Team Member Registration Form

Dartmouth Destination ImagiNation Team Member Registration
To become a member of a Dartmouth Public Schools DI team for the 2011-12 Destination ImagiNation season,
please complete this registration form, the attached fundraising option form (not required of grades K-2 Rising
Stars!), enclose a $65* check ($55* for Rising Stars!) payable to “Dartmouth Public Schools/DI”, and submit
all to your school’s office or the Administration Building at 8 Bush Street no later than Monday, October 23.
[DHS students should note the $65 DI fee is a separate fee from the DHS Activity Fee.]
*If the registration fee presents a hardship which will prevent you from participating in DI, please contact
Superintendent Ana Riley at or 508-997-3391 and other arrangements may be made.
The Dartmouth DI fee covers the cost of Destination ImagiNation membership, tournament registration fees,
Team Manager training, materials for teams’ challenge solutions, and Dartmouth DI t-shirts. In addition to the
fee, parents may be asked to contribute to the cost of team meeting snacks.
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________ Parent email: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Student’s School: _________________________________________________ Grade: _________
T-Shirt Size: Youth M
Youth L
Youth XL
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Adult XL
OPTIONAL INFORMATION to help us place you on a team:
● I participated in DI last year on a(n) _____________________ level team managed by __________
_________________________ and I would like to remain on that team. *The level at which the team will
compete this year is determined by the highest grade of any student on that team.
● Teammates I would like to participate with: ____________________________________________
● Team Manager on whose team I would like to participate: ________________________________
● Challenge I am interested in solving: (choose one or two, or list them in order of your preference)
_____ A. Assembly Required (technical challenge)
_____ B. The Solar Stage (scientific challenge)
_____ C. Coming Attractions (fine arts challenge)
_____ D. News to Me (improvisational challenge)
_____ E. Hold It! (structural challenge)
_____ Project OUTREACH The World Canvas
Students in grades K – 2 will participate in the Rising Stars! Challenge Built to Last.
Please know that each team meets according to the VOLUNTEER Team Managers’ schedules. And that DI
involves a serious commitment of time and effort on the part of all team members. If you have any questions
about Dartmouth DI, please contact Pam Remy at or 508-977-2643.
Destination ImagiNation is a non-profit organization for students, which promotes creativity, critical thinking, teamwork,
time, project, and resource management, and problem-solving skills that will last a lifetime. DI Challenges have open-ended answers,
empowering participants to create solutions that are imaginative, original, divergent and ingenious! DI creates a place where creativity
is not only accepted, but expected.
Students work together in teams of up to 7 children under the direction of a team manager, typically a parent of one of the children on
the team. Teams are organized on four levels: children in grades K through 2 participate at the Rising Stars! level; students in grades
3 through 5 are at the elementary level; sixth through eighth graders are in the middle level; and high school students participate at the
secondary level. Rising Stars! have their own non-competitive challenge to solve. All of the other levels choose from the same six
challenges, but compete against teams at their own level who have chosen the same challenge.
Each spring, teams from all over the world present their unique solutions at regional tournaments. Dartmouth participates in the
Massachusetts Destination ImagiNation (MADI) Region 9 Tournament on March 17. Teams who win at this level next compete at the
MADI State Tournament on March 31 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Teams who place first or second here are entitled to
participate in Global Finals at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville at the end of May.
You should know that each team who participates in a MADI regional tournament must provide one adult volunteer to work at that
tournament, usually as an “appraiser”. (DI does not “judge” students; it “appraises” their solutions.) This requirement is mandated by
MADI and there is a financial penalty to each team that does not provide an appraiser.
Challenge Previews for the 2011-2012 Season
Challenge A. Assembly Required (technical)
►Design and build Equipment that retrieves Parts and delivers Products.
►Assemble Products from team-provided Parts to fill Orders, and use the Products in your team’s Presentation.
►Earn extra points by deciding how best to fill Orders with no Parts or Products left over in the Assembly Area.
►Present a team-created story about something that happens just in time.
Challenge B. The Solar Stage (scientific)
►Create and present a theatrical performance that tells a Story about the use of solar energy.
►Integrate research about past and/or current uses of solar energy.
►Design and create a Solar Energy Prototype that demonstrates a new way to collect, capture and use solar energy.
►Design and provide Theatrical Lighting to illuminate the Presentation and to create special theatrical effects.
Challenge C. Coming Attractions (fine arts)
►Present a Movie Trailer involving characters from at least two Nations.
►Design a Cinematic Special Effect and feature it in the Movie Trailer.
►Create an Original Soundtrack that complements the Movie Trailer.
Challenge D. News to Me (improvisational)
►Learn about different types of News Stories.
►Learn about Cause-and-Effect relationships.
►Use Cooperative Human Scenery and Props to enhance your Skit.
►Create a 5-minute Improvisational Skit about the Cause-and-Effect relationship between two unrelated News Stories.
►Have all your plans suddenly become totally discombobulated by a One-Minute Glitch (OMG)!
Challenge E. Hold It! (structural)
►Design, build and test a Structure made entirely out of wood and glue to hold weight and contain Tournament-provided golf balls.
►Design and build a Delivery Device that will deposit the golf balls, one at a time, into the Structure.
►Create and present an original Story about a “Captivator.”
►Integrate the Weight Placement and Golf Ball Delivery into the Story.
Project OUTREACH The World Canvas
►Use creative problem solving tools to identify and select at least one real community need.
►Design and carry out a Project to address the need.
►Create an Advertisement and use it in your Project.
►Create a Marketing Brochure to describe your Project.
►Share your Project at the Tournament with an entertaining live Presentation.
Rising Stars! Built to Last
►Learn about toys and how they have changed over time.
►Create a play about making the last toy that will ever be made.
►Explore how your team works together to make decisions about your team-created toy.