Dynamic Kenpo Karate

Dynamic Kenpo Karate
Advanced Green Belt
Advanced Green Belt
Glancing Spear (Front- Right Direct Wrist Grab to Left Arm)
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock grabs your left hand with their right hand.
2. Step your right foot back to 6 o'clock into a transitory left neutral bow as you have
your right hand (palm down) circle clockwise under your attacker's right wrist, pinning it,
as you turn your left hand palm up. With this action, pivot into a left reverse bow as you
pull your attacker's arms diagonally down past your right hip. As you settle into the
reverse bow, grab your attacker's right wrist with your right hand.
3. Pivot into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left outward elbow
strike to your attacker's lower right ribs.
4. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you use a left check on top of your
attacker's right arm and glance your right arm off your attacker's right arm, executing a
right finger thrust to your attacker's eyes.
5. Step your left foot to 4:30 into a cross over as sweep your attacker's right leg in the
6. Pivot clockwise as you execute a right outward backfist to your attacker's kidney. Let
this pass through and then reverse to a right ridge-hand as you execute a right stiff-legged
sweep to the back of your attacker's right leg to 4:30. You should be settled into a left
forward bow facing 10:30 while your attacker is on the ground.
7. Execute a right downward looping round kick to your attacker's chest.
8. Cross out.
Thrust into Darkness (Rear- Right Step-Through Punch)
1. An attacker at 6 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through punch.
2. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a left reverse cat stance as you look over your left
shoulder at your attacker. (Your right hand will be checking high over your left shoulder,
left hand checking low.)
3. As you settle into the stance, immediately execute a right rear kick to your attacker's
solar plexus.
4. Land and pivot counterclockwise into a left neutral bow facing 7:30. Immediately
pivot and execute a right front kick to your attacker's chest. Land forward into a right
neutral bow facing 7:30.
5. As your attacker stumbles back, execute a left front crossover. Step out by executing a
right knife-edge kick to the outside of your attacker's right knee. (This should buckle your
attacker's right knee and turn their body counterclockwise.)
6. As you land in a right neutral bow towards 7:30 pivot into a right forward bow as you
execute a right backfist to your attacker's left temple simultaneously with a left vertical
punch to your attacker's spine. (At the completion of this whipping action, return to the
right neutral bow.
7. Execute a right front crossover to 1:30.
8. Survey.
9. Noticing that your attacker may still pose a threat, execute a left rear crossover to your
attacker and execute a right rear kick.
10. Cross out to 1:30.
Circling Fans (Front- Left / Right Punch Combination)
1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a left straight punch.
2. Step your left foot back to 6 o'clock into a right cat stance as you execute a right
inward parry. Your attacker then follows up with a right straight punch. Execute a left
parry to the outside of your attacker's right arm.
3. Execute a right front snap kick to your attacker's groin. As you land forward into a
right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock, execute a right vertical back knuckle strike to your
attacker's chin.
4. Step your left foot to 12 o'clock into a front crossover as you check down your
attacker's arms with your right arm and execute a left vertical punch to your attacker's
solar plexus.
5. Execute a right knee strike to your attacker's groin.
6. Land forward into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a right reverse
handsword (ridge hand) under the right side of your attacker's jaw.
7. Sink into your right neutral bow as you execute a right downward handsword onto
your attacker's collarbone.
8. Execute a right front crossover to 7:30.
9. Survey.
10. Noticing that your attacker may pose a threat, step into a left rear crossover and
execute a right rear kick.
11. Execute a right front crossover and cross out to 7:30.
Rotating Destruction (Front- Right Step-Through Front Kick; followed by
a Left Spinning Rear Kick)
1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through front kick.
2. From a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock, have your right hand hang low. As the
front kick comes in, pivot into a right reverse close kneel as you execute a right inward
downward (palm down) block. Pivot back into a right neutral bow as your right hand
converts into a right extended outward block and forces your attacker's leg out.
3. As you turn them to 3 o'clock, they spin and throw a left spinning rear kick.
4. Drop your right foot to 6 o'clock into a left front twist stance as you execute a right
downward block to the outside of your attacker's left leg.
5. Using the torque from the stance, pivot clockwise and execute a right round kick to
your attacker's head.
6. Land forward into a left neutral bow as you immediately deliver a right spinning hook
kick to your attacker's solar plexus.
7. Cross out to 7:30.
8. Survey.
9. Return by executing a right hopping knife-edge kick to your attacker.
10. Cross out to 7:30.
Falcons of Force (Two-Man; Flank- Left and Right Shoulder Grabs)
1. An attacker at 9 o'clock grabs your left shoulder with their right hand while an attacker
at 3 o'clock grabs your right shoulder with their left hand.
2. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a horse stance towards your attacker at your right
flank (Attacker #1). As you step, pin your attacker's left hand with your left hand to your
right shoulder as you simultaneously execute a right outward hand sword to your
attacker's throat.
3. Without hesitation, step your right foot to 10:30 into a right neutral bow as your left
hand checks attacker #2's right hand. [Note: Some add an insert here of a right inward
slicing hand spear.] Pivot into a left neutral bow facing 7:30 as you execute a left outward
hand sword to attacker #2.
4. Attacker #1 returns to the scene throwing a right step-through punch at your head.
5. Step your left foot to 10:30 into a right neutral bow facing 4:30 as you execute a right
inward block to the inside of your attacker's right arm.
6. Execute a right front snap kick to the groin of attacker #1.
7. Land forward with your right foot and execute a left rear crossover and execute a right
rear kick to the solar plexus of attacker #2.
8. From the kick, land your right foot to 1:30 into a right front crossover. Unwind and
change your angle of departure so you are in a left neutral bow facing 6 o'clock.
9. Survey.
10. With attacker #1 still in range and still standing, execute a right spinning stiff-leg
sweep to attacker #1's right leg. Finish your sweeping action in a left neutral bow facing 6
11. Survey.
12. Cross out to 10:30.
The Bear and the Ram (Two-Man- Front: Right Punch; Rear: Bear Hug;
Arms Free)
1. An attacker at 6 o'clock grabs you in a bear hug leaving your arms free as an attacker at
12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through punch.
2. Execute a right inward block to the front attacker's (attacker #1) right arm as you
execute a right front kick to attacker #1's groin.
3. Plant your right foot to 3 o'clock into a horse stance facing 12 o'clock as you
simultaneously strike down with both of your elbows onto attacker #2's forearms to
loosen their grip.
4. Step your left foot to your right into a cat stance as your left and right arms cock at
your right hip. Step your left foot around and behind attacker #2's right leg into a left
reverse bow.
5. Pivot into a left neutral bow facing 7:30 as you execute a left outward elbow strike to
attacker #2's face. Continue to pivot into a left forward bow as you execute a right inward
downward hammerfist to your attacker's bladder.
6. Execute a left rear crossover and execute a right rear kick to attacker #1's chest.
7. From the point of contact of the rear kick, reverse the motion and execute a right front
kick to attacker #2's right ribs.
8. From the right front kick, execute a right front crossover to 1:30 stepping out into a left
neutral bow.
9. Execute a left front kick to attacker #2's head.
10. From this kick, execute a left front crossover to 10:30. Execute a right knife-edge
kick to attacker #1's knee.
11. Land in a right front crossover and step out towards 3 o'clock.
Raining Lance (Front- Right Step-Through Overhead Knife)
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through overhead knife attack.
2. Step your left foot to 10:30 into a left neutral bow to out of the Line of Attack. As you
move, execute a right outward parry to the outside of your attacker's right arm.
3. With the overhead attack still in motion, pivot to your right into a horse stance as your
left assists your right and guides the knife into your attacker's right thigh.
4. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a right inward elbow to
your attacker's sternum as your left hand pins your attacker's right hand to keep the knife
in his thigh.
5. Have your right hand drop to check your attacker's right hand and knife as your left
hand tracks up and executes a palm up tiger's mouth strike to your attacker's throat.
6. Switch your hands again so your left hand grabs your attacker's testicles as your right
hand circles counterclockwise and executes a crab hand pinch (palm facing your attacker)
to hook and pinch your attacker's eyes. Note: This pinch and the squeezing of the testicles
should make your attacker a bit nauseous and temporarily blinded.
7. Your right foot steps forward into a cat stance facing 12 o'clock as your left hand
contours up your attacker's right arm and executes a left inner wrist strike to your
attacker's throat. (Your right hand returns to continue pressing the knife into your
attacker's right leg.)
8. Step your right foot to 12 o'clock into a right close kneel as your left wrist hooks onto
your attacker's neck and uses their right shoulder as a fulcrum to taken them over your
right knee.
9. Execute a right downward diagonal hammerfist to your attacker's heart. (Your left
hand should be pinning and controlling your attacker.
10. Execute a left palm strike to the right side of your attacker's jaw as your right hand
pulls the knife from your attacker's thigh.
11. From your close kneel, cross out to 7:30.
Desperate Falcons (Front- Two-Hand Direct Grab to Both Wrists)
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock directly grabs your wrists.
2. Step your left foot to 12 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you circle
both your arms clockwise having them travel under, around, and over your attacker's
right wrist. (You will pull your hands diagonally down to cancel your attacker's height
and width zones.)
3. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left backfist to your
attacker's face with a right vertical punch to your attacker's right ribs.
4. Step your right foot forward into a right cat stance as you execute a right backfist to
your attacker's right temple. (Your left hand should press against your attacker's right
5. Step you right foot forward into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a
right inward elbow to your attacker's face.
6. Pivot into a right reverse wide kneel to buckle out your attacker's right leg as you
execute a right downward diagonal hammerfist to your attacker's right kidney. (Your left
hand continues to press on your attacker's right arm.)
7. Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left rear crossover and then step your right leg to 1:30
into a right reverse bow to buckle out your attacker's left leg.
8. Execute a right knee strike to your attacker's right thigh. Land in a front crossover and
a continue to cross out to 7:30.
Leap of Death (Front- Right Step-Through Punch)
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through punch.
2. Step back to 6 o'clock with your right foot into a left neutral bow as you execute a right
outward parry to the outside of your attacker's right punch. Ride the punch as you pivot
into a left reverse bow as your right parry grabs your attacker's right wrist and you
execute a right inward block to the outside of your attacker's right arm.
3. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left outward backfist
to your attacker's right lower ribs.
4. Reverse the flow of your action once again as you pivot back into a left reverse bow
while executing a left palm strike to the back of your attacker's right shoulder. (This
explosion of motion should jerk your attacker to the ground.)
5. Leap into the air above your attacker, feet cocked under you and hands cocked at the
sides of your chest in a palm up fashion.
6. Land in a diamond stance on your attacker so that your heels strike your attacker's
kidneys and slide off to the each respective side of your attacker. Use a quarter beat
timing to take advantage of your attacker's response (their head will pop up) and execute
simultaneous palm strikes to the back of your attacker's jawbone, driving their face back
to the ground.
7. From the reaction of your attacker's face hitting the ground and bouncing back up,
slide your hands under their chin.
8. Shift into a concave stance as you pull up and towards you with both of your hands
using your knees to brace down and against your attacker's shoulder blades. (The purpose
here is to stretch their neck and throat to its limit.)
9. Without letting go, twist your attacker's head clockwise to snap their neck. (This is
done by placing your left hand on the back of your attacker's head while your right
remains under your attacker's chin.) With this twist, your right hand is now cocked high.
10. Pivot into a left close kneel as you execute a right inward hand sword to the bridge of
your attacker's nose.
11. Switch to a right close kneel as you drop your left knee onto your attacker's upper
spine. Simultaneous with this move, execute a left push down to the back of your
attacker's head to once again force their face to the ground.
12. Using your attacker's body as a springboard, leap up and rotate your body
counterclockwise in the air. Synchronize torque and marriage of gravity as you land on
your left foot and execute a right downward looping round kick to your attacker's head.
13. Execute a right front crossover and cross out to 10:30.
Protecting Fans (Front- Left Step-Through Punch followed by a Right
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock throws a left step-through punch.
2. Step your left foot to 10:30 as you execute a left inward parry to the inside of your
attacker's left arm. Your attacker follows with a right punch.
3. Pivot into a left forward bow as you execute a right extended outward block (done as a
hand sword) to the outside of your attacker's right arm. (Your left arm is cocked at your
left hip.)
4. Turn to your right at the waist as you simultaneously execute a left hand spear to your
attacker's eyes as you execute a right front kick to their groin.
5. Land forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward elbow to your
attacker's sternum or head while your left hand checks your attacker's right arm.
6. Execute a right front scoop kick to your attacker's groin followed by a right two-finger
hook to your attacker's eyes. As you hook, execute a left palm strike to your attacker's
7. Land in a left neutral bow and cross out to 7:30.
Note: Some schools opt to add a survey after the last strike, followed by a push drag right
punch and back out.
Deceptive Panther (Front- Right Front Kick; followed by a Right Round
1. An attacker at 12 o'clock throws a right front kick followed by a high right round kick.
Note: Most knowledgeable Kenpoists would be amazed if you could see and block these
two kicks well. Most just train it for a right round kick.
2. From a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock, step your left foot up the circle to 4:30 into
a right cat stance as you execute a left downward block to the first kick followed by a
right inward block to the second kick.
3. Execute a right knife-edge kick to your attacker's left inner knee.
4. Land into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. As you land, execute a right downward
backfist to your attacker's right mastoid.
5. Without a loss of motion, pivot clockwise into a twist stance as you execute a left
hammerfist down onto the right side of your attacker's neck.
6. Pivot counterclockwise out of your twist stance as you execute a right stiff-arm rising
back knuckle strike to your attacker's face while your left hand checks at your attacker's
right shoulder.
7. As you continue the pivot execute a right rear kick that employs both thrusting and
lifting methods in it.
8. Cross out to 4:30.
Courting the Tiger (Two-Man; Flank- Left and Right Shoulder Grabs)
1. An attacker at 9 o'clock grabs your left shoulder with their right arm as an attacker at 3
o'clock grabs your right shoulder with their left arm.
2. Step your right foot behind your left into a twist stance as you counter grab the wrist of
the attacker at 3 o'clock (attacker #1) and execute a left elbow strike to the ribs of the
attacker at your left flank (attacker #2). Note: This elbow should push attacker #2 away
from you and make attacker #1's weight shift to the left leg.
3. Execute a right knife-edge to the outside of attacker #1's left knee, buckling them and
turning them away.
4. Land with your right foot in front of your left into a twist stance. Without hesitation,
execute a left knee strike to the back of attacker #2's right knee, lifting it into the air and
placing all their weight on their left leg.
5. From the cocked position, execute a left knife-edge kick to the inside of attacker #2's
left leg, dropping them to the ground.
6. Land with your left foot behind your right into a twist stance as you execute a right
outward backfist to attacker #1's head. (Your left hand should be checking for a possible
retaliation by attacker #2.)
7. From the twist stance, execute a chicken kick as your left foot executes a front kick to
attacker #2's ribs and your right front kick hits your attacker in the chest.
8. As you land forward into a right neutral bow facing 9 o'clock, execute a right stiff-arm
rising back knuckle to the face of attacker #2.
9. Execute a right rear kick to attacker #1's face, ideally under the chin, in a grafted
thrusting/lifting method of execution.
10. Land in a right front crossover and cross out to 6 o'clock.
Striking Set 2
The key concept in this set is Point of Origin. There is no winding up between moves.
Unless stated, however, keep one hand chambered while the other is in action.
Start from a horse stance.
1. Execute a right upward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a right downward elbow (reverse
motion). Execute a right inward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a right outward elbow to 12
2. Execute a left upward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a left downward elbow. Execute a
left inward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a left outward elbow to 12 o'clock.
3. Step to 12 o'clock with your right foot into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you
execute a right inward diagonal downward elbow (palm down).
4. Step your left foot to 12 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute
a left inward diagonal downward elbow (palm down).
5. Step your left foot back to 6 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as your
left cocks at your hip while you execute a right inward overhead elbow. Pivot into a right
forward bow as you execute a left upward elbow to stomach level. Pivot back into a right
neutral bow as you execute a right downward diagonal forearm smash.
6. Step your right foot back to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as your
right hand cocks at the hip while you execute a left inward overhead elbow. Pivot into a
left forward bow as you execute a right upward elbow to stomach level. Pivot back into a
left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left downward diagonal forearm
7. Step your left foot back to a training horse stance as both of your arms execute twin
back elbows.
8. Execute a right inward elbow that figure 8s to a right outward vertical forearm strike.
9. Execute a left inward elbow that figure 8s to a left outward vertical forearm strike.
10. With hands cocking to the right, execute a left outward elbow and a right inward
11. Passing the hands to the left, cock hands to the left, execute a right outward elbow
and a left inward elbow.
12. Cock your left hand at the hip as you execute a right inward vertical forearm strike to
solar plexus level.
13. Cock your right hand at the hip as you execute a left inward vertical forearm strike to
solar plexus level.
14. Execute a right vertical 2 finger eye poke followed by a right upward flapping elbow
followed by a right inward vertical elbow down on sternum level.
15. Execute a left vertical 2 finger eye poke followed by a left upward flapping elbow
followed by a left inward vertical elbow down on sternum level.
16. Bring your left foot to your right as you execute a right and left punch forward. Turn
them into twin chopping hammerfists to an imaginary attacker's kidneys. Bring right hand
over left and wipe off on hips as you straighten.
17. Drop into a meditative horse stance.
18. Attention Stance.
19. Bow