Word - Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences

Edgar Garcia-Rill, PhD
October 31, 1948; Caracas, Venezuela
English, Spanish, French
805 N. Monroe St., Little Rock, AR 72205
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 686-5167/5166
(501) 686-6382
B.A., Loyola of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; 1969, Biology-Chemistry
Ph.D., McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 1973, Physiology
Research Assistant; Department of Psychiatry, McGill University; 1972-1973.
Postdoctoral Fellow; Department of Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatric Institute,
University of California, Los Angeles; 1973-1974.
Postgraduate Research; Department of Anatomy, University of California; 19741976.
Research Assistant Physiologist; Department of Psychiatry, University of California,
Los Angeles; 1976-1978.
Assistant Professor; Department of Anatomy, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences; 1978-1982.
Associate Professor; Department of Anatomy, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences; 1982-1987.
Professor; Department of Anatomy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences;
1987 ---- .
Professor; Department of Psychiatry, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences;
1990 ----.
Director of Research, Arkansas Center for Neuroscience, University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences; 1992 – 2002.
Director; Center for Translational Neuroscience, Dept. of Neurobiology &
Developmental Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; 2003 ----.
Updated 7/25/06
Professional Society Memberships
Canadian Physiological Society
Sigma Xi (Membership Committee, 1983)
Society for Neuroscience; (Chapters Committee, 1990-1993)
American Association of Anatomists
New York Academy of Sciences
Sleep Research Society
Honors and Awards
Quebec Medical Research Council Fellowship, 1973-1974
Dean's Honor List, McGill University, 1973
American Men and Women of Science, 1976
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1981
United Nations, International Brain Research Organization, Distinguished Travel
Lecture Award (1985)
Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1992
Red Sash Award, Graduating Students, 1993, 1995
Who's Who in America, 1993
Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1993
Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Forum
on Science in the National Interest, 1994
Who’s Who in the World, 1994
Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care, 1994
United Nations, UNESCO, TalVen Distinguished Travel Award, 2000.
Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation, Morris Foundation, (EGR Vice-President),
National Philanthropy Day, Association of Fundraising Professionals, 2001.
Appointed member of the Board of Scientific Councillors for NIDA, 2003.
Outstanding Mentor, University of Arkansas Fayetteville, 2004.
Dean’s Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
College of Medicine, 2005.
Reviewer "Experimental Neurology" (1979----)
Reviewer Ontario Mental Health Foundation (1979---)
Reviewer ADAMHA (ad hoc), (1983)
Reviewer NIAAA (ad hoc NIRA) (1983)
Member, Biomedical Research Study Section NIAAA (1983-1987)
Reviewer Air Force Office of Scientific Research (1984---)
Reviewer NINCDS (ad hoc Site Visit) Biopsychology Review Committee (1985)
Vice-President, Board of Directors, Morris Foundation, (1985----)
Reviewer British Columbia Health Care Foundation (1985---)
NSF-EPSCOR (ad hoc) Site Visitor (1986)
Reviewer "Brain Research" (1986----)
Special Reviewer NINCDS, Neurology A Review Committee (1986)
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Ad Hoc Reviewer, Neurology A Review Committee (1987)
Reviewer "Behavioral Brain Research" (1987-----)
President-Elect, Arkansas Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (1988)
Ad hoc Reviewer, Bio-Psychology Review Committee (1988)
Member, Bio-Psychology Review Committee NINDS, NIH (1988-1993)
Reviewer "Journal of Neuroscience" (1988-----)
Ad hoc Reviewer, SBIR Review Committee NINCDS (1989-1993).
Reviewer "Journal of Neurophysiology" and "Experimental Brain Research" (1989-)
Editorial Board "Perspectives in the Clinical Neurosciences," Yearbook Medical
Publications (1989)
Reviewer Human Frontier Science Project (1990----).
Reviewer "European Journal of Neuroscience" (1991----)
Chairman, Bio-Psychology Review Committee NINDS, NIH (1991-1993).
National Institutes of Health, Reviewer Reserve.
National Association of Biology Teachers, Neuroscience Society Field Testing,
Lakeside High School, 1993.
Reviewer, New York Academy of Sciences (1994----).
Ad hoc Reviewer, Biopsychology Review Committee, NINDS (1994---).
Ad hoc Reviewer, Rehabilitation Research Review Committee, NICHD (1995---).
Reviewer Reserve, NIH (1995----).
Reviewer Paralyzed Veterans of America (1996----).
Review Editor, Sleep Research Online (SRO) (1996----).
Reviewer, Human Frontier Science Program (1997----).
Reviewer, Italian University Grants Warrant Committee (1998----).
President-Elect, Arkansas Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (1999-2000).
Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, IFCN-5 Review Committee (2000 ----).
Ad hoc Reviewer, NIH, ZRG F10 Review Committee (2003, 2005).
Member, Board of Scientific Councillors, NIDA (2003 ----).
Chairman, NIH, CSR Review Committee on Minority Fellowship (2004).
Member, NIH, CSR Review Committee on Minority Fellowship (2005).
Member, EPSCoR/IdeA Foundation Board (2007----).
Articles and Chapters
Dubrovsky, B., E. Davelaar and E. Garcia-Rill 1971 The role of dorsal columns in serial
order acts. Exp. Neurol. 33:93–102.
Dubrovsky, B. and E. Garcia-Rill 1971 Convergence of tectal and visual cortex input to
pericruciate neurons. Exp. Neurol., 33:475–484.
Garcia-Rill, E. and B. Dubrovsky 1971 Organization of visual input in cat motor-sensory
cortex. Exp. Neurol., 33:596–606.
Garcia-Rill, E. and B. Dubrovsky 1973 Topographical organization of visual input to
precruciate cortex of cat. Brain Res., 56:151–163.
Dubrovsky, B. and E. Garcia-Rill 1973 Role of dorsal columns in sequential motor acts
requiring precise forelimb projection. Exp. Brain Res., 18:165–177.
Dubrovsky, V., E. Garcia-Rill, J. Tepper and J. Vanagas 1973 Some aspects of the
methodology of recording slow potential changes. In: Biological Diagnosis of Brain
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Disorders. The Future of the Brain Sciences. S. Bogoch (ed.), Spectrum Publishers, New
York, pp. 300–309.
Dongier, M., B. Dubrovsky and E. Garcia-Rill 1974 Les potentiels lents en psychiatrie.
Can. Psychiat. Assoc. J., 19:177–183.
Garcia-Rill, E. and B. Dubrovsky 1974 Responses of motor cortex cells to visual stimuli.
Brain Res., 82:185–194.
Dubrovsky, B., E. Garcia-Rill and M. Sourkes 1974 Effects of discrete lesions in
precruciate cortex on motor behavior. Brain Res., 82:328–333.
Dubrovsky, B., E. Garcia-Rill, R. Simkus and M. Dongier 1976 Effects of changes in
carbon dioxide tension in abnormally prolonged contingent negative variation (CNV).
Biol. Psychiat., 22:535–541.
Levine, M.S., C.D. Hull, N.A. Buchwald, E. Garcia-Rill, A. Heller and L. Erinoff 1977
The spontaneous firing patterns of forebrain neurons. III. Prevention of induced
asymmetries in caudate neuronal firing rates by unilateral thalamic lesions. Brain Res.,
Anchors, J.M. and E. Garcia-Rill 1977 Dopamine, a modulator of carbohydrate
metabolism in the caudate nucleus. Brain Res., 133:183–189.
Levine, M.S., C.D. Hull, E. Garcia-Rill, D.R.G. Fuller and N.A. Buchwald 1978
Neurophysiological regulation of the basal ganglia. In: Cholinergic-Monoaminergic
Interactions in the Brain. L. Butcher (ed.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 125–140.
Garcia-Rill, E. and J.M. Anchors 1978 Effects of nigral and cortical stimulation on
caudate carbohydrate metabolism. Brain Res., 157:407–411.
Garcia-Rill, E., C.D. Hull, M.S. Levine and N.A. Buchwald 1979 The spontaneous firing
patterns of forebrain neurons. IV. Effects of bilateral and unilateral frontal cortical
ablations on firing of caudate, globus pallidus and thalamic neurons. Brain Res., 165:23–
Garcia-Rill, E., A. Nieto, A. Adinolfi, C.D. Hull and N.A. Buchwald 1979 Projections to
the neostriatum from the cat precruciate cortex. Anatomy and Physiology. Brain Res.,
Garcia-Rill, E., C.D. Hull, E. Cherubini, M.S. Levine and N.A. Buchwald 1980 The
spontaneous firing patterns of forebrain neurons. V. Time course of changes in unit
activity following dopamine depleting lesions. Brain Res., 190:415–424.
Levine, M., C.D. Hull, E. Garcia-Rill, L. Erinoff, N.A. Buchwald and A. Heller 1980
Long term decreases in spontaneous firing of caudate neurons induced by amphetamine.
Brain Res., 194:263–268.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and S.A. Gilmore 1981 Pallidal projections to the
mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in the cat. Amer. J. Anat., 161:311–322.
Levine, M.S., C.D. Hull, J.R. Villablanca, N.A. Buchwald and E. Garcia-Rill 1982
Effects of caudate nuclear or frontal cortical ablation in neonatal kittens or adult cats on
the spontaneous firing of forebrain neurons. Dev. Brain Res., 4:129–138.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, M.B. Jackson and M.M. Smith 1983 Connections of the
mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). I. Substantia nigra afferents. Brain Res. Bull.,
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, S.A. Gilmore and R. Owings 1983 Connections of the
mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). II. Afferents and efferents. Brain Res. Bull.,
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Garcia-Rill, E. 1983 Connections of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). III.
Intracellular recordings. Brain Res. Bull., 10:73–81.
Howard, S.G. and E. Garcia-Rill 1983 Effects of electrical stimulation on acetylcholine
synthesis in cat caudate nucleus. Brain Res. Bull., 10:437–440.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and J.A. Fitzgerald 1983 Activity in the mesencephalic
locomotor region (MLR) during locomotion. Exptl. Neurol., 82:609–622.
Skinner, R.D. and E. Garcia-Rill 1984 The mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in
the rat. Brain Res., 323:385–389.
Skinner, R.D., E. Garcia-Rill, S. Griffin, R. Nelson and J.A. Fitzgerald 1984 Interstitial
nucleus of Cajal (INC) projections to the region of Probst's tract. Brain Res. Bull.,
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and J.A. Fitzgerald 1985 Chemical activation of the
mesencephalic locomotor region. Brain Res. 330:43–54.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1986 The basal ganglia and the locomotor regions. Brain Res. Rev.,
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, C. Conrad, D. Mosley and C. Campbell 1986 Projections
of the mesencephalic locomotor region in the rat. Brain Res. Bull., 17:33–40.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 1986 The basal ganglia and the mesencephalic
locomotor region. In: Neurobiology of Vertebrate Locomotion, S. Grillner, P.S. G. Stein,
D. Stuart and R. Herman, (eds.), MacMillan Press, London, pp. 77–103.
Garcia-Rill, E., C.R. Houser, R.D. Skinner, W. Smith and D.J. Woodward 1987
Locomotion-inducing sites in the vicinity of the pedunculopontine nucleus. Brain Res.
Bull., 18:731–738.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R. D. Skinner 1987 The mesencephalic locomotor region. I.
Activation of a medullary projection site. Brain Res.,411:1–12.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 1987 The mesencephalic locomotor region. II.
Projections to reticulospinal neurons. Brain Res.,411:13–20.
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1988 Electrically induced locomotion in the
in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. Dev. Brain Res. 42:309–312.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R. D. Skinner 1988 Modulation of rhythmic function in the posterior
midbrain. Neurosci., 17:639–654.
Skinner, R.D., R. Nelson, M. Griebel and E. Garcia-Rill 1989 Ascending projections of
long descending propriospinal tract (LDPT) neurons. Brain Res. Bull., 22:253–258.
Skinner, R. D., C. Conrad, V. Henderson, S. A. Gilmore and E. Garcia-Rill 1989
Development of NADPH-diaphorase positive pedunculopontine nucleus neurons. Exptl.
Neurol. 104:15–21.
Skinner, R.D. and E. Garcia-Rill 1990 Brainstem modulation of rhythmic functions and
behaviors, In Brainstem Mechanisms of Behavior, W. R. Klemm and R. P. Vertes, (Eds.),
John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 419–445.
Garcia-Rill, E., N. Kinjo, Y. Atsuta, Y. Ishikawa, M. Webber and R. D. Skinner1990
Posterior midbrain-induced locomotion. Brain Res. Bull. 24: 499–508.
Kinjo, N., Y. Atsuta, M. Webber, R. Kyle, R. D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1990
Medioventral medulla-induced locomotion. Brain Res. Bull. 24: 509–516.
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1990 Characteristics of electrically induced
locomotion in the rat in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. J. Neurophysiol. 64:727–
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Skinner, R.D., N. Kinjo, V. Henderson and E. Garcia-Rill 1990 Locomotor projections
from the pedunculopontine nucleus to the spinal cord. Neuro Rep. 1:183–186.
Skinner, R.D., N. Kinjo, Y. Ishikawa, J.A. Biedermann and E. Garcia-Rill 1990
Locomotor projections from the pedunculopontine nucleus to the medioventral medulla.
Neuro Rep. 1:207–210.
Iwahara, T., C. Van Hartesveldt, E. Garcia-Rill, and R.D. Skinner 1991 L-DOPAinduced air-stepping in decerebrate rats. Dev. Brain Res. 58:257–264.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner1991 Modulation of rhythmic functions by the
brainstem, In Neurobiology of Human Locomotion, M. Shimamura, S. Grillner and V.R.
Edgerton, (Eds.) Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo, pp. 137–158
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner1991 Control of Locomotion in vitro. I.
Deafferentation. Somatosen. Motor Res. 8:45–53.
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1991 Control of Locomotion in vitro. II.
Chemical Stimulation. Somatosen. Motor Res. 8:55–63.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1991 The pedunculopontine nucleus. Prog. Neurobiol. 36: 363–389.
Garcia-Rill, E., D. Davies, R. D. Skinner, J. A. Biedermann and C. McHalffey 1991
Fibroblast growth factor-induced increased survival of cholinergic mesopontine neurons
in culture. Dev. Brain Res. 60:267–270.
Karson, D.H., E. Garcia-Rill, J. A. Biedermann, R. E. Mrak, M. Husain and R. D.
Skinner 1991 The brain stem reticular formation in schizophrenia. Psychiat. Res. 40:31–
Iwahara, T., P.T. Wall, E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1991 Stimulation-induced
setting of postural muscle tone in the decerebrate rat. Brain Res. 557:331–335.
Iwahara, T., Y. Atsuta, E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1991 Locomotion induced by
spinal cord stimulation in the neonate rat in vitro. Somatosen. Motor Res. 8:281–287.
Iwahara, T., Y. Atsuta, E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1992 Spinal cord stimulationinduced locomotion in the adult cat. Brain Res. Bull. 28:99–105.
Garcia-Rill, E., J.D. Houlé, N.B. Reese and R.D. Skinner 1992 Modulation of
locomotion by a nerve graft across a spinal transection in rat. Res. Neurol. Neurosci.
Hamada, O., E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1992 Respiration in vitro. I. Spontaneous
Activity. Somatosen. Motor Res. 9:313–326.
Hamada, O., E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1992 Respiration in vitro. II. Electrical
Stimulation. Somatosen. Motor Res. 9:327–337.
Boop, F.A., E. Garcia-Rill, R. Dykman and R.D. Skinner 1993 The P1: Insights into
attention and arousal. J. Pediat. Neurosurg. 20:57–62.
Skinner, R.D. and E. Garcia-Rill 1994 Mesolimbic interactions with mesopontine
modulation of locomotion. In Limbic Motor Circuits and Neuropsychiatry, P. Kalivas and
C. Barnes, (Eds.), CRC Press, New York, pp. 155–191.
Hamada, O., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1994 Electrical activation and inhibition of
respiration in vitro. Neurosci. Res. 19:131–142.
Garcia-Rill, E., J.A. Biedermann, T. Chambers, R.D. Skinner, R.E. Mrak, M. Husain and
C.N. Karson 1995 Mesopontine neurons in schizophrenia. Neurosci. 66:321–335.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner, N.B. Reese, F.A. Boop and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 A middle
latency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Brain Res. Bull. 37:265–273.
Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1995 Auditory input to the
pedunculopontine nucleus. I. Evoked potentials. Brain Res. Bull. 37:247–255.
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Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1995 Auditory input to the
pedunculopontine nucleus. II. Unit responses. Brain Res. Bull. 37:257–264.
Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1995 The pedunculopontine nucleusauditory input, arousal and pathophysiology. Prog. Neurobiol. 47:105–133.
Schenck, C., E. Garcia-Rill, M. Segall, H. Noreen and M.W. Mahowald 1996 HLA
class II genes associated with REM sleep behavior disorder. Ann. Neurol. 39:261–263.
Houle, J.D., R.D. Skinner, E. Garcia-Rill and K.L. Turner 1996 Synaptic evoked
potentials from regenerating dorsal root axons within fetal spinal cord tissue transplants.
Exptl. Neurol. 139:278–290.
Garcia-Rill, E., N.B. Reese and R.D. Skinner 1996 Arousal and locomotion: from
schizophrenia to narcolepsy. In The Emotional Motor System, G. Holstege and C. Saper,
(Eds.). Prog. Brain Res. 107:417–434.
Schenck, C., E. Garcia-Rill, R.D. Skinner, M. Anderson and M.W. Mahowald 1996 A
case of REM sleep behavior disorder with autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer’s Disease: post
mortem brainstem histochemical analyses. Biol. Psychiat. 40:422–425.
Skinner, R.D., J.D. Houle, N.B. Reese, C.L. Berry and E. Garcia-Rill 1996 Effects of
exercise and fetal spinal cord implants on the H-reflex in chronically spinalized adult rats.
Brain Res. 729:127–131.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner, N.B. Reese and E. Garcia-Rill 1996 Midlatency auditory
evoked potentials and the startle response in the rat. Neurosci. 25:289–300.
Muramoto, T., B. Mendelson, K.D. Phelan, E. Garcia-Rill, R.D. Skinner and C.
Puskarich-May 1996 Developmental changes in the effects of serotonin and n-methyl-daspartate on intrinsic membrane properties of embryonic chick motoneurons. Neurosci.
Skinner, R.D., J.D. Houle, N.B. Reese and E. Garcia-Rill 1997 Electrophysiological
investigations of neurotransplant mediated recovery after spinal cord injury. In Neuronal
Regeneration, Reorganization and Repair, F.J. Seil (Ed.). Adv. Neurol. 72: 277–290.
Teo, C., L. Rasco, K. Al-Mefty, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1997 Decreased
habituation of midlatency auditory evoked responses in Parkinson's disease. Movement
Dis. 12:655-664.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1997 Disorders of the Reticular Activating System. Med. Hypoth.
Hayashi, T., B. Mendelson, K.D. Phelan, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1997
Developmental changes in serotonergic receptor-mediated modulation of embryonic
chick motoneurons in vitro. Dev. Brain Res. 102:21-33.
Gillette, G., R.D. Skinner, L. Rasco, E. Fielstein, D. Davis, J. Pawelak, T. Freeman, C.N.
Karson, F.A. Boop and E. Garcia-Rill 1997 Combat veterans with posttraumatic stress
disorder exhibit decreased habituation of the P1 midlatency auditory evoked potential.
Life Sci. 61:1421-1434.
Teo, C., L. Rasco, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1998 Disinhibition of the sleep-state
dependent P1 potential in Parkinson's disease-improvement after pallidotomy. Sleep Res.
Online 1:62-70. HTTP://www.SRO.ORG/1998/Teo/62/.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Sensory gating of the P13 midlatency
auditory evoked potential and the startle response in the rat. Brain Res. 822:60-71.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Neurochemical modulation of the P13
midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Neurosci. 92:911-920.
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Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner, M. Cobb, B. Andersen and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Midlatency
auditory evoked potentials in the rat - effects of interventions which modulate arousal.
Brain Res. Bull. 48:545-553.
Skinner, R.D., L.M. Rasco, J. Fitzgerald, C.N. Karson, M. Matthew, D.K. Williams and E.
Garcia-Rill 1999 Reduced sensory gating of the P1 potential in rape victims and combat
veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Dep. Anx. 9:122-130.
Houle, J.D., K. Morris, R.D. Skinner, E. Garcia-Rill and C. Peterson 1999 Effects of fetal
spinal cord tissue transplants and cycling exercise on the soleus muscle in spinalized rats.
Muscle Nerve, 22:846-856.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner, T. Crews, K. Williams and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Serotonergic
modulation of the P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Brain Res. Bull.
Rasco, L.M., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Effects of age on sensory gating of the
sleep state-dependent P1/P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential. Sleep Res. Online,
3:97-105. HTTP://www.SRO.ORG/2000/Rasco/97/.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Locus coeruleus involvement in the
effects of immobilization stress on the P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat.
Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiat. 24: 1177-1201.
Teneud, L., H. Miyazato, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Cholinergic modulation of
the sleep state-dependent P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Brain Res.
Garcia-Rill, E., Skinner, R.D., Miyazato, H. and Homma, Y. 2001 Pedunculopontine
stimulation induces prolonged activation of pontine reticular neurons. Neurosci. 104: 455465.
Garcia-Rill, E. 2001 Mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness. In Sleep Medicine, T.L. LeeChiong, M.A. Carskadon and M.J. Sateia (Eds.), Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia, pp. 31-39.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 2001 The sleep state-dependent P50 midlatency auditory
evoked potential. In Sleep Medicine, T.L. Lee-Chiong, M.A. Carskadon and M.J. Sateia
(Eds.), Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia, pp. 697-704.
Skinner, R.D., H. Miyazato and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 The sleep state-dependent P50 auditory
evoked potential in neuropsychiatric disorders. International Society for Brain
Electromagnetic Topography, International Conference Series 1232, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Int. Cong. Ser. 1232, pp. 813-825.
Homma, Y., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Effects of pedunculopontine nucleus
(PPN) stimulation on caudal pontine reticular formation (PnC) neurons in vitro. J.
Neurophysiol. 87: 3033-3047.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, J. Clothier, J. Dornhoffer, E. Uc, A. Fann and N. Mamiya
2002 The sleep state-dependent midlatency auditory evoked P50 potential in various
disorders. Thal. & Related Syst., 2: 9-19.
Kobayashi, T., Homma, Y., Good, C., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2002
Developmental changes in the effects of serotonin on neurons in the region of the
pedunculopontine nucleus. Dev. Brain Res. 140: 57-66.
Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 Focusing the possibilities of nanotechnology for Cognitive Evolution
and Human Performance, In Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance,
M.C. Roco and W.S. Bainbridge (Eds.), Kluver Academic pub., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 227232.
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Garcia-Rill, E., Kobayashi, T. and Good, C. 2003 The developmental decrease in REM
sleep. Thal. & Related Syst. 2: 115-131.
Uc, E., Skinner, R. D., Rodnitzky, L. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 The midlatency auditory
evoked potential P50 is abnormal in Huntington’s Disease. J. Neurol. Sci. 212: 1-5.
Homma, Y., Homma, Y., Teneud, L., Skinner, R.D., Dornhoffer, J., Williams, D.K. and
Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 Effects of rotation on the P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in
rat. J. Vest. Res. 12: 117-126.
Homma, Y., Teneud, L., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 Effects of propofol on the
sleep state-dependent P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Brain Res. Bull.
61: 189-196.
Dornhoffer, J., Mamiya, N., Bray, P., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 Effects of
rotation on the sleep state-dependent midlatency auditory evoked potential in the human. J.
Vestib. Res. 12: 205-209.
Garcia-Rill, E., Homma, Y. and Skinner, R.D. 2004 Arousal mechanisms related to posture
and movement. I. Descending modulation. In Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of
Posture and Movement, S. Mori, D.G. Stuart and M. Wiesendanger (Eds.), Prog. Brain Res.
143: 283-290.
Skinner, R.D., Miyazato, H. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Arousal mechanisms related to posture
and movement. I. Ascending modulation. In Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture
and Movement, S. Mori, D.G. Stuart and M. Wiesendanger (Eds.), Prog. Brain Res. 143:
Kobayashi, T., Good, C., Mamiya, K., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Development
of REM sleep drive and clinical implications. J. App. Physiol. 96: 735-746.
Kobayashi, T., Good, C., Biedermann, J., Barnes, C., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004
Developmental changes in pedunculopontine (PPN) neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 91: 14701481.
Kobayashi, T., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Developmental decrease in REM
sleep: the shift to kainate receptor regulation. Thalamus & Rel. Syst. 2: 315-324.
Wang, J., Miyazato, H., Hayashi, T., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 The feline
fictive startle response and its related potential in the pedunculopontine nucleus.
Electromyogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 44: 329-337.
Fann, A.V., Preston, M.A., Bray, P., Mamiya, N., Williams, D.K., Skinner, R.D. and GarciaRill, E. 2005 The P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential in patients with chronic low back
pain (CLBP). Clin. Neurophysiol. 116: 681-689.
Mamiya, N., Buchanan, R., Wallace, T., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005 Nicotine
suppresses the P13 auditory evoked potential by acting on the pedunculopontine nucleus in
the rat. Exptl. Brain Res. 164: 109-119.
Kiser, T.S., Reese, N.B., Maresh, T., Hearn, S., Yates, C., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E.
2005 Use of a motorized bicycle exercise trainer to normalize frequency-dependent
habituation of the H-reflex in spinal cord injury. J. Spinal Cord Med. 28: 241-245.
Bray, P. Mamiya N., Fann, A.V., Gellman, H., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005
Modulation of the sleep-state-dependent P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential. By
stimulation of acupuncture points. Arch. Phys. Med. & Rehab. 86: 2018-2026, 2005.
Bracha, H.S., Garcia-Rill, E., Mrak, R.E., Clothier, J., Karson, C.N., and Skinner, R. D.
2005 Post-mortem locus coeruleus neuron count: a case report of a veteran with probable
combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. J. Neuropsychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 17: 503-509.
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(113) Mamiya, N., Bay, K., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005 Induction of long-lasting
depolarization in medioventral medulla (MED) neurons by cholinergic input from the
pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). J. App. Physiol. 99: 1127-1137.
(114) Phelan, K.D., Mahler, H.R., Deere T., Cross, C.B., Good, C. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005
Postnatal maturational properties of rat parafascicular thalamic neurons recorded in vitro.
Thal. & Rel. Syst. 3: 1-25.
(115) Reese, N.B., Skinner, R.D., Mitchell, D., Yates, C., Barnes, C., Kiser, T., and Garcia-Rill, E.
2006 Restoration of frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex by passive exercise in
spinal rats. Spinal Cord 44: 28-34, 2006.
(116) Garcia-Rill, E., Wallace, T. and Good, C. 2006 Neuropharmacology of Sleep and
Wakefulness, In: Sleep- A Comprehensive Handbook, T. Lee-Chiong (Ed.), John Wiley &
Sons, Hoboken NJ, Chapter 9, pp. 63-71.
(117) Good, C.H., Bay, K.D., Buchanan, R.A., McKeon, K.A., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E.
2006 Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke affects the physiology of pedunculopontine
nucleus (PPN) development. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 28: 210-219.
(118) Dornhoffer, J., Danner, C., Mennemeier, M., Blake, D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Arousal
and attention deficits in patients with tinnitus. Int. Tinnitus J. 12: 9-16.
(119) Bay, K., Mamiya, K., Good, C., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Alpha-2 adrenergic
regulation of pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) neurons during development. Neurosci. 141:
(120) Woods, A.J., Mennemeier, M., Garcia-Rill, E., Meythaler, J., Mark, V.W., Jewel, G.R.
and Murphy, H. 2006 Bias in magnitude estimation following left hemisphere injury.
Neuropsychologia 44: 1406-1412.
(121) Good, C.H., Bay, K.D., Buchanan, R., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2007 Muscarinic
and nicotinic responses in the developing pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Brain Res.
1129: 147-155.
(122) Bay, K.D., Beck, P., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 GABAergic modulation of
developing pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). NeuroReport 18: 249-253, 2007.
(123) Heister, D.S., Hayar, A., Charlesworth, A., Yates, C., Zhou, Y., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2007
Evidence for electrical coupling in the SubCoeruleus (SubC) nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. In
(124) Garcia-Rill, E., Buchanan, R., McKeon, K., Skinner, R.D. and Wallace, T. 2007 Smoking
during pregnancy: postnatal effects on arousal and attentional brain systems. NeuroTox. In
(125) Garcia-Rill, E. 2007 Sleep and arousal states: reticular activating system. In: New
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, L.R. Squire, Ed., Elsevier, Oxford, England. In Press.
Law Reviews
Beecher-Monas, E. and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 The law and the brain: judging scientific
evidence of intent. J. Appell. Pract. Proc. 1:243-277.
Garcia-Rill, E. and Beecher-Monas, E. 2001 Gatekeeping stress: the science and
admissibility of post-traumatic stress disorder. UALR Law Review 24: 9-40.
Beecher-Monas, E. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2003 Danger at the edge of chaos: future
dangerousness and predicting violent behavior. Cardozo Law Review 24: 1845-1901.
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Updated 06/19/07
Beecher-Monas, E. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Genetic Predictions of Future
Dangerousness: Is there a Blueprint for Violence? Law & Contemp. Probs. 69: 301-341.
Book, Book Reviews, Other
Garcia-Rill, E. 2001 Brain Music: The mind in sickness and in health. In preparation.
Garcia-Rill, E. 2002 The Moving Origins of ‘Self’. Review of "I of the Vortex: from
neurons to self." by R. Llinas, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000. TINS 25: 115.
Garcia-Rill, E. 2002 Evolving As We Speak. Review of “A Mind So Rare: The
Evolution of Human Consciousness”by Merlin W. Donald, W.W. Norton, New York,
NY, 2001. TINS 25: 377-378.
Garcia-Rill, E. 2002 Consciousness and Movement, Sports Technology 1, 13-14.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 1986 The basal ganglia and the mesencephalic
locomotor region, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Copyright (A8.186 BAS
VT), OCLC No. 12998706, 30 min.
Garcia-Rill, E., R. D. Skinner and Y. Atsuta. Method and device for inducing
locomotion by electrical stimulation of the spinal cord. Patent number 5,002,053, March
26, 1991.
Garcia-Rill, E., H. Gellman and R.D. Skinner. Surface stimulation of specific
acupuncture points to reduce anxiety. Patent number 5, 950, 635, September 14, 1999.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and N.B. Reese. Motorized Bicycle Exercise Trainer.
Patent number 6,755,768, June 29, 2004.
Dubrovsky, B. and E. Garcia-Rill 1972 Role of dorsal columns in serial order acts,
further observations. Can Phys., 3:13.
Garcia-Rill, E. and B. Dubrovsky 1972 Organization of visual input in motorsensory
cortex of cat, further observations. Can Phys., 3:16.
Garcia-Rill, E. and B. Dubrovsky 1972 Topographical organization of visual input to
cat motorsensory cortex. Proc. Can. Fed. Biol. Soc., 15:694.
Dubrovsky, B. and E. Garcia-Rill 1972 Further analysis of the role of dorsal columns in
serial order acts. Proc. Can. Fed. Biol. Soc., 15:744.
Dubrovsky, B., E. Garcia-Rill and M. Dongier 1973 Effect of hyperventilation on
abnormally prolonged CNV. Electroeceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 34:70.
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Dongier, M., B. Dubrovsky and E. Garcia-Rill 1973 Event related slow potentials in
psychosis. Soc. Biol. Psychiat., 11:50.
Garcia-Rill, E., M.S. Levine, C. Hull, N.A. Buchwald and A. Heller 1974 Caudate
responses to nigral stimulation after MFB lesions. Soc. Neurosci. , 4:223
Garcia-Rill, E., M.S. Levine, C.D. Hull and N.A. Buchwald 1975 Effects of frontal
cortex lesions on spontaneous firing of caudate neurons. Neurosci. Abst., 1:296.
Adinolfi, A.M., and E. Garcia-Rill 1975 Retrograde peroxidase transport in
nigroneostriatal neurons after injection of 6-hydroxydopamine. Neurosci. Abst., 1:300.
Garcia-Rill, E., N.A. Buchwald, C.D. Hull, M.S. Levine and J.R. Villablanca 1976
Permanent deficits in caudate neuronal activity induced by neonatal cortical damage.
Neurosci. Abst. 2:73.
Levine, M.S., C.D. Hull, N.A. Buchwald and E. Garcia-Rill 1977 Control of
spontaneous firing rates of neurons in the caudate nucleus of cats. XXVII Internatl.
Congr. Physiol., Paris.
Garcia-Rill, E., C.D. Hull and N.A. Buchwald 1977 Motor cortex projections to the
caudate nucleus. I. Electrophysiology. Neurosci. Abst., 3:107.
Nieto, A., E. Garcia-Rill and A. Adinolfi 1977 Motor cortex projections to the caudate
nucleus. II. Anatomy. Neurosci. Abst. 3:132.
Garcia-Rill, E. and C.D. Hull 1978 Development of spontaneous firing in caudate
neurons. Anat. Rec., 190:399.
Garcia-Rill, E. and J. M. Anchors 1978 Effects of nigral and cortical stimulation on
caudate nucleus phosphorylase. Neurosci. Lett., Supp. 1:314.
Butcher, S.H. and E. Garcia-Rill 1978 The effects of stimulation of the substantia nigra
on endogenous and deuterium-labeled acetylcholine (ACh) in the caudate nucleus of the
cat. Neurosci. Abst., 4:118.
Garcia-Rill, E., N. Buchwald, C.D. Hull and E. Cherubini 1978 Alterations in
spontaneous neural activity in the caudate nucleus after unilateral nigrostriatal lesions.
Neurosci. Abst., 4:124.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1979 Effects of caudate stimulation on intracellularly recorded VA-VL
neurons. Neurosci. Abst., 5:232.
Skinner, R., E. Garcia-Rill and S. Gilmore 1979 Entopeduncular nucleus projections to
the mesencephalic locomotor region. Neurosci. Abst., 5:79.
Buchwald, N.A., M.S. Levine, C.D. Hull, L. Erinoff and E. Garcia-Rill 1979 Effects of
neonatal medial forebrain bundle (MFB) lesions on development in cats. II. Prevention of
amphetamine-induced slowing of the spontaneous firing rates of caudate neurons by
neonatal MFB lesions. Neurosci. Abst., 5:216.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and S.A. Gilmore 1980 Connections of the mesencephalic
locomotor region (MLR). Ark. Acad. Sci. 34:52-53.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1980 Entopeduncular nucleus projections to the posterior
mesencephalon. Neurosci. Abst. 6:270.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, S. A. Gilmore and M. Smith 1981 Afferents and
efferents of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). Anat. Rec., 199:90.
Jackson, M.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R. D. Skinner 1981 Entopeduncular nucleus
projections to the thalamus and midbrain tegmentum. Anat. Rec., 199:125.
Skinner, R.D., E. Garcia-Rill and M. B. Jackson 1981 Projections of long descending
propriospinal neurons in cats. Anat. Rec., 199:239.
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Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and M. Smith 1981 Substantia nigra projections to the
mesencephalic locomotor region. Neurosci. Abst., 7:851.
Boop, R., E. Garcia-Rill, R.D. Skinner, R. Dykman and J. Peters 1981 Methylphenidate
(MPH): (1) Absence of readiness potential in patients with Parkinson's disease and in
patients following long-term MPH treatment. Neurosci. Abst., 7:779.
Skinner, R.D., E. Garcia-Rill, D. DeLuca and J. Sorenson 1981 Methylphenidate
(MPH): (2) Reduction of striatal dopamine and copper concentrations following MPH
treatment in cats. Neurosci. Abst., 7:780.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and J.A. Fitzgerald 1982 Mesencephalic locomotor region
(MLR) unit activity during locomotion. Neurosci. Abst. 8:165.
Griffin, S., R. Nelson, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1982 Projections of the
interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) to the area of Probst's tract. 1. Anatomy. Neurosci.
Abst. 8:167.
Skinner, R.D., J. A. Fitzgerald and E. Garcia-Rill 1982 Projections of the interstitial
nucleus of Cajal (INC) to the area of Probst's tract. 2. Electrophysiology. Neurosci. Abst.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and J.A. Fitzgerald 1983 Control of locomotion using
localized injections of GABA agonists and antagonists into the mesencephalic locomotor
region (MLR). Neurosci. Abst. 9:357.
Skinner, R.D. and E. Garcia-Rill 1984 The mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in
the rat. I. Electrical activation. Neurosci. Abst. 10:632.
Garcia-Rill, E., and R. D. Skinner 1984 The mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in
the rat. II Chemical activation. Neurosci. Abst. 10:632.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 1985 The mesencephalic locomotor region. I.
Descending cholinergic projections to the medial tegmental field. Anat. Rec. 211:65A.
Skinner, R.D., E. Garcia-Rill, C. Conrad and D. Mosley 1985 The mesencephalic
locomotor region. II. Ascending and descending projections in the rat. Anat. Rec.
Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner, C. Conrad and C. Campbell 1986 Substance P activation
of the mesencephalic locomotor region in the cat and the rat. Anat. Rec. 214:40A.
Garcia-Rill, E. and R.D. Skinner 1986 The mesencephalic locomotor region. I.
Projections to reticulospinal neurons. Neurosci. Abst. 12:882.
Skinner, R.D., C.R. Houser and E. Garcia-Rill 1986 The mesencephalic locomotor
region. II. Cholinergic neurons in the vicinity of locomotion-inducing sites. Neurosci.
Abst. 12:882.
Conrad, C., C. Campbell, R.D. Skinner, C.R. Houser and E. Garcia-Rill 1986 The
mesencephalic locomotor region. III. Morphometry of ChAT labeled cells in the vicinity
of locomotion-inducing stimulation sites. Neurosci. Abst. 12:883.
Smith, J.C., E. Garcia-Rill and J.L. Feldman 1986 Chemical activation of mammalian
locomotion in vitro. Neurosci. Abst. 12:386.
Garcia-Rill, E., and R.D. Skinner 1987 Rhythmic and tonic activity of cells in the area
of the pedunculopontine nucleus in relation to fictive locomotion. Neurosci. Abst.
Conrad, C., V. Henderson, R.D. Skinner, P. Abraham and E. Garcia-Rill 1987
Development of the pedunculopontine nucleus. I. In vivo. Neurosci. Abst. 13:1176.
Skinner, R.D., D.L. Davies, C. Conrad, V. Henderson and E. Garcia-Rill 1987
Development of the pedunculopontine nucleus. II. In vitro. Neurosci. Abst. 13:1176.
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Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1988 Electrically induced locomotion in
the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. Anat. Rec. 220:8A.
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1988 Locomotion induced in the in vitro
mammalian preparation by electrical stimulation. 9th Int'l. Symp. Post & Gait Res.,
Kinjo, N., Y. Atsuta, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1988 Electrically and chemically
induced locomotion following activation of the medioventral medulla in the rat.
Neurosci. Abst., 14:182.
Atsuta, Y., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1988 Electrically induced locomotion in
the deafferented in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. Neurosci. Abst., 14:1145.
Garcia-Rill, E., Y. Atsuta and R. D. Skinner 1989 Locomotion induced by electrical
stimulation of the mammalian spinal cord. Neurosci. Abst. 15: 919.
Ishikawa, Y., Y. Atsuta, R. D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1989 NMDA-induced
locomotion in the rat and cat. Neurosci. Abst. 15: 391.
Garcia-Rill, E., Y. Atsuta, T. Iwahara and R. D. Skinner 1990 Development of
brainstem modulation of locomotion. Symposium "Brainstem Control of Posture and
Movement", Asahikawa, Japan. Somatosen. Motor Res. 7:238 - 239.
Garcia-Rill, E., and R. D. Skinner 1989 Mechanism for brainstem modulation of
rhythmic functions. Mountcastle Symposium, Baltimore, Md.
Garcia-Rill, E. , and R. D. Skinner 1989 Modulation of rhythmic functions by the
brainstem. Symposium "Neurobiological Basis of Human Locomotion", Tokyo, Japan.
Karson, C.N., W. S.T. Griffin, R. Mrak, M. Husain, J.A. Smith and
E. Garcia-Rill 1990 Schizophrenia: Brainstem cholinergic nuclei. Amer. Psychiat.
Assoc. NR226.
Iwahara, T., C. Van Hartesveldt, E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1990 L-DOPA induced
locomotion in neonatal decerebrate rats. Neurosci. Abst. 16:332.
Ishikawa, Y., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1990 Medioventral medulla-locomotor
region spinal projections in rat. Neurosci. Abst. 16:889.
Karson, C., E. Garcia-Rill, J. Biedermann, J. Smith, R.D. Skinner, R. Mrak and M.
Husain 1990 Possible mesopontine cholinergic hyperplasia in schizophrenia. Neurosci.
Abst. 16:1350.
Karson, C., E. Garcia-Rill, W.S.T. Griffin, R. Mrak, M. Husain and M. Casanova 1991
The brain stem reticular formation in schizophrenia. Soc. Biol. Psychiat. 29: 9A, 104.
Biedermann, J.A., C. McHalffey, D.L. Davies, J. Skinner, R.D. Skinner and E. GarciaRill 1991 The pedunculopontine nucleus. II. Fibroblast growth factor induced survival in
vitro and receptor localization in vivo. Anat. Rec. 229: 10A.
Garcia-Rill, E., C. Karson, T. Gray, M. Husain, R. Mrak and R.D. Skinner 1991 The
pedunculopontine nucleus. I. Increased cell number in schizophrenia. Anat. Rec. 229:
Garcia-Rill, E. Mechanism for brain stem modulation of rhythmic functions 1991,
Symposium, "Fundamentals of Psychiatry", McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill, J.D. Houlé and R.D. Skinner 1991 Modulation of
locomotion through a peripheral nerve graft across a complete chronic spinal cord
transection in the adult rat. Neurosci. Abst. 17:938.
Hamada, O., T. Iwahara, E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1991 Electrical induction and
modulation of respiration in vitro.. Neurosci. Abst. 17:1023.
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Turner, K.L., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1991 Nonlinear dynamic (chaotic)
dimensions of mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) neurons during locomotion.
Neurosci. Abst. 17:1224.
Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1992 Auditory input to the
pedunculopontine nucleus. Neurosci. Abst. 18:314.
Hamada, O., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1992 Electrical activation and inhibition of
respiration in vitro. Neurosci. Abst. 18:1304.
Karson, C.N., R.E. Mrak, M. Husain, E. Garcia-Rill and W.S.T. Griffin 1993
Schizophrenia: Mesopontine neuronosis or nitric oxidosis. Int. Cong. Schiz. Res.
Skinner, R.D., E. Garcia-Rill, H. Miyazato, N. Reese and B. Hendricks 1993 The rat P1
auditory evoked potential and startle reaction. Int. Union Physiol. Soc. 169.7.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner, E. Garcia-Rill, N.B. Reese and B. Hendricks 1993 The rat
P1 auditory middle latency potential. Neurosci. Abst. 19:1422.
Freeman, T., C.N. Karson and E. Garcia-Rill 1993 Locus coeruleus neuropathology in
anxiety disorders. Biol. Psychiat. 33: 6A, 407.
Reese, N.B., E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1994 Anatomical substrates of the P1
middle latency auditory evoked potential. FASEB J. 8: A657.
Boop, R., E. Garcia-Rill, R. Dykman, M. Oglesby, R. Galbraith and M. Griebel 1994
Reduced P1 potential in narcolepsy. Sleep Res. 23:237.
Reese, N.B., H. Miyazato, E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner 1994 Middle latency
auditory potentials and the pedunculopontine nucleus. Sleep Res. 23:33.
Garcia-Rill, E. 1994 Arousal and the emotional motor system: From locomotion to
schizophrenia and narcolepsy. The Emotional Motor System, Schiermonikoog, The
Karson, C.N., R. Mrak, E. Garcia-Rill and W.S.T. Griffin 1994 Nitric oxide synthase
(NOS) in schizophrenia. IUPHAR symposium, Montreal, Canada.
Muramoto, T., B. Mendelson, K.D. Phelan, M. Abraham and E. Garcia-Rill 1994
Development of serotonin- and NMDA-induced potentials recorded from identified
neurons in an embryonic chick spinal cord slice preparation. Neurosci. Abst.20:47.
Andersen, B., H. Miyazato, M. Cobb, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1994 Middle
latency auditory evoked potentials in a model of head injury in the rat. Neurosci.
Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1994 Effects of ethanol on middle
latency auditory evoked potentials in the rat. Neurosci. Abst.20:1617.
Reese, N.B., J.D. Houlé, C.A. Peterson, C.M. Gurley, C.L. Berry, R.D. Skinner and E.
Garcia-Rill 1994 Effects of fetal spinal cord (FSC) implants and exercise on muscle
atrophy in chronic spinal rats. Neurosci. Abst.20:1706.
Gillette, G., R.D. Skinner, L. Rasco, F.A. Boop and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 The P1 middle
latency auditory evoked response in anxiety disorder. Sleep Res. 24A:391.
Teo, C., L. Rasco, R.D. Skinner, S. Harik, F.A. Boop and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 The P1
middle latency auditory evoked response in Parkinson's disease. Sleep Res. 24A:434.
Hurst, K.L., D.L. Davies, C. Puskarich, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1995
Glucocorticoid-induced cell death in locus coeruleus (LC) neurons in vitro-relevance to
anxiety disorders. Sleep Res. 24A:398.
Schenck, C.H., M.W. Mahowald, C. Ullevig and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 An initial study of
HLA Class II antigens in REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD): DQB1*05,06 (DQW1)
and DRB1*13,14 (DR6) phenotype preponderance. Sleep Res. 24A:363.
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Reese, N.B., J.D. Houle, C. Peterson, C. Berry, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1995
Effects of fetal spinal cord (FSC) implants and exercise on muscle atrophy in chronic
spinal rats. Proc. XII Int. Cong. World Conf. Phys. Ther., June, Washington, D.C.
(85) Gillette, G., R.D. Skinner, L. Rasco, F.A. Boop and Garcia-Rill 1995 Disinhibition of
the P1 midlatency auditory evoked potential in PTSD: Comparison with normal,
alcoholic and combat controls. Biol. Psychiat. Abs. 37:617.
(86) Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 The P13 middle latency auditory
evoked potential in a rat model of anxiety using chronic corticosterone injection.
Neurosci. Abst. 21:1178.
(87) Hayashi, T., B. Mendelson, K.D. Phelan and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 Serotonin increases
the excitability of embryonic chick motoneurons recorded from a spinal cord slice
preparation. Neurosci. Abst. 21:1791.
(88) Skinner, R.D., J.D. Houle, and E. Garcia-Rill 1995 Electrophysiological investigations
of neurotransplant mediated recovery after spinal cord injury. Sixth Int. Symp. Neural
Regen. 33:25.
(89) Teo, C., L. Rasco, R.D. Skinner, S. Harik, F.A. Boop and E. Garcia-Rill 1996
Disinhibition of the P1 midlatency auditory evoked potential in Parkinson’s Disease.
Sleep Res. 25A:34.
(90) Gillette, G., R.D. Skinner, L. Rasco, D. Davies, J. Pawelak, F.A. Boop and E. GarciaRill 1996 Disinhibition of the P1 midlatency auditory evoked potential in PTSD:
Comparison with normal, alcoholic, and combat controls. Sleep Res. 25A:8.
(91) Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1996 Effects of injections of GABA
agonists into the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) on the P13 middle latency auditory
evoked potential in the rat. Neurosci. Abs. 22:649.
(92) Hayashi, T., K.D. Phelan, B. Mendelson, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1996
Developmental changes in serotonergic modulation of embryonic chick motoneuronal
excitability in vitro. Neurosci. Abst. 22:1228.
(93) Garcia-Rill, E., T. Hayashi, H. Miyazato and R.D. Skinner 1996 Effects of
pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) stimulation on pontine and medullary reticular
formation neurons. Neurosci. Abs. 22:1840.
(94) Garcia-Rill, E. 1996 Locomotion and respiration in vitro. APS meeting on the
Integrative Biology of Exercise. The Physiologist, October.
(95) Skinner, R.D., J. Fitzgerald, M. Matthew, J. Deere, P. Moore, F.A. Boop and E. GarciaRill 1997 The P1 midlatency auditory evoked response in rape victims with PTSD.
Sleep Res. 26A:44.
(96) Teo, C., L. Rasco, K. Al-Mefty, R.D. Skinner, R. Rhodes and E. Garcia-Rill 1997
Effect of pallidotomy on the disinhibition of the P1 midlatency auditory evoked potential
in Parkinsonism. Sleep Res. 26A:49.
(97) Garcia-Rill, E., C.H. Schenck, M.W. Mahowald, A.L. Patterson, C. Whitleff and R.D.
Skinner 1998 The P1/P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential in REM Behavior
Disorder. Sleep 21:223.
(98) Clothier, J., J.T. Scruggs, L.J. Gamble, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1998 The
P1/P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential in depression. Sleep 21:224.
(99) Rasco, L.M., J.T. Scruggs, B.J. Foster, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1998 Effect of
age on the habituation of the P1/P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential. Sleep 21:224.
(100) Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1998 Effects of immobilization stress on
the P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Neurosci. Abst. 24:709.
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(101) Skinner, R.D., J.D. Houle, N.B. Reese, J. Dempster and E. Garcia-Rill 1998
Amelioration of the H-reflex in chronically spinalized adult rats by exercise and fetal
spinal cord implants. Neurosci. Abst. 24:2103.
(102) Murphy, R.J.L., C.A. Peterson, E.E. Dupont-Versteegden, E. Garcia-Rill, J.D. Fluckey,
R.D. Skinner and J.D. Houle. 1998 Changes in skeletal muscle of spinal cord injured
rats following motor-assisted cycling exercise. Symp. Spinal Cord Plast., Los Angeles,
(103) Miyazato, H., T. Hayashi, E. Garcia-Rill and R.D. Skinner. 1999 The feline fictive
startle response. Sleep 22:533.
(104) Skinner, R.D., H. Miyazato, T. Crews, J. Dempster and E. Garcia-Rill. 1999
Serotonergic modulation of the auditory evoked midlatency P13 potential in the rat.
Sleep 22:534.
(105) Garcia-Rill, E., R.D. Skinner and H. Miyazato. 1999 Possible mechanism for changes
in state. Sleep 22:535.
(106) Skinner, R.D., H. Miyazato and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Mechanisms of acute stress on the
sleep state-dependent P13 potential in the rat. I. Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)
injections into Locus Coeruleus (LC). Neurosci. Abst. 25:63.
(107) Teneud, L., H. Miyazato, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Mechanisms of acute
stress on the sleep state-dependent P13 potential in the rat. II. Injections of
dexmedetomidine (DEX) into the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Neurosci. Abst.
(108) Garcia-Rill, E., H. Miyazato, R.D. Skinner and K. Williams 1999 Periodicity in the
amplitudes of the sleep state-dependent, midlatency auditory evoked P1 potential in the
human and P13 potential in the rat. Neurosci. Abst. 25:627.
(109) Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 Cholinergic modulation of the
sleep state-dependent P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the rat. Neurosci. Abst.
(110) Williams, D.K., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 1999 A method of period estimation
for cyclic data. Proc. Joint Statistical Meet., Baltimore, MD.
(111) Garcia-Rill, E. 2000 The physiology of Anxiety Disorders. Law and Society Assoc.
Mtg., Miami Beach, Fl May 26 - 29.
(112) Garcia-Rill, E. and E. Becher-Monas 2000 Consciousness and the law: Bringing 21st
Century Science into the courts. Can. Inst. Health Workshop on Transdisciplinary studies
of consciousness. Montreal, Que, Aug. 29.
(113) Homma, Y., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Effects of Pedunculopontine
nucleus stimulation on caudal pontine reticular formation neurons in vitro. Neurosci.
Abst. 26:156.
(114) Teneud, L., Y. Homma, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2000 Development of the
rodent midlatency auditory evoked P13 potential. Neurosci. Abst. 26:694.
(115) Uc, E., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Reticular activating system is dysregulated
in Huntington's disease: a P50 evoked potential study. Neurol 56:A23.
(116) Homma, Y., Y. Homma, L. Teneud, R. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Effects of
propofol on the sleep state-dependent midlatency auditory evoked P13 potential in the rat.
Sleep 24:222A.
(117) Homma, Y., Y. Homma, L. Teneud, R. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Effects of
rotation on the sleep state-dependent midlatency auditory evoked P13 potential in the rat.
Sleep 24:223A.
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(118) Skinner, R., H. Miyazato and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 The sleep state-dependent auditory
evoked P50 potential in neuropsychiatric diseases. International Society for Brain
Electromagnetic Topography, 12th World Congress, Utsunomiya, Japan.
(119) Miyazato, H., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 The P13 midlatency auditory
evoked potential as the rodent equivalent of the human P50 potential. International
Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, 12th World Congress, Utsunomiya,
(120) Garcia-Rill, E., Y. Homma and R. Skinner 2001 Arousal mechanisms related to posture
and locomotion. I. Descending modulation. Higher Nervous Control of Posture and
Locomotion: Parallel and Centralized Control Mechanisms Symposium, Okazaki, Japan.
(121) Skinner R., H. Miyazato and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Arousal mechanisms related to posture
and locomotion. I. Ascending modulation. Higher Nervous Control of Posture and
Locomotion: Parallel and Centralized Control Mechanisms Symposium, Okazaki, Japan.
(122) Garcia-Rill, E. 2001 The Law and the Brain: the biology of violence. Law and Society
Assoc. Mtg., Budapest, Hungary, July 4-8.
(122) Miyazato, H., J. Wang, K. Irino, C. Ogura, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Testretest reliability of the sleep-state-dependent P13 midlatency auditory evoked potential in
the rat. Neurosci. Abst. 27: 400.18.
(123) Homma, Y., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 Pedunculopontine nucleus function
during the developmental decrease in REM sleep. Neurosci. Abst. 27: 596.9.
(124) Teneud, L., Y. Homma, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2001 The rodent midlatency
auditory evoked P13 potential following maternal deprivation. Neurosci. Abst. 27: 976.1.
(125) Mamiya, N., J. Dornhoffer, P. Bray, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Effects of
rotation on the sleep state-dependent P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential in the
human. Sleep 25: A173.
(126) Davis, A., K.J.S. Anand, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Neonatal inflammatory
pain leads to changes in preattentional processes in adult rats. Assoc. Ped. Res., In Press.
(127) Dornhoffer, J., M. Paule and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Clinical investigation of
pharmacological countermeasures for space motion sickness. AeroSpace Medical
Association, 73rd annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, May 4-9.
(128) Garcia-Rill, E. Focusing the possibilities for the hybrid brain. NSF Workshop on
Applications of Nanotechnology for Human Performance, Washington, DC, Januray 28,
(129) Phelan, K.D., T. Deere, H.R. Mahler and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Intrinsic membrane
properties of developing rat parafascicular thalamic neurons recorded in vitro. Neurosci.
Abst. 28: 32.1.
(130) Good, C., T. Kobayashi, Y. Homma, G.V. Childs and E. Garcia-Rill 2002
Pedunculopontine (PPN) properties during the development of REM sleep. Neurosci.
Abst. 28: 32.2.
(131) Kobayashi, T., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Responses of pedunculopontine
(PPN) neurons to glutamate during the development of REM sleep. Neurosci. Abst. 28:
(132) Mamiya, N., J. Dornhoffer, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2002 Effect of meclizine on
the rotation-indiced decrease in habituation of the human P50 potential. Neurosci. Abst.
28: 277.1.
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(133) Bray, P., N. Mamiya, H. Gellman, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003 Effects of
electroacupuncture on the sleep state-dependent P50 midlatency auditory evoked
potential. Sleep 26: A69.
(134) Angtuaco, M., A. Brewer, N. Mamiya, P. Bray, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003
Effects of music on the sleep state-dependent P50 midlatency auditory evoked potential.
Sleep 26: A69.
(135) Mamiya, K., R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003 Common signals modulatingwaking
and movement: pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) input to medioventral medulla (MED)
cells in vitro. Neurosci. Abst. 29: 930.1.
(136) Bray, P., N. Mamiya, R.D. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003 Effects of
electroacupuncture on the sleep state-dependent auditory evoked P50 midlatency
potential. Neurosci. Abst. 29: 930.2.
(137) Good, C., T. Kobayashi, J. Biedermann, R. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003
Developmental decrease in REM sleep. I. Changes in pedunculopontine (PPN) neuronal
properties. Neurosci. Abst. 29: 930.3.
(138) Kobayashi, T., R. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003 Developmental decrease in REM
sleep. II. Changes in NMDA and kainate regulation of pedunculopontine (PPN) neurons.
Neurosci. Abst. 29; 930.4.
(139) Mamiya, N., R. Buchanan, R. Skinner and E. Garcia-Rill 2003 Novel site of action for
nicotine: inhibition of cholinergic pedunculopontine (PPN) output. Neurosci. Abst. 29:
(140) Woods, A.J., E. Garcia-Rill, Meythaler, J., Mark, V.W., Jewell, G.R., Mennemeier, M.
Altered magnitude estimation in neglect following left-hemisphere damage improves with
pharmacologic treatment for arousal. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
Society (2004 Annual Meeting - Baltimore).
(141) Reese, N.B., Mitchell, D., Barnes, C., Hearn, S., Ashlock, R., Skinner, R.D. and GarciaRill, E. Restoration of H-reflex habituation by passive exercise in spinally transected rats.
Amer. Phys. Ther. Assoc. meeting 2004.
(142) Good, C., Bay, K., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Novel site of action for
nicotine in the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Sleep 27, A18.
(143) Good, C., Kobayashi, T., Mamiya, K., Bay, K., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004
Developmental changes of Ih and Ia in pedunculopontine (PPN) neurons. Sleep 27, A21.
(144) Mamiya, N., Buchanan, R., Wallace, T., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Novel
site of action for nicotine: inhibition of pedunculopontine (PPN) output, blockade by
mecamylamine. Sleep 27, A21.
(145) Manire, H., Mamiya, N., Brewer, A., Angtuaco, M., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E.
2004 Effects of music on the sleep state-dependent P50 potential and frontal lobe blood
flow. Sleep 27, A43.
(146) Kiser, T.S., Reese, N.B., Maresh, T., Skinner, R.d. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Exerciseinduced normalization of frequency-dependent inhibition of the H-reflex in a spinal cord
injured human subject. Neurosci. Abst. 30, 419.11.
(147) Fann, A.V., Preston, M.A., Mamiya, N., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Chronic
low back pain and electroacupuncture. Neurosci. Abst. 30, 519.11.
(148) Mamiya, N.,R. Buchanan, R.A., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Inhibition of
pedunculopontine (PPN) output by 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (DMPP) in
the rat. Neurosci. Abst. 30, 546.7.
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(149) Mamiya, K., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Developmental decrease in REM
sleep: changes in noradrenergic regulation of pedunculopontine (PPN) neurons. Neurosci.
Abst. 30, 546.10.
(150) Good, C.H., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Muscarinic and nicotinic activation
of the developing pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Neurosci. Abst. 30, 546.11.
(151) Pate, M., Skinner, R.D., Garcia-Rill, E., and Buchanan, R. 2004 Changes in P13
amplitude and habituation during the reproductive cycle of female rats. Neurosci. Abst.
30, 549.6.
(152) Wallace, T., Mamiya, N., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2004 Effects of glutamate
injections into the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) on the P13 midlatency auditory
evoked potential in the rat. Neurosci. Abst. 30, 895.15.
(153) Garcia-Rill, E., Good, C.H., Bay, K.D., and Skinner, R.D. 2005 Gap junctions in the
developing pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Neurosci. Abst. 31, 62.9.
(154) Heister, D.S., Bay, K.D., Biedermann, J., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005
Spikelets and connexin 36 (Cx36) labeling in SubCoeruleus (SubC) neurons during
development. Neurosci. Abst. 31, 62.10.
(155) Bay, K.D., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005 The roles of GABAa and GABAb in
the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) during REM sleep development. Neurosci. Abst. 31,
(156) Yates, C.C., Zhou, Y., Mitchell, D., Reese, N.B., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005
Motoneuronal coupling after spinal cord injury leading to hyperreflexia. Neurosci. Abst.
31, 105.6.
(157) Skinner, R.D., Yates, C.C., Zhou, Y., Mitchell, D., Reese, N.B., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005
Motoneuronal uncoupling by passive exercise in spinal rats: decreased expression of
Cx36. Neurosci. Abst. 31, 105.7.
(158) Wallace, T.G., Hall, R.W., Anand, J.K.S., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2005 Preattentional and
attentional dysregulation in ex-preterm adolescents. Neurosci. Abst. 31, 512.6.
(159) Buchanan, R., Jackson, T.R., Pate, M., McKeon, K.A., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill,
E. 2005 Effects of 17B-estradiol on P13 potential amplitude and habituation in
ovariectomized rats. Neurosci. Abst. 31, 683.2.
(160) Good, C.H., Bay, K.D., Buchanan, R., McKeon, K.A., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E.
2005 Nicotine (NIC) exposure in utero affects postnatal firing properties in the
pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Neurosci. Abst. 31, 684.1.
(161) Heister, D., Bay, K.D., Skinner, R.D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Effects of carbachol on
electrical coupling in the sub-coeruleus nucleus. Sleep 29, A2.
(162) Garcia-Rill, E., Bay, K.D., Good, C., and Skinner, R.D. 2006 Effects of carbachol on
electrical coupling in the pedunculopontine nucleus. Sleep 29, A15.
(163) Bay, K.D., Good, C., Anand, K.J.S., Al-Chaer, E., Rovnaghi, C., and Garcia-Rill, E.
2006 Effects of early somatic pain on parafascicular neurons. Sleep 29, A16.
(164) Good, C., Bay, K.D., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Effects of carbachol on
diferent types of pedunculopontine neurons. Sleep 29, A20.
(165) Good, C., Bay, K.D., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Nicotinic actions on
developing pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). Sleep 29, A21.
(166) Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 The Center for Translational Neuroscience (CTN) NISBRE
Symposium, Washington, DC, C337.
(167) Hall, R.W., Wallace, T., Anand, K.J.S. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Attentional dysfunction
in ex-preterm adolescents. NISBRE Symposium, Washington, DC, C342.
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(168) Kiser, T., Reese, N.B., Maresh, T., Skinner, R.D., Pait, T.G. and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006
Exercise-induced normalization of frequency-dependent inhibition of the H-reflex in a
spinal cord injured human subject. NISBRE Symposium, Washington, DC, C364.
(169) Zhou, Y-H., Yates, C., Mitchell, D., Reese, N.B., Kiser, T., Siegel, E., Skinner, R.D. and
Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Changes in connexin 36 (Cx36) protein and mRNA following
complete spinal cord transection (Tx) of the rat. NISBRE Symposium, Washington, DC,
(170) Yates, C., Mitchell, D., Allen, S.R., Reese, N.B., Kiser, T., Skinner, R.D. and GarciaRill, E. 2006 Transition to hyperreflexia in the complete spinalized rat. NISBRE
Symposium, Washington, DC, C370.
(171) Garcia-Rill, E. and R. Buchanan. 2006 Smoking during pregnancy: Effects on arousal
and attentional brain systems. Int. Neurotox. Conf. Neurotoxicity in Development &
Aging, Little Rock, AR.
(172) Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Translational research in neuroscience. Int. Neurotox. Conf.
Neurotoxicity in Development & Aging, Little Rock, AR.
(173) Skinner, R.D., Mori, S., Yates, C., Mitchell, D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Post-tetanic
potentiation (PTP) of the H-reflex in rats. Neurosci. Abst. 32: 146.11.
(174) Mori, S., Skinner, R.D., Yates, C., Mitchell, D., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Post-tetatnic
potentiation (PTP) of the H-reflex in spinal cord transected rats. Neurosci. Abst. 32:
(175) Yates, C., Mitchell, D., Allen, S., Reese, N., Kiser, T., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E.
2006 Onset of hyperreflexia in the rat after complete spinal cord transection (Tx).
Neurosci. Abst. 32: 146.13.
(176) Hall, R.W., Rovnaghi, C., Anand, K., and Garcia-Rill, E. 2006 Ketamine normalizes the
neuroexcitatory response and decreases cell death after inflammatory pain in the
amygdaloid region in the rat model. Neurosci. Abst. 32: 249.14.
(177) Zhou, Y., Yates, C., Mitchell, D., Reese, N., Siegel, E., Skinner, R.D. and Garcia-Rill, E.
2006 Changes in Connexin 36 (Cx36) protein and mRNA in spinalized rats. Neurosci.
Abst. 32: 348.8.
(178) Sedaghat, K., Shen, P., Bathgate, R., Finkelstein, J., Henderson, J., Garcia-Rill, E., and
Gundlach, A. 2006 Leucine-rich repeat-containing g-protein-coupled receptor 8 (lqr8) in
rat sensorimotor-basal ganglia circuitry. Neurosci. Abst. 32: 450.24.
(179) Patel, M., McKeon, K., McLane M., Skinner, R.D., Garcia-Rill, E., and Buchanan, R.
Effects of in utero exposure to the constituents of cigarette smoke on the rat N40 and P13
potentials during puberty. Neurosci. Abst. 32: 480-13.
(180) Garcia-Rill, E., Garcia, J., Moran, K., Findley, W., Walton, K., and Llinas, R. 2006
Nonauditory localization of midlatency auditory evoked activity (P50): a MEG study.
Neurosci. Abst. 32: 799.2.
(181) Yates, C., Allen, S., Reese, N., Dinehart, M., Skinner, R. and Garcia-Rill, E. Onset of
hyperreflexia and the effects of passive exercise in the rat after complete spinal cord
transection. APTA-CSM, Boston, MA, February 14-18, 2007.
(182) Wallace-Huitt, T., Thapa, P., Skinner, R.D., Mennemeier, M., and Garcia-Rill, E.
Modafinil increases the amplitude of the sleep state-dependent P13 midlatency auditory
evoked potential in the rat. APSS, June 2007.
(183) Heister, D., Hayar, A,. and Garcia-Rill, E. Electrical coupling in whole cell recorded
SubCoeruleus neurons. APSS June 2007.
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(184) Charlesworth, A., Yates, C., Ye, M., Zhou, Y., and Garcia-Rill E. Developmental
changes in Connexin 36 expression and protein in the SubCoeruleus nucleus. APSS June
(185) Hayar, A., Heister, D., and Garcia-Rill, E. Carbachol induces increased synchronization
of IPSCs in whole cell recorded SubCoeruleus neurons. APSS June 2007.
(186) Ye, M., Wilkes, S., and Garcia-Rill, E. Development of cholinergic responses in
parafascicular (Pf) neurons. APSS June 2007.
Other Activities
Research Grants (PI only):
UAMSC General Research Support Grant, 1979-80 ($5,000)
NIH, NIMH Small Grant, 1979-80 ($5,000)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant I, 1979-81 ($32,431)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant II, 1980-83 ($87,114)
NSF EPSCOR Neuroscience Component, 1981-85 ($323,180)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant III, 1984-87 ($153,099)
NSF Equipment Grant, 1985 ($37,000)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant IV, 1987-92 ($578,441)
NSF EPSCOR Arkansas Neurobiology Research Center, 1990-92 ($645,300)
NSF EPSCOR Arkansas Neurobiology Research Center, 1992-95 ($1,171,875)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant V, 1992-95 ($293,608)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant VI, 1993-97 ($566,130)
Sandoz Grant, 1993-95 ($100,000)
NIH, NICHD Program Project I, 1996-1999 ($1,361,574)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant VII, 1997-02 ($573,949)
NIH, NINDS Supplement, 2000 ($40,000)
NIH, NCCAM Research Grant, 2000-02 ($350,000)
NIH, NINDS Research Grant VIII, 2002-2007 ($950,000)
NSF, SGER Research Grant, 2002-2004 ($100,000)
(uu) NIH, NINDS Supplement, 2003 ($50,000)
(vv) NIH, NCRR COBRE award, 2004-2009 ($7,500,000)
Institutional Activities:
Physiology Department Chairman Search Committee, 1979-80
Council of Academic Affairs, 1979-80
- Subcommittee - Graduate Student Education
- Subcommittee - Student Evaluation of Faculty
Medical College Accreditation Review, 1980- Subcommittee - Objectives
Anatomy Department COPE Report, 1980
- Subcommittee - Faculty Resources
Psychiatry Department Chairman Search Committee, 1980-81
Animal Care Operations Committee, 1980-87
Medical School Applicant Interviews, 1980-86
Director of Laboratories, Neuroscience Course, 1983-87
Academic Senate, 1983-86- Subcommittee - Research
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Medical Student Promotions Committee, 1983-87
LCME Accreditation, General Facilities Subcommittee, 1986
Council of Department Chairmen - Subcommittee - Alcohol Research Center Study,
Chairman, Freshman Neuroscience Course, 1987-90.
Chairman, UAMS Research Council, 1987-88-Chairman, Space Committee
Member, UAMS Executive Committee, 1987-88
Chairman, Neuroscience Coordinating Committee, 1988-1991.
Member, UAMS Facilities Planning Committee, 1989.
Member, Neurosurgery Chair Search Committee, 1991-92.
Member, Associate Dean for Research Search Committee, 1991.
Member, Biotechnology Committee, 1992-1995.
Member, Neuroscience Planning Committee, 1992-1994.
Member, Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee, 1993-2000.
Member, Executive Committee, Arkansas Center for Neuroscience, 1994-2000.
Member, Arkansas Cancer Research Center, 1994---.
Member, General Advisory Committee, General Clinical Research Center, 2000---.
Member, Research!America Faculty Advisory Board, 2001-2002.
(aa) Chairman, Neuroscience Advisory Group, Dept. Anatomy & Neurobiology, 2002-2004.
(bb) Chairman, Neuroscience Training Program, College of Medicine, 2002-2006.
(cc) Member, Gait Lab Subcommittee, J.T. Stephens Spine & Neuroscience Institute, 2002--.
(dd) Member, Dept. of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Space Committee, 2002-2003.
(ee) Member, Stephens Institute Coordinating Committee, 2002---.
Chairman, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Recruitment Committee, 2003.
(gg) Director, Center for Translational Neuroscience, Dept. Neurobiology & Dev. Sci., 2003-.
(hh) Member, Pharmacology Chair Search Committee, 2003-2004.
Member, Stephens Institute Spine Surgeon Search Committee, 2004-2006.
Member, BioVentures Director search committee, 2005-2006.
(kk) Member, Microbiology & Immunology Chair search committee, 2006---.
Honorary Chairman, UAMS Capital Campaign, 2006---.
(mm) Member, UAMS Clinical Translational Science Award Steering Committee, 2006---.
Visiting Scholars, Postdoctorals and Students:
M.B. Jackson, M2, Honors Research Fellowship, 1980-1981 (Upjohn Res. Award, 1983).
R. Boop, M2, Summer Research Fellowship, 1980 & 1981.
J.A. Fitzgerald, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1980-85.
R. Owings, M2, Honors Research Fellowship, 1981 & 1982.
S. Bell, M2, Summer Research Fellowship, 1981 & 1982.
R. Kyle, M2, Summer Research Fellowship, 1984 & 1985 (Research Day Winner,
National Student Research Forum representative, 1986 (Upjohn Research Award, 1987).
L. Stanley, Advisory Committee (Dept. Anatomy) 1986-87.
R. Kwarta, Advisory Committee (Div. Interdisc. Toxicol.) 1985-88.
P. Abraham, M2, Honors Research Fellowship, 1986 & 1987.
S. Levy, Honors Research Fellowship, 1987.
Y. Atsuta, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1987- 89 (PhD Awarded 1990).
V. Henderson, M2, Honors Research Fellowship, 1988 & 1989.
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T. Iwahara, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1989-91 (PhD Awarded 1992).
C. Van Hartesveldt, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar, 1989.
N. Reese, Graduate Student, 1990-1994 (PhD Awarded 1994).
T. Wall, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar, 1990.
O. Hamada, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1991-1993 (PhD Awarded 1994).
J. Pickett, Undergraduate Research, 1991.
S. White, Undergraduate Research, 1991.
R. Acklin, Science HS Teacher, 1991.
N. Hubbard, Science HS Teacher, 1992, 1993.
T. Muramoto, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1993 - 1994.
M. Abraham, M2, Undergraduate Research, 1993.
B. Burnett, Member Advisory Committee, 1994 - 1995.
K. Hurst, Alpha Omega Alpha Fellowship, 1994.
P.F. Pappas, Summer Research Fellowship, 1994.
T. Hayashi, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994 - 1996.
H. Miyazato, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994 – 1999.
K. Al-Mefty, Undergraduate Research, 1995.
R. Rhodes, M2, Summer Research Fellowship, 1996.
M. Stegger, Minority HS Research, 1996.
L. Gamble, Graduate Student, 1997-1998.
J.T. Scruggs, Summer Research Fellowship, 1997.
S. Anand, M.D., Clinician Scientist Mentoring Program, NIH, 1998-2003.
J. Smith, Minority Undergraduate Research, 1999.
L. Teneud, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1999 - 2000.
Yutaka Homma, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 1999 - 2001.
Yuko Homma, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 2000 – 2001 (PhD awarded 2002).
K. Chitman, Minority Undergraduate Research, 2000.
N. Gupta, M.D., Research rotation, PM&R resident, 2001.
P. Bray, Graduate Student, 2001 – 2005 (MS awarded 2005).
A. Fann, M.D., Graduate Student, 2001 – 2006 (MS awarded 2004, PhD awarded 2006).
T. Kobayashi, M.D., Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 2001 - 2003.
N. Mamiya, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 2001- 2004 (PhD awarded 2005).
C. Good, Graduate Student, Ph.D. candidate, 2002 – 2006 (PhD awarded 2006).
R. Buchanan, Ph.D., Visiting Scientist, 2002 - 2003.
A. Brewer, Undergraduate Research, 2002-2003.
M-C Stainton, Undergraduate Research, 2002.
K. Mamiya, M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, 2002-2004 (PhD awarded 2005).
T. Wallace, Graduate Student, 2003-2007 (PhD awarded 2007).
D. Mitchell, Undergraduate Research, 2003-2005.
C. Barnes, Undergraduate Research, 2003.
H. Manire, Undergraduate Research, 2003.
C. Yates, Graduate Student, 2004- 2007 (PhD awarded 2007).
S. Mori, MD, PhD, Visiting Professor, 2005.
R. Thappa, Undergraduate Research (NIH minority suppl.) 2005-2007.
P. Thappa, High School Research (NIH minority suppl.) 2005-2007.
J. Lee, High School summer research (2005).
P Beck, Undergraduate Research, 2006- .
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Updated 06/19/07
(mmm)M. Ye, Graduate Student, Ph.D. candidate, 2006- .
(nnn) M. Dinehart, High School summer research, (2006).
(ooo) K. Ishida, PT, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow (2007).
(ppp) S. Bennett, M2, Summer Research Fellowship (2007).
(qqq) R. Al-Mefty, M2, Honors Research Fellowship (2007- ).
(rrr) B. Sybert, High School summer research (2007).
(sss) D. Grunwald, High School summer research (2007).
Current Funding
NIH NS20246 (EGR - PI - 30%) Central Modulation of Rhythms
7/1/02 - 6/30/07 (years 17 – 21), Total $950,000.
NIH RR20146 (EGR – PI – 40%) Center for Translational Neuroscience
9/1/04 – 7/31/09, Total $7,500,000.
Curriculum Vitae: E. Garcia-Rill
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Updated 06/19/07