Biographies – Elections 2004 Nominees for election 2004 - BIOGRAPHIES The Nomination Committee, consisting of Yuriy Rassamakin (Ukraine), Elisabeth Jerem (Hungary) and Alain Schnapp (France), has nominated the following candidates for the vacant positions of 2004, in accordance with the EAA Statutes. Please remember that you can only vote once for one candidate per vacant position. TREASURER Carsten Paludan-Müller, Norway Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Carsten Paludan-Müller Norway NIKU 54 Male Carsten Paludan-Müller studied prehistory at the Universities of Copenhagen and Cambridge 1970-1980. In 1980 he graduated from the Copenhagen University (M.A.). During the period 1980-1982 he was involved in projects relating to the establishment of an archaeological service in the County of Frederiksborg, Denmark. He has also been lecturing at the University of Copenhagen during the same period. 1983-1989 Paludan-Müller worked as a county archaeologist in Frederiksborg. He held the position the director of Randers Museum of Culture History 1989-1998. In 2001 and 2002 he became the head of the Museum development department at the Ministry of Culture in Denmark. In 2003, he moved to Norway and he is currently the director of the Norwegian Institute of Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU). He has been an EAA member since 2000. Paludan-Müller scientific career was initiated with studies on development of subsistence and settlement patterns during the late Mesolithic. He has participated in various fora on a national and an international level. He has worked as an independent consultant, employed by Storstøm County Council in Denmark, to set up a report and development plan for the museums of the County. He has also been on the governing committees of research programs, worked with EU financed projects and with Nordic projects relating to cultural heritage. Paludan-Müller has been a member of a project initiating and governing working committee under the Nordic Ministers of Environment. Norwegian Research Council has consulted him as an expert referee in the evaluation of application for project funding. He has contributed to the development of a new legislation on cultural heritage in Denmark and during later years he has been particularly active in the discussions on the changing role through time of cultural heritage in its contemporary context. Currently, he focuses on large scale transformations, that world wide challenge the way we conceive the role of the past in our present. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER 1 Margaret Gowen, Ireland Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Margaret Gowen Ireland Owner/Manager of a commercial archaeological consultancy and project management practice 49 Female Margaret Gowen was educated at University College in Cork (B.A. 1975, M.A. 1979). She has twenty-five years project management experience in archaeological excavation, archaeological survey projects, Page 1 or 6 Biographies – Elections 2004 Environmental Impact Assessment (archaeology and cultural heritage), and in archaeological consulting for planning purposes. In 1979-1980, she was employed at the National Museum’s Excavations in Fishamble Street, Dublin, and in 1980-1982 she worked with state-managed excavation projects. From 1982 – 1990, she worked as a free-lance (contract) archaeological consultant and project manager. Medium and large scale projects were undertaken on behalf of the Bord Gáis Eireann on cross-country pipelines between 1984 and 1999. In 1990, Gowen formed her own company (with a core staff of 50), a professional practice of archaeological and cultural heritage consultants, project managers and surveyors. The company places a great deal of emphasis on the quality of its mapping and survey presentation and has developed a dedicated post-excavation facility and conservation lab. The company web-site is: Margaret Gowen has also undertaken voluntary work. In 1998-2001, she was holding the position of the president of ICOMOS (Irish Committee). In 1990, Gowen was a member of a sub-committee on archaeology (guidelines for Good Practice for Developers was published in the Heritage Council 2000). In 1998, she was the council for Discovery Programme and, in 2001, she held the position of the directorate of the Discovery Programme. Gowen was appointed by the Minister of Arts Heritage Gaeltacht and the Islands to the Heritage Council’s Standing Committee on Archaeology in 2001. Since 2002, Gowen is coopted to the board of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) and currently responsible for Education, Training and a Continuing Professional Development framework. She has been an EAA member since 1995. Gowen has published articles in peer review journals, local historical and archaeological society journals; conference proceedings, Archaeology Ireland and edited monographs. The company has managed projects of publications for Pemple Bar Properties Ltd. And the Lisheen Archaeological Project book and prepared publication of the 1988 Three Irish Gas Pipelines: New Archaeological Evidence in Munster. Anne Lehoërff, France Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Anne Lehoërff France University of Lille 36 Female Anne Lehoërff studied at the University Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris 1994-1999. In 1999, she was awarded her PhD on ”Le bronze des dépositions volontaires en Italie centrale (1200-725 avant notre ère). Recerches pour une histoire des techniques”. During 1997-2000 she has been a member of the French School of Rome. She has participated in archeometallurgy projects (CNRS 1988-2000), directed by M. Pernot. Her research specialisms are: European protohistory (specialising on the central Mediterranean); training and specialisation in the archaeometallurgy of copper alloys and History of Archaeology. She is currently teaching European Prehistory at the University of Lille and she is also doing laboratory research there. She is preparing for an international conference about the construction of Chronology. Anne Lehoërff has produced several french articles and has participated in international projects. She joined the EAA in 2004. Susanne Sievers, Germany Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age. Gender: Susanne Sievers Germany Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 53 Female Page 2 or 6 Biographies – Elections 2004 Susanne Sievers studied at the Universities of Würzburg, Göttingen, Hamburg and Marburg 1971-1978. In 1982 she was awarded her Ph.D. for the thesis about the Hallstatt-daggers of central Europe: PBF VI 6, München. During 1978-1981 she worked on the publication of the “Kleinfunde” of the Heuneburg at the University of Tübingen. Between 1982 and 1994 she has held the position of referee for iron age at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission. Since 1994, she holding the position of the Vice-Director of the Römisch-Germanische Kommission and she is also the director of the Manching-Project. Sievers has worked in co-operation with Universities of Aix-en-Provence, Prague and Sheffield. She has also been involved in the organisation and publication of international conferences. Susanne Sievers is the german co-ordinator for the “Lexikon zur keltischen Archäologie” edited by the Academy of Science, Vienna. She is a member of the advisory board of “Bibracte”. Susanne feels she is suitable for working for the EAA because of her position in the RömischGermanische Kommission, which has comparable aims as the EAA (developing the international cooperation). She is interested in the promotion of the diversity of methods, presented by European Colleagues. She has been an EAA member since 2001. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER 2 László Bartosiewicz, Hungary Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: László Bartosiewicz Hungary Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Loránd Eötvös University 50 Male László Bartosiewicz is a native of Hungary, and received his degrees (MA, PhD, DSc) in animal science but has been identifying and analysing animal remains for archaeologists since 1978. He became a member of the EAA in 1995 and has participated in several of its meetings since. He has also served on the Nomination Committee of the EAA. His research has focused largely on the diachronic development of relationships between animals and humans. In addition to research in several areas of Europe (Hungary, the Balkans, Scotland, Switzerland, Belgium and France) and the Near East (Turkey, Israel and Egypt) he recently started teaching Archaeozoology at the Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest. He is the author of two books and over 180 scholarly articles on archaeozoology. Bartosiewicz is interested in working for the EAA and would like to represent the region he works in, in addition to promoting multidisciplinary work in archaeology, including international co-operation in this direction. Graham Fairclough, United Kingdom Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Graham Fairclough United Kingdom English Heritage 50 Male Graham Fairclough has been a professional archaeologist for nearly 30 years, working mostly in English Heritage and its predecessor on Archaeological Resource Management of various types, both on protected and threatened sites. He has directed excavations, mainly on medieval and later sites and worked on spatial analysis for buildings. Fairclough has published widely on aspects of Page 3 or 6 Biographies – Elections 2004 Archaeological Resource Management theory and practice, particularly in recent years on the historic landscape and its perception and management. During his career, the theory and practice of Archaeological Resource Management has changed significantly, and he has been able to work close to many of these changes, notably in the 1980s in drafting the English Planning Policy for Archaeology which foreshadowed Malta, in the 1990s on encouraging archaeological integration with other environmental conservation practice, in the context of new ideas on sustainability, and in the last ten years on developing new approaches to holistic, character-based, landscape-scale management. From 1995 Fairclough was head of EH’s Monuments Protection Programme (a national review and designation project) and since 2002 he has been in charge of EH’s Characterisation Team. Fairclough has experience of working at European level in the Council of Europe on landscape since 1993, on EU-funded networks (particularly the Pathways to Cultural Landscape’ project), and on a small but innovative international excavation project in Portugal. He has been a member of EAA for ten years, and its conference is a standing entry in his work diary: he has given papers at all but two of the conferences and co-organised two sessions on landscape in 1999 and 2000. As a Board member he would try to support EAA in the four main directions which he sees as among the central keys to EAA’s continued success: Making sure that the conference continues to be the annual foundation to the EAA’s health and vitality Continuing to act as a forum for exchanging experience and expertise between countries and regions Connecting archaeologists with related disciplines in the field of environmental and landscape research and management Expanding EAA’s influence among decision-makers in the EU, the Council of Europe and in national and regional government. Ivan Gatsov, Bulgaria Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Ivan Gatsov Bulgaria Professor at the New Bulgarian University 56 Male Ivan Gatsov studied at the Sofia University in Bulgaria (MA 1972) and at the Archaeological Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland (PhD). He was awarded his Ph. D. for the thesis ”The Archaeological Cultures of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Western Black Sea region and their significance for the formation of the Neolithic Industries” (in polish). Between 1979-1991 he held the position of Research Assistant at the Archaeological Institute and Museum of Sofia, and in 1991 he became Associated Professor at the same institution. He is currently holding the position of Full Professor and Director of the Department of Archaeology at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, since 2000. Gatsov has experience of the interdisciplinary and international archaeological research in South Bulgaria, NW Turkey and North Greece. Between 1995 and 2003 he has participated in excavations at different sites (working on the stone tool material from the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods) in Troia, Drama (Bulgaria), Thrace (Turkey), Bursa (Turkey), Corinth (Greece) and Samothrace (Greece). Gatsov has written three monographs (and additional two are in print). Gatsov believes that his international experience could be useful for the EAA. The Department of Archaeology in New Bulgaria University has established different projects with for ex. scientific institutions at Crete and Athens in Greece; Halle in Germany; Durham in the UK and Lion in Belgium. Page 4 or 6 Biographies – Elections 2004 EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER Christina Marangou, Greece Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Christina Marangou Greece Aristotle University 50 Female Christina Marangou studied at the University of Athens, where she took her BA in Classics (1976). In 1984, she studied archaeology and History of Art of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin American Literature at Universidad Complutense in Madrid. She got her Post-graduate Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ecole des Hautes Edtudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, in 1980). Marangou studied History of Art and Archaeology at University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne. In 1977 she received her MA in History of Art and Archaeology, in 1978 the DEA and in 1989 she was awarded her PhD. Marangou has been a member of the EAA since 1995. Marangou has been involved in several projects and excavations. She collaborated in the research program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the prehistoric lake settlement at Dispilio, Kastoria since 1992. Since 1980 she has been involved in several excavations in Northern Greece, especially excavations of sites from the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. In 1997 she became the director of a project on recording and excavation of rock-cut features and rock-art at Kastro on Lemnos island. Marangou has taught prehistoric archaeology at the University of Crete, Section of History and Archaeology during 1997-2000, included in the framework of the Inter-Sectorial Post-Graduate research Program “Advanced Methods and Information Systems in Archaeology, Research and Management of material remains and cultures of the Aegean”. The programme included maritime and wetland archaeology and environments, rock-art, Neolithic Aegean and prehistoric figurines. She has also been an invited scholar at the national Museum Maritime Archaeology Research Centre at Roskilde, Denmark, in 1997. Marangou has published books, several articles and book chapters, in particular on Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Aegean. Her main research interests are: symbolic human behaviours, man and sea relationship, heritage management and rock-art. She has also collaborated for publication of material from several excavations in Northern Greece, as well as of Museum exhibition catalogues. In 1999, she was a member of the committee for the organisation of the 7 th international symposium on ship construction in Antiquity, which was held in Pylos. Marangou speaks Greek (mother tongue), English and French (fluently). She can read Spanish, German and Portuguese, and has elementary knowledge in Italian and Russian. Natalia Shishlina, Russia Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Natalia Shishlina Russia State Historical Museum 43 Female Natalia Shishlina graduated from the History Department of State Moscow University in 1986 (MA). She majored in late Bronze Age cultures of the Eurasian steppe. In 1985, she started to work in the Archaeological Department of the State Historical Museum as a curator of the Bronze Age collection of Russia. In 1992 she was awarded her PhD at the Institute of Archaeology at the Russian Academy of Science. The dissertation was devoted to the Middle Bronze Age of Kalmykia Eurasian steppe. She has worked as a lecturer in State Moscow University during 1992-1998. In 1996 she received a Fullbright Page 5 or 6 Biographies – Elections 2004 scholarship at Harvard University, USA. In 2000, she was offered the position of chief researcher in the Museum, a position she is currently holding. Her main research interest is the bronze age of the NorthCaspian Sea steppe; seasonality; textiles and a diet system. Shishlina joined the EAA in 1995. She has participated in all conferences and organised three sessions. From 1986 to 2002 Shishlina organised and conducted Kalmyk archaeological expeditions of the State Historical Museum. Since 2003, she has been organising steppe archaeological expeditions and currently, she is working in the Rostov area in the southern part of Russia. The purpose of her field work is to conduct salvage excavations of steppe kurgans. She has also worked with an exposition of Bronze Age of Russia and she has written several archaeological guidebooks for the museum. Shishlina’s work for the EAA will draw attention to important archaeological papers written by scholars, especially from Russia and other countries of the former USSR. A lot of Russian books are now published. Her task would be to select for review the best Russian papers and monographs, presenting results of archaeological studies in Russia, new ideas and hypothesis as well as archaeological site heritage. Olena Smyntyna, Ukraine Name: Country: Institutional Affiliation: Age: Gender: Olena Smyntyna Ukraine Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National Unversity 32 Female Olena Smyntyna graduated (PhD) in Historical Sciences. In 1998, she became Associate Professor and head of the Department of Archaeology and Enthnology of Ukraine at Faculty of History of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. She is currently holding this position. She has been an EAA member since 1998 and has attended the EAA conferences since. Smyntyna has published over 100 scientific works, among them 2 monographs and one manual, 40 articles and 15 Encyclopaedia entries. She has been the chief editor of “The Use of Living Space in Prehistory” (BAR International Series, 2004) and “Archaeology and Ethnology of Eastern Europe” (3 published issues). She has been a member of the editorial board of “Proceedings of Faculty History of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University” (since 2003). Smyntyna has also been the head of the organising Committee of the 1st international Congress in 2002 “Archaeology and Ethnology of Eastern Europe: Step of the Youth to XXIst century”. She has been the editor and scientific co-ordinator of more than 50 student scientific articles and essays. Smyntyna’s contribution to the EAA would be as follows: As the head of the department of Archaeology and Ethnology of Ukraine, she has regular scientific and educational contacts with many scientists and institutions of Ukraine, former USSR Countries, Western Europe and USA. The contacts help her to monitor contemporary tendencies of archaeological science and education development and to evaluate on this basis the relevance, novelty and urgency of certain topic to be discussed on the pages of EJA. She has good experience of editorial work in her profession. Page 6 or 6