Spanish I Curriculum Map Outline

Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
Context for the Integrated Performance Assessment
You are now in a modern language class, and you are interacting in a new language in a variety of situations. Since the
target language is used in your class, it is important that you be able to understand, use, and interact in the language with
your teacher and with your classmates.
Interpretive Task
Read a passage between a teacher and student. Answer questions relating to the passage.
Interpersonal Task
Answer questions about yourself in the target language.
Presentational Task
Label a calendar appropriately in target language according to given instructions.
Unit Project
Homework calendar
Unit Understanding(s)
Students will understand that…
 Many similarities and differences exist between Spanish
and English languages.
 Student lives vary by culture.
 Sentences in the target language follow different
patterns from those in English.
 Effective communication requires cooperation, active
listening, clear instructions, respect for one another,
clarifying questions, and proper feedback.
Unit Essential Question(s)
 How will I survive in my Spanish class
 What are some similarities and differences among
English and Spanish
Students will …
 Know how to react in the target language in limited
 Ask and answer questions
 Ask for clarification when needed
 Introduce themselves to a classmate and introduce a
classmate to others
 Respond to and initiate greetings and farewells
Eugene Ashley High School
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
North Carolina Essential Standards
CLL.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
NL.CLL.1.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to express needs, preferences, and feelings.
NL.CLL.1.2 Use culturally appropriate greetings, farewells, apologies, and expressions of courtesy.
NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or
thoughts with prompting and modeling.
CLL.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
NL.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings,words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or
prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL.2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures,
intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
CLL.3 Use the language to present information to an audience.
NL.CLL.3.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases in presentations to identify the names of people, places, and things.
NL.CLL.3.2 Use the language to recite memorized poetry and songs from the target culture.
NL.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation to present memorized phrases.
CLL.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.
NL.CLL.4.1 Compare behaviors, such as gestures and greetings, in the target culture and the students’ culture.
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.
COD.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
NL.COD.1.1 Carry out simple exchanges of information using memorized content vocabulary.
NL.COD.1.2 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases toexpress classroom needs, preferences, and feelings.
COD.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
NL.COD.2.1 Understand how to respond to simple, memorized questions in the target language that focus on key
concepts in classroom activities and different contentareas.
Eugene Ashley High School
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
NL.COD.2.2 Compare the vocabulary of the target and students’ language in different content areas.
NL.COD.2.3 Recognize words in groups from other disciplines.
COD.3 Use the language to present information to an audience.
NL.COD.3.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases, such as those for weather, days of the week, months,
seasons, numbers and daily classroom activities, to present to an audience.
NL.COD.3.2 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to name common objects and actions related to other disciplines.
NL.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present in the target language.
COD.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.
NL.COD.4.1 Identify tangible products related to the home and theclassroom in both the students’ and target cultures.
NL.COD.4.2 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words fromthe target language in other disciplines.
CMT.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
NL.CMT.1.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to carry out simple interactions with people from the
target culture or with communities of learners of the same target language.
NL.CMT.1.2 Use simple communication strategies from the target culture, such as greetings and expressions of courtesy.
CMT.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
NL.CMT.2.1 Recognize single words and simple, memorized phrases from media in the language community.
NL.CMT.2.2 Recall simple, spoken expressions and memorized phrases commonly used in target language
CMT.3 Use the language to present information to an audience.
NL.CMT.3.1 Identify arts, sports, games and media from the targetculture.
NL.CMT.3.2 Understand roles in school or community traditionsrelated to the target culture.
CMT.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.
NL.CMT.4.1 Recognize simple language that communicates knowledge of the target language and cultures to others.
NL.CMT.4.2 Use simple, appropriate gestures, body language, and cultural practices.
NL.CMT.4.3 Recognize simple patterns of behavior or interaction from the target culture.
Eugene Ashley High School
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
La mesa
El libro
El pupitre
Introduction of self
#’s 1-100
Calendar (days of
the week, months
of the year)
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Resources and Materials
Instructional Strategies
Internet resources: - Conjugating
Verbs online – students get immediate
feedback, but cannot be submitted to
Instructional Strategies:
 Lotería de Nombres – Bingo
Nombre – put a list of questions
on the board – students must
write the questions into a bingo
board – students then walk
around and find the students
 Pelota Mala – students speak in
Spanish, if anyone is speaking
English, they are thrown a ball.
They now have pelota mala.
Whoever has it at the end of the
block must do something (like
push in chair, be the last to
leave, etc.) Parodies of Justin Timberlake for Verb
El escritorio
La hoja de papel
El bolígrafo/la pluma
El lápiz
classroom objects
and locations
El/la compañero/a
El/la estudiante
El cuaderno
La carpeta
¿Cómo se dice ______ ?
Classroom rules
and procedures
Common phrases
for survival in
Spanish class
¿Qué significa?
¿Qué página?
No tengo…
¿Dónde está/están…?
Saquen una hoja de papel.
Introductions of
High frequency
Duration of Unit: 30 hours - quiz students
online - get an internet
pen pal – you register and all emails go
to you first -
Silent Ball – students are in a
circle, sitting on their desks.
silent! They toss the ball to
each other and call out
vocabulary words. Review
Onion activity – have students
(or teacher) write questions on
paper and crumple up the paper
and roll the paper on top of the
other papers. Teacher plays
music, and students’ play hot
potato with the ball. When the
music stops, they must peel a - art exhibits
online – especially useful during - like
a twitter, anonymous polling – Be
careful with the texting comments
because you cannot track comments geography puzzle pieces - online new
articles - internet flashcards
Eugene Ashley High School
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Trabajen con un
– random vocabulary words
compañero. – create a
jeopardy game for your students.
Abran el libro a la página
Buenos días.
Buenas tardes.
Buenas noches.
¿Cómo estás?
¿Cómo está Usted?
Bien, gracias, ¿y tú?
Así, así
Más o menos
Muy bien
¿Cómo te llamas?
¿Cómo se llama Usted?
Me llamo…
Hasta luego.
No sé.
Por favor.
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
question off the onion and
answer it
Speaking Drills – create a
transparency (or any other data
point) with columns of
information. Students must
quickly go through the
information and speak. You
can do this with ANY
information you are covering.
Make it work for you. They are
super easy to create
Speak for 1.5 minutes about
getting to know each other –
talk about gestures in other
countries – ask students to
incorporate appropriate gestures
conversation circles – 10
questions on a note card, divide
students up – inside circle has a
questions and asks the same
question – outside circle moves
and answers
Attendance questions – 10 min.
activity - while taking
attendance, students answer
certain questions, sometimes all
the same, sometimes all
different – up to the teacher
Options for Online Projects - online projects - upload
voices - create your
own comics – best if used as a project
outside of class or in 20 minutes at a
lab (not including instructional time) - create your
own character – send project with
students and have them e-mail it to the
Additional resources: - Free site that
allows you and your students to
make electronic flash cards – students can
create Venn diagrams - this allows
students to capture images and create
videos or share information – this allows students to
add a voice and information to various
characters. It makes the content come
to life.
Eugene Ashley High School
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
No puedo ver.
No puedo oir.
Hable más
No entiendo.
Con permiso.
Por que
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Spanish – this allows
students to create a slide show while
narrating the information on various
slides students can create
online collages to show the material
they are learning
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
Buenas noticias – 30 sec
activity - students begin with
the weather and date and
information for the day
Yarn activity – student is
required to pull out colored yard
and speak in Spanish until the
color o the yarn changes – other
students are to listen and answer
random questions
Talk a thons – 2 week activity students are giving a document
and have to write the
conversation with the questions
who, what when where why and
how. The conversations are
graded on their grammar and
are paired up. The students
then memorize parts of the
conversation and present it to
the class – online digital
media that provides homework help
and additional material – this allows students
upload videos This site provides a different daily news
article with a series of discussion
questions every weekday throughout
the school year.
Necesito ayuda
¿Lo puede repetir?
¿Cómo se escribe?
Puede hablar más
¿Puedo ir al baño?
Tengo una pregunta
Hoy es
Ayer fue – students can create
various word art using terms from daily
lesson – this provides
interactive timelines for students to
view and they can create their own – this
allows teachers or students to add 30
second videos in a bubble form to any
website - students can create
Eugene Ashley High School
Listening Activities
Alphabet song
Numbers to 30
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Mañana sera
various videos
Days of the week - online
diary that students can use for daily
writing assignments and can share with
others in the class or teachers – students can create
flashcards that are interactive, practice
material in test form, play review
Months of the year
Dos mil
Mil novecientos
Hace frio
Hace sol
Hace calor
Hace fresco
Buen tiempo
Mal tiempo
Hace viento
Nieva - this
allows you to create polls you can use
in you classroom that students can
respond to –this allows students
to respond to events you are holding or
use calendars to remind them of
assignments – this allows
students to upload PowerPoint’s to
create a video – this allows
students to create cartoons to express
their comprehension of the material – this allows
students to create a short video that
contains content information – this allows
students to create interactive 3D pop up
Eugene Ashley High School
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
Take a Spanish song and delete
some of the words. Students
receive bonus credit for every
word they get correct.
20 yr old guy who knows 11
languages – Alex Rawlings
1 semester of Spanish love song
 Geography
 Map
 Countries and capitals
 Gestures
 Social interactions
 Galeria Hispanica – take photos
and upload to a power points.
Teacher writes an excerpt for
each picture (Flags, people,
food, literature, art, all about
one country )
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Spanish – this allows
students to create videos using images
and content – this allows students to
create cartoon strips for the information – this allows you
to find comic books that discuss social
studies topics – this allows you to create
a bulletin board of post it notes that
students can add to and you can have an
online discussion or share information – this allows you to
create a document that students can edit and
add information to –students can create thinking
Eugene Ashley High School
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
Unit Theme: How to Thrive in Spanish Class
Level 1, Unit Preliminary
Duration of Unit: 30 hours
Eugene Ashley High School