Coastal Forum Tuesday 7th July 2009 Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London Minutes from meeting Attendees: David Rooke Peter Frew Robin McInnes Humphrey Temperley Emyr Williams Philip Rees Antony Hill Robert Caudwell Mike Bateman Sinclair McLeod Anthony Coe Tim Cole Paul Barrett Peter Bide Cllr Roger Thomas Ron Eckersley Kerry Keirle Rod Jones Martin Coulson Tim Collins Steve Trow Phil Winrow Alison Baptiste Geoff Boyd Nick Hardiman Emma Thomson Jennifer Hines Bill Donovan Environment Agency Head of FCRM Strategy & Engagement - chair Coastal Group Chair (East Anglia) Coastal Group Chair (Southern) Coastal Group Chair (Bristol Channel Group) Coastal Group Chair (Cardigan Bay) Coastal Group Chair (South West) Coastal Group Vice Chair (North West and North Wales) RFDC Chair (Anglian North) RFDC Chair (Southern) RFDC Chair (North West) RFDC Chair (Anglian Eastern) Acting RFDC Chair (Yorkshire) Defra (Coastal Erosion Team) Communities and Local Government LGA SIG (Chairman) LGA TAG (Vice Chairman) Welsh Assembly Government Countryside Council for Wales (Senior Coastal Scientist) Ministry of Defence Natural England (FCRM Senior Specialist) English Heritage Environment Agency (Head of FCRM Finance) Environment Agency (National Coastal Policy Manager) Environment Agency (Regional FCRM Manger) Environment Agency (National Coastal Policy Advisor) Environment Agency (National Coastal Policy Advisor) Environment Agency (National Coastal Policy Officer) - notes Environment Agency (FCRM Climate Change Policy Advisor) Apologies: Phil Rothwell Jim Hutchison Dave Harris Graham Lymbery John Riby Bryan Curtis Graeme Smith Philip Williams Geraint Edwards Terry Oakes Alan Lovell Clive Gronow Francis Major Steve Wheatley Timothy Farr Geraint Davies Sarah Clifford Martin Wright John Dora Peter Murphy Peter Barham Environment Agency (Head FCRM Strategic Planning & Reporting) Environment Agency (National Strategic Coastal Manager) Coastal Group Chair (Bristol Channel Group) Coastal Group Chair (North West and North Wales) Coastal Group Chair (North East) Coastal Group Chair (South East) Coastal Group (South West) Coastal Group Chair (Bristol Channel Group) Coastal Group Chair (Ynys Enlli to Llandudno) Coastal Group (Secretary) RFDC Chair (Wessex) RFDC Chair (South West) RFDC Chair (Northumbria) RFDC Chair (Anglian Central) RFDC Chair (Midlands) RFDC Chair (Wales) Defra (Coastal Erosion Project Manager) LGA TAG (Chairman) Network Rail (Principal Civil Engineer) English Heritage (Coastal Strategy Officer) UK Major Ports Group 1 Summary of actions: Forum Members or Local Authority Officers: willing to help review SMP2s to contact Jim Hutchison [] Forum Members: to provide any comments on the findings from the lessons learnt review for SMPs to Jim Hutchison [] Forum Members: to note the dates of future forum meetings: Thursday 8th October 2009 Wednesday 3rd February 2010 Wednesday 6th October 2010 Coastal Group Chairs: to consider the timings involved in obtaining WFD Assessment Reports and Appropriate Assessments and advise Jim Hutchison [] Nick Hardiman: coastal erosion risk mapping project: to confirm whether natural defences such as sand dunes are included in the coastal erosion risk maps to prepare key messages and Q&A for partners to ensure erosion definition is clear on website ITEM 1: INTRODUCTION Welcome and introductions: David Rooke opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees. Coastal Group update: Robin McInnes provided an update on Coastal Group progress on behalf of the Chairs. All Coastal Groups are now established and are developing their Terms of Reference, websites and so on Links with RFDC (RFCCs) have improved considerably Discussions are continuing with regard to Environment Agency financial support for Coastal Groups and the specific support tasks required Coastal Group Chairs will be providing a response to the various consultations released this summer A leaflet will shortly be published on all Coastal Group websites on how Coastal Groups and the Environment Agency are working together Southern and South East Coastal Groups are currently developing a map to show all SMPs and strategies which will be available on 2 the Coastal Group’s website. If this trial version is successful it will be rolled out across the country SCOPAC launched the second version of the Non-technical Guide to the Coast in April. Anyone wanting a copy should email Robin McInnes [] ITEM 2: PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS Coastal change consultation: Paul Barrett gave a presentation on Defra’s recently published coastal change consultation Bids for the pathfinder projects are due by 11th September 2009. Consultation on the coastal change policy closes on 25th September 2009. It is anticipated that a summary of responses and bids will be available by January 2010. Further information on this consultation and the pathfinder bids is available via the following link: The following points were raised in discussion: The Coastal Change Fund for the pathfinder bids forms part of the adaptation budget under the current Comprehensive Spending Review Local Authorities also face pressures from inland flood risk and have significant limits on resources. These pressures may have an impact on what they want to do. The pathfinder bids do not include inland flood risk issues There is no promise of future Coastal Change funding Coastal Groups were encouraged to apply for the pathfinder bids and respond to the consultation Pathfinder bids can be made from District or County level councils but not Parish Coastal planning policy: Peter Bide gave a presentation on CLG’s forthcoming consultation on the new planning policy for the coast Publication of the consultation is imminent. It will be a three month consultation and views are sought on the new planning policy and how this fits with Defra’s coastal change approach. The following points were raised in discussion: This planning policy will link very closely with SMPs There was a plea for planning policy to be sufficiently broad to include existing development and for development which gives communities space to adapt There are no plans at present to review PPG14 (development on unstable land), although it will be converted to the new Planning Policy Statement format in the future 3 PPS20 is statutory where as SMPs are not. In the future CLG wants to see much closer working between planners and coastal engineers in developing SMPs Coastal erosion mapping: Alison Baptiste gave a presentation on coastal erosion risk mapping project The content of the ‘pop-up’ information boxes has not yet been finalised The Forum is happy with the batched approach to publication The following points were raised in discussion: The ‘pop-up’ boxes will link to the SMP policies to provide an explanation as to why policies have not been chosen The project does not include erosion of the foreshore, sand dunes etc which would cause flooding. A separate project will look at how to deal with issues such as this and this will be clear in the presentation of the erosion information. It is likely that the erosion information will be updated on an annual basis and with evidence to give confidence in the data The communications policy must be clear for adjoining areas which have their erosion information published at a later date Internal communications plans will build on lessons learnt from the flood maps and the first batches of erosion information to be published and this will be shared with other regions A business transition group is being set up to advise on implementation. The National Property Federation, CLG, NFU, ABI are all being consulted as part of this Actions: - Natural defences such as sand dunes should be shown on the maps, - Key messages and a Questions and Answers document would help support partners when the erosion information is published. Regional Flood and Coastal Committee membership: Robert Caudwell started a discussion on the future membership of the Regional Flood and Coastal Committees (RFCCs): Coastal communities need to be properly represented on these committees. Communities want to be more engaged with decision making and feel they have a voice. At present RFCCs mainly consist of upper-tier or unitary Local Authorities. Lower-tier Authorities are not represented. How can we ensure all coastal communities are properly represented on RFCCs? The following points were raised in discussion: The Floods and Water Bill is reviewing the constitution of RFDCs and the results of this may mean they change. Any changes would not be formalised until the Bill has concluded 4 Lack of resources is an issue for LAs SMP groups should ensure there is sufficient involvement. There was not enough public involvement during the first round of SMPs. Consultation must be done at a local, meaningful level Coastal representation should be considered in the appointment of RFCC members County councils do not often get involved in the day to day management of the district council level. There must be democratic input on decisions on flood and coastal erosion expenditure Coastal Group Chairs now attend the RFCC. Long Term Investment Strategy and Flooding in England report: David Rooke gave a presentation on the recently published Long Term Investment Strategy and Flooding in England report. The following points were raised in discussion: There is Government support for these reports Both reports will form part of a national debate around the next Comprehensive Spending Review period and provide Treasury with the evidence base and view on long-term funding needs. The figures are based on current financial positions. For LAs there is competition for resources. There will be no spare cash and it will be difficult to implement all the things we want to do Sea level rise is an issue for coastal defence but also for tourism which is critical for local communities and their economies. UK Climate Projections 2009: Bill Donovan gave a presentation on the recently published UK Climate Projections 2009. The following points were raised in discussion: There is still uncertainty in the figures Figures do include land settlement and movement Sea level rise and rainfall increase can reactivate dormant landsides. Coastal instability needs to be part of our strategies for managing the coast DECC is being engaged regarding this data and nuclear power stations ITEM 3: INFORMATION ITEMS SMPs, coastal strategies and coastal monitoring: Alison Baptiste provided a brief summary of the paper. The following points were raised in discussion: In the case of a district council not agreeing to an SMP during a politically sensitive period, should the RFCC be given powers to enable them to step in and adopt the SMP as an emergency 5 measure? It was agreed that this additional power would not be appropriate and an SMP should not be imposed on a LA who did not approve it. Action: Any comments on the findings from the lessons learnt review for SMPs should be sent to Jim Hutchison [] Action: Local Authority members are still required to form part of the SMP Quality Review Group ITEM 4: FORUM BUSINESS Format of future meetings: Alison Baptiste provided a brief summary of the paper reviewing the format of the Forum. Forum members confirmed they were happy with the proposed amendments to the format of future forum meetings. Actions from last meeting: The following points remain outstanding from the last meeting: Action: Forum members or Local Authority officers willing to help review SMP2s to contact Jim Hutchison [] Action: Coastal Group Chairs to advise Jim Hutchison on the timings involved in obtaining WFD Assessment Reports and Appropriate Assessments for their SMPs All other actions are complete. The following point was raised in discussion: Celia McNally has taken over leading work on the skills gap from Richard Horrocks ITEM 5: ANY OTHER BUSINESS Coastal Groups are pulling together a list of the skills available within the Groups. Coastal Group chairs are currently formulating their response to the Floods and Water Bill consultation. The LGA Special Interest Group’s (SIG) supports the aims of the Floods Bill but has concerns about levels of resources required in each LA to implement the Bill in law. Forum members expressed their thanks to Robin McInnes for his support and contributions to this forum and wished him well for the future. 6 ITEM 6: DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8th October 2009 The following dates have been proposed for 2010 and forum members are asked to reserve these in their diaries: Wednesday 3rd February 2010 Wednesday 6th October 2010 Coastal Forum Secretariat July 2009 Delivering compensation habitat through the Regional Habitat Creation Programme: Approval of Shoreline Management Plans and FCRM strategies. 7