HEAR Form 6.1A - Northumbria University

Form 6.1A
Northumbria HEAR application form for University endorsement of new awards1, amendment
to or deactivation of existing awards
Form 6.1A should be completed and forwarded by e-mail to rg.hear@northumbria.ac.uk. Quality &
Student Learning will arrange for the application to be considered by an Academic Development
Officer. If the application is approved, Student Records will be notified and the award added via the
SRS. Requests can be made throughout the academic year.
Name of New Award &
e.g. Northumbria University Sport Leadership Award
This is the title and funder/provider
of the award. It should not exceed
150 characters.
Description of Award
e.g. Northumbria University Sport offers all students the opportunity to become involved
in gaining valuable and professional work place experience within a range of sports
environments. This scheme provides students with a range of skills and focuses on
gaining experience in a specific field. The award recognises participation in activities
such as: sports coaching, media, events, competitions, facilities, community sport,
sports science, etc. Progress is monitored throughout the scheme and the award is only
given to students who successfully complete the programme and who successfully
complete an assessed written reflection on their experience.
This description of the award will
appear on the HEAR. It should be
self-explanatory to prospective
employers and not exceed 750
characters. URLs should not be
included in the descriptive text.
Key Contact Information
[Faculty Name] or [Students’ Union] or [Service Department]
[Name of Key Contact]
[E-mail Address]
[Extension Number]
Compliance with Northumbria University Protocols
1. Verification
e.g. Students maintain a logbook recording the hours in which they have been involved
in the award activity and complete a reflective log. The logbook is verified by a member
of staff with an appropriate level of experience / familiarity with the award criteria within
Team Northumbria.
A description of the systems or
processes used to verify the
student’s eligibility for the award.
2. Eligibility
e.g. [This award is open to all NU students] [This award is open to a students from a
specific academic cohort or programme] [This award is restricted to certain
representative students]
A description of the student cohort/s
eligible for the award.
3. Factual and Transparent
e.g. Factual and transparent criteria for the award will be published on the NU HEAR
web page, but the primary site for promotion will be the Sport Central website.
Accessibility of the award criteria.
4. Learning experience
e.g. This activity supports the wider student learning experience.
The activity is part of the academic
programme and/or supports the
wider student learning experience
and aligns with the University policy
and strategic objectives.
5. Regulation
e.g. This scheme is governed by University regulations.
The role / activity / outcome is
defined by regulation.
Accredited performance in non-academic contexts and individual units/modules studied in addition to the main degree
Y:\Academic Quality\HEAR\HEAR Forms\Form 6.1A – New or Amended Awards.23.07.15
Form 6.1A
e.g. Details of students eligible for an award will be maintained by academic year by
[the Programme Support Team within the Faculty of [ADSS] [BL] [EE] [HLS]] / [the
Students’ Union Director of Membership Services & HR] / [Sport Northumbria’s Student
& Staff Development Manager]
Where will the data be stored?
Amendments to existing awards
Amended Award Details
NB: The relevant HEAR code number is obtainable from the HEAR Achievement Types
SQL Report:
e.g. A_000018 Advanced Engineering Learning Leaders Award
Please specify existing HEAR code
number for amendment and the
amended title and internal/external
funder of the award. It should not
exceed 150 characters.
1A. [Insert code] [Insert amended award details]
2A. [Insert code] [Insert amended award details]
Description of the Award
e.g. Student volunteers have undertaken training, organised and led activities to
support the learning of peers. Activities included problem solving, planning and
reflection and the award is assessed by the submission of a practice portfolio.
This description of the award will
appear on the HEAR. It should be
self-explanatory to prospective
employers and not exceed 750
characters. URLs should not be
included in the descriptive text.
1A. [Insert description]
2A. [Insert description]
Key Contact Information
[Faculty Name] or [Students’ Union] or [Service Department]
[Name of Key Contact]
[E-mail Address]
[Extension Number]
Deactivation of existing awards
Deactivate Award Details
NB: The relevant HEAR code number is obtainable from the HEAR Achievement Types
SQL Report:
e.g. A_000024 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Please specify HEAR code number
and award title to be deactivated
1A. [Insert code] [Insert award details for deactivation]
2A. [Insert code] [Insert award details for deactivation]
The HEAR Achievement Types SQL Report Columns In Use? and Incl in HEAR? will be updated from Y to N.
Key Contact Information
[Faculty Name] or [Students’ Union] or [Service Department]
[Name of Key Contact]
[E-mail Address]
[Extension Number]
Y:\Academic Quality\HEAR\HEAR Forms\Form 6.1A – New or Amended Awards.23.07.15