IMPACT OF DAMS ON MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF STREAMS: A CASE OF SHASHE DAM IN NORTH EASTERN BOTSWANA B.P. Parida1 , D. B. Moalafhi and Kentse Sebokolodi Faculty of Science, University of Botswana, Private Bag UB 00704, Gaborone, Botswana 1Corresponding author; ABSTRACT: Water is a very scarce resource in Botswana, due to semi-arid climate, characterized by recurrence droughts and needs various methods of harnessing and conservation of water, in order that the growing demands of this scarce resource could be met adequately. This has necessitated construction of dams wherever feasible such that water from the ephemeral rivers could be stored and supplied to urban centers as per requirement. While most of the times the downstream impacts of such constructions are discussed, the impacts on the river plan form upstream of the structure is often ignored. A case study on Shashe dam located in the North eastern Botswana shows that such a constructions can highly impact stream characteristics and hence hydrological processes upstream. It has been seen that there has been considerable changes in the Horton Order Ratios and also the Stream Frequency as well as the Drainage Density of the catchment by creation of many first order streams in the headstream regions of the catchment and reduction in the drainage efficiency. KEY WORDS: Stream order, Morphometry, Climate change, Stream density, Stream frequency 1 INTRODUCTION stream, altering water quality and widespread environmental degradation of rivers (Strahler and Strahler, 2002). So, the damming of rivers can not only have impacts on the down stream It is an established fact that man first attempted dam construction for the purpose of river regulation some 5000 years ago in Egypt (Robert, 2003). Since then, there has been an increase in the number and capacity of dams constructed with improved design studies as the world of science and engineering developed. Today dams are one of the most widespread human made features on the world’s rivers for multi-purpose use such as: storage of water, flood control, hydropower generation, fish culture and recreation. While their importance are enumerable, specially in a in a semi-arid climate like Botswana where water is scarce and rivers are ephemeral, they can have several invisible impacts which are complex and sometimes difficult to evaluate (Wellmeyer et al, 2005). flow regime but also on the physical characteristics of streams upstream, which feed the dam-reservoir. Attempts to mitigate these environmental damages require sound and scientific understanding on how dams affect the morphometric characteristics of rivers (Chorley, 1969). Despite the rapid increase in geomorphological researches over the past two decades, and the awareness of the need to evaluate the environmental impacts on the landscape on continental waters and more specifically on the river channels, the impacts of dam construction upon stream channel forms have virtually been neglected (Bousmar & Zech, 2002). However, in one of the more recent indicative studies, it has been pointed out that construction of dams have resulted in modification of stream characteristics within the drainage basin (Robert, 2003). It is well known that the damming of rivers may change the flow regime and in particular the seasonal distribution of flows, reduce the incidence and severity of flooding and decrease the long-term average flow of streams including the timing, magnitude and duration of stream flow (Gregory, 1977). In addition to these and physical segmenting of streams, dams disrupt the natural processes by blocking the transport of sediments in the river or The goal of river management should then be to use the baseline conditions of the stream characteristics as the yard stick against which 1 to study the impacts of the dam with the aim of optimizing the impacts on the river network system. With this study, the drainage characteristics that are commonly used in geomorphologic studies and to some extent river engineering will be studied. This study will help generate information that could be used in monitoring the dam and in regular dam operation conditions. eastward passing through Francistown to Tonota where the dam is located. The Shashe is a highly ephemeral river, with flow restricted to a few days of the year and contributes about 12.2 % of the mean annual runoff of the Limpopo Basin It covers a catchment area of 3600 km2 at the Shashe dam, with a storage capacity of 85 M m3 at Full Supply Level (971.5 m above MSL) with an inflow volume of 90 M m3/a. It is one of the most imporatnt reservoirs of the country from which most of the water requirement for the country is met. It is increasingly becoming necessary to quantitatively investigate and assess the morphometric characteristics of the drainage basins prior to dam constructions and monitoring for any changes during the life span of the structure, such that appropriate catchment management activities could be undertaken to preserve the initial conditions in the basin. For this, the Shashe dam catchment located in North-Eastern Botswana, a major supplier of water to urban centers of Botswana, has been chosen as a case study, such that it would help/contribute towards building sound river management policies and/ or guidelines. The vegetation is characterized by tall grass and short scattered trees, and savanna trees and savanna vegetation with Mophane prevalent (Leong, 2001). 2.2 Research Objectives To study the impact of the Shashe dam on the the morphometric characteristics of four subcatchments namely, Shekwe-Maeroro, Lonye, Mooke and Kgonyane, it has been proposed to address the flowing three research questions: 2.0. Study Area Shashe River is located in the northeastern part of Botswana, about 25 km south of Francistown and 5 km west of the great Gaborone/Francistown A1 highway (Figure 1). It flows from up north down until it passes through Francistown, to Tonota where the Shashe dam is. The drainage map for the study basin at Shashe dam is shown in Figure 2. (a) How has the drainage patterns in the basin in terms of drainage density and stream frequency changed since the dam was constructed? (b) What changes in the lengths, numbers and areas drained by various order streams have taken place? (c) How have the Horton order ratios RA, RB and RL been affected? Since the Shashe dam catchment is a large catchment consisting of quite a number of subcatchments, and with the time constraints the research will only focus on four subcatchments, which are the Shekwe- Maeroro, Lonye, Kgonyane and Mooke. 3 METHODOLOGY To address the above research objectives, the following stream characteristics have been proposed to be computed using information at the time of dam construction (1970) and 20 years after (1990). These are: Drainage Density (Dd), Stream frequency (F), Horton Order Ratios namely the Area Ratio (RA), Bifurcation Ratio (RB) and the Length Ratio (RL). 2.1. Physical Environment The climate is characterized by hot, rainy season from November to March and cool, dry season from May to September. The temperatures mainly range between 24 and 35 degrees Celsius in the rainy season and to as low as between 13 and 18 degrees in the dry season i.e. winter. Rainfall is prevalent during the rainy season in summer and on average the amount ranges between 350 and 400 mm per annum. Aerial photographs and topographic maps have been used as the main source of data to establish a baseline survey of plan form change prior to and even after the dam construction. These photographs were converted into maps using arc-view and these maps were then georeferenced and converted to small and common scales for easy workability. The environment is typical of the basement system of Botswana. There are small rivers, which are ephemeral and flow in the rainy season from October to March, discharging their flow into the Shashe River, which flow 3.1 2 Drainage Density (Dd) This is defined as the length of drainage per unit area and is expressed in km per km2 as: Dd = Total length of streams / Basin Area 1970, Tables 5-8 present such characteristics after the dam construction i.e. for the year 1990. The changes in Drainage density and Stream frequency have respectively been presented in Tables 9 and 10 respectively. (1) Clearly Dd shows the closeness of channel spacing. It is an indication of the drainage efficiency and also of the soil distribution pattern of the basin. Average values of the Horton Order Ratios, Drainage Density and Stream Frequency however have been summarized in Table 11. Changes in RA, RB and RLat the chosen subcatchments have been shown in Figures 3 - 5. Besides, graphical relationship between the Nw and the stream orders during the year of dam construction and 20 years after the year of dam construction has been shown in Figure 6(a) and 6(b) respectively. Similar relations for Lw have bee shown in Figures 7(a) and 7(b) . 3.2 Stream Frequency (F) Horton defined stream frequency as the number of stream segments per unit area: F = Total number of segments of all orders within the given catchment / Area of the catchment (2) 3.3 Horton Order Ratios (RA , RB and RL) Areas drained by various orders of streams can be represented by an overall Area ratio for the basin. Similarly, the average length of streams and also the number of channels can respectively be represented by the Channel and Bifurcation ratios. These can separately be given by RA , RL and RB as given below: RA = Area Ratio = Aaw / Aaw-1 It is evident from the aforesaid results, that changes in all the geo-morphologic characteristics considered in this study have taken place over the study period of 20 years. A closer look at Table 11 and Figures 3-5, suggest that while average values of RA and RB generally have decreased by over 40% and 20% respectively, the average value of RL has increased by about 8%. Even from the same table it is evident that during the same period the stream frequency and the drainage density have gone up by more than 10% and 25% respectively. (3) where Aaw = average area drained by stream order w in km2 RL = Length Ratio = Law / Law-1 (4) In addition to these, relations between the stream orders and number of streams and stream orders and length of stream have shown changes in slopes. Stream order and stream numbers relationship showed that the slope in 1970, which was –0.7512, became steeper in 1990 with a value of –0.5662. Relation of stream order to stream lengths also showed similar change in slopes which changed from – 0.3918 in 1970 to –0.27 in 1990. Since these values are of the average of the entire drainage basin, some individual sub-catchments have shown much of the differences especially the Lonye sub-catchment due to a lot of tillage of soils because of cultivation and some plantation activities. However, the overall changes suggesting a possible change in the soil and the geomorphologic features may also be due to impact of some geologic factors and gradient, slope and relief of the area. where Law = average length of streams of order w in km RB = Bifurcation Ratio = Nw / Nw+1 (5) where Nw = total length of streams of order w . For uniform soils, RA, RB and RL usually have values between 3-6, 3-5 and 1.5-3.5 respectively. In view of this, these parameters can be used to assess the soil distribution pattern in the basin and also for runoff estimation from ungauged basins (Bhaskar et al., 1997). 4 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS As said earlier, analyses were undertaken on the four sub-catchments namely, ShekweMaeroro, Lonye, Mooke and Kgonyane, and the results have been presented in Tables 1 through 11. In particular, while Tables 1-4 present the Horton Order Characteristics before the dam construction i.e for the year 5 CONCLUSIONS Based on the overall results it can be concluded that ever since the dam was constructed (even if the time period was much 3 small compared to the life of the structure), the stream characteristics changes have taken place in general affecting the Horton Order Ratios like RA, RB and RL, as well as the Stream Frequency and Drainage Density. Chorley R.J (1969); Introduction to physical hydrology, Methuen & Co. Ltd, USA 1. Decrease in RA by over 40% suggestS that areas drained by lower order streams (headstreams) have increased mostly, may be due to upstream degradation and the watershed has now more uniform soil pattern, which even conforms to the observation of Mourier, et al., (2008). Leong G.H (2001); Certificate physical and human geography, 3rd edition, New Oxford Progressive Geography, China Gregory J.K (1977): River Channel Changes, John Willey and Sons, New York Mourier, B., Walter, C. and Merot, P., (2008), Soil Distribution in Valleys According to Stream Order, CATENA, Vol. 72 (3), p. 395404. 2. Decrease in RB by over 20% suggests that there has been a reduction in drainage efficiency even with a general increase of the number of streams. Robert A. (2003): River Processes, Oxford University Press, New York Straller A. and Straller A. (2002): Physical Geography; Science and systems of the human environment, hermitage publishing services 3 Increase in RL by about 8% suggests that type of soil covering the drainage basin have changed due to soil erosion or other activities, which is even supported by about almost similar percentile increase (10%) in the stream frequency. Wellmeyer J.L., Slattery M.C. and Phillips J.D, (2005): Quantifying Downstream Impacts of Impoundment on Flow Regimeand Channel Planform, Lower Trinity River, Texas, Jr. GEOMORHPHOLY, Vol. 69 (1-4), p. 1-13. 4 Increase in drainage density by more than 26% suggest that more area of the watershed are now required to maintain unit length (1 km) of the drainage channel in the catchment. 5. The changes in the slopes in the relations between stream orders and numbers as well as lengths of streams suggest that creation of the reservoir has particularly impacted on increases in lengths and numbers of lower order streams i.e creations of such streams which did not exist earlier. Because of the above noticed changes in the morphometric characteristics in dammed catchments, unit hydrograph parameters derived for ungauged sub-catchments within such a catchment using the geomorphologic features, should be used with caution. 6 REFRENCES Bhaskar, N.R., B.P. Parida and Atul K. Nayak, (1997). Flood Estimation for Ungauged Catchments Using Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH), Jr. of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Soc. of Civil Engrs. (ASCE), Vol. 123 (4), p. 228 – 238. Bousmar D. & Zech Y (2002): River flow 2002, Volume 2, A.A Balkema Publishers, Tokyo 4 Figure 1. Index map showing the location of the study area Shashe Dam Drainage Basin Map 505000 510000 515000 520000 525000 530000 535000 540000 N 545000 550000 7660000 7655000 ok Mo 7655000 Rive r 7660000 7665000 7665000 7670000 7670000 Shashe Mp han e 7650000 7650000 e ane e Lo ny Kg oro ny 7640000 7640000 7645000 7645000 Maeroro Shweke Legend Rivers.shp Dam.shp Catchment.shp 7635000 7635000 505000 510000 515000 520000 525000 530000 535000 540000 545000 550000 Scale 1: 500 000 Figure 2. Drainage Basin map of the Shashe River and its tributaries at the Shashe dam 5 10 9 8 RA values 7 6 1970 5 1990 4 3 2 1 0 mooke shekwe kgonyane lonye Sub-catchments Figure 3. Comparison of RA values for various sub-catchments during (1970) and 20 years after (1990). 8 7 RB values 6 5 1970 4 1990 3 2 1 0 mooke shekwe kgonyane lonye Sub-catchment Figure 4. Comparison of RB values for various sub-catchments during (1970) and 20 years after (1990). 4.5 4 RL values 3.5 3 2.5 1970 2 1990 1.5 1 0.5 0 mooke shekwe kgonyane lonye Sub-catchment Figure 5. Comparison of RL values for various sub-catchments during (1970) and 20 years after (1990). 6 Relation between stream order and Log Nw(1970) Relation between stream order and Nw(1990) 1.8 2 1.6 1.4 1.5 Log Nw log Nw 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 0.5 0 0.2 1 0 1 2 y = -0.7512x + 2.3495 2 3 4 -0.5 3 y = -0.5622x + 2.141 stream order (a) stream order (b) Figure 6 Relation between stream order and Log Nw; (a) before the dam construction (b) after the dam consruction Relation between stream order and Lw(1990) 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 Log Lw log Lw Relation between steam order and log Lw(1970) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 1 y = -0.3918x + 2.0555 stream2 order 3 2 3 y = -0.27x + 1.9576 (a) 4 stream order (b) Figure 7 Relation between stream order and Log Nw; (a) before the dam construction (b) after the dam consruction Table 1: RA, RB and RL values for the Shekwe-Maeroro sub-catchment during 1970. Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 49 51.75 1.06 80.25 1.64 - 8.17 - 2 6 10.75 1.79 26.25 17.25 10.82 6.0 1.69 3 1 8.30 8.30 18.0 124.50 7.0 - 4.64 8.91 7.09 3.17 Average 7 Table 2: RA, RB and RL values for the : Lonye sub-catchment during 1970.. Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 21 37.65 1.79 33.75 1.61 - 4.2 - 2 5 13.9 2.78 14.25 9.60 5.96 5.0 1.55 3 1 8.75 8.75 12.0 60.0 6.25 - 3.15 6.11 4.60 2.35 Average Table 3: RA, RB and RL values for the Mooke sub-catchment during 1970 Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 51 61.95 1.21 64.75 1.27 - 6.38 - 2 8 19.1 2.39 16.75 10.19 8.02 8.0 1.98 3 1 8.6 8.69 21.25 1.2.75 10.1 - 3.60 9.06 7.19 2.79 Average Table 4: RA, RB and RL values for the : Kgonyane sub-catchment during 1970 Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 38 49.44 1.30 68.5 1.80 - 4.22 - 2 9 19.37 2.15 42.25 12.3 6.83 4.5 1.65 3 2 7.4 3.70 12.75 61.75 5.02 - 1.72 5.93 4.36 1.69 Average Table 5 RA, RB and RL values for the Shekwe-Maeroro sub-catchment during 1990 Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 51 71.55 1.40 99.0 1.94 - 5.67 - 2 9 15.25 1.69 9.0 12.0 6.19 4.5 1.21 3 2 22.0 11.0 16.50 62.25 5.19 - 6.50 5.69 5.09 3.86 Average 8 Table 6 RA, RB and RL values for the : Lonye sub-catchment during 1990. Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 25 44.25 1.77 32.75 1.31 - 3.57 - 2 7 18.0 2.57 21.0 7.68 5.86 7 1.45 3 1 13.3 13.3 6.25 60.0 7.8 - 5.18 6.83 5.29 3.32 Average Table 7 RA, RB and RL values for the Mooke sub-catchment during 1990 Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 58 70.0 1.21 87.25 1.50 - 5.27 - 2 11 22.45 2.04 7.5 8.61 5.74 5.5 1.69 3 2 11.75 5.88 4.5 49.63 5.76 2.0 2.88 4 1 8.35 8.35 3.5 102.75 2.07 - 1.42 4.52 4.26 2.00 Average Table 8 RA, RB and RL values for the : Kgonyane sub-catchment during 1990 Stream Order No. of streams Total length (km) Av. Length (km) Drainage Area (km2) Av. area (km2) RA RB RL 1 41 52.96 1.29 74.25 1.81 - 3.15 - 2 13 21.42 1.65 33.75 8.30 4.58 4.33 1.28 3 3 9.2 3.07 15.5 41.17 4.96 - 1.86 4.76 3.74 1.57 Average 9 Table 9 Drainage Density values at various sub-catchments for the years 1970 and 1990. Catchment Drainage Density (1970) Shekwe-Maeroro 0.57 Drainage Density (1990) 0.87 Lonye 1.01 1.23 Mooke 0.87 1.10 Kgonyane 0.62 0.68 Table 10 Stream Frequency values at various sub-catchments for the years 1970 and 1990. Catchment Shekwe-Maeroro Stream Frequency (1970) 0.45 Stream Frequency (1990) 0.50 Lonye 0.45 0.55 Mooke 0.58 0.70 Kgonyane 0.46 0.40 Table 11 Average values of stream characteristics for the years 1970 and 1990. Channel parameter 1970 1990 Change RA 7.5025 4.45 - 41% RB 5.81 4.595 - 21% RL 2.5 2.6875 +7.5% Stream frequency 0.485 0.5375 +10.7% Drainage density 0.7675 0.97 +26.5% 10