The Booking Blitz Challenge

Aloette Cosmetics
Please follow these instructions step-by-step to guarantee your successful launch in
2011! The goal is to have your calendar booked SOLID the end of December and
the first 15 days of January, and we are going to make it incredible for your
Hostesses to book! Your Booking Blitz hostesses will be receiving her new Soy
Candle Trio and DOUBLE HOSTESS BENEFITS just for holding her Aloette show
during the contest dates December 15-January 15.
This offer and gift is given by the franchise at a small consultants charge of only $8
Your steps to success:
1. Make a list of every Hostess you want to offer the FREE Soy Collection and Double
Benefits bonus to! Just for scheduling her Show date between December 15January 15 and setting her date before the December 14th, Sales Meeting!
2. Enthusiastically call each prospective Hostess and say, "(Mary), this is (your name)
with Aloette, and I wanted you to be the first to know that Aloette has an incredible
offer for all hostesses. All of our incredible benefits that we normally offer are doubled
AND on top of that we have a brand new Hot Soy Manicure Candle Collection to give you
FREE when you have an Aloette show! Let’s do it girl! (If the date is after Christmas then
you can say let’s set the date and you don't even need to think about it until after
Christmas) I have Tuesday, December 28th or Monday, January 3rd which day of the week
is better for you a Tuesday or a Monday?
*Although this special is good through January 15th, be sure to offer any December dates you
want to book and through January 8th first until your calendar is booked with any dates you may
want by the first 8 days and then in your next calls, you will be offering this special through
January 15th.
3. Bring your holiday card to the December Sales Meeting on Tuesday, December 14th
addressed to each Hostess and we will be mailing all the cards together on
December 26th! Please make sure you write on each card the same note:
Dear “Hostess Name”
I am looking forward to your Aloette show. You are going to love receiving our new hot
soy manicure candle collection FREE and doubling all your fabulous benefits that you
will receive for holding your show on “Day” & “Date” .
4. You will be competing in a Booking Blitz count-up at the December Sales Meeting.
For having a minimum of 6 Shows dated December 15-Jan.15th with cards submitted
and ready to mail, you will be entitled to receive your Soy Candle Trio Collection FREE!
Our queen of the booking spell-up will also be receiving a special Queen's Gift. Bring
your Booking Blitz Schedule form and your cards to compete in the spell-up.
(Must submit form and cards to receive gift)
5. Make sure each Hostess has the Hostess packet mailed to her or personally delivered to
her as soon as you get her booked.
6. Show Planning steps:
*Book her
*Prepare her card to submit at meeting
*Get her packet ready and mailed or delivered to her
*Call her within 48 hours of receiving the packet and go over enthusiastically
*Send her a hostess letter or personal note the day after follow up call
*Call her 3 days before her show to get directions and attendance estimate
Consultants cost share of $8 will be taken from commissions when show holds Dec. 15-Jan.15
The Booking Blitz Challenge
6 shows booked Dec. 15-Jan. 15 receive FREE Soy Trio Collection!
Queen of Beauty Consultants Bookings and Queen of Executives
Bookings will be recognized at the December meeting with each
receiving a fabulous Queen’ s gift!
Yes, I am a WINNER!!
I have a minimum of 6 Shows dated Dec. 15, 2010-Jan.15, 2011
My Booking Blitz Show Schedule
Beauty Consultant: _________________
Hostess Name
Phone Number
Date of Show