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Oceanic art: selected bibliography by art style regions or peoples
Compiled and annotated by Harry Beran
Last revised: 21 July 2012
Please send me corrections and additions - but note that mainly books and exhibition catalogues on the art of
specific art style regions or peoples are included, except where only article-length treatments are known to me.
It lists mainly books and exhibition catalogues which focus on an individual art style region or people of
Oceania. Other publications are mentioned only if no book-length treatment is known to me. Further readings
are provided in the bibliographies of the works listed.
Some of the following headings refer to geographical regions, others to peoples in these regions. This may not
be satisfactory but is the best I can do at present - it also reflects the literature to some extent. The headings
assume art style distinctions that may not be sound. Any suggestions for improvements will be gratefully
The following have articles by distinct authors on many individual Oceanic art style regions.
- Fraser, Jane (ed.) 1996, Dictionary of Art. Grove.
- Newton, Douglas 1999, Arts of the South Seas: Island Southeast Asia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia. The
Collections of the Barbier-Mueller Museum. Munich: Prestel.
- Peltier, Philippe and Floriane Morin. 2006. Shadows of New Guinea: Art from the Great Island of Oceania in
the Barbier-Mueller Collections. Paris: Somogy and Geneva: musee barbier-mueller.
Admiralty Islands, PNG
- Badner, M. 1968, The Figural Sculpture and Iconography of Admiralty Island Art. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia
- Kaufmann, Christian, Kocher Schmidt, Christin & Ohnemas, Sylvia (eds). 2002.
admiralty islands: art
from the south seas. Zürich: Museum Rietberg Zürich.
- Nevermann, Hans 1934, Admiralitaets Inseln. Vol. 3 of Ergebnisse der Suedsee Expedition 1908-10.
Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co.
- Ohnemus, Sylvia 1996, Zur Kultur der Admiralitaets-Insulaner: Die Sammlung Alfred Buehler im Museum
fuer Voelkerkunde Basel. Basel.
- Otto, Ton. 1994. ‘A Bibliography of Manus Province’. Research in Melanesia Vol. 18, pp. 113-77.
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1907). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing.
Asmat, Papua, Indonesia
- Gerbrands, Adrian A. (ed.) 1967, The Asmat of New Guinea: The Journal of Michael Clark Rockefeller. New
York: Museum of Primitive Art.
- Helfrich, Klaus, Jebens, Holger, Nelke, Wolfgang & Winkelman, Carolina 1995, Asmat Mythos und Kunst: Im
Leben mit den Ahnen. Berlin: Museum fuer Voelkerkunde.
- Hoggerbrugge, Jac & Kooijman, Simon 1976, 70 Years of Asmat Woodcarving. Breda: Rijksmuseum voor
- Konrad, G. Konrad U. & Schneebaum T. 1981, Asmat: Life with the Ancestors. Glashuetten/TS: Friedhelm
- Konrad, Gunter & Konrad, Ursula (eds) 1996, Asmat Myth and Ritual: The Inspiration of Art. Venezia: Erizzo
- Schneebaum, Tobias 1985, Asmat Images from the collection of the Asmat Museum of Culture and Progress.
N.p.: Asmat Museum of Culture and Progress.
--- 1990, Embodied Spirits: Ritual Carvings of the Asmat. Salem: Peabody Museum of Salem.
- Smidt, Dirk (ed.) 1993, Asmat Art: Woodcarvings of Southwest New Guinea. Leiden: Periplus.
Astrolabe Bay and Karkar Island, PNG
- Biro, L 1901, Beschreibender Catalog der Ethnographischen Sammlung Ludwig Biro’s aus Deutsch-NeuGuinea (Astrolabe-Bai). [Beschreibungen von Willibald Semayer.] Ethnographische Sammlungen des
Ungarischen Nationalsmuseums III. Budapest. [Cited Greub ed Art of the Sepik River p. 212.]
- Bodrogi, T. 1959, ‘New Guinea Style Provinces: The Style Province “Astrolabe Bay”’. Puscula Ethnologica
Memoriae Ludovici Biro Sacra (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) Vol. 6, pp. 39-99.
--- 1961, Art in North-East New Guinea. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Kunze, G. 1896. Karkar oder Dampier-Insel, Gotha.
- Vargyas, Gabor, I think he has a chapter on the Astrolabe collection made by Biro in the PAA volume of the
1993 conference in Adelaide coming out in 1999.
Bundi, PNG
- Fitz-Patrick, D. & Kimbuna, J. 1983, Bundi: The Culture of a Papua New Guinea People. Nerang. [Not seen,
not sure how much on art and artefacts.]
Cenderawasih (Geelvink Bay), Papua, Indonesia
- Greub, S. (ed.) 1992, Art of Northwest New Guinea From Geelvink Bay, Humboldt Bay, and Lake Sentani.
New York: Rizzoli.
---------------Central Province, PNG
- Dauncey, H.M. 1913. Papuan Pictures.
- Dupeyrat, Andre. 1954. Festive Papua. New York: Dutton. [Account by priest of life of the Mafalu people.]
- Dupeyrat, Andre. 1955. Festive Papua. London: Staples Press. [Account by priest of life of the Fuyuge
- Glasse, Robert M. 1968: Huli of Papua: A Cognatic Descent System. Paris: mouton & Co. [Anthropological
- Holdsworth, David. 1972. Port Moresby. Port Moresby: Robert Brown & Associates. 24 pp pictures and text.
- Humphries, W.R. 1923. Patrolling in New Guinea. New York: Henry Hold and Company. [Includes
patrolling in Central P., e.g. Mafulu.]
- Inglis, K.S. and N.D. Oram. c. 1974. John Moresby and Port Moresby: A centennary view. Port Moresby:
Government Printer. [ 41 pp.]
Cemtral Province, Mailu, PNG
- Irwin, Geoffrey. 1985. The Emergence of Mailu: as a central place in coastal Papuan prehistory. Terra
Australis Nr 10. Canberra: Department of Prehistory, RSPS, The Australian National University.
- Malinowski, B. 1915, ‘The Natives of Mailu: preliminary results of the Robert Mond research work in British
New Guinea’, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, Vol. 39, pp. 494-706. [Not
- Newton, Douglas 1972, ‘Art’ in the Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea . (He (p. 40) mentions that the
Mailu make pottery, but is wrong in claiming that apart from crudely carved birds on rafters there is no art.
There were well-carved splashboards on some Mailu canoes. Apart from Newton, there seems to be nothing
specifically on Mailu art, but Saville provides glimpses and perhaps so does Malinowski.)
- Saville, W.J.V. 1926, In Unknown New Guinea. London: Seeley Service & Co. American edn: Philadelphia:
J.B. Lippincott.
- Welsch, Robert (ed. & ann.) An American Anthropologist in Melanesia, Vol. I: Field Diaries. [Has brief diary
entry, which I have not yet read) for Mailu under Mailu and Massim.]
Central Province, Motu, PNG
- Meyer, Anthony JP 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln; Koenemann. Vol. I, pp. 132-135. (The splashboard on p. 135 is
not Motu but Massim.)
Dani, Papua, Indonesia
- Gardner, Robert & Heider, Karl G. 1969, Gardens of War: Life and Death in the New Guinea Stone Age.
London: Andre Deutsch.
- Heider, Karl G. 1970, The Dugum Dani. Chicago: Aldine.
--- 1979, Grand Valley Dani: Peaceful Warriors. New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston.
Gogodala, PNG
- Crawford, A.L. 1981, AIDA Life and Ceremony of the Gogodala. Bathurst: Robert Brown in Association with
the National Cultural Council of Papua New Guinea.
Highlands, PNG
- Boylan, Chris & North, Great 1997, ‘Highlands Art of New Guinea’, The World of Tribal Arts, Vol. 4, No. 3.,
pp. 72-83.
- O’Hanlon, Michael 1989, Paradise: Portraying the New Guinea Highlands. London: Crawford House Press.
- Rule, Murray. 1993. The Culture and Language of the Foe: The People of Lake Kutubu, Southern Highlands
Province, Papua New Guinea. Merewether, NSW: Murray Rule for Chevron Niugini.
- Sillitoe, Paul 1988, Made in Niugini (Technology in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea). London: British
Museum Publications.
- Strathern, M. & M. 1971, Self-Decoration in Mt Hagen. London: Backworth.
- Wirz, Paul. 1952. A Description of Musical Instruments from Central north-eastern New Guinea & On some
hitherto unknown objects from the Highlands of central north-eastern New Guinnea. Amsterdam: Uitgave
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. [Chimbu mouth-harps, Mt Hagen flute, Korogo (middle Sepik ceremonial
flutes, Chimbu ocarinas; Dom head-crutches, carved houseboards.] Mitchell L.
Humboldt Bay, Papua, Indonesia
- Greub, S. (ed.) 1992, Art of Northwest New Guinea From Geelvink Bay, Humboldt Bay, and Lake Sentani.
New York: Rizzoli.
- Webb, Virginia-Lee. 2011. Ancestors of the Lake: Art of Lake Sentani and Humboldt Bay, New Guinea. The
Menil Collection. Houston: Menil Foundation.
Huon Gulf and West New Britain, PNG (See also New Britain, East)
* Eric Coote has a print-out of a ?ANU web site biblio on Morobe P., presumably on every topic
- Bodrogi, Tibor 1961, Art in North-East New Guinea. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Science.
- Dark, Philip J.C. 1974, Kilenge Art and Life. London: Academy.
- Dark, Philip J.C. and Mavis Dark. 2009. VUKUMO: Art and Life of the Kilenge A Personal Perspective.
Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing.
- Meyer, Anthony J.P. 1992. The Funerary Tapa-cloths of the Nakanai from New Britain (Oceania Nr 11).
Paris: Galerie Meyer. {Sales catalogue.]
- Neuhauss
- Welsch, Robert ????, has just published a book on this area whose details I don’t know yet.
Iatmul, PNG
- Stanek, Milan. 1982. Geschichten der Kopfjäger: Mythos und Kultur der Iatmul auf Papua-Neuguinea.
Cologne: Diederichs. [247 pp. ills.]
Kamoro, Papua, Indonesia
- Jacobs, Karen. 2012. Collecting Kamoro: Objects, encounters and representation on the southwest coast of
Papua. ???: Sidestone Press in co-operation with the Dutch National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.
Kiwai, PNG
- Landtman, Gunnar 1933, Ethnographical Collection from the Kiwai District of British New Guinea in the
National Museum of Finland. Helsingfors: Published by the Commission of the Antell Collection.
Korvar, Papua, Indonesia
- Baaren, Th. P. van 1968, Korwars and Korwar Style: Art and Ancestor Worship in North-West New Guinea.
The Hague: Mouton & Co.
Lake Sentani, Papua, Indonesia
- Greub, S. (ed.) 1992, Art of Northwest New Guinea From Geelvink Bay, Humboldt Bay, and Lake Sentani.
New York: Rizzoli.
- Kooijman, S. 1959, The Art of Lake Sentani. New York: The Museum of Primitive Art.
- Webb, Virginia-Lee. 2011. Ancestors of the Lake: Art of Lake Sentani and Humboldt Bay, New Guinea. The
Menil Collection. Houston: Menil Foundation.
Marind-Anim, Papua, Indonesia
- Baal, J. van 1966, Dema. Description and Analysis of Marind-Anim Culture South New Guinea). Translation
series No. 9. The Hague: Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
- Wirz, P. 1978 (1922-25), Die Marind-anim von Hollaendisch Sued-Neu-Guinea. 2 Vols. New York: Arno
Markham Valley, PNG
- Meyer, Anthony JP 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann.Vol. I, pp. 164-167.
Massim, PNG
- Beran, Harry 1980, Massim Tribal Art. Wollongong: Wollongong City Gallery.
- Campbell, Shirley F. 2002. The Art of Kula. Oxford: Berg.
- Chave, Sophie 1987, Culture materielle et creation artistique en pays Massim. M.A. thesis. University of Paris.
- Hamson, Michael and Richard Aldridge. 2009. Art of the Massim & Collingwood Bay. Palos Verdes Estates,
Cal.: Michael Hamson Oceanic Art.
- Newton, Douglas 1975, Massim: Art of the Massim Area, New Guinea. New York: The Museum of Primitive
- Norick, F.A. 1976, An Analysis of the Material Culture of the Trobriand Islands Based upon the Collection of
Bronislaw Malinowski. Ph.D. thesis. University of Califirnia.
- Le Pays Massim Papua New Guinea 1987, Paris: Galerie Meyer.
-Scoditti, Giancarlo, M.G. 1990. Kitawa: A Linguistic and Aesthetic Analysis of Visual Art in Melanesia. Berlin:
Mouton de Gruyter. [A misleadingly titled book on kula canoe carvings.]
- Shack, William A. 1985, The Kula. A Bronislaw Malinowski Centennial Exhibition. Berkeley, Calif.: Robert
H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology.
Mimika, Papua, Indonesia
- Kooijman, Simon 1984, Art, Art Object and Ritual in the Mimika Culture. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
New Britain (East), PNG (see also Huon Gulf and West New Britain)
- Mulvaney, D.J. 1978. ‘William Dampier, Ethnography and Elf-Stones’. The Artefact, Vol. 3 (3): 151-56.
[Apparently gives the museum location of a sling stone and polished and waisted axe collected by Dampier in
- Newton, Douglas 1999, Arts of the South Seas, lists publications on particular types of East New Britain
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1887). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing.
New Caledonia (Kanak)
- Boulay, R., Kasarhérou, E., Marchal, H. 1990, De jade et de nacre: Patrimoine artistique kanak. Paris:
Reunion des Musee Nationaux.
- Dougoud, Colombo. 2007. Bambous Kanak: Une Passion de Marguerite Lobsiger-Dellenbach. Geneve:
Musée d’ethnographie.
- Kasarherou, E. 1993, Le Masque Kanak. Marsaille: Edition Parantheses.
- Leenhardt, M. 1930. Notes D’Ethnologie Néo-Calédonienne. Paris” Institut D’Ethnologie.
- Luquet, G.H. 1926. L’Art ne-caledonien. Documents recueillis par Marius Archambault. Paris: Travaux et
Memoires de l’Institut d’Ethnologie.
- Métais, Eliane. N.d. Art Neo-Caledonien. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Latine.
- Sarasin, Fritz. 1929. Die Ethnologie der Neu-Caledonier und Loyalty-Insulaner mit Atlas. 2 Vols. Munich:
C.W. Kreidel.
New Ireland, PNG
Iconography of New Ireland Malagan.’, Journal of the Polynesian Scoeity, vol. 95.
- Gunn, Michael. 1997, Ritual Arts of Oceania New Ireland in the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum.
Milan: Skira Editore.
- Gunn, Michael and Philippe Peltier. 2006. New Ireland: Art of the South Pacific. Paris: Musée du quai Branly
and Milan: 5 Continents Editions.
- Hallinan, J. Peter. 1990, Revelation of the Malagans: The Ritual Art of New Ireland. Florida Gardens,
Queensland: Tribal Arts Gallery.
- Helfrich, Klaus. 1973. Malanggan. 1. Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde.
- Krämer, Augustin. 1925. Die Málanggane von Tombára. München: Georg Müller. (Richly illustrated work on
malagan carvings. Krämer uses Tómbara as a local name for New Ireland.)
- Krämer-Bannow, Elisabeth. 2009. Among the Art-loving Cannibals of the South Seas. Adelaide: Crawford
House Publishing. Translation by Waltraud Schmidt of Bei kunstsinnigen Kannibalen der Südsee. Berlin:
Verlag Dietrich Reimer. 1916
- Lincoln, L. (ed.) 1987, Assemblage of Spirits: Idea and Image in New Ireland. New York: George Braziller
and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1887). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing.
- Stephan, Emil. 1907. Südseekunst: Beiträge zur Kunst des Bismarck-Archipels und zur Urgeschichte der
Kunst überhapt. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
- Stephan, Emil & Graebner, Fritz. 1907. Neu-Mecklenburg (Bismarck-Archipel): Die Küste von Umuddu bis
Kap St. Georg. Forschungsergebnisse bei dem Vermessungsfahrten von S.M.S. Möwe in Jahre 1904. Berlin:
Dietrich Riemer.
Northwest Coast, PNG (Vanimo, Sissano, Aitape, Seleo Island)
- Meyer, Anthony JP 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. I, pp. 313-315.
Oro Province, PNG (formerly Northern Province- Oro Bay, Collingwood Bay)
- Beran, Harry and Eduard Aguirre. 2009. The Art of Oro Province: A Preliminary Typology. Sydney: The
Oceanic Art Society. [On CD.]
- Barton, F.R. 1908. Man. ‘Note on Stone Pestles from British New Guinea.’ pp. 1-2, Plate A. (note of 1 famous
bird-shaped pestle in British Museum and 2 plain pestles, all from Oro P.)
- Barker, John. 1991. ‘Maisin’ Encyclopedia of World Cultures Vol. 2. [General description of Maisin people,
at Cape Nelson; very little on art but included because so little literature available for this region.]
- Hamson, Michael and Richard Aldridge. 2009. Art of the Massim & Collingwood Bay. Palos Verdes Estates,
Cal.: Michael Hamson Oceanic Art.
- Holdsworth, David 1984, Eastern Papua New Guinea: Northern and Milne Bay Provinces. Bathurst: Robert
- Meyer, Anthony JP 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. I, pp. 154-157.
Papuan Gulf, PNG
- Beier, Ulli and Albert Maori Kiki. 1970. HOHAO: The uneasy survival of an art form in the Papuan Gulf.
Melbourne: Nelson.
- Hamson, Michael. 20?/. Red Eye of the Sun.
- Newton, Douglas 1961, Art Styles of the Papuan Gulf. New York: The Museum of Primitive Art.
- Vanderwal, Ron 2005. Bibliography of Papuan Gulf literature handed out at WEA lecture. [In concertina
folder under Vanderwal.]
- Williams, F.E. 1923. ‘The Collection of Curios and the Preservation of Culture.’ Anthropology Report Nr 3.
Port Moresby: Edward George Baker, Government Printer.
- Welsh, Robert L, Webb, Virginia-Lee, and Haraha, Sebastian. 2006. Coaxing the Spirits to Dance: Art and
Society in the Papuan Gulf of New Guinea. Hanover, New Hampshire: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth
Rennell Island (shld this be under Solomons?)
- Birket-Smith, Kaj. 1956. An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island. København: Det Kongelige Danske
Videnskabernes Selskab. (222 pp. Well-illustrated with artefacts.) Fisher has copy.
Rossel I. PNG
- Armstrong Rossel Island
- Liep in Leach and Leach
St. Matthias Islands, PNG
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1887). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing.
Santa Cruz, Solomon Islands
See Polynesian outliers
Sepik-Ramu region, PNG
- Hauser-Schaeublin, B. 1989, Leben in Linie, Muster und Farbe: Einführung in die Betrachtung
aussereuropäischer Kunst am Beispiel der Abelam, Papua Neuguinea. Basel: [Birkhäuser - spelling?].
- Koch, Gerd 1968, Kultur der Abelam. Berlin: Museum für Voelkerkunde.
- Losche, Diane 1982, The Abelam: a people of Papua New Guinea. Sydney: The Australian Museum.
- Hamson, Michael (ed.) Art of the Boiken. Palos Verdes Estates, Cal.: Michael Hamson Oceanic Art.
- Haberland, E. 1968, The Caves of Carawari. New York.
- Haberland, E. & Seyfarth, S. 1974, Die Yimar am oberen Korewori. Studien zur Kulturkunde. Wiesbaden.
[Cited in Greub Art of the Sepik River, p. 213.]
- Kaufmann, Christian. 2004. Korewori: Magic Art from the Rain Forest. Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing
- Bowden, Ross 1983, Yena: Art and Ceremony in a Sepik Society. Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum.
Ramu River
- Singsing Tumbuan (Mask Dance). 1992. Text & research: Paula can den Berg. Photos: Marsha Berman et al.
Concept and design: Marsha Berman. [A book that documents a mask dance performed on the lower Ramu and
accompanies two film versions, one 170 m, another 50 m
Mountain Ok (Telefomin etc)
- Craig, Barry 1988, Art and Decoration of Central New Guinea. Aylesbury, Bucks: Shire Publications.
Sepik, General
* Newton, Douglas 1965, Bibliography of Sepik District Art Annotated for
Part I, 20 pp., Museum of Primitive Art
- Dennett, H. & P. 1975. Mak Belong Sepik. Wewak: Wirui Press.
- Greub, Suzanne (ed.) 1985, Authority and Ornament: Art of the Sepik River. Basel: Tribal Art Centre.
- Kelm H. 1966-68, Kunst vom Sepik. 3 vols. Berlin: Museum fuer Voelkerkunde.
- Lutkehaus, N. (ed.) 1990, Sepik Heritage: Tradition and Change in Papua New Guinea. Durham: Carolina
Academic Press.
- Maksic & Meskil. ???? Primitive Art of New Guinea [Sepik-Ramu basin. - Barry has copy]
- Meyer, Anthony. J.P. 1992.” Sepik” (Oceania Nr 12). [Sales catalogue.]
- Newton, Douglas 1971, Crocodile and Cassowary: Religious Art of the Upper Sepik River, New Guinea. New
York: The Museum of Primitive Art.
Schefold, Raimar. 1966. Versuch einer Stilanalyse der Aufhängehaken vom
Sepik in Neu-Guinea. Basel: Pharos. Basler Beitrage zur
Ethnologie, Band 4.
- Stewart, G. ????, The Garrick Introduction to Sepik Art. ???? [Copy in Wollongong.]
- Wardwell, Allen. 1971, The Art of the Sepik River. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago. [Aaron Vogelnest
has copy.]
Solomon Islands
- Burt, Ben. ?2009. Body Ornaments of Malaita, Solomon Islands. British Museum Press. 176 pp. £ 25.
- Carlier, Jean-Edouard. N.d. [c. 2003]. Regard sur les iles Salomon. Paris: Carlier. [Sales catalogue.]
- Meyer, Anthony JP. 2011. Art of the Solomon Islands and other Works of Art from the Pacific Islands. Paris:
Galerie Meyer.
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1887). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing. [Covers the northern (formerly German) Solomon
- Howarth, Crispin with Deborah Waite. 2011. Varilaku: Pacific Arts from the Solomon Islands. Canberra:
National Gallery of Australia.
- Richards, Rhys & Roga, Kenneth. 2005. Not Quite Extinct: Melanesian Bark Cloth (‘tapa’) from western
Solomon Islands. Wellington, N.Z.: Paremata Press. ISBN 0-958-2013-2-3 (Available only by email from
- Starzecka, Dorota & Cranstone, B.A.I. 1974, The Solomon Islanders. London: British Museum Publications.
- Waite, Deborah 1983, Art of the Solomon Islands. Geneva: musee barbier-mueller.
--- 1987, Artefacts from the Solomon Islands in the Julius L. Brenchley Collection. London: British Museum
Torres Strait, Australia
- Florek, Stan. 2005. The Torres Strait Islands Collection at the Australian Museum. Technical Reports of the
Australian Museum, Nr 19. Sydney: Australian Museum.
- Florek, Stan. 2003. ‘Behind the Mask: People of the Torres Strait and the collection of the Australian
Museum’. Tribal - the magazine of tribal art. Vol. VIII, Nr 2: 50-59.
* Fraser, Douglas 1963, Bibliography of Torres Straits Art, 6 pp., Museum of
Primitive Art.
- Fraser, D.F. 1978, Torres Straits Sculpture: a Study in Oceanic Primitive Art. New York and London:
- Haddon, A.C. (ed.) 1912, Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits, Vol. IV:
Arts and Crafts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Herle, Anita and Jude Philp. 1998. Torres Strait Islanders: An Exhibition Marking the Centenary of the 1898
Cambridge Anthropological Expedition. Cambridge: University of Cambridge: Museum of Archaeology and
--. 2000. ‘Custom and creativity: Nineteenth-century collections of Torres Strait Art’ in The Oxford Guide to
Aboriginal Art and Culture, edited by S. Kleinert and M. Neale. Pp. 155-62. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- McNiven, Ian J. and Quinnell, Michael (eds?). 2004. Torres Strait Archaeology and Material Culture.
Brisbane: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Cultural Heritage Series, Vol. 3, Part 1. 17 essays, 386 pp, c 150
ills, 13 in colour, maps, bibliography.
- Moore, D.R. 1989, Arts and Crafts of Torres Strait. Aylesbury, Bucks.: Shire Publications.
-- 1984, The Torres Strait Collection of A.C. Haddon. London: British Museum Press.
- Mosby, T. & Robinson, B. ???? Ilan Pasin. Cairns: Cairns Regional Gallery. [A catalogue of traditional and
contemporary Torres Strait art.]
- Philp. Jude. ????. Past Time: Torres Strait Islander Material from the Haddon Collection 1888-1905.
Canberra: National Museum of Australia.
Tumleo Island, PNG
Erdweg, Mathias Josef. 1902. ‘Die Bewohner der Insel Tumleo, Berlinhafen,
Deutsch-NeuGuinea’. Mittheilungen der Anthropologiscehn Gesellschaft in
Wien, XXXII, pp 274-310, 317-399.
[Detailed description of the people and their
material culture by a priest who served there.]
- Annandale Galleries. 2008. AMBRYM: Art from Vanuatu. Sydney: Annandale Galleries.
- Bonnemaison, J. Kaufmann, C. Huffman, K. & Tryon, D. 1996, Arts of Vanuatu. Bathurst: Crawford House
- Carlier, Jean-Edouard. N.d. Regard sur les îles Salomon. Paris: Voyageurs & Curieux.
- Huffman, K. 1997, Vanuatu: Kunst aus der Suedsee. Basel: C. Merian.
- Meyer, Anthony J.P. 1997. Art of Vanuatu. Paris: Galerie Meyer. [Sales catalogue.]
- Speiser, Felix 1990 (1923), Ethnology of Vanuatu. Trans. D.Q. Stephenson. Bathurst: Crawford House Press.
Vogelkopf, Papua, Indonesia
- Forrest, Thomas. 1779. A Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan. London. [Reached
north coast of Vogelkopf in 1775; describes some buildings and people’s ornaments, and a Korvar-like wooden
figure with a skull as a head - Ch. VIII, p. 107, 11.2.1775.]
Witu (French) Islands, PNG
- Bodrogi, Tibor. 1971. ‘Zur Ethnographie der Vitu- (French-) Inseln.’ Baessler-Archiv, Neue Folge, Band XIX,
pp. 47-70. [Mainly on material culture with numerous illustrations.]
- Fraser, Jane (ed.) 1996, Dictionary of Art. Grove.* This has articles on the individual states of Micronesia.
There are few wide-ranging publications on the arts of particular Micronesian cultures. The following more
general references may be useful.
- Koch, Gerd 1986, The Material Culture of Kiribati (Nonouti-Tabitenea-Onotoa). Suva.
- Jernigen, E.W. 1973, Lochuckle: A Palauan Art Tradition. Ph.D. thesis. University of Arizona.
- Gilliland, Cora Lee C. 1975. The Stone Money of Yap: A Numismatic Survey. Washington: Smithsonian.
Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology nr 23. [75 pp., biblio, profusely illustrated.]
The starred publications have bibliographies on Micronesia.
There is a more recent book that seems not to be included (Bill Evans?)
Matty, Hermit, Kaniet Islands, PNG
- Bourgoin, Philippe 1997, ‘The Forgotten Islands of the Bismarck Archipelago: the Hermits and Kaniets’, The
World of Tribal Arts, Vol. IV, No1. pp. 64-79.
- Parkinson, R. 1999, Thirty Years in the South Seas. Translation by John Dennison of Dreissig Jahre in der
Suedsee (1907). Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing.
Austral Islands
- Barrow, T. 1979, The Art of Tahiti and the Neighbouring Society, Austral and Cook Islands. London: Thames
& Hudson.
- Hull, H.U. ‘Woodcarvings of the Austral Islands’, The Museum Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 179-200.
- Richards, Rhys. 2012. The Austral Islands History, Art and Art History. ?????: ?????. [236 pp, 145
Cook Islands
- Barrow, T. 1979, The Art of Tahiti and the Neighbouring Society, Austral and Cook Islands. London: Thames
& Hudson.
- Barthel, Thomas S. N.d. (c. 1978). The Eights Land: The Polynesian Discovery and
Settlement of Easter
Island. Translated from the German by Anneliese Martin. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii. [372 pp.
Suipposedly the most detailed analysis of Easter Island myth and legend available.]
- Idiens, D. 1990, Cook Islands Art. Aylesbury, Bucks: Shire Publications.
- Buck, Peter H. (Te Rangi Hiroa) 1949 (or 1944?), Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands. Honolulu: Bernice P.
Bishop Museum.
Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
- The French book at the Australian Museum
- Chauvet, Stephen 1935, L’Ile de Paques, et ses mystere. Paris: ????
- Chauvet, Stephen. ?2005. Easter Island and its Mysteries. Translated by Ann M. Altman, edited by Shawn
McLaughlin. Available on the net <www.-translation.com> CD-ROM version available from
- Esen-Bauer, H.-M. (ed.) 1989, 1500 Jahre Kultur der Osterinsel: Schaetze aus dem Land des Hotu Matua.
Main am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.
- Heyerdahl, Thor 1976, The Art of Easter Island. London: George Allen & Unwin.
- Kjellgren, Eric. ?2002. Splendid Isolation: Art of Easter Island. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Metraux, A. 1971, Ethnology of Easter Island. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 160. Honolulu: Bishop
Museum Press.
- Moudo (?Mordo), Carlos. 2002. Easter Island. Firefly Books. [Field photos, contemporarary Easter islanders,
and some traditional art.]
- Orliac, Michel 1995, Bois Sculptes de L’Ile de Paques. Marsaille: Edition Parantheses.
- Tilburg, Jo Anne van 1994, Easter Island: Archaeology, Ecology and Culture. London: British Museum Press.
- Rod Ewins website <www.justpacific.com> includes a general Fiji bibliography.
- Clunie, F. 1986, Yali i Viti: Shades of Viti: A Fiji Museum Catalogue. Suva: Fiji Museum. Republished 2003.
- Carlier, Jean-Edouard. n.d. (2005). Archipels Fidji - Tonga - Samoa; La Polynésie Occidentale. Paris: Gallery
Voyageurs & Curieux.
- Ewins, Rod. 1982, Fijian Artefacts: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Collection. Hobart: Tasmanian
Museum and Art Gallery.
- Ewins, Rod. 1986. ‘Lali - The Drums of Fiji.’ Domodomo: Fiji Museum Quarterly, vol. IV, nr 4, pp. 142-69
[Can be accessed on line, with an appendix presumably not inlcuded in the published essay, at
- Ewins, Rod. 2009. Staying Fijian: Vatulele Island barkcloth and social identity. Adelaide: Crawford House
Publishing Australia and University of Hawaii Press.
- Mead, S.M. et al. 1975. The Lapita Pottery Style of Fiji and its Associations. Wellington: Polynesian Society
memoir nr 38. [98 pp, plate, figures.]
- Roth, G.K. 1954. ‘Housebuilding in Fiji.’ Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 84, pts I and II,
pp. 91-102.
- Spicer, Catherine and Rondo Me. 2004. Fiji masi,
- Tippett, Alan Richard. 1968. Fijian Material Culture: A Study of Cultural Context, Function, and Change.
Honolulu: Bishop Museum [193 pp, figs. Biblio.]
Gambier Islands
- Meyer, Anthony JP. 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. II, pp. 540-543.
- Brigham, William Tufts. 1911. Ka Hana Kapa. The making of bark cloth in Hawaii.(Bishop Museum Press
(Memoirs 3)). New York: Kraus Reprint Co.
- Buck, Peter [Te Rangi Hiroa. 1957. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii. Honolulu: Bishop Museum. Special
Publication 45. [606 pp.]
- Chun, Naomi N.Y. 1995. Hawaian Canoe-Building Traditions. Revised edn. Honolulu: Kamehameha
Schools. School text book on canoe building with numerous drawings. 86 pp..]
- Cox, J.H. & Davenport, W.H. 1988, Hawaian Sculpture. 2nd edn.. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
- Emory, Kenneth P., William J. Bonk and Yoshiko H. Sinoto. 1968. Fishhooks. 2nd edn. Honolulu: Bishop
Museum. Special Publication nr 47. [This seems to be on Hawaiian fishhooks excavated in the 1950s. 62 pp,
photos and figures.]
- The Hawaiian Portion of the Polynesian Collection in the Peabody Museum of Salem. 1920. Salem, Mass,:
Peabody Museum. [56 pp, ills, exhibition catalogue.]
- Holmes, Tommy. 1993. The Hawaiian Canoe. 2nd edn. Honolulu: Editions Ltd. [220 pp., biblio, profusely
illustrated. ‘’The definitive work on the history and design of the Hawaiian canoe.’]
- Holt, John Dominis. 1985. The Art of Featherwork in Old Hawai’i. Honolulu: Topgallant. [176 pp., profusely
- Kaeppler, AdrienneL. 1980. Pahu and Puniu: An Exhibition of Hawaiian Drums. Honolulu: Bishop Museum.
[37pp, 74 ills.]
- McBride, L.R. 1986. Petroglyphs of Hawaii. 10th Priniting. Hilo: Petroglyph Press. [48 pp, numerous ills.]
- Pukui, Mary Kawena (translator). 1939. ‘The Canoe Making Profession of Ancient Times.’ Occasional
Papers, vol. XV, nr 13, November, pp. 150-59 Honolulu: Bishop Museum. [Hawaiian and English on facing
Maori & Moriori
- Barrow, T. 1969, Maori Wood Sculpture. Routland, Vermont and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle.
-- 1972, The Decorative Arts of the New Zealand Maori, 3rd edn. Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed.
-- 1978, Maori Art of New Zealand. Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed and Paris: Unesco.
- Evans, Jeff. ?2000. Waka Taua: The Maori War Canoe. ????: Reed Publishing. [Account of building and use
of war canoes.]
- Hamilton, A. 1901, Maori Art. Wellington: New Zealand Institute.
- Ko Te Rira & Simmons, David. ?2000. Moko Rangatira: Maori Tattoo. ????: Reed
[Account of the significance of facial tattoos.]
- Mead, S.M. (ed.) 1?8?84, Te Maori: Maori Art from New Zealand Collections. Auckland: Heinemann in
association with the American Federation of Arts.
- Neich, Roger. 1993. Painted Histories: Rotorua Ngati Tarawhai Woodcarving. Auckland: Auckland
University Press.
- Neich, Roger. 2001. Carved Histories: Early Maori Figurative Painting. Auckland: Auckland University
- Neich, Roger, Mick Pendergrast, and Dorota Starzecka. 2010. The Maori Collections of the British Museum.
London: British Museum Press.
- Oldman, W.O. 2004 (????). Collection of Maori Artefacts. Reprint of the Polynesian Society Memoir nr 14.
Auckland: The Polynesian Society. [86 pp, 113 plates, b/w photos.]
- Phillipps, W.J. 1958. Maori Carving Illustrated. 2nd edn. Wellington: AH & AW Reed. [48 pp, 71 ills.]
- Pownall, Glen 1979, Primitive Art of the New Zealand Maori. Wellington: Seven Seas Publishing.
- Prickett, Nigel. 2001. Maori Origins: from Asia to Aotearoa. Auckland: David Bateman in association with
Auckland War Memorial Museum.
- Simmons, David 1987, Whakairo, Maori Tribal Art. Reprinted with corrections. Auckland: Oxford University
Press. [Distinguishes the different carving styles of the Maori tribes.]
- Starzecka. D.C. (ed.) 1996, Maori Art and Culture. London: British Museum Press.
- Taonga Maori: Treasures of the New Zealand Maori People 1989, Sydney: The Australian Museum.
- Handy, E.S.C. 1971 (1923), Native Culture in the Marquesas. New York: Kraus Reprints.
- Ivory, C.S. 1990, Marquesan Art in the Early Contact Period, 1774-1821. Ph.D. thesis, University of
- Kjellgren, Eric. 2005. Adorning the World: Art of the Marquesas Islands. New York: Metropolitan Museum of
- Linton, R. 1974 (1923), The Material Culture of the Marquesas. New York: Kraus Reprints. (Is there
something else included in this reprint?)
- Steine, K. von den 1969, Die Marquesaner und ihre Kunst. 3 vols. New York: Hacker Art Books.
- Meyer, Anthony JP. 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. II, pp. 490-491.
- Holmes, Lowell D. (compiler & editor). N.d. (c. 1984). Samoan Islands Bibliography. Wichita: Poly
Concepts. [329 pp. ]
- Buck P.H. (Te Rangi Hiroa) 1930, Samoan Material Culture. Bulletin 75. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop
Museum. [724 pp. , 56 plates.]
- Carlier, Jean-Edouard. n.d. (2005). Archipels Fidji - Tonga - Samoa; La Polynésie Occidentale. Paris: Gallery
Voyageurs & Curieux.
- Kramer, Augustin 1995, The Samoan Island, Vol. 2 Material Culture. Auckland: Polynesian Press.
- Barrow, T. 1979, The Art of Tahiti and the Neighbouring Society, Austral and Cook Islands. London: Thames
& Hudson.
- Rose, R.G. 1971, The Material Culture of Ancient Tahiti. Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University.
- Carlier, Jean-Edouard. n.d. (2005). Archipels Fidji - Tonga - Samoa; La Polynésie Occidentale. Paris: Gallery
Voyageurs & Curieux.
- James, Kerry E. 1988. Making mats and barkcloth in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Suva: University of the South Pacific.
- St. Cartmail, Keith 1997, The Art of Tonga. North Ryde, NSW: Craftsman House.
Tokelau (Atafu, Fakaofo, Nukunonu)
- MacGregor, Gordon. 1971 (1937). Ethnology of Tokelau Islands. Reprint of Bishop Museum Bulletin 146.
New York: Kraus.
Tuamotu Archipelago
- Emory, Kenneth P. 1934. Tuamotuan Stone Structures. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Bulletin 118.
[78 pp, photos.]
- Meyer, Anthony JP. 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. II, pp. 538-9.
Wallis (Uvea) and Futuna
- Burrows, Edwin G. 1937. Ethnology of Uvea (Wallis Island). Honolulu: Bishop Museum. Bulletin 145. [176
pp. b/w ills.]
- Meyer, Anthony JP. 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Vol. II, pp. 488-489.
Nukuoro Island, Caroline Islands, Fed. States of Micronesia
- Eilers, Anneliese. 1934. Inseln um Ponape: Kapingamarangi Nukuor Ngatik Mokil Pingalap. Ergebnisse der
Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. IIB Vol. 8. Hamburg: Friedrichsen de Gruyter. [Describes cultural significance
of the figures, accdg to Neich.]
- Grunne, Bernard de. 1994. ‘Beauty in Abstraction: the Barbier-Mueller Nukuoro Statue.’ Art Tribal, Geneva,
pp. 25-40. [Survey of all known figures from early genuine ones to late tourist carvings.]
- Kubary, J. 1990. ‘Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nukuoro- oder Monteverde-Inseln.’ Mitteilungen der
Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, vol. XVI. [Describes cultural significance of the figures, accdg to
- Meyer, Anthony JP 1995, Oceanic Art. Koeln: Koenemann. Volume II, pp. 592-593.
- Neich, Roger. 2007. A Recently revealed Tino Aitu Figure from Nukuoro Island, Caroline Islands, Micronesia.
An essay published on the net under the title. [17 pp., biblio, list of a number of other figures and ills of the
figure in the Smith Col’n.]
- Volprecht, K. 1968. ‘Nukuoro: Zur Sammlung Kapitän Jesche im Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.’ Ethnologica
(NF), Vol. 4: 532-42. [Describes cultural significance of the figures, accdg to Neich.]
Santa Cruz, Solomon Islands
- Koch, Gerd 1971, Materielle Kultur der Santa-Cruz Inseln. Berlin: Museum fuer Voelkerkunde.
Yami of Botel Tobago, off Taiwan
- They are Austronesian speakers with canoes with upswept ends and attachments to the ends similar to Massim
nagega canoes
- Appel, Michaela. 2005. Oceania: World Views of the South Seas. Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
München. Pp. 26-30.