Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group December 10, 2008 Draft Minutes by Jackie L. Calder Present at meeting: Jim Robison Robin Plance Jackie Calder Darise Weller Tom Chisolm Jan Secunda Chairperson Vice Chairperson, St. Johns NA Education and Outreach Chair cleanriveroregon@yahoo.com Secretary, University Park NA dweller972@comcast.net Treasurer, Linnton NA o2boutdoors@yahoo.com Citizen tede@stephouse.net Sierra Club Recreation: Bill Egan fishcrappie@yahoo.com Absent: Education: Trish Graf Business: Steve Gunther Services At Large: Bill MacCauley jimrobison@aol.com rgplance@hotmail.com Oregon Bass and Panfish Club pgraf02@hotmail.com Portland State, PCC stephenmgunther@yahoo.com Progressive Products and 503-253-2491 Retired longshoreman December 10, 2008 Road to the Road The following is a summary of activities by the Lower Willamette Group as well as contributions and guidance from the EPA and the DEQ. It is an effort to provide information to the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group and all stakeholders and interested parties of the Portland Harbor Superfund Site during the year of 2008. Through the use of Maps and collected data, we will show the areas and levels of chemicals in addition to the approaches and methods of treatments. The following were ascertained as part of the contaminants that could have an effect on habitat or species, which have the Portland Harbor as its locale or home. Metals Pesticides PCBs TBT PAH’s 2 Tributylin These are the top of the list for addressing for treatment in the sediment. We have evaluated various areas that require special attention due to the severity of contamination. Area of Albina Westinghouse transform PPL Cargill area These are logical sources. Most contaminated Sediment is due to historic releases. Not from the last five years but prior to that time. Mile 12 starts to be lighter density in contaminants. Downriver is more servere. The EPA extended the study area because it was found that a wider area is showing more contaminants. Phyto-remediation from the UW. Is it possible? Usually it requires sunlight penetration and some of the contaminants are embedded in sediment that remains on the bottom. STORMWATER OR OUTFALLS What is the load from materials deposited into the river? Collected run-offs or some cso’s. What are they contributing? EPA analyzed various types of watersheds or the type of contaminants they bring. LWG analyzed various drainage areas by types: So highway watersheds, industrial watersheds, agriculturural drainage. Stormwater data is it fed into water quality database at DEQ? (Aside: We should hold a workshop regarding Human Health Risk Assessment, and the ECO Risk Assessment.) They actually are needed will determine hardcore decisions. The Harbor would put on a grid identifying the high risk areas. Barbara Smith: Who are the RECEPTORS? January Tentative schedule Presentation: Jim Anderson—Source Control. February –Overview of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. Jim: Could you bring an example of another location? (Aside: Steering: What about adopting Washington’s state standards? Or exceed their standards. ) There are no Federal standards for sediments. To accomplish the Superfund, we need to deter mine what this site needs. Chip Humphrey: In the Feasibility study Round Three includes: Stormwater Surface water low/high flow events Biota sampling Bioassays/co-located sediments Upstream/ downstream areas— FEASIBILITY STUDY ELEMENTS 2008 Draft Treatability Study Literature Survey Tech Memo (Feb 2008) 3 Need copy of slides. MILESTONES What is the relationship between sediment and fish? How clean the sediment to change the health of the fish or the edible part? DRAFT RI REPORT DRAFT BASELINE RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS Bill Egan: What are we doing about on-going polluters and pollutants? Chip: Source Control from Jim Anderson and the review of Downtown Sediment Analysis from Keith Johnson. Jim Robison: What is being done about the legal and the illegal sources of contaminants. Jim Anderson: Keith Johnson and Matt McClincy will be presenting both topics in January. Back to the topic. From Round Two Report: AREAS OF POTENTIAL CONCERN Initial areas: (Iaopc’S) werepresented. Eventual we need to look at the magnitude of the exceedances. Feasibility will tell how to manage these areas. BEYOND 2009 DRAFT FS—ROD PROCESS LWG submits Draft FS Report Agency review Report available for public review Roll out/open house sessions/CAG presentations Key to next steps/forward schedule—for the draft FS plan to be adequate in order for the clean up to be the best it can be Draft FS /review ‘O9 PROPOSED PLAN EPA develops Conceptual Proposed Clean Remedy Review Board (2-3 months) revisions Proposed Plan—formal public review GETTING TO CLEAN UP Setting priorities for cleanup—sequencing options Upstream to downstream Worst first Ready to go (straightforward design) EARLY ACTIONS—Portl of Portland Terminal 4 Slip 3 Wheeler Bay Work with Arkema US Moorings EPA issued a unilateral admintrative Order to the Corps of Engineers 4 Jim Robison thanked the presenters, guests and members for attending the meeting and then adjourned the meeting. Attendance – December 10, 2008 Name Organization Jim Robison Karen L Reed Robin G. Plance Chip Humphrey Jim Anderson Keith Pine Jesse Starr Brooke Bonkoski Pam Plance Carol Grand Marcia Danab Noi Tran Gene Tienken Cyril Young Stephen Zylstra Mike McCabe Rachel Wray Bob Wyatt Bill Egan Jan Secunda Darise Weller Travis Williams Peter De Fur Judy Smith Chip Humphrey Greg Madden Joan Rothlein Matt Mudge PHCAG Bateman Seidel PHCAG EPA ODEQ LWG(Anchor Env.) ARCADIS ARCADIS North Portland NS NW Pipe ODEQ Test America Inc Envirocon Dept. State Lands NR Trustee Council Dept. State Lands Port of Portland NW Natural/LWG OBPFC/PHCAG PHCAG/Sierra Club PHCAG/Linnton NA Willamette Riverkeeper WR/PHCAG by phone EPA EPA Med Data OHSU URS Contact jim@jimrobison.org kreed@batemanseidel.com rgplance@hotmail.com humphrey.chip@epa.gov anderson.jim@deq.state.or.us kpine@anchorenv.com jesse.starr@arcadis-uscan brooke.bonkoski@arcadis-us.com pamela@npnscommunity.org cgrand@nwpipe.com danab.marcia@deq.state.or.us noitran@testamericainc.com gtienken@envirocon.com cyril.young@state.or.us stephen.zylstra@FWS.gov mike.mccabe@state.or.us rachel.wray@portofportland.com rjw@nwnatural.com fishcrappie@yahoo.com tede@stephouse.net dweller972@comcast.net travis@willamette_riverkeeper.org pdefur@estewards.com smith.judy@epa.gov humphrey.chip@epa.gov gmadden@meddata.com jrothlein@teleport.com matt.mudge@urscorp.com