HANDING IN ESSAYS Students are required to submit an electronic copy to Moodle of all coursework submitted in addition to TWO hard (paper) copies required for marking purposes as outlined in the section below. Students MUST keep at least ONE copy of all essays that they have handed in. If lecturers can find no record of an essay having been handed in, the excuse "I did hand in an essay. It must have gone astray" will not be accepted. If a copy of the essay is not held in reserve in case of loss, the essay will receive a mark of zero and/or have to be re-written. Students should develop the habit of backing up all of their work. TWO copies of all First, Second and Third Year assessed and unassessed essays should be handed in and ONE copy held back as a reserve. One of these copies will be marked and handed back to the students as quickly as possible with feedback. The other will be kept by the markers. If only one essay is handed in, this will be kept by the markers and only a detached sheet of comments handed back to the student. Essay Submission Instructions: Students should submit two paper copies of all assessed and unassessed coursework (except lab books – submit 1 copy only) along with a completed Undergraduate Essay Cover Sheet (available at Reception). Essays must be posted into the essay submission box at the front desk in the Departmental Office by 12.00pm on the day of the essay deadline. All essays will be date-stamped by the staff in the Office. Failure to have an essay date stamped will automatically lead to the deduction of marks (see section on `Penalties for Lateness'). Submit electronic copy online via Moodle (see further instructions below). Hold one copy in reserve in case of loss. One paper copy will be marked and a page of comments containing feedback and provisional marks (letter grades) will be handed back to the students to help them improve and monitor their performance. The other paper copy will be kept by the Department. If only one essay is handed in, this will be kept by the markers and only a detached sheet of comments handed back to the student.