Resume -

1516 W. 9th St
Austin, Texas 78703
(512) 965-6476
William Peacock III
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Austin, Texas
VP Administration; Research Director; Director, Center for
Economic Freedom
Feb. 2005 – Present
 VP Administration: oversee administrative staff and activities; develop
budget; coordinate strategic planning and implementation
 Research Director: edit all research papers and other publications produced
by the Foundation; edited Legislators Guide to the Issues; conceived,
developed and edit Thinking Economically, a series of papers by Dr. Arthur
Laffer designed to educate legislative members/staff & public in basic
economics; help staff develop research agendas & concepts for papers;
manage workflow of all publications; manage publication design/layout staff
 Director, CEF: develop research/concepts agenda to guide production of
approximately 20 publications annually, including research studies, policy
perspectives/briefs, PowerPoint presentations, etc.; write about 10-12
publications annually; identify authors/researchers for, manage contracting
for, and edit about 8-10 publications annually; write monthly newspaper
commentaries; promote free market concepts and legislative/regulatory
recommendations at the Texas Capitol, with the print media and on TV/radio
regarding energy, telecommunications, insurance, property rights and tort
Texas General Land Office, Jerry Patterson
Jan. 2003 – Sept. 2004
Deputy Commissioner for Coastal Resources
 Managed Coastal Resources Program, consisting of three divisions, 37 staff
and an annual budget exceeding $10 million
 Had oversight of multiple programs, including coastal erosion response,
coastal management, beach/dune protection and education and outreach
 Implemented restructuring that brought a rule-of-law/free market approach to
regulatory functions and reduced operating budget by 15 percent
 Organized free market-oriented Texas Coastal Issues Conference; speakers
included Becky Norton Dunlop, George Dunlop, Myron Ebell, Stephen Eagle
 Worked with the Texas Legislature, Congress, state and federal agencies,
local governments, community groups and other constituents
TortillaCoast Consulting
Jan. 1997 – Dec. 2002
Austin, Texas
Austin, Texas
Public Relations and Legislative Consultant
 Assisted clients with press relations, earned media and legislative and
constituent communications; freelance writer; Austin Review-state editor
 Wrote articles, editorials, press releases and speeches; arranged press
conferences, editorial boards and speaking engagements; provided policy
research, position papers and draft legislation; worked with legislators/staff
 Policy issues: public education and school finance, tort reform,
telecommunications, clean air, insurance and taxation
 Clients: Putting Children First (vouchers), Citizens for a Sound Economy,
Texas Women’s Alliance and Exxon-Mobil
Texas Dept. of Agriculture, Rick Perry
Austin, Texas
Deputy Asst. Commissioner for Intergovernmental Affairs
Jan. 1991 – Jan. 1997
 Co-managed TDA’s governmental relations staff
 Coordinated development of TDA’s legislative agenda; served as an agency
liaison to Texas Legislature; developed and drafted legislation; managed
TDA’s Sunset Review process in 1994-95
 Worked with communications staff on, and wrote, speeches, press releases,
articles and position papers
 Policy issues: environment, water, coastal issues, land use, pesticides,
education, regulation, public finance, rural development and appropriations
Rep. John Culberson
Jan. – Dec. 1990
Austin/Houston, Texas
Legislative Aide
 Researched and developed legislation and policy, concentrating on public
education and school finance
Sen. Carl Parker
Jan. – Sept. 1989
Austin, Texas
Policy Analyst, Senate Education Committee
 Participated in the development, drafting and passage of major school
finance legislation and other bills related to public education
Independent Study of Economics
Concentration in Austrian & Supply-Side Economics
 Mises University – Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 2007
 Austrian Scholars Conference – Ludwig von Mises Institute
 Jan. 25-27, 1996 & March 14-16, 1999, Auburn, Alabama
 Dow Jones University and Supply-Side University (Jude Wanniski)
 Foundation for Economic Education Economics Seminars
 Aug. 15-18, 1989 – Irvington-on-Hudson, NY
 Oct. 16, 2004 – Houston, TX
 Independent Reading and Study
 Ludwig von Mises Institute Austrian Study Guide (various articles)
 Various other books, periodicals and online resources
 Team Leader for Review of Texas Economics Textbooks
 Evaluated all 7 economics texts up for adoption by Texas SBOE – 2002
 Taught Sunday School and Bible studies on a biblical perspective on
economics and government
University of Houston
Houston, Texas
Masters of Business Administration
Jan. 1988 – Dec. 1990
 Emphasis in public finance and policy
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado
Bachelor of Arts
Sept. 1981 – Aug. 1985
 Major in history, minor in philosophy
Activities & Affiliations
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Old West Austin Neighborhood Association
Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Alumni Association
A. K. Rice Institute for Leadership Studies