Supplementary Figure 1 (Appendix). Functional investigation of the associated HNF4A variants. A, HNF4A gene structure, locations of the SNPs and haplotype combinations. H1 and H2 indicate the haplotypes. B, Display of evolutionary conservation in human, chimp, mouse, rat, and dog, for the investigated SNP region (~225-bp) from UCSC Genome Browsers conservation track. The approximate position of the investigated SNP is marked by an arrow head (▼). C, The positions of the SNPs in the human reference sequence (UCSC Genome Browser, Build 35); predicted changes in TF binding sites using the ElDoradoTM tool, release 3.0.; and the pairwise conservation alignment. The investigated SNP is designated in bold. The PhastCons program, at the UCSC website (, was used for evolutionary and pairwise conservation alignments. Supplementary Figure 1.