WAIRARAPA AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL SOCIETY (INC.) 138th ANNUAL SHOW PET LAMBS 10.30 am ON SUNDAY SHEEP Schedule EACH BREED WILL HAVE SPECIAL FEATURE CLASS/CLASSES Wairarapa A&P Society P O Box 16 Carterton Phone: 06 379 8124 Fax: 06 379 8134 Email: office@waiaps.org.nz 30th & 31st Oct.& 1st Nov. 2015 www.clarevillecomplex.co.nz 2 3 SHEEP & FLEECE SCHEDULE SATURDAY 31st October 2015 MARSHALL: Andrew Graham Steward: tba Entries definitely close 16th October 2015 NOTE: ALL STOCK WILL BE UNDER COVER ENTRY FEE: Sheep classes $10 (Except Commercial Ram Hogget Class $15) Members $7 Wool classes $5 All entry fees GST inclusive POST ENTRIES accepted for Fleece Wool and Prime Lamb classes All sheep must be in their pens at 9.00 am SATURDAY, with judging to commence at 9.30am sharp. Any Animals not in their pens by the start of the judging will not be judged. STOCK ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL AFTER 4.00 pm. Exhibitors should note that in compliance with the R A S the words “Open and Natural” have been deleted and there are not such specific classes. The giving of a prize to a sheep shall imply that the judges are satisfied that such sheep are fairly shorn and fairly presented. All sheep must be entered in the name of the bona fide owner, and have been in his/her possession at least two months prior to the Show. Hoggets will be eligible to compete for Champion Prizes. Championships will only be awarded provided there are at least three exhibitors unless in the opinion of the judge an animal is deemed worthy of the award. Black and Coloured Sheep will be eligible to compete for Supreme Champion Sheep of the Show. Unless otherwise stated, sheep deemed to be in the wool. All shorn classes to be fairly machine shorn not earlier than 24 July and not later than 1 October, according to the regulations. In all classes with ewes and lambs, the lambs are to be taken into consideration by the judge. All sheep entered must be from Brucellosis Accredited Free Flocks, except Prime Lambs. Exhibition pens will be available at the same rate as entry fees PLEASE NOTE: After conferring with the Sheep Marshal on day of Show, Breed Societies, Clubs and exhibitors may display promotional material. 4 TROPHIES IAN RAYNER MEMORIAL TROPHY The Rayner Family have presented a trophy for Supreme Champion Sheep of the Show WELLINGTON WINTER SHOW CUP The Wellington Winter Show Cup has been allotted for most points in Sheep classes. The Cup cannot be won outright. Winner to hold for one year. RAVENSDOWN CUP Ravensdown Fertiliser Co Wanganui, have donated a Cup to the exhibitor with the most overall points in the sheep section. ARTHUR TOCKER MEMORIAL CUP The Arthur Tocker Memorial Cup valued at $110 will be allotted to winner of class 12. Ram under 18 months. The Cup to be held for one year. (Altered to Shorn Ewes in 1958). SOUTH BRITISH GUARDIAN TRUST CUP The South British Guardian Trust Ltd have kindly donated a Cup valued at $42 for the Best Romney Ram under 18 months, shorn. To be won five times not necessarily in succession before being won outright. Rams entered in classes 4, 5 and 6 will be eligible. J R MATTHEWS PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY Presented by the Wairarapa Romney Club for class 6 - Pen of three Shorn Rams under 18 months. R HOLDAWAY PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY Presented by Mr R Holdaway for Romney Ewe up to 30 months in the wool and twin lambs suckling at foot in the wool - class 8. THE NGAURANGA CUP Won outright in 1965 by Montgomerie Bros and re-presented in 1966 for the most points in Prime Lamb Classes, excluding Pet Lambs. To be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. JACK COURT CUP - SINGLE CHAMPION LAMB Won outright in 1989 by A B Cottle and re-presented in 1990 to the Single Champion Lamb. To be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. FITTER AND SON’S SILVER CUP Messrs Henry Fitter and Sons offer a Silver Cup for competition in class 56 - Best Pair Prime Lambs. Cannot be won outright. R AND J McBETH CUP R and J McBeth having won outright the John Gibbs Cup have kindly donated a cup for Most Points for the Suffolk Breed. To be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. 5 FLEECE WOOL TROPHIES BEDER BROS CUP Messrs Beder Bros have kindly donated a cup for the Champion Fleece wool section, to be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. MRS E McPHERSON - BEDER PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP The Beder Cup originally presented in 1961 and won outright in 1982 has been re-presented as the Mrs E McPherson - Beder Perpetual Challenge Cup. To be awarded to the Fleece scoring most points for quality. J S BROOKSBANK TROPHY The J S Brooksbank trophy for Champion Fleece, Black and Coloured, being won outright by “Kahurangi” Farm has been redonated for Champion Fleece. BLACK AND COLOURED SHEEP CLASSES The Wairarapa Branch of the Black and Coloured Sheep Association donate a Trophy for Champion Ewe. OKUKU TROPHY Lynn Hyde has generously donated the Okuku Trophy for the Best Ewe Hogget under 18 months, shorn or woolly. “KOROPUKU” CHALLENGE CUP Mr and Mrs Alan Rayner have kindly donated the “Koropuku” Challenge Cup for Champion Ram. STYLELINE TROPHY Styleline Homes have kindly donated a trophy for most points for wool and sheep, Black and Coloured classes. All trophy holders are requested to return trophies when submitting entries i.e. before 16th October 2015 6 SUPREME REGISTERED SHEEP SUPREME CHAMPION RIBBON IAN RAYNER MEMORIAL TROPHY R.I.RAYNER DONATION OF $200.00 To be judged at 1.30pm MOST POINTS IN SHEEP CLASSES WELLINGTON WINTER SHOW CUP MOST OVERALL POINTS IN THE SHEEP SECTION RAVENSDOWN CUP ENTRY FEES: Sheep classes $10.00 (except where noted) Members $7 Wool Classes $5 All entry fees GST inclusive POST ENTRIES for Fleece Wool and Prime Lamb classes PRIZES: Champion Ram Champion Ewe Reserve Champion Ram Reserve Champion Ewe Breed Champion 7 or more entries penned 5 and 6 entries penned 3 and 4 entries penned 2 entries penned 1 entry penned (unless otherwise stated) Prizes to be allocated at the judges discretion Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 1st $15 $12 $10 $10 $10 2nd $12 $10 $ 8 3rd $ 8 $ 8 $ 7 (wool $5) 7 FEATURE CLASS (under 18 months) ALL INTERBREED (no commercial breeders, registered stock only) ANIMALS CAN BE ENTERED INTO THIS COMPETITION FROM EACH OF THE OTHER CLASSES Judging for this competition will commence at 11.00am Entry fee $10.00 Members: $7 Class 65: Inter - breed Ram under 18 months Prizes: 1st $100 2nd $75 3rd $50 Class 66: Inter - Breed Ewe under 18 months Prizes: 1st $100 2nd $75 3rd $50 8 ROMNEY GAWITH BURRIDGE LAWYERS: Most points in Romney classes $50 For expert legal advice ……………………………………. Champion Romney Ram $ 20 Walter Moore Memorial Cup WAIRARAPA ROMNEY CLUB : Best Ewe Hogget from classes 8&9 $ 20 Class: 1 Ram over 18 months in the wool 2 FEATURE CLASS: Ram over 18 months shorn 3 FEATURE CLASS: WAIRARAPA SUPREME ROMNEY RAM HOGGET: Ram under 18 months shorn SPONSORS: ANZ BANK LTD $100 WAIRARAPA ROMNEY CLUB $ 50 BAYER NZ LTD Product PRIZES: 2nd $60 1st $100 3rd $40 4th $30 5th $25 4 WAIRARAPA ROMNEY CLUB SPECIAL Pair of Rams under 18 months shorn. 5 J R MATTHEWS PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY: Pen of three shorn rams under 18 months. SOUTH BRITISH GUARDIAN TRUST CUP Best Romney ram under 18 months shorn - classes 3, 4 and 5 6 R HOLDAWAY PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY: Ewe over 18 months and under 30 months, multiple lambs suckling at foot. 7 Shorn ewe over 18 months and lamb/s suckling at foot 8 ARTHUR TOCKER MEMORIAL CUP PLUS P.G.G.WRIGHTSON LIVESTOCK DIVISION - $50: Ewe under 18 months shorn 9 WAIRARAPA ROMNEY CLUB SPECIAL: 1st PRIZE $25. Pair ewes under 18 months shorn. 9 Black and Coloured Classes “KOROPUKU” CHALLENGE CUP Champion Ram WAIRARAPA BRANCH BLACK AND COLOURED SHEEP ASSN TROPHY Champion Ewe OKUKU TROPHY Best Ewe Hogget under 18 months, woolly or shorn TOWER GATES SPECIAL PRIZE - $50 Most points in Black and Coloured Sheep classes WAIRARAPA BLACK & COLOURED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Champion Ram $10 Champion Ewe $10 ENTRY FEE: $10 Members $7.00 PRIZES: As for other sheep sections unless otherwise stated CONDITIONS: Brucellosis Accreditation Certificates must be presented with entries Class B1 Ram over 18 months shorn or woolly B2 FLAIR FLOORING LTD SPECIAL- 1st Prize $25 Ram hogget under 18 months shorn B3 Ewe over 30 months with lamb/s shorn B4 B5 FLAIR FLOORING LTD SPECIAL - 1st Prize $25 Ewe over 30 months with lamb/s, woolly Ewe over 18 months and under 30 months with lamb/s, shorn B6 Ewe over 18 months and under 30 months with lamb/s, woolly B7 ALLFLEX FEATURE CLASS Ewe Hogget under 18 months, shorn $25 B8 ALLFLEX FEATURE CLASS Ewe Hogget under 18 months, woolly $25 B9 NOVICE Class: Best ewe or ewe/ram hogget entered by Novice exhibitor from classes B3-B8 No Entry Fee Prize: $20.00 PHYLLIS FRENCH Novice = exhibitor who has not won more than 3 classes at an A & P show FLAIR FLOORING LTD., High St., Carterton. CARPETS Phone (06) 379 8383 TILES 10 Class: 10 SUPREME EWE HOGGET OF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: Suffolk, South Suffolk, Poll Dorset, Dorset Downs, South Dorset, Downs, Southdown and Texel. Prize: HAMMOND SPREADING LTD $75.00 VOUCHER Suffolks (shorn) R AND J McBETH CUP: Most points in Suffolk classes Class: 11 Ram over 18 months 12 FEATURE CLASS: ANZ BANK $25 Ram under 18 months 13 Pair rams under 18 months 14 Ewe over 18 months lamb/s suckling at foot 15 FEATURE CLASS: ANZ BANK $25 Ewe under 18 months 16 Pair ewes under 18 months South Suffolks (shorn) Class: 17 Ram over 18 months 18 WAGGS Ltd. FEATURE CLASS: Ram under 18 months $25 19 Pair rams under 18 months 20 Ewe over 18 months lamb/s suckling at foot 21 WAGGS Ltd. FEATURE CLASS: Ewe under 18 months $25 22 Pair ewes under 18 months Poll Dorsets (shorn) Class: 23 Ram over 18 months 24 25 FEATURE CLASS: TOWER GATES $25 Ram under 18 months Pair rams under 18 months 26 Ewe over 18 months lamb/s suckling at foot 27 FEATURE CLASS: TOWER GATES $25 Ewe under 18 months 28 Pair of ewes under 18 months 11 Dorset Down (shorn) NZ SHEEP BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION ROSETTES Rosettes for Best Shorn Ram Hogget and Best Shorn Ewe Hogget DAVIS SAWMILLING CO LTD: Breed Champion $20 Class: 29 Ram over 18 months 30 31 FEATURE CLASS: JOHN GRIFFITH & CO LTD LIVESTOCK AGENTS Ram under 18 months: 1st PRIZE $50 Pair rams under 18 months 32 Ewe over 18 months lamb/s suckling at foot 33 FEATURE CLASS: C & F INDUSTRIES Ewe under 18 months $25 34 Pair ewes under 28 months JOHN GRIFFITH & CO. LTD FOR ALL YOUR LIVESTOCK REQUIREMENTS J.R. GRIFFITH J.R. GRIFFITH Jnr. R TOMLINSON Phone: (06) 3787778 Phone: (06) 3788432 Phone: (06) 0 372 7765 Mobile: Mobile: 027 483 6679 Mobile 027 286 2556 A.J. GRIFFITH C. PETERSEN Phone: (06) 3786373 Phone: (06) 3068904 Mobile: 027 445 4091 Mobile: 027 242 0268 South Dorset Down (shorn) Class: 35 Ram over 18 months 36 WAGGS Ltd. FEATURE CLASS Ram under 18 months $25 37 Pair rams under 18 months 38 Ewe over 18 months and under 30 months with lamb/s suckling at foot 39 WAGGS Ltd. FEATURE CLASS: Ewe under 18 months $25 40 Pair ewes under 18 months 12 Southdown (shorn) 41 Ram over 18 months 42 FEATURE CLASS: FLAIR FLOORING $25 Ram under 18 months 43 Pair rams under 18 months 44 Ewe over 18 months lamb/s suckling at foot 45 FEATURE CLASS: FLAIR FLOORING $25 Ewe under 18 months 46 Pair ewes under 18 months Texels (Shorn) 47 Ram over 18 months, purebred 48 FEATURE CLASS: DAVIS SAWMILLING $25 Ram Hogget under 18 months shorn, purebred 49 Pair ram hoggets 50 Ewe with lamb/s suckling at foot, purebred 51 FEATURE CLASS: DAVIS SAWMILLING $25 Ewe hogget under 18 months shorn, purebred 52 Pair ewe hoggets Shropshire 53 Ram over 18 months 54 ALLFLEX FEATURE CLASS: $25 Ram Hogget under 18 months 55 Ewe with lamb/s suckling at foot IN THE WOOL 56 ALLFLEX FEATURE CLASS: Ewe Hogget under 18 months $25 All Other Breeds 58 Ram over 18 months, purebred 59 FEATURE CLASS: ANZ BANK $25 Ram under 18 months 60 Pair of ram Hoggets 61 Ewe with lamb/s suckling at foot 62 FEATURE CLASS: ALLFLEX $25 Ewe Hogget under 18 months 63 Pair Ewe Hoggets 13 EXCLUSIVE TO ALLFLEX NZ LTD FEATURE CLASS: 64: Commercial Ram Hogget Class RAM HOGGET UNDER 18 MONTHS Shearing dates the same as other classes. The aim of this class is to attract more people to exhibit their animals at the show. This will include all sheep farmers along with the lifestyle farmers. The emphasis being a on quality product, suitable to the modern day commercial farming situation. Open to all Registered and unregistered breeds and crossbred sheep. Entries in this class will not be eligible for All Breeds competition Entry Fee: $10.00 Members: $7 Prize Money: 1st $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $50, 4th $25 (MINIMUM OF 20 ENTRIES) 14 ALLFLEX NZ LTD. FEATURE CLASS: Prime Lambs OPEN TO ALL EXHIBITORS PLEASE PROVIDE AB FORMS ENTRY FEE: $10 Members: $7 per class Lambs to be penned by 8.30 am on Saturday 31st October 2015 THE NGAURANGA CUP Most points in Prime Lamb classes excluding Pet Lambs JACK COURT CUP Single Champion Lamb FITTER AND SONS SILVER CUP Best pair of lambs in Prime Lamb classes PRIZE MONEY ON HOOF 1st $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $50. st nd rd ON HOOK 1 $100, 2 $75, 3 $50. 65 PAIR OF EARLY SEASON LAMBS – Judged on Hoof All lambs entered in the Early Season Lamb class will be purchased at full schedule rates UNCASTRATED LAMBS ACCEPTED IN BOTH SECTIONS 66 PAIR OF EARLY SEASON LAMBS – Judged on Hooks WEIGHT TO BE 15 kgs TO 21 kgs The requirement for this competition is that each lamb in the pen of two must grade ON HOOKS, according to the stipulated weight. Judging will be based on the individual eveness of the two lambs. All lambs entered in the Early Season Lamb class will be purchased at full schedule rates UNCASTRATED LAMBS ACCEPTED IN BOTH SECTIONS Other Sponsors of Prime Lamb: KINTYRE MEATS, GLADSTONE and PINFOLDS TRANSPORT, CLAREVILLE All competitors are invited to a BBQ by the caravan in the sheep exhibition area. 15 Fleece Wool Section (SKIRTED FLEECES) Marshall: Tracey Pollard Entry Fee: $5.00 JUDGING COMMENCES 9.00 am SATURDAY 31st October FLEECES ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL 3.00pm Exhibits will be staged in the stock pavilion. Exhibitors and the public will not be allowed in the wool area during judging. CONDITIONS: a. All fleeces to be skirted without bellies, neckfold or heavy conditional points. This allows the selection of fleeces at the wool tables during normal shearing procedure. b. Exhibits must be delivered not later than 8.30 am on Saturday 31st October. c. Exhibits must be the property of a bona fide farmer, but it is not necessary that the exhibitor is the breeder of the sheep. d. The committee reserve the right to change the classes or conditions from time to time. e. The judge may at his discretion change fleeces from one class to their correct class without prejudice to the exhibitors. Exhibitors who have their exhibits changed, to apply to the Marshall or Steward who will inform them where their exhibits have been placed. f. All fleeces to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. PRIZE MONEY: 1-3 Entries 1st Prize Paid $10.00 4-5 Entries 1st & 2nd Prizes Paid $10.00 $8.00 $10.00 $8.00 6 plus entries 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prizes Paid $6.00 C & F INDUSTRIES SPECIAL: $10 Champion Fleece Mrs E. McPHERSON - BEDER PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP Fleece scoring most points for quality - Judged from classes 91 - 93 Class 90 Perendale hogget fleece, shorn as lamb or woolly. 91 Crossbred hogget fleece, shorn as lamb 33 micron & finer 92 WAIRARAPA WOOLS LTD Crossbred hogget fleece, shorn as lamb above 34 micron & coarser 93 WAIRARAPA WOOLS LTD Crossbred ewe or Whether Fleece 94 P.G.G WRIGHTSONS Commercial Crossbred Fleece. Judged as the highest Commercial value at current wool prices 95 P.G.G.WRIGHTSONS Fine wool merino, Corriedale etc. . 16 Black and Coloured Wool Marshall: Mrs Sarah Mitchell J S BROOKSBANK TROPHY Champion Fleece WAIRARAPA BLACK AND COLOURED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Champion & Reserve Champion Fleece B 10 FLAIR FLOORING LTD SPECIAL - 1st PRIZE $15: Mature fleece 50’s and over (micron count up to 33) B11 FLAIR FLOORING LTD SPECIAL - 1st PRIZE $15: Mature fleece 48’s and under (micron count 34 and above) B12 FLAIR FLOORING LTD SPECIAL - 1st PRIZE $20: Hogget fleece 17 Pet Lambs Marshall: Viv Barham SUNDAY 1st November 2015 JUDGING COMMENCES 10.30am ENTRY FEE: $1 Entries close on Wednesday 28th October, late entries accepted on day. PRIZES SPONSORED BY: TROPHIES: R I RAYNER: 1st $4; 2nd $2; HART FAMILY Champion Pet Lamb ROSE FAMILY Champion Care & Rearing HUTCHBY FAMILY Champion Type Pet Lamb BARHAM TROPHY Ringcraft 3rd $1 Champion and Reserve Champion Ribbons will be awarded in all sections. Lambs to be shown in “natural condition” RINGCRAFT: The competitors will first lead lambs ‘en masse’ around the ring. They will then leave the ring and return individually when called by the steward. Judging will be done on the basis of: A The ability of the competitor to lead lamb on leash B The lamb should come when called Class Ringcraft 70 71 72 73 74 Black Face Pre-school Year 1 & 2 Year 3 & 4 Year 5 & 6 Year 7 & 8 Care and Attention 75 76 77 78 79 Pre-school Year 1 & 2 Year 3 & 4 Year 5 & 6 Year 7 & 8 80 81 82 83 84 Pre-school Year 1 & 2 Year 3 & 4 Year 5 & 6 Year 7 & 8 White Face 85 86 87 88 89 Pre-school Year 1 & 2 Year 3 & 4 Year 5 & 6 Year 7 & 8 The Marshall reserves the right to split classes if they consider it necessary The Grand Parade of Pet Lambs and Pet Calves in the Judging Arena @ 1.00pm SUNDAY 18 The Society acknowledges the generosity of the following who have kindly sponsored prize money or goods for the Sheep Section: ALL FLEX NZ LTD FLAIR FLOORING LTD GAWITH BURRIDGE LAWYERS TOWER GATES (1980) LTD WAIRARAPA ROMNEY CLUB ANZ Bank MASTERTON JOHN GRIFFITH & CO LTD C & F INDUSTRIES ELDERS PRIMARY WOOL PINFOLDS TRANSPORT LTD R I (Mick) RAYNER JULIE RIDDELL WAGGS OF MASTERTON BAYER N.Z Ltd HAMMOND SPREADING LTD KINTYRE MEATS NZ BLACK & COLOURED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSN. - Wairarapa Branch WAIRARAPA WOOLS LTD. - Livestock Division P.G.G WRIGHTSONS LTD Please support these sponsors whenever possible The Wairarapa A&P Society Committee appreciate the effort involved when preparing and showing stock, we therefore would like to acknowledge all the Competitors that attended this year’s 138th Show. We would also like to Thank you for abiding by the Health and Safety regulations whilst on the site. Please take the time to tell us of any suggestions you may have for future shows. Wairarapa A&P Society Committee www.clarevillecomplex.co.nz office@waiaps.org.nz 19