ALBACINA - Comune di Fabriano

Distance from Fabriano: 10 Km.
Elevation: 292. m.
Parish: S. Venanzo (Holy Day: June 7)
Annual appointment: May 3: pilgrimage to Shrine of "Madonna dell'Acquarella"
In the ancient castle, built from the ruins of the Roman Tuficum, you can admire the remains of the
walls and the fortified door with its defensive works.
In the parish church, dedicated to St. Venanzio, where the remains of the saint were found in the
XIII century, there is a precious triptych by the Master of Staffolo, depicting the Madonna and
Child Enthroned with Angels. Above Albacina there is the Hermitage of St. Maria dell'Acquarella:
there, in 1529, the first general assembly of the Capuchins took place.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Santa Maria in Campo) 7,470 km
Elevation: 291 m.
Parish: S. Marcello Papa (Holy Day: January 16)
Annual appointment: Festa della Felicità (Happiness Feast) and Il Premio della Bontà (Kindness
The ancient castle, which is mentioned in a charter of S. Vittore dated 1243, has been destroyed, but
some ruins are still visible in the walls of some old houses. Famous personality of the place is
Mazzoli Giuseppe, who was elected Bishop of Germa of Ellesponto and Archbishop of the Basilica
of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. He was sent to Bulgaria as an apostolic to replace Monsignor Angelo
Giuseppe Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII. Within the territory and specifically in the area of
“Le Castriche” there is the community “Incontro” of Don Gelmini, settled there in 1985. The aim of
this community is the rehabilitation of drug-addicted people.
Distance from Fabriano: 5 Km.
Elevation: 450 m.
Parish: S. Giovanni Battista Decollato (Holy Day: August 29)
Annual appointment: representation of Via Crucis
The name of the city derives from the name of the ancient Roman town of Attidium, whose relics
are preserved in Ancona in the National Archaeological Museum of the Marche.
The baptismal font was kept in Attiggio till 1253: it was located in the ancient “pieve” of S.
Giovanni Battista, built in the early days of Christianity.
Interesting archaeological finds of immense historical value have already been done, although they
represent only a small part of the abundance of the subsoil.
Distance from Fabriano: 6,30 Km.
Elevation: 383 m.
Parish: S. Stefano (Holy Day: August 3)
This small village is known for the Church of S. Stefano, dated back to 1322, inside there is a fresco
dated 1572 by Simone De Magistris, depicting the prayer of the Holy Rosary (Our lady of the Holy
Rosary and S.Domenico on his knees).
Distance from Fabriano: 9,015 Km.
Elevation: 519 m.
Parish: S. Maria della Pietà (Holy Day: second Sunday of September)
It was a castle when Francesco Sforza was lord of Fabriano, Bastia is artistically known because of
its Parish Church, inside of which there is a panel by Bernardino di Mariotto (from Umbria), it
depicts the Madonna and Child (1498) holding a castle with battlement wall in her left hand- that
castle maybe represent Bastia itself. The panel is now located in the Civic Art Gallery.
Distance from Fabriano: 16,025 Km.
Elevation: 630 m.
Parish: S. Ilario (Holy Day: January 13)
The Castle is located between the Apennine and Monte Rogedano, it controlled one of the main
road that from the highland led to Serradica and Vallermita valley. In the church dedicated to
S.Ilario you can admire two ancient statues depicting the Madonna. There’s also a valuable
fourteenth century Crucifix attributed to Francesco di Bocco.
Distance from Fabriano: 10,400 km.
Elevation: 530 m.
Parish: S. Paterniano (Holy Day: November 13)
In the past it was a castle, an important bulwark of Fabriano down into the valley of Esino and the
Adriatic. There is an important painting on wood inside the church of S. Paterniano depicting the
Madonna and Child, S. John the Baptist and St. Paterniano, made by an unknown painter of the
XVI century from Marche, attributed to Friar Fabiano from Urbino.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Varano) 8,840 km. - (via Cancelli) 9,700 Km.
Elevation: 480 m.
Parish: S. Pietro Apostolo (last Sunday of August)
Annual appointment: representation of Via Crucis
Near the village, not far from Cancelli, there was, since the early XV century, one of the most
ancient hospital of the area (it was, actually, an old people’s home), it was called S.Lorenzo. On
March 15,2002 in the area opposite to the parish church (where there was an ancient convent in the
past)- during restructuring works of an agritourism- they found a great number of human remains
(skulls, femurs, lower limbs, jaws etc..). Maybe in that place there used to be Knights Templar
cemeteries, mass graves or maybe those were remains of soldiers dead during mediaeval battles…
experts from Soprintendenza of Archaeological and cultural heritage of Marche haven’t given any
answer yet.
Distance from Fabriano: 16.560 Km.
Elevation: 563 m.
Parish: S. Maria della Neve (Holy day: August 5)
It’s a charming village near the border between the territory of Fabriano and the region of Umbria.
It has a strong tourist appeal because of its proximity to both the ancient Abbey of St. Biagio in
Caprile and the famous castle of Salmaregia as well as for its beautiful scenery surrounded by
greenery. Inside the Abbey there are two important paintings by the Master of Campodonico: the
great Crucifixion, dated 1345; the Annunciation and on the arch St. Pietro and Paolo. Considered
one of the tops Italian arts of the '300, the frescos are preserved in the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino.
The church also housed a wooden statue depicting the Madonna and Child (private collection),
which is perhaps attributable to the workshop of Allegretto Nuzi.
Distance from Fabriano: 7 Km
Elevation: 423 m.
Parish: S. Maria Assunta: (Holy Day: August15)
Annual appointment: La sagra della lumaca (Snail festival)
The village is known because nearby there is the ancient and powerful Abbey of S. Maria
dell’Appennino, of which only few ruins remain. In the church of the Abbey there used to be many
works of Master of Campodonico, a fresco dated XV century, pentaptych of Francescuccio Ghissi,
and a panel of polyptych of Allegretto Nuzi; all these works are now preserved in the Civic Art
Gallery B. Molajoli. In the parish church Madonna of the Rosary (1533) is preserved one of the
most ancient altarpiece, it is attributed to Friar Fabiano from Urbino.
Località Camporege
In proximity of the city, just before the exit for Valleremita, on a low hill there is Camporege area.
The city centre was the location of a medieval castle, now it only remains the small church of St.
Francesco, which has a Romanesque-gothic structure; inside there is a small wooden chest dated
‘400, decorated with the emblems of the Chiavelli family, it contains their bones.
The chest arrived in Camporege from the church monastery of S. Maria of Valdisasso.
Distance from Fabriano: (via San Donato) 9,470 Km. - (via Putido) 5,800 Km.
Elevation: 416 m.
The village is normally included in the territory of S. Donato, it is located 3 miles approx. from
Fabriano, beyond the Rio Bono.
In 1234 the Friars Minor Conventual founded, in Cantia, S. Francesco Monastery, in where in 1263
the Provincial general assembly was celebrated.
Distance from Fabriano: 21 km.
Elevation: 606 m.
Parish: S. Maria sopra Minerva (Holy Day: second Sunday of September)
Annual appointment: Festival of Madonna della Speranza (Madonna of Hope)
It is worth seeing because of its medieval castle. It belonged to the Lords of Rovellone, they gave it
to the Comune of Fabriano in 1305. In the parish church there is a thirteenth century cross and a
fragment of a fresco depicting S. Silvestro, it was made by Antonio da Fabriano.
Località Valgiubola (elevation 485 m.)
A small fraction of Castelletta, its name probably means“ jubilant valley, so cheerful as its
In ancient parchment it is referred to with different names, like Valle Jubbolo (paper n° 417
S.Vittore-dated 1292), Zobbo (paper n°510 dated 1307) and Jobbo (paper n° 489 dated 1306) the
name seems to derive from “Giobbe”. The reference to the Bible let us suppose that the name
Valgiubola probably means “ valley with patient inhabitants”.
Distance from Fabriano: 4,370 km.
Elevation: 477 m.
Parish: S. Maria di Civita (Holy Day: 1st Sunday of October)
Second Parish: Church of S. Lorenzo
Annual appointment: Festival of Madonna della Speranza (Madonna of Hope)
The village derives from the Roman village Civita, it is sheltered on the mountain that dominates
the Miliani Paper Mill, as shown by the discovery of ancient coins, epigraph, and other
archaeological findings.
It is one of the most important areas of Fabriano because of the presence of traces of ancient
Christian’s settlements, such as the “Pieve” of S. Maria. In 1215 S. Francesco, during his 3rd visit of
Marche, was given hospitality by the “Pieve” because the priest of the “Pieve”, priest Ranieri, was
the confessor of S. Francesco.
Inside the Church of S. Lorenzo there are traces of fourteenth century frescos and you can also
admire an altar placed on a fragment of a Roman column.
Distance from Fabriano: 10,850 km.
Elevation: 497 m.
Parish: S. Nicola Vescovo (Holy Day: first Sunday of December)
Annual appointment: Festival of Madonna della Speranza (Madonna of Hope)
District between Fabriano and Sassoferrato, there is still, nearby the cemetery, the Church of S.
Maria della Pieve, one of the five Early Christian Church in Fabriano with the authorization to
Inside the Church you can admire various fragments of fourteenth century frescos in which are still
visible images of two Majesty on throne and the Madonna.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Argignano) 12.850 Km., (via Attiggio -S.Michele) 10.540 Km.
Elevation: 502 m.
Parish: S. Paterniano (Holy Day: November 13)
Located in a charming location, the landscape is one of the most sublime and intact of the whole
area of Fabriano. The castle was formerly the centre of Attidium refugees, but the city of Fabriano
took possession of it between the XII and XIII century. In the church of S. Paterniano are kept both
the canvas of D. Domiziani, the Salvator Mundi, and a series of votive paintings. It is worthy
visiting (two km from town) the church of S. Anna, which has its origins in the distant past.
Distance from Fabriano: 5,300 Km.
Elevation: 451 m.
Parish: S. Severino
The most ancient name of it is “Colle agilluni” and it is dated 1170, when the village, located on a
high round between “valle del Giano” and “Sentino”, went under the power of Fabriano.
The parish church of S. Severino, that was originally located on a lower level, in a quarter called
Montegiano, was finally restored after the earthquake of 1997 and re-opened to the public.
Distance from Fabriano: 2,750 Km.
Elevation: 475 m.
Parish: S. Michele Arcangelo (Holy Day: September 29)
In the church of S. Michael the Archangel, at the entrance of the village, there are preserved ancient
stones, certainly dating back at the origin of the village. Of particular interest is the Roman altar, of
the II century, dedicated to the god Mars “Marti AUG Sacrum” and also various ruins, both inside
and outside the temple beautifully restored in 1989, marked with clear proof of Lombard style.
CUPO (San Cassiano di Valbagnola)
Distance from Fabriano: 7,890 Km.
Elevation: 511 m.
Parish: S. Cassiano al Cupo
The agglomerate of houses now stands in an open and sunny location, but the original village was
named after its non sunny position, almost hidden inside a cool inlet that rises above it.
The village is not far from S.Cassiano di Valbagnola.
As noted by Molaioli, the church of S. Cassiano, well preserved and restored cannot be dated back
before the half of XIII century, it is interesting for its unique disposition of the platforms and crypt.
The Romanesque building, that was a Benedictine monastery, is owned by the monks Silvestrini.
GROTTE di Precicchie
Distance from Fabriano: (via Serra San Quirico) 34,650 Km.
Elevation: 342 m.
Parish: S.Antonio
The small village is located on a valley between Castelletta, S.Giovanni, S. Elia and Precicchie, in
which there is the agglomerate of its few houses. Of the ancient castle, that used to be owed by the
Counts of Rovellone, there are no traces. The village church, built at the site of the old house of the
XVII century, was built recently (1950). Not far away there is the Sanctuary of Madonna della
Grotta (Our Lady of the Cave), which is the destination of pilgrimages and veneration, especially in
the third Sunday of May. The Sanctuary has ancient origins and in fact it is mentioned in an act of
1436. There is a fresco on the wall behind the altar, depicting the Madonna and Child in her arms.
Distance from Fabriano: 3,613 Km.
Elevation: 398 m.
Parish: S. Sebastiano (Holy Day: January 20)
Annual appointment: Festa della Croce - Il Carnevale Marischiano - La Sagra delle Spuntature
Village close to the main town, today visited by tourists for the pinewood in the middle of which
runs a well-equipped path for walks and exercise sports. Inhabited since Roman times, it was a very
important road network so that the historian Graziosi named it “Villa and key of the city”. Near the
village there used to be the ancient parish of St. Maria de Flexia, one of the earliest Christian
churches of the area.
Località Ca' Maiano
Only one kilometre from the village of Marischio there is an agglomerate of houses, belonging to it,
which is called Ca 'Maiano from noble Camurio; of Umbrian origin, leading member of the ancient
Municipium Attidium that gave its name to the Theatre, from which derives the current Gentile
Distance from Fabriano: 6,50 Km.
Elevation: 460m.
Parish: S. Maria Assunta
The village, not far from San Cassiano, had little importance in the past, but today is quite
populated and in course of developing. In the parish church of Santa Maria - XI century-there is a
valuable arched panel painting depicting the Virgin and Child with S. Rocco and S. Emilio.
Distance from Fabriano: 7,400 Km.
Elevation: 456 m.
Parish: S.Pietro Apostolo (Holy Day: June 29)
Annual appointment: La Festa della Trebbiatura
The name of the church is mentioned for the first time in 1237. The area, previously owned by
Lombard Lords, of Attoni descendants, was made over to the Comune of Fabriano in 1192.
The discovery of an ancient Gallic necropolis promoted the historical knowledge of the territory of
the Comune even before it was born.
In the 90s, during the restructuring of the sacristy of the old parish church-of which we have
information since XIII century- two sixteenth century frescos were found; their workmanship,
according to art critics, is something between the painting from Veneto and the painting from
Marche, including the School of Fabriano of Domiziani. After the earthquake in 1997 the present
parish was reopened to worship on December 23, 2000.
Distance from Fabriano: 7,325 Km.
Elevation: 532 m.
Parish: S. Venanzo M. (Holy Day: May18)
The castle passed into the possession of the municipality of Fabriano in 1200 and later it was
destroyed probably because no more useful for the defence. The village, which is located on the
side of its namesake mountain, where a illuminated cross rises (since 1923), includes several
clusters of houses with specific names:
Collestellano - Colleridente - Malvano - Nazano e Putido. The Vallunga area, during the last war,
was the scene of a bloody Nazi reprisal, the road leading to the village: Via Martiri XXII giugno
1944(Victims of June 22,1944 Road) was named after this tragic event, during which 12 people
from Nebbiano died.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Argignano) 12,460 Km.
Elevation: 393 m.
Parish: Assunzione di Maria SS.
Like many other villages, Paterno is also located in a valley between Collamato and Attiggio; it
went under the possession of Fabriano in 1199. The word, dated back at the late Roman or early
medieval, doesn’t seem difficult to interpret. It means: "fund inherited" lawfully from the father.
Famous people of the town are: Giovanni di Bonello Botegoni (known as Giovanni dal bastone, one
of the first disciple of San Silvestro) and Don Luigi Ferretti, pastor and writer. The church, after a
period of inaccessibility, reopened for worship. During renovation works two precious frescos,
under a surface of plaster, were found.
The Church of S. Verecondo is worth mentioning as well, it is placed on top of the mountain
overlooking the village. It is mentioned since the beginning of XII century; it housed a valuable
triptych of the XVI century, that was stolen in 1327 but then recovered and now it is kept in the
Civic Art Gallery.
The imaginative events related to the death of Emperor Otto II, which- according to traditionhappened in Paterno, are listed at “Belvedere”.
Distance from Fabriano: 19,800 Km.
Elevation: 930 m.
Parish: S. Romualdo (Holy Day: August19)
The village is located at 930 m of elevation, from there- when the sky is terse- you can even see the
Adriatic Sea and the Dalmatian coast.
The country has its origins in the distant past and extends on a plain dotted with beech trees, villas
and hotels. Nearby there is the famous Valdicastro Abbey, founded by St. Romualdo between 1005
and 1009, still in excellent condition and it is worth visiting both for admiring the original
architecture of the monastery, and the presence of fourteenth-century paintings in the beautiful
Gothic style church. In 1427 the Abbey was annexed to the church of S. Biagio of Fabriano where
they keep the remains of S. Romualdo, who died in Valdicastro in 1027.
Distance from Fabriano:(via Poggio S. Romualdo) Km. 27,050 - (via Serra S. Quirico) Km
Elevation: 535 m.
Parish: S. Maria delle Grazie (Holy Day: last Sunday of August)
Annual appointment: Palio dei Campanari - Premio della Critica Cinematografica e Televisiva
"Castelli Alta Marca Anconetana"
Perched on the top of a hill at 535 m. of elevation, Precicchie Castle, feud of counts Attone then
went under the domination of Rovellone, has its origins in the twelfth century (and perhaps earlier).
It maintains its great medieval past testified by the fortified centre, massive walls with windows and
loopholes, and its characteristic sloping medieval streets; along these streets there are ogival arch
doors and, in the lower floor of the castle, defensive structures.
The village, during Christmas time, hosts the sacred representation of the Living Nativity, which is
represented throughout the little streets of the ancient centre and its conclusive set is the castle,
which-for the occasion- becomes a charming little Bethlehem. The village also hosts, every year in
August, the Palio dei Campanari (bell ringer horse-race).
Distance from Fabriano: 10,880 Km.
Elevation: 621 m.
Parish: S. Giovanni B.Decollato (Holy Day: last Sunday of August)
Annual appointment: motocross open race-art exhibition
In the small church dedicated to S. Giovanni Decollato there is a beautiful canvas of Domiziano
Domiziani dated 1584, depicting the Virgin with the Child between S.Giovanni Battista and
S.Antonio. The present church is dated back to the early ‘900 and it is located on a lower position
compared to the previous namesake church mentioned in the XIV century. The village is divided in
Rocchetta Low (Ponte Massena) and Rocchetta High (where the parish church is located) in where
there are held free motocross races-category 125/250 cc and open. In the area stands in its great
beauty Villa Vatria built by Marquis Onofrio del Grillo in 1774 for his family, then it became
property of the noble families Possenti first and Vallemani then.
Distance from Fabriano: 12,260 Km.
Elevation: 587 m.
Parish: S.Nicolò
The “Villa” of Rucce (mostly associated to Viacce) is located between the Comune di Fabriano and
Sassoferrato, at the layer of Monte Cucco. The population, actually very limited, lives on sheep
farming and breeding. The territory is not favourable for the traditional agricultural production. The
name of the village maybe derives from “rugas” (streets) but we can’t ignore the association to the
aphesis “verrucae”, i.e. wrinkles, referring to the morphology of the territory.
Distance from Fabriano: 10,110 Km.
Elevation: 501 m.
Parish: S.Donato (Holy Day: August 7)
Annual appointment: Campionato della "Ruzzola" – Medieval
It is an ancient castle inhabited since roman times, today it still shows a perfect example of spindle
style town planning with the central axis formed by the main street, the interior “pomerium”that
winds through the houses and the walls of defence.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Poggio San Romualdo) 25,635 Km.
Elevation: 605m.
Parish: San Giovanni
The village, situated between Precicchie e Vigne in the east side of Serra San Quirico, is usually
aggregated to Precicchie Castle, with which it shares the historical events. It belonged to Lords of
Rovellone. Near the church there was, in fact, the Avoltore Castle, name that perfectly fits the
mountainous location, which was the perfect habitat for the vulture (avvoltoio).
Distance from Fabriano: (via Argignano) 10,340 Km. - (via Attiggio) 8,030 Km.
Elevation: 370 m.
Parish: S. Michele (Holy Day: May 8)
Small village on the way to Cerreto, Argignano and Collamato. During the medieval period it had
little importance. In the central square of the village, still existing, there is the church of the
Assunta, once property of the family Giampè. Not far from the centre there is the Madonna of the
Swallow, a small private church which name is even indicated on military map.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Poggio San Romualdo) 30 km. - (via Serra San Quirico) 27 Km.
Elevation: 375 m.
Parish: San Lino Papa (Holy Day: 23 September)
Annual appointment: Summer Festival (last weekend of July)
Sant’Elia is a small village situated at the east border of the Comune, used to be property of the
Lords of Serra San Quirico, Gentili di Rovellone and Precicchie area. There are few traces of the
ancient medieval structure. During a recent renovation of the church they found an incomplete
fresco situated on the apse basin, on which we can see slight features of the Madonna and Child.
Distance from Fabriano: 11,450 km.
Elevation: 507 m.
Parish: San Gregorio Magno (Holy Day: Sunday close to 12 March)
The origin of the castle dates back at the XI century (1006) by the work of a branch of the Attoni
Lombards, counts of Nocera and, more precisely, thanks to Ridolfo, son of Monaldo. About
Serradica we cannot avoid to mention a construction of the village that some call “Abbey”, but it is
actually a palace in where you can still see the remains increasingly crumbling of what was once the
home of squire Offreduccio da Cacciano, built along the stream. Before the collapse of 1979, which
involved part of the building, you could see the beautiful three-mullioned windows. The church of
the village has undergone a series of renovation that have altered the original appearance. From 24
May 1986, the temple, which already boasted a wooden statue of the Madonna and Child, has been
enriched with two beautiful paintings depicting the Virgin Mary and the Choir of the Risen Christ,
the work of artist Anna Beninati Poeta.
Distance from Fabriano: 10,300 km.
Elevation: 536 m.
Parish: San Sebastiano (Holy Day: 15 August)
The agglomerate of houses is a bit higher than village Moscano. The village is divided into 2
inhabited centres:
-Piè di Valle (Vallemontagnana Bassa), Vallepiana (Vallemontagnana Alta). The ancient name was
“Fonte de Montaniano”, then it changed in Valle Montagnani and in the end it changed in Vallis
Montagnani, names that give no doubt about the meaning of “valle”(valley), meaning property of
“gentilizio romano” Montanius. The construction of the parish church is dated back at the XV
century, while the ancient church dates back at the XIII century. The cave of Vallemontagnana is
well known since ancient times. The Podestà Palace was entirely built with its stones in 1255. In the
inside of the mountain (on the Fabriano side) there is big portion of Wind cave of Frasassi Caves,
but –as known- the entrance to it is on the side of Genga territory.
Distance from Fabriano: 7,360 Km.
Elevation: 490m.
Parish: Trasfigurazione del SS. Salvatore (Holy Day: 1st Sunday of September)
Annual appointment: Procession to the hermitage of S. Silvestro
Head office of the Green House since 1987, takes its name from the monastery of Romita or
Romitella (S. Maria di Valdisasso) located between the mountains Puro and Rogedano. In the old
monastery paused and prayed S. Francis of Assisi in 1210, S. Bernardino of Siena, S. Giacomo
della Marca and many other saints. In 1405 Chiavello Chiavelli decided to decorate it with the great
altarpiece by Gentile da Fabriano, stolen by Napoleon's troops and now kept in the Civic Art
Gallery of Brera.
Distance from Fabriano: 6,200 km.
Elevation: 415 m.
Parish: S. Michele Arcangelo (Holy Day: last Sunday of September)
Varano is located on the diversion of the road that from Ponte delle Travi, after Marischio, leads to
SS.76 to Fossato di Vico. It is an ancient medieval village, whose castle, after having been
dependent on Rocca d’Appennino, became a possession of Fabriano in 1215. In the parish church
there are 2 plates: one dated 1517, of unknown author of School of Marche, depicting the
“Madonna del Latte” with S.Michele and S. Anthony the Abbot; the other one, smaller but beautiful
depicts 7 characters, attributed to the so-called “Madonnari toscani”(street painters).
Distance from Fabriano: 10,765 km.
Elevation: 490m.
Parish: S. Nicola vescovo
This small built up area, mostly aggregated to Rucce, suffers from an environment non favourable
for the production as well. It has ancient origins. In 1205 the area was called Rocca Viatii, then
Viazzi and in the end Viazzio. The origin of the name seems to derive from “vie”(pejorative), but it
is more plausible the derivation from the archaic: Acii, then Viacce.
Distance from Fabriano: (via Poggio S.Romualdo) 22,500 Km. - (via Serra S.Quirico) 36,650 Km
Elevation: 753m.
Parish: Gesù Redentore
Annual appointment: Black bread festival (July)
The village, on the side of Monte Mitola and Monte della Croce, is on a dominant position on a vast
valley of Esino. Vigne is a small built up area without a story. The name certainly derives from
“vigna” or “vigneto” (vineyard). Characteristic of the place are the marl ammonitic limestone and
the bone limestone (with dendritic formation), dated back to the Mesozoic- early Jurassic era. From
the village, in particular clear days, it is possible to admire the Adriatic Sea and the Monte Conero
to Pesaro.