MEMBERS OF THE VETERINARY COUNCIL OF TANZANIA The Veterinary Council of Tanzania operates under the Veterinary Act and is composed of nine (9) members who are appointed by the Minister responsible for Livestock Development as follows: (a) The Chairman who shall be a Veterinarian of outstanding experience in Veterinary matters; (b) Two representatives from veterinary department; (c) A representative from faculties of Veterinary Medicine who is a registered Veterinarian nominated by Dean; (d) A representative of registered private veterinarians who shall be nominated from amongst registered veterinarians in private practice; (e) A representative of the Tanzania Veterinary Association; (f) A representative of paraprofessionals nominated from amongst themselves; (g) A registered Veterinarian who is a representative of the veterinary Pharmaceutical industry; and (h) A senior legal officer employed in the Attorney-General's Chambers to be nominated by the Attorney-General. Current members are: Prof. D.M. Kambarage (Chairperson and Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Sokoine University of Agriculture). Dr H. Mbwille (Vice chairperson and private practicing veterinarian representing veterinary pharmaceutical companies) Dr Y. Sinare (member, a private practicing veterinarian representing private practitioners) Dr F. Akarro (member, a private practicing veterinarian representing Tanzania Veterinary Association) Prof M. Mgasa (member, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sokoine University of Agriculture). Mr. J. Mallaba (member, a State Attorney from the Attorney General Chambers). Dr J. Mollel (member Acting Director of Veterinary Services) Dr A. Hyaighaimo (member District Veterinary representing the Veterinary Department) Officer, Mvomero Mr J. Chiwaligo (member, a representative of Paraprofessionals) The present members will hold office for a term of three years and will be eligible for reappointment for another term. The Chairperson of the Council will hold office for four years and will be eligible for reappointment for one succession term.