
Revised 9-30-15
Miss Alabama Junior High Requirements
Miss Alabama Junior High School is open to all girls who are enrolled in Grades 5-8. Open to
girls who attend public, private, home school, boarding or online schools in the State of
Alabama. (Miss Alabama Junior High Delegates need to be enrolled in grades 6-9 by the date of
the National Pageant to be held in July 11-16, 2016; therefore, if you are an eighth grader this
current school year you should compete in the high school division and if you are in 5th grade
this current year you are eligible to compete in the Junior High division.)
You do NOT have to win your middle or junior high school pageant to compete. More than one
girl from each school can represent their school at the State pageant. Delegates must not have
ever been married, had or have a child, be or ever have been pregnant, or convicted of a crime.
Miss Alabama Junior High must be of good moral character.
Miss Alabama High School Requirements:
Miss Alabama High School is open to all girls who are enrolled in high school in Grades 9-11.
Open to girls who attend public, private, home school, boarding or online schools in the state of
Alabama. (Miss Alabama High Delegates need to be enrolled in grades 10-12 by the date of the
National Pageant to be held in July 11,16, 2016; therefore, if you are a senior in high school this
current school year you must compete in the collegiate division if you intend to attend a college,
university, trade, or business school. If you are currently enrolled in ninth grade you must
compete in the High School division.)
You do NOT have to win your high school pageant to compete. More than one girl from each
school can represent their school at the State pageant. Delegates must not have ever been
married, had or have a child, be or ever been pregnant, or convicted of a crime. Miss Alabama
High must be of good moral character.
Miss Alabama Collegiate Requirements:
Miss Alabama Collegiate is open to all girls who are enrolled in any college, university, trade,
business, or graduate school in Alabama and be no older than 28 as of date of the
national pageant to be held in July 11-16, 2016. (If you are a senior in high school this
current school year you must compete in the collegiate division if you intend to attend a college,
university, trade, or business school in Alabama.) You do NOT have to win your college’s
pageant to compete. More than one girl from each school can represent their school at the State
pageant. Delegates must not have ever been married, had or have a child, be or ever been
pregnant or convicted of a crime. Miss Alabama Collegiate must be of good moral character.
before or during the pageant. ONE parent will be allowed backstage after the pageant once
contestants have gathered their items together and are ready to leave. Space is limited and
parents will be let in a few at a time. NO CONTESTANT WILL BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE
There will be NO EXCEPTIONS, because to leave early shows poor sportsmanship.
Only official pageant personnel are allowed backstage at any time.
(Only approved hair and makeup artists will be allowed backstage – there are NO exceptions to
this rule. This is a rule set by the National Pageant and will be strictly enforced.) No one other
than contestants and official pageant personnel are allowed backstage at anytime during course of
the pageant.
Tentative Schedule (subject to change based on number of contestants)
Contestants should arrive at the Bama Theatre at the following times (times could change
depending on the number of contestants in each category):
Junior High 9:00 a.m
High School 9:30 a.m.
Collegiate 10:00
Contestants should arrive hair and make-up ready dressed for their interview.
After checking in, contestant and her parent(s) may enter the backstage area through the side
door (Greensboro Avenue) to bring in her wardrobe. After placing wardrobe back stage,
contestants will gather in concession area of the lobby for group photos.
Interviews will begin 30 minutes after each divisions arrival
Interviews will last 4 minutes each.
The contestant will stand in front of the judges’ table during the interview. There is no podium.
After interview, contestant should change into comfortable clothing.
We recommend a button front shirt, yoga pants and comfortable shoes.
Contestants will participate in onstage practice after their interview is completed.
Practice will conclude by 5:00 p.m.
Supper will be served at 5:00 p.m.
Contestants change into opening number dress at 5:30 p.m.
Pageant begins at 6:00 p.m.
Parent Meeting TBA
Competition Order
(Subject to change based on number of contestants in each division.)
~ Opening Number
~ Fashion Runway
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
~ Evening Gown
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
Divisions Come to Stage for Top 10 Announcement
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
~ Top 10 Announced ~
(if there are enough entries)
Top 10 model Evening Gown
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
~ Top 5 announcement ~
Top 5 Onstage Question
Question: How will you promote the National Platform B.R.A.V.E.
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
~ Crowning Ceremony ~
(Junior High, High School, Collegiate)
Photogenic, Class Favorite, People’s Choice
(Framed Certificate)
Four Alternates
(Framed Certificate)
Crowning of the new Miss Alabama Jr High, High School, Collegiate America
All contestants must stay until the completion of crowning of all divisions.
Contestants are to remain in their evening gowns because all contestants of each division will be
on stage during awards ceremony and crowning.
Opening Number: Not Scored
Opening Number will consist of each delegate participating in an easy routine &
introducing themselves on stage. (While the opening number is not scored you are making an
impression on the judges.)
Your introduction can only be 5-7 seconds. Include your name and city you are from. You do not
need to say Alabama. A simple example follows:
"Representing (Name of School) in (City), I am (Name)."
Opening Number Attire:
Junior High delegates will wear any age appropriate style royal blue cocktail dress.
High School delegates will wear any age appropriate style red cocktail dress.
Collegiate delegates will wear any style white cocktail dress.
Interview Competition: 40% of score
The Interview Competition will be a 4-minute, panel style, private interview with the judges.
Questions will be based off of contestant’s fact sheet (Form B) and age relevant topics. It is
always a good idea to stay informed on current events in your community, state and nation that
are relevant to your age division. Questions will also cover community service and the National
Platform B.R.A.V.E. The judges will be scoring each contestant on their ability to communicate,
answer questions concisely and answer consistently, character and overall presentation. No
political or controversial issue questions will be asked.
Interview Attire: A career/Sunday dress is suggested along with coordinating heels. Please
choose a dress that is flattering in style and color to you. (No business suits – only dresses are
allowed at the State/National Pageant.)
Fashion Runway Competition: 20% of score
Delegates will model a fun outfit that shows off their personality. It can be anything that you
choose: but think – “Pageantry-Prom type attire with a high fashion modeling flair”! No
swimsuits or evening gowns should be worn. Each delegate will model her outfit on stage to fun
upbeat music. Judges will be looking for personality on stage, an outfit that shows off delegates'
uniqueness, personality and confidence on stage. (Do not throw things during your walk. If you
bring a prop on stage then you must take it off stage with you.)
Evening Wear Competition: 40% of score
Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High School and Miss Alabama Collegiate America
titleholders must project grace, style and sophistication. Each delegate selects her own evening
gown. Her choice should reflect her own personality and style. The monetary value of the gown
is not a consideration for judging. The judges will be looking at the girl in the gown, not the
gown on the girl.
Evening Gown Attire: Gown must be floor-length. Delegates may wear either gowns with full
skirts or fitted gowns. (Junior High and High School delegates’ dresses cannot have splits above
the knee. This is a rule of the National pageant.) Junior High delegates should wear a ball-gown
or similar type evening dresses (no mermaid or similar type dresses). High School delegates
should not select a gown that is too revealing or to "adult". Collegiate delegates gowns may have
splits but the gown should not be too revealing.
Judging Criteria: Overall appearance, beauty, poise, stage presence, fashion sense and delegate's
ability to project comfortable elegance.
Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High and Miss Alabama Collegiate Optionals:
Miss Your Crowning Moment Hospitality: The one contestant who sells the most ad pages for
the program book will be named Miss Your Crowning Moment Hospitality and will receive a
nice award. Minimum of five full page ads must be sold. Only one award will be given between
all divisions and states.
Alabama Class Favorite: This will be voted on by the division delegates. The winner of this
award will display a friendly and positive attitude during the pageant. One winner for each
division will receive a nice award.
Most Photogenic: The program photo will be judged for Most Photogenic. One winner for each
division will receive a nice award. FREE to enter.
People’s Choice: The girl that receives the most likes (by the deadline) on the Facebook Contest.
Mandatory Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High and Miss Alabama Collegiate
Delegate Entry Fee:
$300.00 fee - if you enter by November 9th
$350.00 fee - if you enter by November 23rd
$450.00 fee - if you enter by December 1st (final deadline)
All head-shots and advertisements MUST be received in .jpg format by November 23rd.
Each delegate is responsible for paying her own entry fee to the pageant. She may seek sponsors
to help her cover the cost of her entry fee, wardrobe, etc. Their sponsors will be featured on the
contestants ad page but the contestant must list them as part of the advertisement.
A sponsorship letter can be found at the end the application.
Miss Alabama America Prize Package -- Each division winner will receive:
Official State Round Crown
Official Satin Rhinestone trimmed Monogrammed Banner
Framed Award
National Pageant Entry Fee
Opening dress by a well-known designer
Opportunities to represent your title throughout the State of Alabama
Official state photo by professional photographer Frank Carnaggio
Autograph cards for Nationals
National competition apparel provided by Bella’s Bridal and Formal
National competition apparel provided by Joyce’s Formals
National competition apparel provided by Glitz & Glamour
Hair and makeup by Melissa Moore Borgardus Inc. for Photo Shoot
Coaching Session from Eskew Consulting, LLC
More items will be added as sponsors sign on for the Queens’ Package.
First, Second, Third and Fourth Runner-Ups will receive:
Framed Award
** There is the possibility that a non-winning pageant contestant may be selected to represent
another state as an “At-Large” title holder.
Winner’s Obligations
If you cannot meet all of these obligations, then PLEASE do not enter.
They will be strictly enforced.
If you are crowned Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama
Collegiate, you agree to represent Alabama in the National Pageant to be held July of 2016 in
San Antonio, Texas. Your entry fee, food and room* (*except Junior High contestants who must
room with their parents at nationals) as described in the prize package will be paid for but it is the
winner’s responsibility to provide her own transportation to and from the National Pageant. At
least one parent is required to attend the National Pageant. You will also be required to return the
following year to crown your successor. Other duties include, but are not limited to, speaking in
Alabama Schools to promote our anti-bullying platform “B.R.A.V.E..”,
attending/emceeing/judging some pageants, appearances at our sponsors’ business location,
community service work, etc. Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, and Miss
Alabama Collegiate are required to make at least two appearances per month to promote
“B.R.A.V.E.” Community service is strongly encouraged above the two “B.R.A.V.E.” In the
event that the Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate wins
the National title, she will still be required to attend her home state pageant to crown her
successor and make the above appearances in Alabama. All titleholders are required to attend the
state pageant to crown their successors regardless of where it and when it is held. (If they do not
they will be required to relinquish their title and must return her crown, sash, and the monetary
value of any gifts and/or services received and not use the title in any form in the future.) Miss
Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, and Miss Alabama Collegiate agrees NOT to hold
any other state or National titles that require appearances or advancement to other pageant
systems. She is allowed to compete at her school pageant and/or local pageants with approval of
the director. Her title as Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama
Collegiate must come first and any other title that she holds should not overshadow her title as
Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate. If Miss Alabama
Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate does desire to compete in any
other pageants, she must notify the pageant director first – so the director can make sure there is
not a conflict of interest. In the event that the Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or
Miss Alabama Collegiate winner cannot fulfill her duties or does not abide by the rules set for
her, she will relinquish her crown, banner, case, pin, engraved award to the first runner up and
will return/reimburse all prize money and awards or their monetary value. (Whether it be the
award or the monetary value is at the discretion of the State Director.) Most prizes will not be
awarded until after the year’s reign is complete.
Completion of the Alabama application constitutes the official contract of the state winner.
After the crowning ceremony the new titleholder and her parent(s) will meet with the director
to have the paperwork notarized and set up a post meeting and photo shoot.
Code of Conduct
Entrant and parent(s)/guardian(s) affirms that she is and will continue to be a person of good
moral character; that she has not committed and will not commit any act inconsistent with the
highest standards of public morals and conventions or that will reflect unfavorably on the
pageant, its representatives, sponsors and/or licensees; that she has not appeared in nude or
provocative photographs for any film or publication, Facebook, Instagram, or any other social
media. Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate will
conduct herself at all times with dignity, grace and good manners. Miss Alabama Junior High,
Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate will not slander or libel other contestants,
judges, staff, sponsors, or anyone else involved with or connected to the state and/or national
pageant. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks will result in immediate disqualification,
forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and possible legal charges. Any delegate found
publicly posting slanderous remarks on public forums and/or social media will be immediately
disqualified. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior before, during, or
after the pageant may result in disqualification, removal from the premises, and legal charges.
The entrant and parent(s)/guardian(s) agree(s) to sign this Code of Conduct statement indicating
agreement to abide by the terms specified here. Failure to sign the Code of Conduct statement
does not in any way release delegate from responsibility to abide by the Code of Conduct stated
here. All issues related to the Code of Conduct and consequences for violation thereof shall be
determined solely and exclusively by the Director. Entrant agrees to accept such determinations
made by the Director.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) of entrants of Alabama Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama
Collegiate will conduct herself at all times with dignity, grace and good manners. Miss Alabama
Junior High, Miss Alabama High, or Miss Alabama Collegiate will not slander or libel other
contestants, judges, staff, sponsors, or anyone else involved with or connected to the state and/or
national pageant. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks will result in immediate
disqualification, forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and possible legal charges. Any
delegate found publicly posting slanderous remarks on public forums and/or social media will be
immediately disqualified. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior
before, during, or after the pageant may result in disqualification, removal from the premises, and
legal charges.
The above also applies to the titleholders and their parent(s)/guardian(s), families, or anyone
connected to or accompaning them during appearances, meetings, or any other public event
whether connected to the pageant or not. You must remember that once crowned everyone will
look upon you as THE representative for the State of Alabama and you (and those connected
with you) and the “Title” are always “on” display”. If this is violated throughout the reign the
titleholder will be disqualified and must return all items or cash value as mentioned earlier in the
application and the first runner-up will be named the official winner.
You may purchase Pageant Tickets for $15.00 if purchased by the final deadline of December 1.
This will allow entrance into the Pageant on Sunday afternoon. Pageant Tickets will be $20.00
after the December 1 deadline and may be purchased on Saturday morning during contestant
sign-in or at the box office of the Bama Theatre one hour prior to the Pageant. ONLY CASH
will be accepted the day of the pageant.
Program Souvenir Books:
These will be very nice books with all contestants’ photos and make a great souvenir. Program
Books will be sold for $15.00 by the December 1 deadline by cashier’s check only and will be
$20.00 at the door (CASH ONLY).
Please email your headshot and ad to yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
Be sure to include name and division. Remember this photo will be used as your entry in Most
Photogenic and will be judged. We prefer forward facing head-shots with no hands or props in
the photo. Photos may not contain any watermarks, photography logos, clipart, writing of any
type, etc.
Ad Sales:
Contestants may sell ads but are not required to do so unless they have sponsors that they
need to recognize in the program book then they will have to purchase an ad and submit it
by the December 1 deadline.
One full page ad = $100.
Contestants selling a minimum of five full page ads are eligible to compete to win Miss Your
Crowning Moment Hospitality. Contestant selling the most full page ads will win the title of
Miss Your Crowning Moment Hospitality & a nice award/prize.
All full ad pages should have your photo and Name on them. A contestant must sell a minimum
of five full page ads to be eligible to win Miss Your Crowning Moment Hospitality.
Full Page - $100
½ Page - $50
¼ Page - $25
All ad's must be in copy ready format, emailed to yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
in .jpg, .jpeg only!
Please proof read all ads carefully. Once the ad is sent to our graphic design artist it cannot be
All Applications and Entry Fee’s, Program Book Ad’s, Ad fees, and Headshot for Program Book
are due by (everything must be sent in together to qualify for a specific deadline):
Ultra Early Bird Discount – $300.00 entry fee - if you enter by November 9th
Early Bird Discount $350.00 entry fee - if you enter by November 23rd
FINAL DEADLINE $450.00 entry fee - if you enter by December 1st
EMAIL ALL PHOTOS AND ADS TO: yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
All payments must be in the form of Cashier’s Check (NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE
ACCEPTED.) If the correct form of payment is not received by the deadline along with the
hardcopy applications it will not be accepted and you will not be eligible to enter the pageant.
Delegate Information Sheet
Form A
Delegate needs to submit 1 copy to pageant office
Full Name of Contestant: _________________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________
City & Zip: ___________________________________________________________________
Contestant’s Cell Phone Number : _________________________________________________
Contestant’s Email: _____________________________________________________________
Birthday: ____________________
Age: ___________
Parent's Name: ________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Phone Number(s):_______________________________________________________
Parents’ Email ________________________________________________________________
Name of your school/college: ____________________________________________________
Grade Level (as of August 2016): _________________________________________________
School Address: _______________________________________________________________
School Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
School Dean/Advisor: __________________________________________________________
School Counselor: _____________________________________________________________
School Counselor Phone number/email : ____________________________________________
Local Newspaper’s Phone Number: ________________________________________________
How did you find out about our pageant? (Please be specific): ___________________________
I agree that judge’s decisions are final and any show of poor sportsmanship will result in
disqualification of the contestant without a refund of fees from the pageant and related events.
No refunds will be given unless the pageant is canceled. I agree that the Directors, members,
volunteers, city officials, and facility owners are not responsible for any accident, injury, or theft
that occurs during, to and from the pageant. I agree that all photos taken during the pageant
weekend can be used for advertisement purposes by the Miss Alabama Junior High, Miss
Alabama High School, and Miss Alabama Collegiate Pageants. I agree that by printing my
signature below and submitting this application via USPostal Service, email/fax/etc. constitutes
as my original signature.
CONTESTANT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________
(Must be signed by Parent or Legal guardian if contestant is under 18)
DATE: _______________________________________________
(Delegate needs to submit 5 copies of this form to the office. Please type or print neatly and keep
form no more than 2 pages with your name on each page. You may re-type this page, but please
use this format and use only black ink/white paper. Pictures, clip art, etc. are not allowed. The
Judges will see this form)
DO NOT LIST YOUR AGE/GRADE ON THIS FORM – the judges should not know your grade
Full Name:
(As you would like listed in program book)
Home Address:
City, State, & Zip:
Other Number:
Email Address:
Parent’s Name:
What are your Hobbies?
In what sports, clubs, and school organizations do you participate?
What honors/awards have you won?
What are your accomplishments?
Form B – Page 2
Full Name:
(As you would like listed in program book)
List any civic/community organization or church/religious groups in which you
What are your Community service/volunteering contributions?
What are other interesting facts about yourself or your family that you would want
What goals/future plans do you have?
I promise that the information provided above is accurate and true.
Checklist Form
All information, photos, documents, etc. need to be submitted together.
Please include 1 copy of this checklist with your forms and photos.
_____Photos/Ads – email to yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
Check every item that you have enclosed.
_____ Informational Sheet (Form A) 1 copy
_____ Official Fact Sheet (Form B page 1 & 2) 5 copies – WE WILL NOT MAKE COPIES FOR
YOU! (These should not be folded but mailed flat.)
_____ Checklist Sheet (Form C) 1 copy
_____ One Head shot - Please email to: yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
MANDATORY Pageant Entry Fee:
_____ Postmarked by November 9th - $300.00 entry fee
_____ Postmarked by November 23rd - $350.00 entry fee
_____ Postmarked by December 1st - $450.00 entry fee
_____ Payment for Ad Sales – one full page per contestant required if you have sponsors that
need to be recognized
(Miss Your Crowning Moment Hospitality Contest- minimum of 5 full page ads)
_____ Ads must be emailed to in .jpg format: yourcrowningmoment@yahoo.com
Program books #_____ x $20 each = _______
Tickets #________ x $15 each = __________
ALL Cashiers Checks are to be made payable to “Your Crowning Moment”
Attn: Becky Brown
PO Box 710
Cottondale, AL 35453
Crown Academy
The Crown Academy Program is a division of the Miss High School America pageant Organization. The Crown
Academy Program is for young ladies ages five (5) to Twelve (12). The purpose of the program is to introduce
girls to the Miss High School America Organization who have an interest in community service and possibly
someday competing in the Miss High School America national pageants. It is also for girls who want to support a
particular contestant by representing her during pageant week and taking part in national pageant events.
All Crown Academy participants have the opportunity to take part in the exciting Miss High School National
pageant week (July 11-16, 2016). There will be activities and events during pageant week such as: Arrival
Ceremony, PJ Party, Tea Party, Etiquette Class, interview and Pageant Walking Coaching, Community Service
Event, Rehearsals, and more! Participants will also take part in the opening number production of the national
In addition to the crown Academy Program, we encourage all participants to take part in their titleholder’s year.
Host City: San Antonio, TX
Venue: San Antonio Convention center, Lila Cochrell Theater
Host Hotel: HotelContessa on the Riverwalk
Date: July11-16, 2016
Cost: $350 (does not include travel or hotel expenses)
Each state titleholder must have a Crown Academy Program participant attend nationals with her.
Your Crown Academy Program participant should contact the State Executive Director for the full information
packet. Each contestant must have a CAP participant secured by the date of the state pageant and turn her packet
in on pageant day.
CAP participants should send an email to YourCrowningMoment@yahoo.com with Crown Academy in the
subject line along with your name.
The Miss Junior High, Miss High School, and the Miss Collegiate pageants exist for
the purpose of providing personal and professional opportunities for junior high,
high school girls and college women. It is our goal to provide outstanding junior
high, high school girls and college women the opportunity to compete in a pageant
system that has the highest of moral values.
Caring about others;
Reinforcing the values of America;
Opportunities to be a leader;
Working toward your goals and dreams;
Noble life
To Whom It May Concern:
The Miss Alabama Junior High America, the Miss Alabama High School America, and the Miss
Alabama Collegiate America Scholarship Pageants are the official preliminaries to the Miss Junior High
America, the Miss High School America, and the Miss Collegiate America Scholarship Pageants, which
will be held July 11-16, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. The candidates will be competing for the
opportunity to represent Alabama in the national pageant where they could win a $10,000 cash
scholarship or a savings bond for Junior High (amount to be disclosed at a later date).
The Alabama State pageants will be held January 9, 2016 at the Bama Theatre in downtown
The Alabama State website: http://www.yourcrowningmoment.org
The National website: http://www.americashighschoolpageant.com
You can also find both the state and national pageant on Facebook.
If you have any questions you may contact me at the following email address:
Thank you for your support of the young ladies of the great State of Alabama.
Becky Brown
Becky Brown
Alabama State Executive Director