guidelines for female conduct at boy scout camp

I. Boy Scout Camp is a Professional Environment
A. Clothing
1. All female staff should be in the appropriate Scouting
uniform unless in a staff area. You are representative of the
BSA organization at all times while on camp property,
regardless if you are off duty.
2. Proper undergarments should be worn at all times.
3. No provocative or suggestive clothing, including waterfront
4. Staff must be completely clothed before entering and
exiting shower facilities.
5. Adult female staff leaving camp property for the weekend
or night off and consuming alcoholic beverages should not
wear BSA related clothing.
B. Relating to Scouts
1. Physical interaction should be minimal, i.e. shaking hands
and a pat on the shoulder.
2. Scouts will more than likely have crushes on you. It is your
responsibility to keep this type of behavior under control and
to a minimum. Do not let yourself be put into a one on one
situation with Scouts you feel may have a crush on you.
3. If a Scout or Scout Leader makes a disrespectful comment,
remind him/her that a Scout is clean and morally straight.
Make a note of the Scout’s troop number. Then, notify the
Scout Leader.
4. Practice two-deep leadership.
a) Do not be alone with a Scout at any time inside a
b) Enter a well populated area when speaking to
Scouts one on one or pull another adult or staff member
aside to assist you.
c) When leading hiking with a group on trails, ask an
adult, Scout Leader, or other staff member to assist you.
C. Relating to Staff Members
1. Harassment will not be tolerated by any staff member.
a) Overt sexual comments, gestures, or excessive
physical contact with other staff members will not be
b) Conduct yourself in a manner that follows the Scout
Law and Scout Oath.
c) If you are the object of comments unbecoming of a
Scout, use the standard response. “A Scout is
respectful, clean, and morally straight.” If unacceptable
behaviors and/or comments continue, then inform your
Camp Director.
D. Staff Areas
a) Females are not allowed to enter under 18 male staff
areas. There are common areas for staff socializing.
b) Female staff members under the age of 18 are not
allowed to enter adult male staff areas.
c) Adult females should not enter adult male staff
quarters unless it is program related. Try to socialize
and discuss program in public places to prevent gossip
that could be detrimental to your reputation at camp. If
you are trying to locate staff members ask another adult
to accompany you.
d) Staff members are in close quarters all summer.
Please extend proper respect and privacy to your
roommates during summer camp. Everyone needs a bit
of privacy.
E. Reputation and Credibility
1. Camp is a male-dominated working environment with high
moral standards. As a female staff member, you are the
minority. Your actions and behaviors are more visible in
2. Conducting yourself in a competent professional manner at
staff and program areas establishes credibility and a good
reputation. Staff, Scouts, and Scout Leaders will respect you.
3. Socialize and discuss program in public places to reduce
gossip that can be detrimental to your reputation.
4. You will receive more male attention working in a BSA
camp environment than in other jobs, due to your minority
status. You should keep a professional distance from staff
and Scout Leaders until you develop genuine friendships.
5. Your actions at camp are not only a reflection of you, but a
reflection of your gender. While a minority member of the
camp staff, it is your privilege and responsibility to act as an
ambassador for your sex. We are sure your employment will
make the bold accomplishments of previous female Scouters
F. Relationships
1. Relationships do not belong at camp, but may develop
between adults at camp. Special circumstances in a camp
setting can make relationships difficult.
a) You will interact with all staff on a daily basis.
Therefore, when one staff member decides the feelings
are no longer mutual can be difficult. You must be
prepared to work on a daily basis with staff member and
their friends. You are cautioned that this type of
situation can also make you vulnerable to gossip.
b) Before adult female staff members begin a
relationship at camp they should spend some time really
getting to know the person. Remember your credibility
at camp is directly related to your reputation.
c) Pubic displays of affection should occur on your
nights off, not in camp. Remember, you are a role
model for Scouts. Also, PDA breeds gossip among
camp staff and participants. Everyone’s focus should
be on program, not relationships.
d) Be aware that you will probably develop close
friendships with the opposite sex. Sometimes one may
develop feelings that the other may not share. It is wise
to handle these situations with respect and tact to
protect your friendships.
G. Drugs and Alcohol
1. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on camp property.
a) Drug and alcohol usage on camp property are
grounds for termination of employment.
b) Adult staff members are prohibited by law from
purchasing alcohol for minors.
c) Adults consuming alcohol off camp property during
time off should not wear BSA related clothing.