OLQM TECH PLAN - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic School

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Technology Plan
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017
Contact Information:
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School
32460 Pierce Rd.
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Phone: 248-642-2616
Fax: 248-642-3671
Website: http://www.olqm-parish.org
School District Code 63010-2910
ISD : Oakland School District
Personal Contact:
Elaine Faba-McLeod, Technology Director
Email: emcleod@olqm-parish.org
Phone: 248-642-2616, ext. 409
Fax: 248-642-3671
Michael Bair, Science/Technology Teacher
Email: sbair@olqm-parish.org
Phone: 248-642-2616, ext. 330
Fax: 248-642-3671
Mary Staeger, Librarian
Email: mstaeger@olqm-parish.org
Phone: 248-642-2616, ext. 411
Fax: 248-642-3671
Site of Technology Plan:
Date of next plan review: 2017
Table of Contents
Mission Statement..............................................................................................4
Introduction-School Profile ...............................................................................4
Vision Statement for Technology ......................................................................4
Curriculum Integration (A) ................................................................................4
Student Achievement (B)...................................................................................6
Timeline for Integration .....................................................................................6
Technology Delivery (C) ...................................................................................7
Parental Communications and Community Relations (D) ................................7
Collaboration (E) ...............................................................................................8
Professional Development
Professional Development (F) ...........................................................................8
Timeline for Professional Development ............................................................8
Supporting Resources (G) ..................................................................................9
Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software
Infrastructure Needs/Technical Specifications, and Design (H) .......................10
Increase Access (I) .............................................................................................11
Funding and Budget
Budget and Timetable (J) ...................................................................................12
Coordination of Resources (K) ..........................................................................12
Monitoring and Evaluation
Evaluation (L) ....................................................................................................12
Acceptable Use Policy (M) ................................................................................13/14
Mission Statement
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs is a Catholic Community dedicated to nurturing students
who will contribute to the world through faith, character, and lifelong learning.
Introduction – School Profile
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School was founded in 1954 and is located in suburban
Detroit, at 32460 Pierce Rd, Beverly Hills, MI, 48025. It is a private, Pre-K through 8th
Grade Catholic school, which is governed by the Archdiocese of Detroit. Its enrollment
currently is 222 students, 19 teachers, a library technician, two resource teachers, one
part-time aide, and a principal. The student body is comprised of residents of the
surrounding areas including students from the city of Detroit.
The school is housed in one building utilizing 25 classrooms plus a media center,
gymnasium, conference rooms and multimedia/all-purpose room in which various inschool and extracurricular activities are held. The school is funded primarily by tuition
and parish subsidy.
Our curriculum is comprised of developmentally appropriate programs for grades Pre-K
through Grade 3 and appropriately stepped-up programs for Grades 4 through 8. While
emphasizing academics at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, we also offer a variety of
extracurricular activities including athletics and drama, Students have the opportunity to
further their leadership skills through Student Council and National Junior Honor
Vision Statement for Technology
As members of this Christian community, we are bound together by Christian ideals and
subscribe to the ideal that parents and faculty share the responsibility for the total growth
of the student. Our constant endeavor is to establish an environment that provides each
student the freedom and opportunity to discover, develop a spiritual nature, and evaluate
academic abilities, skills, talents and social relationships in an ever-changing
technological world. We strive to instill in each child a life-long commitment to learning
and service to others. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School will use technology as a tool to
share knowledge, to incorporate real world applications, and to communicate within and
beyond the school community. Our school community will accept the responsibility
associated with living in a technologically-oriented Information Age.
Curriculum Integration (A)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs uses the ISTE National Education Technology Standards and
Common Core Standards. The ISTE Standards are integrated along with the Common
Core Standards into the curriculum of each subject at all grade levels to monitor and
improve student learning. Individual computer classes for Middle School students 6-8 are
also a mandatory requisite.
Technology will be used, at grade level appropriateness, first and foremost to facilitate
and improve student learning and achievement.
All students have access to the tools of technology.
Each classroom level has appropriate developmental materials to accomplish their
stated needs.
The use of technology supports educational development and individual learning
styles, and allows students to become resourceful, engaged learners.
All students will, according to grade level, use and transfer technological knowledge and
skills for life roles.
Students will analyze sources of information.
Students will use technology to practice research techniques.
Students will use technology to practice telecommunications techniques.
Students will use problem-solving tools effectively in the use of spreadsheets,
data bases, word processors, charting programs, outlining programs, and multimedia presentation software.
Technology will be used to encourage critical thinking, creative expression, and decision
making skills appropriate to their grade level.
Students will use a variety of technologies to express ideas.
Students will use a variety of technologies for communication for a variety of
Technology will be used to assist students to organize thoughts in a logical
Technology will enable all members of the community to actualize life-long learning.
Technology is seamlessly integrated into the learning process.
All members of the school community utilize the highest standards of ethical
practices in the use of technology.
The planning for technology use and integration is an ongoing process.
The students will accept the responsibility associated with living in the
technology age.
Student Achievement (B)
Kindergarten through Grade 5 students learn basic skills to reinforce reading, writing,
math and logic lessons through integrated lessons. The computer lab is utilized for
projects correlated to each grade level’s curriculum. Lessons are presented using
technology when appropriate in a seamless manner. Students are introduced to word
processing, publishing, graphics, and spreadsheets. All third graders learn to keyboard,
while 4th graders type all their poetry and biography books.
Grades 6 through 8 have extensive training and continuation of Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint and Access, Internet safety, and multimedia design, including Animation and
Podcasting,. Students learn web building using WebBlender and Microsoft Frontpage.
The learning of extensive research strategies is primary along with usage of citation
material and self-evaluation. Students are introduced to MLA formatting to accommodate
area high-school requirements.
Grades 6-8 have a specialized class in Science Technology, in addition to their standard
computer class and integrated classes. For example, quarterly lab reports include the use
of word processing and spreadsheet data entry and data manipulation with visual
accompaniments of charts and graphs.
All levels use Discovery Education for electronically-based classroom instruction.
Electronic whiteboards are available to all teachers for integration of technology into
specific curricula. Other programs that are used are Accelerated Reader, online
encyclopedias, databases accessible through MeL (Michigan eLibrary), and e-library
Timeline for Integration
Year 1 (2014-2015)
Add networked electronic whiteboards with overhead projectors for usage to
all remaining classroom and the Computer Room.
Update computers and printers for teachers
Include greater opportunities for professional development.
Schedule quarterly a time for professional sharing of technology integration.
Update software as budget allows.
Update licensing.
Monitor upkeep and evaluate needs for technology.
Update peripheral hardware.
Add an iPad to Library for assistive needs
Year 2 (2015-2016)
Continue training process in various areas of technology, particularly for the new
Update software as budget allows.
Update licensing.
Increase bandwidth.
Monitor upkeep and evaluate needs for technology.
Evaluate SIS and grading programs.
Year 3 (2015-2016)
Update all computer hardware in Computer Room.
Update licensing.
Continue training process in various areas of technology, particularly for the new
Monitor upkeep and evaluate needs for technology.
Technology Delivery (C)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs uses a local area network with 29 computers in its lab,
eleven in its media center, and one teacher computer per classroom. Devices include
electronic whiteboards, four wireless laptops plus projector carts, digital projectors,
digital cameras, scanners, ink jet and laser printers, and 2 document cameras. The school
subscribes to Discovery Education which provides the students with a collection of
educational videos. The school also uses a number of free online educational programs,
i.e., Alice from Carnegie-Mellon, PhotoStory 3, Windows Movie Maker, and MeL.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs has an Internet capable e-mail system in which parents may
freely e-mail teachers. It uses an Edline website in which assignments and special notices
are noted online by individual teachers. Included on this website are download areas for
any forms that parents need to access, as well as the ability for communication notices for
student progress and grades.
All classrooms contain updated digital phonelines which are capable of dispatching voice
mail. The phone system is capable of disseminating information for the school, such as
emergency procedures. The phone system is also capable of disseminating school
information and emergencies to parents’ cell phones, home phones, and e-mail addresses.
Parental Communications and Community Relations (D)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs uses a website to disseminate information about both
individual classroom assignments, homework or notices, as well as whole school
programs and events. Reports and progress reports are generated through an electronic
system. All teachers have a specific e-mail address and encourage parents to e-mail any
concerns. Our school includes a technology committee which includes staff and parents.
The school’s website is updated daily.
Parents are involved in helping to plan future technology projects through the school
board and, therefore, have current knowledge of the school’s needs.
Collaboration (E)
Not applicable—Our Lady Queen of Martyrs does not offer Adult Education, ESL, or
GED certification programs.
Professional Development
Professional Development (F)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will develop a comprehensive staff development program to
enhance teaching and learning through the use of educational technologies.
Will use resources such as MACUL, BER, and other development associations to
provide high-quality staff development experiences for teachers and
Will use in-service professional days to increase and enhance the technological
experiences of the teachers and administrators of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will utilize the “Train the Trainer” model to develop
a team of educators skilled in the use of technology for learning.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will provide opportunities for teachers to conduct
action research and experiment with technology.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will provide opportunities for concrete examples
using role-modeling and tangible products to train teachers and administrators,
encouraging higher-level technology integration.
Technical Director is available on demand for one-on-one technical assistance or
Technical Director uses video training, Camtasia, to produce video instructionals
for network use. These can also be copied to CD or memory stick and taken
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will use State and National standards to address
technology competency for teachers, administrators and other relevant educators
by attending to these issues directly at meetings and through observation.
Timeline for Professional Development
Train new teachers for software and networking programs.
Review electronic grade book procedures.
Continue in-services in library technology.
Provide training and support for software programs.
Attend specialized workshops, such as MACUL, BER, and Archdiocesan
Train teachers on use of new hardware.
Train in the use of technology to implement curriculum mapping using Common
Core Standards.
Train new teachers for software and networking programs.
Review electronic grade book procedures.
Continue in-services in library technology.
Provide training and support for software programs.
Attend specialized workshops, such as MACUL, BER, and Archdiocesan
Train teachers on use of new hardware.
Train new teachers for software and networking programs.
Review electronic grade book procedures.
Continue in-services in library technology.
Provide training and support for software programs.
Attend specialized workshops, such as MACUL, BER, and Archdiocesan
Train teachers on use of new hardware.
Supporting Resources (G)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs has a variety of resources that are used to support the
technology program.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs technology policy and vision
Acceptable Use Policy
Software manuals, both online and printed
Software lessons procured online through Interactive device programs
Video lending library through media and REMC
Professional journals, such as Library Media Connection Magazine
Informational school website along with individual teacher web pages which
includes downloading of important documents for parents
Instructional training software through Camtasia, Accelerated Reader, and
interactive whiteboard software.
Online subscription services, including Discovery Education and World Book
Other resources including MEL (Michigan eLibrary) and Winnebago
REMC, ISD and RESA support through Oakland Schools
Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software
Infrastructure Needs/Technical Specification, and Design (H)
Current status:
Computer lab facility for classroom and staff instruction, equipped with scanners,
projectors, printers, webcam, and document cameras
Interactive whiteboards with projectors or Interactive Projectors in most
Networked computers and printers in all classrooms including additional classes
of Science, Spanish, Music, and Art
Interactive whiteboard, computers, printers, scanner, and copier included in media
Internet access – Two (2) T-1 lines
Networking throughout school
Wireless Routers in most rooms and areas of school
Filtering devices including Sophos Endpoint Security and Control, Open DNS
and firewall
Software inclusion of Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and a variety of
educational packages on a network using Windows Operating System
Use of Winnebago Spectrum Automated Cataloging and Circulation Program and
Accelerated Reader Program in media center
Use of school-wide web-based electronic grade book
Digital phones
UPS backup for both phones and computers
Two (2) updated Security Servers
Hardware and infrastructure needs:
One (1) new Server to fill school’s needs for networking.
Bandwidth needs to be increased.
School computers, including those in media center and computer room, are outdated and
in dire need of replacement. Additionally, printers are old and need replacement.
Interactive whiteboards in any classroom that does not have one, including computer
room, would be beneficial.
Upgrade of Circulation/Catalog program to a web-based platform which should include
capability for offsite connection for use by students from home or from mobile devices
and capability to add digital resource components, as needed, for research and to support
academic programs.
Additions to the Renaissance Programs or equivalent to meet the needs of the school for
reading assessment and to support the math program would benefit the school as a whole
and used for assistive technology.
Additional digital resources to the web-based library program or as stand-alone reference
sources would be beneficial for students and teachers for reference and research.
Mobile devices to access, retrieve and use information and literature, i.e., e-readers,
tablets, iPods, iPads, etc., especially for those students whose needs are greater than the
Interoperability Strategies:
Acquisition of interactive whiteboards and projectors by 2013
Improvement of backup solutions and operability by 2013
An infusion of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) by 2014
Replace computers by 2015
Continue to continuously upgrade software as needed.
Technical Support:
Our technical support consists of our Technology Director, Library Media Tech, and an
IT Maintenance Specialist and trained faculty to insure that all hardware, software, and
network resources are best utilized in the learning environment.
Increase Access (I)
As this school is a private-based school and does not receive state funds, it is funded
primarily through tuition, parish subsidy, and fundraisers. We strive to provide students
with the most up-to-date technology programs so that they can compete in a
technological world. Our goal is to keep all software and hardware current and provide
access to such through upgrades in our networking and software programs. We strive to
increase availability of assistive technology as needed for current and new students.
Funding and Budget
Budget and Timetable (J)
Budget Item
Maintenance &
Computer Supplies
Technical Support
Coordination of Resources (K)
As a non-public school, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs is not eligible for some governmentfunded programs. We receive Title IIA monies for Professional Development to be used
to pay for technology conferences.
Our main funding comes from school technology fees and Parents Association fundraisers, donations, and parish subsidy.
We constantly look for grants that will be appropriate to our school and will continue to
use the above resources for the implementation of technology.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Evaluation (L)
The Administrator, Tech Director and Tech IT Specialist will be responsible in
monitoring the technology in the school. This will be a continuing process and will be
looked at in depth every semester. Any weaknesses will be given support through
professional development and in-service.
To better evaluate any issues in the school the following will be done:
Monitor how students are using technology through online resource use.
Monitor how teachers are integrating technology in the classroom and provide
professional development as needed.
Monitor amount of equipment available to students and staff to guarantee that the
opportunity for technology usage is maintained.
Compare the impact of technology on learning and teaching with scores prior to
the implementation of technology.
Use a teacher self-evaluation form to measure proficiency so that monitor of
growth is facilitated.
Monitor amount of time teachers use methods of technology and availability of
needed equipment.
Acceptable Use Policy (M)
See Acceptable Use Policy attached.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School uses Sophos Antivirus Software and OpenDNS
Filtering for protection of children on Internet and security of network.
Your student’s work may be considered for publication on the school’s
website. Such publishing requires parent/guardian permission. The work
will appear with a copyright notice prohibiting the copying of such work
without express written permission. In the event anyone requests such
permission, those requests will be forwarded to the student’s
Unidentified photos of students, literary works, artwork, voice, or
particular projects may be published on school websites, illustrating
student projects and achievements. If you do not want your child’s
photo to be published on the website, please indicate this on the line
Privacy of information will be enforced. Only first names of students will
be used.
I give permission for my student’s works or photo to be used on the
school website.
Name (Print):___________________________________
I do not give permission for my student’s works or photo to be used on
the school website.
Name (Print): ___________________________________