PV92 in silico PCR results (fields highlighted in yellow are to be completed by student) Forward primer (FP; 25 bp): 5’-GGATCTCAGGGTGGGTGGCAATGCT-3’ Reverse primer (RP; 26 bp): 5’-GAAAGGCAAGCTACCAGAAGCCCCAA-3’ The GI number for this hit is: 6721141; the entry was added in the YEAR 2000 DEFINITION/TITLE: Homo sapiens chromosome 16 clone RP11-131F3, complete sequence What chromosome is this sequence located on? Chromosome 16 From what position # to what position # does the FP match the hit? From 1) 56722 to 2) 56746 From what position # to what position # does the RP match the hit? From 3) 57137 to 4) 57112 What is the lowest pos. # among the values for 1) through 4)? Lowest 5) 56722 What is the highest pos. # among the values for 1) through 4)? Highest 6) 57137 How long a nucleotide stretch do these two positions span? 416 bp This is the length of the amplicon that could be amplified in a PCR reaction using above primers on human DNA. Does the GenBank entry contain the ancestral form of the PV92-locus or the derived form PV92::Alu? The ancestral form prior to the Alu-insertion Extract from the DNA sequence the DNA stretch from the lowest to the highest nucleotide pos. 5) though 6) above. Paste the sequence into the text box below. 7) 5’-ggatctcagggtgggtggcaatgctccttcactgaaatctgcagttatctctac ccaaggcttacagtaaattttttgcaaattagaaagccctttgctctctcagtaaac cctggctttcaagatttttgttttagtaaagtctttagactaaatgttgaatctttc actctctttgctcctaatcatctctaagacagcaaatgcctctagcaaaaaagagga gacgtcaactgggaaaatttgaagagaaagtcacacagatacatttcagtaaggttg tctctgttacttgaggcttacaagaaggaaagaa|ttccctctctaaacacactcta aacacacaggagttgagaacggggagatttattccagaaccccttctgtgcgttggg gcttctggtagcttgcctttc-3’ Find out where in the sequence the primers would anneal. Reflect on the difference between using primer sequences in a BLAST search and using primers in a true PCR reaction. ______The difference between a search and a PCR reaction is that in a PCR reaction primers anneal to their complementary sequences and BLAST searches are designed to identify identical sequences. FP matches the first 25 nucleotides of the sequence. The last 26 nucleotides of the amplicon match the (RP/reverse RP/complementary RP/)reverse complementary RP.________ Identifying PV92 in the human genome Complete this sentence by strikingg out anything that does NOT describe the position of PV92 in the human genome: PV92 is located on the short/long arm of chromosome ______ close to/far away/halfway between the centromer and the telomer. What structure is PV92 situated in? What does the blue line represent? PV92 is located in a gene. What is the name of the structure? What is its function? __CDH13, a gene for a cell adhesion protein in heart muscle.___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What sub-structure is PV92 located in? ______PV92 is located in an intron of the CDH13. Therefore, the eventual insertion of an Aluelement occurred within a non-coding part of the gene which explains why people homozygous for PV92::Alu do not___ suffer any disadvantages over people who are heterozygous or homozygous for the ancestral allele.____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ PV92 polymorphisms in databases worldwide Performing a BLAST search with the 416 bp PV92 amplicon sequence under 7) above yielded the following results with E-Values smaller than 0.1: Gi-number TITLE/ DEFINITION YEAR gi: 6721141 gi: 11095297 Homo sapiens chromosome 16 clone RP11-131F3, complete sequence Recent insertion of an Alu element within a polymorphic humanspecific Alu insertion A transpositionally and transcriptionally competent Alu subfamily 2000 2001 Which state? ancestral derived2 1993 derived gi: 178509 Draw a figure illustrating the relationships among the three forms of the PV92 locus: Analyzing the three hits indicate in the amplicon sequence under 7) above the primary Alu-insertion site.