Table S1. Empirical values of FR animals’ adult mass, MFR, and parameters to estimate MFR. To estimate the adult mass of FR animals, MFR, from Eq. 5, we use the values of adult mass of AL animals, M, the degree of FR, β, and the ratio B0 / B0, FR from published empirical studies. For studies that only reported the change in body temperature, we use the B-A factor, B0 / B0 , FR e E0 / K /(T TFR ) , to obtain the ratio. For studies, which did not report the ratio B0 / B0, FR , we use the consensus values from the same species. Species Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice Mice mice mice Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats M (g) MFR (g) β (%) B0 / BFR Source 22 18.1 60% 113% (41) 64.6 43.2 68% 113% (10) 64.6 21.4 36% 113% (10) 38 25 60% 113% (42) 39.6 25.7 60% 113% (43) 41.8 28.7 60% 113% (43) 25 18 60% 113% (43) 42.4 35.1 56% 113% (44) 35.1 25.9 56% 113% (44) 39 26 60% 108% (26) 34 22 60% 111% (26) 39.1 24.9 60% 113% (45) 33.3 22.5 60% 113% (45) 49.5 37 75% 113% (46) 21.4 15.9 67% 113% (47) 42 20.5 50% 113% (31) 40.1 20.9 50% 119% (31) 34.7 23.5 66% 113% (48) 47.1 20.8 60% 113% (49) 40 19.2 60% 113% (49) 378 234 60% 108% (6) 540 308 60% 108% (50) 835 335 45% 108% (51) 835 611 75% 108% (51) 805 614 78% 108% (52) 805 568 72.5% 108% (52) 805 364 50% 108% (52) 507 310 78% 108% (52) 1 Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Dog Rhesus monkey Rhesus monkey Rhesus monkey hen hen hen cockerels Japanese quail Japanese quail Japanese quail Japanese quail Japanese quail Japanese quail Broiler chicken Broiler chicken 507 507 569 577 410 750 470 470 450 279 279 617 881 600 544 428 604 510 35251 14600 9300 14200 1485 2280 1609 2216 262 262 181.7 181.7 115 115 2250 2250 287 72.5% 212 50% 324 60% 344 60% 246 60% 200 32% 276 54% 323 67% 260 60% 160 54% 200 67% 328 60% 480 60% 300 60% 301 60% 205 50% 347 50% 304 60% 26842 75% 10900 70% 6800 70% 9900 72% 1263 80% 1981 80% 1292 80% 1934 80% 139 40% 219 70% 86.5 40% 142 70% 97 80% 75 60% 2000 85% 1670 70% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 106% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 108% 100% 104% 115% 115% 122% 114% 114% 111% 128% 128% 111% 145% 116% 113% 113% 113% 113% (52) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (57) (58) (57) (57) (59) (60) (60) (50) (61) (62) (7) (63) (64) (64) (21) (14) (14) (15) (15) (4) (4) (4) (4) (65) (65) (66) (66) Table S2. Data and parameters for the growth curves in Figure 2. Studies of (A), (D), (E) and (F) did not report values of drops in body temperature or B0. For small mammals, rats and mice, we used the consensus values from the same species, i.e., 1 C (c. 8% decrease in B0) for rats and 1.5 C (c. 12% decrease in B0) for mice (Table 1, main text). For deer, we assume the temperature drop is 0.5 C (c. 5% decrease inB0), which was 2 reported for relatively large mammals (Table 1 main text). The species-specific growth parameters of the AL animals, m0, M, and Em are obtained from fitting empirical data to the solution of Eq. 1. m(t ) (1 [1 (m0 / M )1 / 4 ]e B t / 4 E 0 mM 1/ 4 ) 4 M . The statistics of the fitting (R2 value) is also listed in the table. Figure panel A B Species C Japanese quail (wild line) B6 mice Caesarean-derived rats Red deer D E F F344 rats Dog R2 m0 (gram) 49 2063 M (gram) 602 34805 Em (Joule/gram) 12231 4185 Source 3 194 1920 0.97 (59) 0.98 (13, 63) 0.99 (4) 2.3 63 21 880 4900 7528 0.98 (47) 0.99 (60) 20087 186443 9263 0.97 (67) Table S3. The goodness of statistics fit between predicted and empirical growth curves for FR animals. We check the linear relationship between the predicted and empirical data with intercept being 0. This way, the slope of the line and the value of R2 show how good the fitting is. Figure panel and curve slope R2 P value A red curve 1.03 0.98 1.1×106 A blue curve 0.995 0.99 1.3×108 B 0.98 C red curve 0.975 0.999 0 C blue curve 1.01 D 0.998 0.998 0 0.989 3.6×108 0.995 0 3 E red curve 1 0.997 2.84×10m-6 E blue curve 1 0.998 7.4×107 F 1.04 0.991 0 Table S4. Data for Figure 4A (70% adult mass) AL Adult mass Species (grams) Mice 49 Mice 39.5 Mice 31.1 Rats 836 Rats 836 Rats 544 Dogs 35251 Quails 262 Quails 262 Quails 181 Quails 181 FR Adult mass (grams) 37.2 20.7 27.6 610 336 301 26841 219 139 142 86.5 70% AL mass (grams) 31.6 27.2 21.4 589 589 376 22753 186 186 129.5 129.5 70% FR mass (grams) 25.2 15.3 19.5 426.7 237.5 215 19220 157 103 101 60.4 Age of 70% AL (days) 103 118.4 50 146 146 195 176 28 28 27.6 27.6 Age of 70% FR (days) 82 118 49 146 112 195 187 30 35 29 30 Source (46) (31) (28) (51) (51) (50) (63) (4) (4) (4) (4) Age of 90% AL (days) 268 358 210 356 356 405 724 37 37 37 37 Age of 90% FR (days) 238 362 182 342 307 495 726 44 48 41 44 Source (46) (31) (28) (51) (51) (50) (63) (4) (4) (4) (4) Table S5. 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