How to Practice Coexistence page

Predator Friendly® Practices
Producers committed to coexistence use a mix of practices to succeed. There is no onesize-fits-all solution to living with wildlife. Rather, by observing area wildlife and
varying practices to fit changing conditions, a wide range of producers have innovated
means that work in their environs.
Predator Friendly® practices include:
Using guardian animals such as llamas, donkeys and dogs to keep livestock safe
Scheduling pasture use when predation pressure is low
Grazing cattle with smaller livestock to protect sheep, goats and calves
Timing calving and lambing to avoid predation risk
Lambing in sheds, secure fenced lots or protected pastures
Making frequent and unpredictable patrols in pastures
Protecting vulnerable animals by fencing out predators
Learning the ecology and habits of area wildlife
More Information
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has an excellent series on Living
with Wildlife that explains the instincts and requirements of many wildlife species.
The series includes detailed information on conflict prevention and fencing
The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management provides links to many
university extension publications and other wildlife resources.
Livestock Husbandry Practices
Herd management practices are an integral component of proactive coexistence
planning. Successful predator deterrence often requires a mix of activities to ensure that
local wildlife remain wary of approaching domestic animals. Where predators have good
cover and a ready means of retreat, they may be more willing to expose themselves to
novel situations. By becoming familiar with the habits and requirements of area wildlife,
producers can gauge appropriate management options.
Heightened vigilance and application of a mix of practices are especially important when
animals are most vulnerable. Therefore, the timing and location of lambing and calving
are important considerations. When native prey are abundant and domestic animals are
hard to access, predators are less likely to expose themselves to risk. Calving and
lambing in secure areas—from barns to fenced lots—is optimal. Other options include
lighting, the use of visual deterrents such as flagging (fladry), unaccustomed sounds and
human presence.
Predators can become comfortable with the routine of a farm. Varying approaches to
pastures, changing where and when people are present, and employing differing means of
transportation can help to avoid predictability. Grazing larger stock together with smaller
animals can deter predators. Further, varying pasture rotations to keep small and
vulnerable stock away from potentially difficult locations is a sound option, where
practicable. Predators are often most active from dusk to dawn; practices designed to
target this period may be especially effective.
While no mix of husbandry practices is predator-proof, producers who make coexistence
an integral part of herd management tend to reduce losses. Attention to natural cycles
and an understanding of the environment on and surrounding their operations are
hallmarks of producers who experience success. Further, record-keeping of livestock
locations and losses helps one to pay prompt attention to predator problems and reveals
any pattern that may exist. Reducing and eliminating attractant sources—by disposing of
livestock carcasses, for example, and by making stock hard to reach—is a long-term
approach to raising livestock with respect for the wild.
More Information
Predator Control for Sustainable and Organic Livestock Production (ATTRA)
Also post PDF (attached here)
Guardian Animals
Livestock guardian animals are relatively new to the U.S., but have been used for
centuries in Europe and Asia. Guardian dogs, llamas and donkeys can be incorporated
with other management tools for a well-grounded approach to predator deterrence. The
success of each species as a guardian depends upon a number of factors including the
type, scale and location of a domestic operation. Further, individual temperament may be
the true determiner of an effective livestock guardian. In all cases, livestock guardian
animals require care by herd owners, and attention to their interaction with surroundings
to perform effectively.
Dogs, llamas, and donkeys differ in their relation to herds and response to predators.
Donkeys appear to have an innate dislike of dogs, coyotes and foxes and are often
aggressive to intruders. Llamas are also wary of members of the canid (dog) family and
protective of their flock and territory. Livestock guardian dogs can be effective in a wide
range of situations; they are often used in extensive operations and where bears and
mountain lions are a potential threat. Selection of an appropriate livestock guardian
depends upon multiple factors. The care and management of each species, along with
herd environment, are important considerations in choosing a guardian.
Livestock guardian animals are relatively new to the U.S., but have been used for
centuries in Europe and Asia. Guardian dogs, llamas and donkeys can be incorporated
with other management tools for a well-grounded approach to predator deterrence. The
success of each species as a guardian depends upon a number of factors including the
type, scale and location of a domestic operation. Further, individual temperament may be
the true determiner of an effective livestock guardian. In all cases, livestock guardian
animals require care by herd owners, and attention to their interaction with surroundings
to perform effectively.
More Information
Choosing a Livestock Guardian Animal: A Comparison of Llamas, Donkeys
and Dogs
Using Guard Animals to Protect Livestock (Missouri Department of Conservation)
Choosing a Guard Animal (California Department of Food and Agriculture)
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Livestock Guarding Dogs Factsheet (USDA-APHIS)
Raising and Training a Livestock Guarding Dog (Oregon State University)
Livestock Guardian Dogs: Protecting Sheep from Predators (USDA-APHIS)
Livestock Guarding Dogs: Their Current Use Worldwide (Canid Specialist Group)
Livestock Guardian Llamas
Guard Llamas (Iowa State University)
Guard Llama Guidelines (International Llama Association)
Livestock Guardian Donkeys and Mules
Using Donkeys to Guard Sheep and Goats (Texas Department of Agriculture),1968,1848_5329_7078_0,00.html?ch
Guidelines for Using Donkeys as Guard Animals with Sheep (Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
Protecting Livestock with Guard Donkeys (Alberta Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs)
PDF attached