce it? (20 points)
Does the presentation or essay explain the issue in an easy-to-understand manner? (20
5. Is the presentation or essay free of grammar and spelling errors and within the required
length? (10 points)
6. Does the presentation or essay include a list of “credits” or a bibliography of at least five
sources? (10 points)
Application and Letter of Recommendation:
Each student must submit an application form and a letter of recommendation from a teacher,
counselor, principal, vice-principal or appropriate school official.
1. To download the application, go to www.stephenfaustindrt.org.
Click on “Scholarships” at the bottom of the page to bring up links to the
downloadable application or you can complete it online.
2. Complete the application and E-mail it in Word or PDF format to
sfascholarship@gmail.com or mail to the address in the Requirements table.
Wait until your presentation is finished to submit your application.
Letter of Recommendation:
1. The letter should attest that you are a student in good academic standing
as well as why the writer believes you should be considered for a scholarship
2. The writer is to E-mail the letter in Word or PDF format to
sfascholarship@gmail.com or mail to the address in the Requirements table.
Applications and letters must also be received no later than February 17, 2015.
The Stephen F. Austin Chapter is looking forward to seeing
how each entry presents an important part of our heritage!