BISHOP’S STORTFORD TOWN COUNCIL Service Policies Issue 1.0 24 July 2013 A. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. A-1 B. CEMETERY AND MEMORIAL GARDEN - BURIAL REGULATIONS ............... B-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Revision History ...................................................................................... B-2 Hours of Opening .................................................................................... B-2 Notice of Interment ................................................................................. B-2 Hours of Interment .................................................................................. B-2 Production of Certificates ......................................................................... B-3 Certificate of Burial.................................................................................. B-3 Exclusive Right of Burial ........................................................................... B-3 Transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial .......................................................... B-3 Entitlement to Burial................................................................................ B-3 Registers................................................................................................ B-3 Digging of Graves ................................................................................... B-3 Maintenance of Graves ............................................................................ B-4 Memorials .............................................................................................. B-4 Ministers and Form of Service ................................................................... B-5 Punctuality to be Observed ....................................................................... B-5 Miscellaneous Offences ............................................................................ B-5 Children ................................................................................................. B-6 Dogs ..................................................................................................... B-6 Admission of Vehicles, Cycles Etc. ............................................................. B-6 Reservations .......................................................................................... B-6 Effective Date ......................................................................................... B-6 EXCLUSIVE USE OF SWORDERS FIELD ................................................... C-7 REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................. C-8 Background ............................................................................................ C-8 Introduction ........................................................................................... C-8 Policy .................................................................................................... C-9 Charges for Exclusion ............................................................................ C-10 Application of This Policy ........................................................................ C-10 ALLOTMENTS – PLOTHOLDERS GUIDE ........................................................ 1 REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................... 1 ASBESTOS ................................................................................................ 1 BEES AND WASPS ...................................................................................... 1 BONFIRES ................................................................................................. 1 Compost bins and water butts ..................................................................... 1 Dangerous trees and structures ................................................................... 1 Hedges ..................................................................................................... 1 Keys ......................................................................................................... 1 Manure and woodchip ................................................................................. 2 Measuring plots ......................................................................................... 2 Overgrown plots ........................................................................................ 2 Paths ........................................................................................................ 2 Rents........................................................................................................ 2 Rubbish collection ...................................................................................... 3 Security .................................................................................................... 3 Snakes ..................................................................................................... 3 Toilets ...................................................................................................... 3 Tree pruning.............................................................................................. 4 19. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water supply and leaks ............................................................................... 4 USE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL CREST AND BADGE ........................................ 5 Revision History ......................................................................................... 7 Introduction and History ............................................................................. 7 Policy on the use of the Crest ...................................................................... 7 Policy on the use of the Badge ..................................................................... 8 Application of Policy.................................................................................... 9 The Bearings ............................................................................................. 9 A-2 Bishop’s Stortford Town Council B. CEMETERY AND MEMORIAL GARDEN - BURIAL REGULATIONS 1. REVISION HISTORY Version I.0 Issued 8/10/2010 Notes The Burial Grounds are controlled and administered by the Council under the Local Government Act 1972 The Responsible Officer to whom all enquiries should be addressed: Chief Executive Officer Bishop’s Stortford Town Council The Old Monastery Windhill Bishops Stortford Herts CM23 2ND Telephone 01279 652274 2. HOURS OF OPENING The Cemetery shall be open to the general public during the following hours: Monday – Sunday October to April May to September 3. 7 am - Sunset 7 am - 8 pm NOTICE OF INTERMENT Information may be obtained from and all applications for interments shall be made to the Offices of the Town Council between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday excepting Bank Holidays. Notices of Interment must be given not less than three clear working days in advance of the date of interment and given in the form required by the Council with full details being provided at the time of application. All fees shall be paid at the time of application. A copy of the current fees and charges applicable to the Burial ground can be obtained from the Town Council Offices. 4. HOURS OF INTERMENT Interments may take place daily except Sundays (all times are at the graveside) Monday – Friday Monday – Friday Monday- Friday Saturdays 9am – 3.45pm* 4.00pm - 4.30pm* Plus Premium Rate £ 100 Other Times By Arrangement plus Premium Rate £200 By Arrangement plus Premium Rate £ 200 *Please note no funeral may start later than 2.25 hours before sunset. B-2 5. PRODUCTION OF CERTIFICATES No interment may take place without the production of a Certificate of Death, a Certificate of Still Birth issued by The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages or, in the case of a non-viable foetus, a Declaration signed to that effect by a Registered Medical Practitioner or an Order of Burial from the Coroner or in the case of cremated remains a Certificate of Cremation signed by an officer of the crematorium. 6. CERTIFICATE OF BURIAL After every interment the Officiating Minister or other person having charge of the funeral shall forward the Certificate for Burial or Cremation sections B and C and or the Certificate of Cremated Remains the Town Council. 7. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF BURIAL Subject to such conditions as it thinks proper, the Council may grant to any person the Exclusive Right of Burial for no more than two grave spaces for a period not exceeding 75 years and, at the expiration thereof, may renew the Grant for a further 50 years and no more subject in all cases to the payment of the appropriate fees as approved by the Council from time to time. 8. TRANSFER OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF BURIAL After the interment of the registered owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial to any earthen grave space, the legal personal representative may complete an application form to Transfer the Exclusive Rights of Burial. Probate of the Will of the deceased or Letters of Administration to his or her estate, or such evidence as the Town Council shall require so that the change of ownership may be duly established and registered after payment of the prescribed fee. Until satisfactory proof of ownership shall have been so given an earthen grave space shall not be re-opened or otherwise dealt with. 9. ENTITLEMENT TO BURIAL Grave space allocation is in sequence and is made on receipt of a completed application form for a burial. There is no provision in the cemetery for the pre-purchase of plots. 10. REGISTERS Registers of all Burials, the Interment of Cremated Remains and the Grant of Exclusive Rights of Burial shall be maintained by the Town Council and open to inspection. 11. DIGGING OF GRAVES All excavations for interment shall be carried out by the Council’s employees who will also be responsible for refilling and disposal of surplus soil. When a grave is re-opened for the purpose of making another burial therein, no person shall disturb any human remains interred therein or remove there from any soil which is offensive. Plot Sizes will be allocated in the following dimensions: Graves Cremated Remains Child plot 7ft x 2ft 6in 3ft x 2ft 6in 4ft x 2ft 6in B-3 All interments shall be in approved type coffins and cremated remains caskets or containers. The council reserves the right to restrict the number of interments in each grave and plots for cremated remains. 12. MAINTENANCE OF GRAVES No form of edging to the surface of graves shall be allowed. No form of covering to the tops of earth graves such as stone, concrete gravel or stone chippings will be permitted. The surface of every grave shall be at ground level. The surfaces of the graves will be turfed or grassed over by the Council as soon as practical after the interment. Grave spaces will be “topped up” and/or reseeded as necessary and maintained with the remainder of the grassed areas in the Burial Ground. Under no circumstances should the turfing be removed. No person other than a duly authorised Officer of the Council may interfere with or alter the area of the grave. The Council reserves the right without notice to remove any faded flowers, wreaths, glass shades, items of pottery, glass jars, tins, plastic or wire mesh fences or any other items of wood, metal plastic or other material and objects which in its opinion are objectionable or unsightly. The Council reserves the right of passage over all graves and the right to cover or move any memorials for any purpose in connection with the maintenance of the cemetery or new interments. The Council reserves the right in all sections of the Cemetery to prune, cut down or dig up and remove such shrubs, plants or flowers at any time where they have become unsightly or overgrown or when it is necessary to allow the grave to be used again or for any other reason. 13. MEMORIALS All Memorials and Inscriptions thereon shall be subject to approval by the Town Council and payment of appropriate fees before erection and shall be fixed in position by a mason approved by the council. Erection of Memorials will only be permitted on plots where Exclusive Right of Burial has been purchased and permission will only be granted to the owner. If the owner is deceased an application to Transfer Exclusive Rights of Burial form must be completed. All applications for permission to erect Memorials shall be submitted on the form supplied by the Council and shall include full details of the inscription or wording, and a drawing showing the shape, dimension and material to be used. The Council permit only two vases or containers for flowers (incorporated within the plinth of the headstone) per grave. When flowers in the containers have died, the cemetery employees may remove them. The owner will be responsible for repair, maintenance and cleaning of all Memorials and also for removal and replacement thereof in case of re-opening a grave for further burial. B-4 Regular testing of memorial stones will take place and the Council reserves the right to remove any Memorial should it be found to be defective or dangerous. The cost of repair will be the responsibility of the owner. Memorials on graves shall be in the form of a headstone only and shall comply with the following measurements: Height Width Thickness Minimum 610mm (2ft) Maximum 914mm (3ft) Minimum 381mm (1ft 3in) Maximum 762mm (2ft 6in) Minimum 76mm (3 in) Maximum 102mm (4in) A base will be permitted to the headstone provided it is constructed of the same material as the headstone with the width equal to the width of the headstone and depth not exceeding 305mm (12in) from front to rear and a thickness of not less than 76mm(3in) and not greater than 152mm(6in) All memorials shall be securely and properly fixed in position with an approved concrete foundation 914mm x 57mm x 76mm (36in x 18in x 3in). A ground anchor system must be used on memorials of 610mm (24in) and above to a maximum of 914mm (36in) Memorials only of the approved design may be erected on cremated remains memorial gardens. No memorials will be permitted to be erected on graves within six months of the interment. Only one memorial will be permitted per grave. The Council does not hold itself responsible for any accident or damage to any memorial, (gravestone, monument or tablet) by any cause. 14. MINISTERS AND FORM OF SERVICE Any duly authorised or recognised Minister or other duly authorised person may officiate at burials and any form of service may be used provided it is conducted in a respectful and orderly manner and does not exceed thirty minutes in duration. Arrangements for the attendance of Ministers other duly authorised persons are the responsibility of the person(s) arranging the funeral. 15. PUNCTUALITY TO BE OBSERVED The time arranged for the interment must be punctually observed so as to prevent the interference of one service with another. 16. MISCELLANEOUS OFFENCES No person shall in the Cemetery:Wilfully create any disturbance, Commit any nuisance, Play any game or sport or act in a noisy, disorderly or indecent manner or otherwise without decorum, B-5 Prevent, hinder, delay or otherwise interfere with any burial, Hinder or prevent any person lawfully using the Cemetery, Touch, mark, disfigure, damage, destroy, alter or otherwise interfere with any grave, memorial, plant, flower, tree, fence, wall or building, Leave litter, (should be deposited in the receptacles provided) place and post or leave any posters, papers, placards, handbills or the like, Discharge firearms (save at Military funerals or otherwise with the consent of the Council), Enter or leave the grounds other than through the entrance provided by the council for that purpose. The cemetery gates are to be kept shut at all times. Visitors shall keep to the surfaced roads and paths except where there is a need to approach a particular grave. The Council’s employees are not permitted to accept gratuities from member of the public and none shall be offered to them. No person, not being an Officer of the Council or other person so authorised by or on behalf of the Council, shall enter or remain in the Cemetery at any hour when it is closed to the public. Persons infringing these regulations or misconducting themselves will be requested by the person in charge to leave the cemetery. The Council may take proceedings against any person contravening any of the above provisions. 17. CHILDREN Children under 14 years of age shall not be permitted to enter the Cemetery unless accompanied by a responsible adult. 18. DOGS Dogs are not allowed in the Cemetery other than a guide dog provided for the blind. 19. ADMISSION OF VEHICLES, CYCLES ETC. The Council reserves the right to exclude all vehicles (other than those attending funerals, delivery of memorials or carrying out work for the Council) from all parts of the Cemetery. No riding of cycles or motor cycles is allowed in the cemetery. 20. RESERVATIONS The Council reserves the right from time to time to make any alteration or addition to these regulations or the schedule of fees. 21. EFFECTIVE DATE These Regulations became effective on the 8th day of October 2010 B-6 Bishop’s Stortford Town Council C. EXCLUSIVE USE OF SWORDERS FIELD C-7 1. REVISION HISTORY Version Draft 0.9 2. Issued Sept 2011 Notes For approval and adoption by E&PA BACKGROUND During a recent major event (Cazfest, a charitable event attended by 3000+ people) police imposed restrictions which prevented access to the childrens’ play area for 24 hours. The logic has been discussed with the police and similar restrictions may well be imposed in the future, in particular for Cazfest 2012. A small number of complaints were received from members of the public, many of which could have been mitigated had we given notice, which was not possible in this case due to the short notice. In addition further small number of members of the public complained about being able to walk their dogs. In total less than 10 complaints were received. It has been suggested in some quarters that we should prohibit exclusive use of the field however the effect of this may well be to exclude Cazfest in 2012, and possibly future similar events. Council needs to consider the trade off so that planning for Cazfest (and other events should they be proposed) can proceed. 3. INTRODUCTION Bishop’s Stortford Town Council recognises that Sworder’s field, including the play areas, is a valuable resource used for a wide variety of purposes. These include (but are not limited to: Dog walking Sports General recreation Use of the play equipment Picnics Enjoyment of the river Sworders field is also a very attractive venue for outdoor events and several such events already occur including Carnival A regular funfair Starts/finishes of fund raising cycle rides/runs Concerts/festivals Most of these are not such that they require fencing to exclude the public from the whole or a substantial part of the field and therefore they can be enjoyed in combination with the more regular activities A small number of events, notably concerts or similar events where admission is charged, may require that the public is excluded from the whole or a substantial part of the field. This may be for reasons of health and safety (including fire safety), policing or, in very exceptional circumstances only, commercial considerations. This policy sets out the conditions under which events will be permitted which are in addition to those set out in the Conditions of Hire. The objective of this policy is to strike a balance C-8 between free use of the field by the general public, and the use by generally rather large numbers of people for special events. 4. POLICY The Town Council will encourage organisers of events to use the facilities provided by Sworders Field however will discourage event organisers from excluding the public from a whole or a substantial part of the field during such events. The Council will pay particular attention to discouraging organisers from excluding access to the riverside and play equipment. Wherever possible event organisers will be required to make arrangements to allow members of the public to enjoy the field for uses, other than attendance of the event, at all times before, during and after the event. The Council recognises, however, that there may be a limited number of occasions where, for reasons of health and safety, policing, or commercial necessity, the public must be excluded from a whole or a substantial part of the field. This will be permitted for no more than ten days per calendar year in total on a first-come first-served basis and under the following conditions: The event must be: A major event expected to attract at least 2000 people to which the public are admitted on a non-discriminatory basis. An admission fee may be charged. The event organiser must before an exclusion is granted: have made and confirmed a booking for the field in accordance with the terms and conditions from time to time in force, or have made and confirmed a booking subject only to agreeing an exclusion in accordance with this policy. advise the Chief Executive at the earliest possible opportunity (ideally when booking) that they need to exclude members of the public from part or all of the field, what parts of the field are affected and why the exclusion is necessary. satisfy the Chief Executive that all options have been considered and that there is no practical alternative. satisfy the Chief Executive that the physical extent of the exclusion has been minimised and in particular that all options to reduce any exclusion from either play equipment or the riverside have been thoroughly considered. satisfy the Chief Executive that the duration of the exclusion is the minimum practical. if the exclusion is for reasons of commercial necessity, satisfy the Chief Executive that to limit or omit the exclusion would make the event not financially viable and that it in the public interest that the event proceed. provide and erect, at their expense, signage in advance in places and at times designated by the Chief Executive to inform the public of the exclusion and remove the signage within 24 hours of the end of the exclusion. Under no circumstances will an exclusion be permitted which: C-9 5. commences more than six hours before the commencement of the event or finishes more than three hours after the end of the event prevents use of the tarmac public footpath which crosses the field from the Railway Bridge to Link Road Car Park CHARGES FOR EXCLUSION The Council reserves the right to make a charge for an exclusion additional to the regular hire fee. 6. APPLICATION OF THIS POLICY The application of the policy is delegated to the Chief Executive. Any event organiser who wishes to appeal against a refusal to grant an exclusion may do so through the Council Complaints policy from time to time in force. C-10 Bishop’s Stortford Town Council D. ALLOTMENTS – PLOTHOLDERS GUIDE 1. REVISION HISTORY Version Issue 1. 2. Issued 26.01.2011 Notes ASBESTOS Asbestos cement is quite commonly found on allotments, sometimes as part of garden sheds but more usually fragments buried in the soil. To make asbestos cement safe, first thoroughly wet it using a watering can; then, using gloves, put the pieces in a stout plastic bag (a builders rubble sack is fine), place this bag in a second, seal and label the bag and leave it in a place on your plot where it will not be disturbed by you or anyone else. Contact your site agent for its removal so that it can be collected by a specialist service. Do not bury asbestos or move it from your plot. 3. BEES AND WASPS Beekeeping is a useful activity on allotments, and is encouraged subject to some constraints. Please ask for the Bee Keeping guidelines. From time to time wild bees and wasps build nests on allotments. The council does not provide a service to dispose of these for plot holders. Further information is available from East Herts District Council pest control. 4. BONFIRES Small bonfires are permitted but please use your discretion and do not light on adverse or windy weather days. Bonfire must not be left unattended and must be out before you leave the site. 5. COMPOST BINS AND WATER BUTTS These are not provided by the Town Council but are available from a wide variety of other sources. 6. DANGEROUS TREES AND STRUCTURES If you think a structure (building, fencing, etc) or a tree is in a dangerous state, please speak to your local site agent. 7. HEDGES Hedges on allotments are the joint responsibility of the tenants, and should be cut back at least once a year – more if they border public footpaths. This is not the responsibility of site agent, but if he or she asks you to join a working party to prune a hedge please remember that it is partly your responsibility to do so. 8. KEYS Lost keys can be replaced at a cost of £5 by the Town Council. Please send a cheque for £5 payable to Bishops Stortford Town Council (BSTC) with your name, address, site name and plot number to: Allotments Administrator The Old Monastery Windhill Bishop’s Stortford Herts CM23 2ND 9. MANURE AND WOODCHIP Horse manure and woodchip give nutrients and structure to the soil. Compost is easy to make and gets rid of most of the waste matter from your allotment – adding woodchip usually helps to produce compost more quickly. Manure is often available free of charge and can be collected from local riding stables (take your own bags). You can get woodchip from arboricultural contractors operating in the area. The Council does not provide manure or woodchip for allotments because of the cost and the uneven distribution. It is possible for plot holders to organise a delivery of manure from a local farm or stables. But be sure what you’re getting – it may be contaminated with rubbish, pesticides and veterinary products. If you approach an arboricultural company for woodchip, make sure that it is not tipped outside the allotments (this is an offence) and make sure that what is delivered is what you want. It is not uncommon to find large logs buried in the pile of woodchip. 10. MEASURING PLOTS Allotments are traditionally measured in rods or poles (they're the same thing). A rod is a measure of area equal to 16.5 by 16.5 sq ft, or 272.25 sq ft. This is approximately 30 sq yards or 25 sq meters. The size of an allotment plot includes half of each of the surrounding paths. Allotments in Bishops Stortford are typically 5 rod, but can be any size and are sometimes sub-divided into smaller plots. Although there are some 10 rod plots in existence these will be split into smaller plot when they are given up. The actual area is not guaranteed to be an exact measurement – paths can move over time. 11. OVERGROWN PLOTS The site agent and a representative of the council inspects plots from time to time. Tenants are responsible for the maintenance of their plots. Tenants may be dismissed if they fail to cultivate them and keep them free of weeds. The council does not provide a plot clearance service for new tenants. 12. PATHS The maintenance of allotment paths in a safe and good state is the responsibility of the allotment tenants. Each tenant is responsible for the paths surrounding his or her plot and all tenants are jointly responsible for the maintenance of communal paths. The council does not provide a grass-cutting service for allotment tenants and does not hire or loan strimmers, though these are available from many tool hire companies. If you feel that a path on your site is unsafe, please report this to your site agent. 13. RENTS Allotment rents are due by no later than 1st January, each year. The charge is based on the range of services provided on the site and the size of the plot. A discount is available in some circumstances, as advertised on posters on allotment gates or notice-boards. Rent reminders are sent out before rent is due, with instructions on when and how payment can be made. It is important that allotment tenants make sure that they notify any change of address promptly. If you fail to respond to a rent reminder and do not pay your rent, your allotment tenancy may be terminated. 2 14. RUBBISH COLLECTION The council does not provide allotment tenants with a rubbish collection service. Any rubbish from your allotment must be disposed of using the domestic waste collection service or by taking it to the borough's waste and recycling facilities. It may not be left anywhere on the allotment site. 15. SECURITY Fences and gates are maintained by the council, except for fences owned by neighbouring properties. Gates may not be installed from neighbouring properties onto the allotments. If you are aware of recent damage to the fencing or gates of an allotment (including broken padlocks), please report this to your site agent or advise the Town Council Administrator, giving the name of the allotment site, a description of the damage and the approximate location. Allotments are vulnerable open spaces usually protected by little more than a simple fence and gates through which many people pass. There is no way to make them totally secure. Security fencing may actually attract vandals, who may think the fence shows there is something worth stealing. If you lose equipment, tools or produce, you should inform the police. The simplest way to do this is to report the theft to the Plot Watch Team in your ward (this is much simpler than making a formal statement at a police station, but you may need to do the latter if you intend to make an insurance claim). Their details are as follows:Co-coordinator PC 446 Paul Scott Local Police Officers for Bishops Stortford North are:PC 2108 Anna Brown PC 2165 Derek Lewin PCSO 6142 Steve Siggers Local Police Officers for Bishops Stortford South are:PC 669 Kevin Gibbs PCSO 6007 Bex Rousell Eastern Area Watch Liaison Officer is Jill Dockley who is based in Hertford Please call 0845 3300222 to contact all the above. Remember that you should not store anything valuable on the allotment – particularly a petrol strimmer or rotovator – this simply attracts thieves to come back again. 16. SNAKES Snakes are extremely rare on allotments. Most reports are actually of slow worms – 1 to 2 ft long, the thickness of a finger or thumb, and silver or bronze in colour. Anything larger is likely to be a grass snake. Grass snakes and slow worms are harmless to people and both are beneficial to allotments, eating slugs that would otherwise be eating young plants. Grass snakes and slow worms are protected species that must not be disturbed or harmed. Failure to observe this law could result in prosecution. 17. TOILETS A plot holder may not, under any circumstance, install a toilet on an allotment plot. It is a health hazard and a nuisance. The council does not install conventional toilets on allotments however one is maintained at Hallingbury Road West. 3 18. TREE PRUNING Trees growing on the communal parts of an allotment site are the property of the council and must not be damaged, pruned or cut down without the permission of the allotments administrator. Trees growing on plots are the responsibility of the plot holders, and the council does not provide a pruning service for these trees. If you live next to an allotment site, you are entitled to remove any branches overhanging your property – do not throw these onto the allotment, as you may be held liable for damage. The council will not remove a tree simply because it is shading your garden. 19. WATER SUPPLY AND LEAKS There is a water supply on nearly all sites, and the cost of water is included in the rent. The supply is turned on in early April and off at the end of October each year. The water is the same as the domestic water supply, and is drinkable. During winter, rainwater can be collected to maintain winter crops. The water supply is the responsibility of the council. If there is a water leak, please speak to your site agent. If you are unable to do so, please contact the allotments administrator. Giving the name of the site, the location of the leak and its severity (is it a dripping tap, a steady flow or a gushing flood, for example). Leaks are prioritized but we try to deal with serious leaks as soon as we can. 4 Bishop’s Stortford Town Council E. USE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL CREST AND BADGE 5 6 1. REVISION HISTORY Issue 1.0 2. 10 April 2011 First issue INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The Town Council owns the rights to armorial bearings, granted by the Royal College of Arms, in the form of a ‘Badge’ and a ‘Crest’. Copies of these are illustrated below and can be seen in the Grants of Arms displayed in the Council Chamber. The ‘Crest’ is used by the Town Council as its corporate logo. It is used alone, or accompanied by the words ‘Bishop’s Stortford Town Council’ as the situation requires. Historically the Council has not granted permission for the use of the Crest by third parties (although there are a limited number of recorded incidents where third parties have used, and continue to use, the crest without permission). The ‘Badge’ is not used by the Town Council for official purposes and there are numerous cases where the Council has granted permission for the use of the Badge by charitable bodies. It has generally, in the past, declined requests from commercial organisations to use the Badge although it is unclear whether this policy has been applied uniformly. The College of Arms recommends that, where Council possess both a Crest and a Badge, the Crest is reserved solely for the use of that organisation (or with permission and acknowledgment for use where events take place ‘in association with’ that organisation) while the Badge may be more freely licensed. The objective is to preserve corporate integrity and brand associated with the Crest and the Council while recognising the need for a symbol representing the Town and the opportunity to create a brand and symbol for the Town. 3. POLICY ON THE USE OF THE CREST No person or organisation may use the Crest owned by Bishop’s Stortford Town Council without the express written permission of the Council. A licence for the use of the Crest will be given at the sole discretion of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council and no reasons for any decision to award or not to award a licence need be given. A licence will only be given for the Crest to be used in connection with an event (or series of events), publication (electronic or printed), installation or equipment which takes place or is organised in association with Bishop’s Stortford Town Council or is otherwise sponsored by Bishop’s Stortford Town Council. Where a licence is given conditions may be attached which will include acknowledgement of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council and conditions designed to avoid the Crest, Badge, the Town or the Council coming into disrepute as a result of its use. Should a licensee take any action which brings, or has a high probability of bringing, the badge, the Crest, Badge, Town or the Council into disrepute the licence will terminate immediately. Licences will be non-exclusive. 7 A licence may be withdrawn at any time without reason and no liability shall be accepted by Bishop’s Stortford Town Council for any loss whatsoever incurred by the licensee in discontinuing its use. Bishop’s Stortford Town Council will take enforcement action against any individual or organisation using the Crest, or a derivation of the Crest, without a valid licence. 4. POLICY ON THE USE OF THE BADGE No person or organisation may use the Badge owned by Bishop’s Stortford Town Council without the express written permission of the Council. A licence for the use of the Badge will be given at the sole discretion of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council and no reasons for any decision need be given. A licence for the use of the Badge may be given to A charitable organisation wholly or largely based in Bishop’s Stortford whose purpose is largely or wholly to benefit the residents of Bishop’s Stortford For use in connection with a public event taking place in Bishop’s Stortford (or within the immediate vicinity of Bishop’s Stortford if ‘Bishop’s Stortford’ is included in the title of the event) (this sentence for debate) For use by an established business operating solely or largely in or in the immediate vicinity of Bishop’s Stortford, which uses ‘Bishop’s Stortford’ in its trading name, and which can produce evidence that the product of service offered is independently recognised as being of high quality. Where a licence is given conditions may be attached which will include conditions designed to avoid the Crest, Badge, the Town or the Council coming into disrepute as a result of its use. Should a licensee take any action which brings, or has a high probability of bringing, the badge, the Crest, Badge, Town or the Council into disrepute the licence will terminate immediately. Licences will be non-exclusive. Unless otherwise stated in the licence a licence may be withdrawn at any time without reason and no liability shall be accepted by Bishop’s Stortford Town Council for any loss whatsoever incurred by the licensee in discontinuing its use. Bishop’s Stortford Town Council will take enforcement action against any individual or organisation using the Badge, or a derivation of the Badge, without a valid licence. 8 5. APPLICATION OF POLICY The application of this policy is delegated to the Chief Executive. Where the Chief Executive is in doubt as to the appropriateness of any request to use the badge or crest he will bring the matter to the Council or such subcommittee of the Council (for debate – the Finance and General Purposes Committee) as the Council may from time to time determine. Should any organisation or person wish to appeal against refusal of a licence or the enforcement or application of this policy they must notify the Chief Executive in writing giving their reasons for contesting the decision and the appeal will be heard at the next ordinary meeting of the Council or the subcommittee of the Council specified above whose decision shall be final. 6. Crest THE BEARINGS Badge 9