Friday Debate and Discussions

Reflection Posting and Response Assignment
Reflection is an important learning tool that allows you to note observations, discoveries, analysis and
thoughts throughout the course. It allows you to relate what you’re learning to your own life experiences.
It can also be a springboard for stimulating discussions with people of similar or dissimilar points of view.
In this course, we will create and you will share with each other your thoughts on an ongoing basis on a
series of controversial subjects. These may be topics that are discussed in class, posted by classmates
or still others I may introduce to the round-table.
Part A
Each student will be expected to submit one original posting on the subject of his/her own choice to our
class Wiki This may be drawn from:
 The subject of a class lesson, speaker, video or project
 A social science-oriented reading outside of class that you found particularly interesting
 A current event that occurs during the semester. If you choose this option, be sure to include a
version of the original article, or an on-line link to the article itself, along with your comments.
 Something from your own experience that is related to the course matter.
Postings must reflect significant insight into the subject in question. Don’t just regurgitate the material on
which your posting is based. I want to know what you think about it and why. You could consider
reflecting on key issues, using specific examples from course material, making connections with social
scientific theories and asking probing, important questions to stimulate further discussion.
Each original posting is to be between 250 and 500 words. You will send me your posting electronically
as an attachment to my Southwood e-mail
Please put “my posting” in the subject line. I will then review your submission and post it to our Wiki.
Sentence structure, grammar and spelling will count. I reserve the right to edit your posting if necessary.
Part B
Each student will actively engage in and comment on a minimum of 6 different on-line postings. You may
comment multiple times on one subject, but it will only count as one response. Originality and novel
insight are important; don't just say "I agree with the previous comments". Each comment should be a
minimum of 50 words and include rationale for your perspective. You will be expected to comment in a
professional and respectful manner. (“Your reflection is stupid” will not cut it.)
Due dates
Trial response to teacher posting by
Individual on-line submission by
Individual responses to others’ postings
Wednesday, September 18
Wednesday, September 25
October 15, October 29, November 12, November 26,
December 10, January 7 (every other Tuesday)
You now have all the parameters of the assignment. You can post from anywhere, at anytime (even if
you’re on vacation or slightly ill). The due dates noted above are, therefore, firm. After the due dates,
the submissions will be removed from the site.
The evaluation of this assignment will be based on
a) your original posting (see rubric)
b) the number and quality of your comments to others’ postings
Reflection Posting Evaluation
Criteria and
Level 4
(80 - 100%)
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
(50% or
Knowledge and
- comprehension of
- understanding of how
the social sciences
would analyze the issue
- understanding of
facts, terms, concepts
of social sciences
understanding of
social science
concepts, facts and
Demonstrates some
familiarity of social
science concepts,
facts and terms
marginal familiarity
of social science
concepts, facts and
Demonstrates very
little familiarity of
social science
concepts, facts and
Little social science
Social science
analysis incorrect
or absent.
Makes good
between source
material and
subject of posting
Makes few
between source
material and
subject of posting.
between source
material and
subject of posting
missing or hard to
Makes reference to
different viewpoints
in passing way
Makes little
reference to
Thinking and Inquiry
-reflects insight,
complexity of human
- considers differing
- considers longer-term
implications of issue
Social scientific
analysis very well
Makes excellent
connections between
source material and
subject of posting.
Clearly acknowledges
different viewpoints.
“Big picture”
obviously considered
and addressed
-expression and
organization of ideas
and information, use of
-sentence structure,
spelling and grammar
- respectful,
professional tone
- includes required
elements of assignment
Social scientific
analysis adequate.
Posting very wellorganized, easy to
“Big picture”
addressed but in
superficial manner
Posting wellorganized, fairly
easy to read
Links to original
source if required
Links to original
source if required
Appropriate formal
sentence structure.
Formal sentence
structure mostly
Virtually free of
grammar, spelling
A few grammar,
spelling errors
Little or no editing
required by teacher
Minor editing
required by teacher
Adheres to all
required elements
Adheres to most
required elements.
Submitted early or on
Submitted on time
“Big picture” rarely
Posting suffers
from lack of
organization, parts
are confusing.
Links to original
source if required
Sentence structure
borders on informal
Only addresses one
“Big picture” not
Posting quite
disorganized, hard
to read
Links to original
source missing
Most of posting is
informal, more
suitable to text
Quite a few
grammar, spelling
Many grammar,
spelling errors
Significant editing
required by teacher
Adheres to some
required elements.
Major editing
required by teacher
Adheres to few
required elements.
Submitted on time
with assistance
Submitted late.