World Geography Week 3

La Vega High School Lesson Plans
Week of: 9/9/2013
Teacher Name: CHRIS WARD
Room Number: 211
Monday: Climate, Climate Regions and People
The learner will be able to…describe the climates of the low,
mid and high latitudes.
The learner will learn by…Cornell notes, class discussion and
group work.
Geography.. The student understands how physical
processes shape patterns in the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
Explain weather conditions and climate in relation to
annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships.
Supporting Standard
Describe the physical processes that affect the
environments of regions, including weather, tectonic
forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. Readiness
Examine the physical processes that affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Supporting Standard
Geography.. The student understands the patterns and
characteristics of major landforms, climates, and
ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that
produce them. The student is expected to:
Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean
currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers
influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of
climate regions.Readiness Standard
Describe different landforms and the physical processes
that cause their development. Supporting Standard
Explain the influence of climate on the distribution of
biomes in different regions. Supporting Standard
ELPS 2F Derive meaning from a variety of media 3J Respond
orally to a variety of media sources 4F Use visual and contextual
supports 3D Speak using grade level vocabulary in context 3E
Share in cooperative groups 3F Speak using common and
content are vocabulary 3G Orally express opinions, ideas, and
feelings 1E Use and reuse new academic language 1C Use
techniques to learn new vocabulary 3B Use new vocabulary in
oral and written communication 4C Develop sight vocabulary
and language structures 5B Write using newly acquired
vocabulary 5C Spell familiar English words 1A Use prior
knowledge to learn new language 4B Recognize directionality of
English text 4G Show comprehension of English text individually
and in groups 4H Read silently with comprehension 5F Write
using variety of sentence structures and words 5G Narrate,
describe, and explain in writing
Lesson Cycle
The learner will have mastered the lesson when…they have
completed the Climate Regions Graphic Organizer.
1. Upon completion of the graphic organizer, show
the rest of the PowerPoint: Climate and Climate
Regions. Address each climate type, allowing
students to correct their graphic organizers if they
need to. In order to help students visualize the
climates, try to have pictures of each climate type
available for students to view.
2. Provide time for students to discuss the climate
types and how they affect human settlements.
AVID Strategies
Students review their learning by answering the question,
“What affects climate?” and providing examples from at least
three of the climate zones and explaining how latitude affects
Student apply
SPED: provide notes, reduced assignments, extra
time, opportunity to repeat and explain
instructions, reading assistance, no penalty for
spelling, check for understanding, seat near
teacher, modified assignments
Cornell Notes
Tuesday: Climate, Climate Regions and People
Geography.. The student understands how physical
processes shape patterns in the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
Explain weather conditions and climate in relation to
annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. Supporting
Describe the physical processes that affect the
environments of regions, including weather, tectonic
forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. Readiness
Examine the physical processes that affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Supporting Standard
LEP: use of pictures, use of key terms, use of
Spanish/English dictionary, multiple choice
The learner will be able to…describe the forces that change the
The leaner will learn by…Cornell notes, class discussion and
creating a Forces of Change chart
Geography.. The student understands the patterns and
characteristics of major landforms, climates, and
ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that
produce them. The student is expected to:
Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean
currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers
influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of
climate regions.Readiness Standard
Describe different landforms and the physical processes
that cause their development. Supporting Standard
Explain the influence of climate on the distribution of
biomes in different regions. Supporting Standard
ELPS 2F Derive meaning from a variety of media 3J Respond
orally to a variety of media sources 4F Use visual and contextual
supports 3D Speak using grade level vocabulary in context 3E
Share in cooperative groups 3F Speak using common and
content are vocabulary 3G Orally express opinions, ideas, and
feelings 1E Use and reuse new academic language 1C Use
techniques to learn new vocabulary 3B Use new vocabulary in
oral and written communication 4C Develop sight vocabulary
and language structures 5B Write using newly acquired
vocabulary 5C Spell familiar English words 1A Use prior
knowledge to learn new language 4B Recognize directionality of
English text 4G Show comprehension of English text individually
and in groups 4H Read silently with comprehension 5F Write
using variety of sentence structures and words 5G Narrate,
describe, and explain in writing
Lesson Cycle
The learner will have mastered the lesson when…they answer
the question, “How do these changes affect human
Show students two images from PowerPoint:
Earth’s Spheres, Landforms and Physical Processes
(slides #2 and #3)
Ask questions such as:
Where might this event have taken place?
What might have caused it? 
What evidence leads you to make these
deductions? 
Facilitate a brief discussion about Japan’s Tsunami
in 2011.
In the New York Times content repository on
ProjectShare, search for How Shifting Plates Caused the
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan (March 11, 2011 article)
for interactive explanation.
aps-of- earthquake-and-tsunami-damage-in-japan.html]
(This provides a great visual of plate tectonics, how they shift
and the effects of their movement.)
Pose questions such as the following for students to
answer on an Exit Card:
What type of lifestyle do you think people have in the
desert? In the rainforest? (Answers vary)
How might the people adapt to these climates?
(Answers vary)
What affects climate?” Answers will vary. (Sample
Answers: Tilt, revolution (seasons), landforms (i.e.
orographic effect), proximity to large bodies of water
(marine v. continental climate), water currents (cold water =
drier wind, less precipitation; warm water = humid wind,
more precipitation), etc.)
AVID Strategies
SPED: provide notes, reduced assignments, extra
time, opportunity to repeat and explain
instructions, reading assistance, no penalty for
spelling, check for understanding, seat near
teacher, modified assignments
Cornell Notes
Wednesday: Earth’s Spheres
Geography.. The student understands how physical
processes shape patterns in the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
Explain weather conditions and climate in relation to
annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. Supporting
Describe the physical processes that affect the
environments of regions, including weather, tectonic
forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. Readiness
Examine the physical processes that affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Supporting Standard
Geography.. The student understands the patterns and
characteristics of major landforms, climates, and
ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that
produce them. The student is expected to:
LEP: use of pictures, use of key terms, use of
Spanish/English dictionary, multiple choice
The learner will be able to…describe Earth’s spheres, landforms
and physical processes.
The learner will learn by…Cornell notes, class discussion and
power point
Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean
currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers
influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of
climate regions.Readiness Standard
Describe different landforms and the physical processes
that cause their development. Supporting Standard
Explain the influence of climate on the distribution of
biomes in different regions. Supporting Standard
ELPS 2F Derive meaning from a variety of media 3J Respond
orally to a variety of media sources 4F Use visual and contextual
supports 3D Speak using grade level vocabulary in context 3E
Share in cooperative groups 3F Speak using common and
content are vocabulary 3G Orally express opinions, ideas, and
feelings 1E Use and reuse new academic language 1C Use
techniques to learn new vocabulary 3B Use new vocabulary in
oral and written communication 4C Develop sight vocabulary
and language structures 5B Write using newly acquired
vocabulary 5C Spell familiar English words 1A Use prior
knowledge to learn new language 4B Recognize directionality of
English text 4G Show comprehension of English text individually
and in groups 4H Read silently with comprehension 5F Write
using variety of sentence structures and words 5G Narrate,
describe, and explain in writing
Lesson Cycle
The learner will have mastered the lesson when…they can
complete a diagram of the earth. (internal and external)
ontinue to show the Teacher resource: PowerPoint:
Earth’s Spheres, Landforms and Physical Processes (slides
#4 and #5).
Clarify student understanding by using words and
questions such as:
Physical geography is really about how these four
systems interact. Which of these systems is related
to what we’ve discovered about weather and
climate?” Answer: Atmosphere.
Which of these systems is related to the Earth and
its physical processes?” Answer: Lithosphere and
Biosphere. (Convection of magma occurs in the
Lithosphere. This action moves the plates. Weathering
and erosion are external processes which occur in the
Students use their textbook to create a diagram of the
Earth and label and color: Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle,
Crust, lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere.
Students should illustrate these terms using map pencils. Off to
the side, students should describe these terms. (Students
should work on the diagram for about 20 minutes. If incomplete,
they could finish it as homework.) The diagram will be used
during the next Explore activity
Students prepare to use the diagram they drew in the
Explore activity above.
Introduce this activity by using words such as:
Next, we will primarily focus on the lithosphere
and explore the different internal and external forces
that shape the surface of the Earth.
Then, we will examine some of those shapes that
occur and look at how they are formed and how they
affect the physical geography of a place.
Review earlier learning about the inner core and its
characteristics by using words such as:
It is very hot and solid. The outer core is extremely
hot molten liquid, the mantle is a mix of liquid and
solid, and the crust is the thin top layer of the
Earth’s surface.
Does magma move? (Explain the convection process
of moving magma.)
Ask questions such as:
What effect does the movement of magma have on
the plates that form the Earth’s crust?
Who remembers learning about Pangaea? (In grade
8 science, students studied this topic extensively and so
should have a grasp of the concepts involved. Review
that the scientist, Alfred Wegner, theorized that at one
time there was one huge super continent – Pangaea –
that broke apart and has separated into the current
seven continents. There will be some who know more
details than others – let them explain what they know.
Make corrections as needed.)
Review information on Plate Tectonics using words
such as:
This belief is known as the theory of continental
In fact, the whole surface of the Earth is believed
to be on thirteen (or 14, depending on the
classification system you use) moving plates, that
fit together to form the surface of the Earth and are
constantly shifting. This theory of continental drift is
the basis for how scientists and geologists explain
things like how mountains are formed, and this is
the theory of plate tectonics.
What evidence do scientists have to support the
plate tectonics? Answers may include fossil evidence,
shape of continents, measurement of plate movement,
rock layers, etc. (Show a transparency or diagram of the
plates if possible.)
Show slide #6 of the Teacher Resource: PowerPoint:
Earth’s Spheres, Landforms and Physical Processes and
explain it using words such as:
In viewing this image (Slide # 6): There are three
basic kinds of movement along plate boundaries.
- 1.) Some plates move toward one
another; this is a converging plate
boundary. There are two types of
converging plate boundaries, one of
which involves two of the same type of
plate composition (continentalcontinental or oceanic-oceanic). This
plate boundary causes the formation of
folded mountains. The second type of
converging plates involves the movement
of continental and ocean plates toward
each other. The heavier oceanic plate
moves beneath the lighter continental
plate, thus causing subduction to occur.
At this plate boundary, volcanic
mountains and ocean trenches form. All
converging plate boundaries experience
earthquakes and may experience
landslides and lahars.
- 2.) Plates can also move away from
one another, thus forming a divergent
plate boundary. When this occurs, on
land it’s called a rift valley and in the
ocean it’s called mid-oceanic ridge.
Block-faulted and volcanic mountains are
formed along the rift. Earthquakes are
experienced along this plate boundary.
- 3.) Other plates move side by side, thus
causing a transform fault. Earthquakes
are experienced with this type of fault.
AVID Strategies
Student apply
SPED: provide notes, reduced assignments, extra
time, opportunity to repeat and explain
instructions, reading assistance, no penalty for
spelling, check for understanding, seat near
teacher, modified assignments
Cornell Notes
Lithosphere: External Forces
Geography.. The student understands how physical
processes shape patterns in the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
Explain weather conditions and climate in relation to
annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. Supporting
Describe the physical processes that affect the
environments of regions, including weather, tectonic
forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. Readiness
Examine the physical processes that affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Supporting Standard
LEP: use of pictures, use of key terms, use of
Spanish/English dictionary, multiple choice
The learner will be able to…describe the internal forces that
affect the lithosphere.
The learner will learn by…Cornell notes, class discussion and
Forces of Change chart
Geography.. The student understands the patterns and
characteristics of major landforms, climates, and
ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that
produce them. The student is expected to:
Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean
currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers
influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of
climate regions.Readiness Standard
Describe different landforms and the physical processes
that cause their development. Supporting Standard
Explain the influence of climate on the distribution of
biomes in different regions. Supporting Standard
ELPS 2F Derive meaning from a variety of media 3J Respond
orally to a variety of media sources 4F Use visual and contextual
supports 3D Speak using grade level vocabulary in context 3E
Share in cooperative groups 3F Speak using common and
content are vocabulary 3G Orally express opinions, ideas, and
feelings 1E Use and reuse new academic language 1C Use
techniques to learn new vocabulary 3B Use new vocabulary in
oral and written communication 4C Develop sight vocabulary
and language structures 5B Write using newly acquired
vocabulary 5C Spell familiar English words 1A Use prior
knowledge to learn new language 4B Recognize directionality of
English text 4G Show comprehension of English text individually
and in groups 4H Read silently with comprehension 5F Write
using variety of sentence structures and words 5G Narrate,
describe, and explain in writing
Lesson Cycle
The learner will have mastered the lesson when…they
complete the Landforms Diagram.
The emphasis for this explore piece is on external
forces. Introduce the topic by asking questions such as:
What kinds of resources may be formed by the
moving of the Earth’s plates? (Answers will vary.
Encourage students to think of effect of pressure on
rock formation. This is a good way to link to their
science knowledge. Some resources may include: Coal,
Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Quartz, etc. Suggestion: Show
students a map of resources and physical features.
Look for patterns for resources. Many are located in
mountainous areas.)
What happens after these landforms are created?
Are there other forces that change the ways they
Distribute the handout: External Forces: Shaping of
the Earth’s Surface. Explain erosion, weathering, and
deposition. Be sure to emphasize that these forces are at work
on the surface and generally cause gradual change (except
during a flood or other natural hazard).
How do internal forces cause the creation of
natural resources? How do internal forces create or
impact natural hazards? (Answers will vary. Pressure
from the movement of plates causes the compression of
land, thus forming various resources. Internal forces
cause plates to move which can result in volcanoes,
earthquakes, tsunamis, lahars, landslides, etc.).
Students add to the Forces of Change (K-W-L-H
Chart), paying special attention to what they have learned.
Homework: To prepare for tomorrow’s assignment,
assign students a specific landform for which they must
determine internal and external forces that have shaped and
continue to shape it. Note: Tomorrow’s assignment is group
work; however, if the teacher only assigns the landform
(knowing the group each child will be given) then each student
will more likely to be able to engage at a higher level and be
more prepared individually.
Distribute the Handout: Landform Diagram
Facilitate a class discussion where students provide
evidence to support the Key Understanding, answering the
Guiding Questions in the process.
Physical forces cause change in the Earth’s
landscape over time, which alter the human
landscape and force adaptations and modifications
to the environment.
- How are Earth-Sun relationships related to
weather conditions and climate?
- How do physical processes affect the
environments of regions?
- What physical processes affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
- How do elevation, latitude, wind systems,
ocean currents, position on a continent, and
mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate
- How do physical processes cause the
development of different landforms?
- How does climate influence the distribution
of biomes in different regions?
- What are formal, functional, and perceptual
- What types of internal and external forces
of change are present in the physical
- How do internal and external forces of
change create and shape landforms?
- How do internal and external forces of
change affect human population?
- How do humans interact with the physical
- What are consequences of extreme weather
and other natural disasters? Include El Niño,
floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes.
AVID Strategies
During the discussion, encourage students to use
academic language. Create a list of the academic vocabulary
terms that students use.
SPED: provide notes, reduced assignments, extra
time, opportunity to repeat and explain
instructions, reading assistance, no penalty for
spelling, check for understanding, seat near
teacher, modified assignments
Cornell Notes
Friday: (topic of lesson)
Geography.. The student understands how physical
processes shape patterns in the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
LEP: use of pictures, use of key terms, use of
Spanish/English dictionary, multiple choice
The learner will be able to…describe the physical forces of the
The learner will learn by…class discussion, group work and
Cornell Notes.
Explain weather conditions and climate in relation to
annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. Supporting
Describe the physical processes that affect the
environments of regions, including weather, tectonic
forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. Readiness
Examine the physical processes that affect the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Supporting Standard
Geography.. The student understands the patterns and
characteristics of major landforms, climates, and
ecosystems of Earth and the interrelated processes that
produce them. The student is expected to:
Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean
currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers
influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of
climate regions.Readiness Standard
Describe different landforms and the physical processes
that cause their development. Supporting Standard
Explain the influence of climate on the distribution of
biomes in different regions. Supporting Standard
ELPS 2F Derive meaning from a variety of media 3J Respond
orally to a variety of media sources 4F Use visual and contextual
supports 3D Speak using grade level vocabulary in context 3E
Share in cooperative groups 3F Speak using common and
content are vocabulary 3G Orally express opinions, ideas, and
feelings 1E Use and reuse new academic language 1C Use
techniques to learn new vocabulary 3B Use new vocabulary in
oral and written communication 4C Develop sight vocabulary
The learner will have mastered the lesson when… Complete
the Landforms Diagram.
and language structures 5B Write using newly acquired
vocabulary 5C Spell familiar English words 1A Use prior
knowledge to learn new language 4B Recognize directionality of
English text 4G Show comprehension of English text individually
and in groups 4H Read silently with comprehension 5F Write
using variety of sentence structures and words 5G Narrate,
describe, and explain in writing
Lesson Cycle
Student model
Student apply
Construct a diagram showing the movement of plates
and the creation of landforms; conduct an oral
presentation that explains the internal and external
forces that affect change on a major landform.
(WG.3B; WG.4B; WG.22A)
1C; 3D
Students construct their diagram and use a rubric to
rate their product. The product does not have to be limited to 2dimensional paper. If desired, objects, computer models, and
other methods could also be used.
As students prepare their oral presentations,
encourage use of the academic vocabulary terms on the list
created during the Elaborate section.
Invite parents or another class to visit the classroom
during the last 20 minutes so students can conduct their oral
presentations with an authentic audience.
Teacher circulates, listening to the presentations and
evaluating student work using the same rubric students used.
AVID Strategies
SPED: provide notes, reduced assignments, extra
time, opportunity to repeat and explain
instructions, reading assistance, no penalty for
spelling, check for understanding, seat near
teacher, modified assignments
Cornell Notes
LEP: use of pictures, use of key terms, use of
Spanish/English dictionary, multiple choice